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Befolkningsgeografi og migration

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  • af Jimmy Mangelsen, Asger Nordestgaard Kristiansen, Allan Andreasen Kornum, mfl.
    573,95 kr.

    Til C- og B-niveau i naturgeografi og NV på stx. Kan også benyttes i NF (geografi) og geografi på hf. Nu i 2. udgave med opdateret indhold!Den populære grundbog til naturgeografi udkommer nu i 2. udgave med opdaterede emne- og kernestofkapitler, der aktualiserer tekster og figurer. Velegnet til at kombinere emnebaseret undervisning med inddragelse af fagligt kernestof.Grundbogen er inddelt i to dele:Første del af bogen indeholder en række emner, hvor kernestoffet behandles og sættes i relation til aktuelle problemstillinger.Anden del går i dybden med kernestoffet og fagdisciplinerne. Desuden introducerer et metodekapitel eleverne for natugeografisk arbejde.Naturgeografi - vores verden kan bruges selvstændigt eller i sammenhæng med websitet iNaturgeografi.Naturgeografi - vores verden følger læreplanerne fra august 2010. Læremidlet var nomineret til Undervisningsmiddelprisen 2013.

  • af W. G. Sebald
    198,95 kr.

    Migranternes historie er den moderne verdens historie, synes Sebald at sige. Menneskeliv, der har været stabile og ensartede i århundreder, rives op med rode og plantes om. I de fire lange fortællinger i De udvandrede fortæller han den historie ved at fortælle de individuelle historier, f.eks. om jøden, der nåede at forlade Tyskland i tide, men altid bar sin fortid med sig.W.G. Sebald (1944-2001) blev verdensberømt med romanen Austerlitz, der udkom kort før hans død. De udvandrede hører til blandt hans tidligere bøger, men fortælleformen og mange temaer går igen.

  • af Rasmus Lund
    228,95 kr.

    Rasmus Lund har tidligere haft digte i Hvedekorn, moder vækst er hans prosadebut. Uddrag fra bogen: ”kom, kære væsen, kom og vis mig det vækstropocentriske, kom og vis mig de unge vækster og lad mig gøde deres udvikling. lad mig se dem vokse op som mellemstore vækster og sige: vi er private vækstsomheder, kom og spejl jer i vores runde glasfacader! kom og styrk vores brand og plej vores image, kom og gå vores ærinder og begå vores ærinder! kom og vær en del af vækstskabet. sprøjt talvæksten så den muterer på bundlinjen, smag væksticiderne når de fester i grundvæksten. forvækst dig i mine vækstgrå øjne og den vækstblå himmel. tro på vækstligheden, elsk din vækste.”

  • af Cecilia Sem Obeng
    357,95 kr.

  • af Garth Stahl
    488,95 kr.

    This book surveys and critiques existing empirical and theoretical literature on the Bourdieu-informed concept of transnational habitus. The term "transnational¿ has been used widely in studies of migration research where it has allowed scholars to have a deeper understanding of the practices not only of migrants moving across national borders but also of agents taking positions in transnational spaces without necessarily criss-crossing different nation states. Focusing on the potential of transnational habitus as an analytical tool, the authors propose a model of transnational habitus to identify integral key factors for the operationalisation in research. Drawing on reflexivity, the authors analyse transnational selves and map transnational spaces of classification. Identifying strengths, inconsistencies and key problems in this rapidly developing body of literature, this interdisciplinary and international book will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology, anthropology, migration studies, cultural studies, human geography, as well as diaspora studies.

  • af Satveer Kaur-Gill
    1.612,95 - 1.618,95 kr.

  • af Caitriona Ni Laoire
    519,95 kr.

    This open access short reader offers an intersectional perspective on the meaning of home in migration. The book provides a pathway through existing scholarship on home and migration, exploring how intersectional power relations and transnational migration regimes are felt, experienced, lived and navigated by migrants, who are differently positioned, in the making and imagining of home. The meanings associated with home are composed of the interrelation of places, spaces, people, social relations, materialities, emotions and temporalities. These multiple aspects highlight the complexities inherent in the idea of home, which come to the fore particularly when one moves location. Migration and Home explores these issues by focusing on specific key aspects of home in migration: home and gender; home and age; home and materiality; and home and migration status, class and race. It proposes the concept of structural im/possibilities as a framework for understanding the power relations and structures that shape where, when and for whom home in migration is more, or less, possible.

  • af Selena E. Ortiz
    1.711,95 - 1.720,95 kr.

  • af Olga Oleinikova
    1.309,95 kr.

    This book identifies and examines new forms and paths of Eastern European migration to Australia since the 2000s, and provides updated trends of contemporary migration movements of Ukrainians, Hungarians and Czechs to Australia. With chapters highlighting the diversities and complexities of these new accelerated waves of Eastern European migration to Asia-Pacific, this book offers novel insights to enrich our understanding of East European mobility in the 21st century. The book will appeal to students, scholars and policymakers in the fields of migration, sociology, political science and international relations.

  • af Neha Singh
    1.417,95 - 1.423,95 kr.

    This book covers various forms of the production of girmitiya culture and literature. One of the main objectives is to conceptualize the idea of girmitya, girmitology, and girmitiya literature, culture, history, and identity in both colonial and postcolonial contexts. This book aims to document the history, experiences, culture, assimilation, and identity of girmitiya community. It also critically analyses the articulation, projection, and production of their experiences of migration and being immigrant, their narratives, tradition, culture, religion, and memory. It also explores how this labour community formulated into a diaspora community and reconnected/created the home (land) and continues to do so in the wake of globalization and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This book is an attempt to bring the intriguing neglected diverse historical heritage of colonial labour migration and their narratives into the mainstream scholarly debates and discussions in the humanities and the social sciences through the trans- and interdisciplinary perspectives. This book assesses the routes of migration of old diaspora, and it explains the nuances of cultural change among the generations. Although, they have migrated centuries back, absorbed and assimilated, and got citizenships of respective countries of destinations but still their longing for roots, culture, identities, ¿home¿, and the constant struggle is to retain connections with their homeland depicted in their cultural practices, arts, music, songs, folklore and literary manifestations.Neha Singh is Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies at Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.Sajaudeen Chapparban is Assistant Professor in the Centre for Diaspora Studies at Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India.

  • af Leandros Fischer
    479,95 kr.

    Situated at the intersections of anthropology, migration, citizenship, and social movement studies, this volume theorises a crisis-mobility nexus by focusing on empirical case studies. These concern migration struggles; the entanglements of crisis, social mobility, and citizenship; as well as the impact of COVID-19 (im)mobility on social movements. By highlighting examples from these streams, the book illuminates entanglements between them, while emphasising the role of solidarity as well as de-solidarisation in creating, shaping, or resisting various regimes of mobility.

  • af Nestor Rodriguez
    1.120,95 - 1.129,95 kr.

  • af Aila Spathopoulou
    1.315,95 kr.

    This book focuses on processes of bordering and governmentality around the Greek border islands from the declaration of a ¿refugee crisis¿ in the summer of 2015 up until the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The chapters trace the implementation of the EU migration hotspot approach across space and time, from the maritime Aegean border to the islands (Lesvos and Samos) and from the islands to the Greek mainland. They do so through the lenses of peoples¿ refusal to succumb to categories that get reified as identities through the hotspot approach, such as that of the ¿deserving refugee¿, the ¿undeserving economic migrant¿, the ¿translator¿, the ¿volunteer¿, the ¿tourist¿ and the ¿researcher¿. This book explores how ¿migration management¿ in Greece from 2015-2020, along with the reshaping of space and time, reconfigured peoples¿ relationships with one another and ultimately with one¿s self.

  • af Fabio Santos
    833,95 kr.

    Die Herausgebenden legen mit ¿Globale Soziologie¿ einen Band vor, der in Debatten um die Dekolonisierung der Disziplin interveniert. Sie vereinen Beiträge, die anhand dreier Fragenkomplexe die international bereits geebneten, im deutschsprachigen Raum jedoch kaum betretenen Wege zu einer Globalen Soziologie aufzeigen und erweitern. Sie stellen zunächst die Geschichte der Soziologie auf den Prüfstand und fragen, von welchen Standpunkten aus ¿klassische¿ Theorien entworfen wurden und wessen Lebensrealitäten sie erfassen und adressieren. Insbesondere die ungleichen Voraussetzungen in der Konstruktion und Zirkulation von ¿Klassikern¿ bei institutionell hergestellter Unsichtbarkeit anderer Werke finden Berücksichtigung. Zweitens gehen die Beiträge des Buchs der Frage nach, welche epistemologischen und methodologischen Schlüsse sich aus diesen historiographischen und theoretischen Kritiken und Rekonstruktionen ziehen lassen. Sie erarbeiten Vorschläge, die einen erkenntnistheoretischen Wandelhin zu einer reflexiven, multiperspektivischen und global verflochtenen Soziologie begründen und fortführen können. Drittens werden Schlüsselthemen identifiziert und anhand empirischer Studien aus der Arbeits-, Migrations- und Geschlechtersoziologie illustriert.

  • af Sheila Ghose
    1.416,95 kr.

    This volume brings together research on the forms, genres, media and histories of refugee migration. Chapters come from a range of disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches, including literature, film studies, performance studies and postcolonial studies. The goal is to bring together chapters that use the perspectives of the arts and humanities to study representations of refugee migration. The chapters of the anthology are organized around specific forms and genres: life-writing and memoir, the graphic novel, theater and music, film and documentary, coming-of-age stories, street literature, and the literary novel. Chapter(s) ¿Chapter 1.¿ is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Helen Hintjens
    1.421,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

  • af Kirstie Petrou
    1.829,95 - 1.835,95 kr.

    This is the first book to examine the contemporary seasonal migration of Pacific islanders to Australia through the Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP). It reflects on this new age of guestwork from a broad social, economic, political and cultural perspective in both source countries and destinations. In so doing, it offers a critical perspective on different phases of managed labour migration from nineteenth century practices of 'blackbirding' to the present day. This book examines why and how guestworker policies and programmes have developed, and the impact this has had in Australia and for the people, villages and islands of the sending states. It particularly focuses on Vanuatu, the main source of labour, and draws upon studies based in Australia, Vanuatu and other Pacific Island countries. The book therefore traces new patterns of migration, with intriguing economic and social consequences, that are restructuring parts of rural and regional Australia in response to labour demands from agriculture and evolving regional geopolitics. 

  • af Diego Caballero-Vélez
    1.219,95 kr.

    During the 2015 and 2016 refugee crisis the EU called on the Member States to engage in protection burden-sharing. This proposal found strong opposition from some of the Visegrad Group countries, including Poland, which expressed their reluctance to the relocation scheme securitizing the political narrative towards refugees. On the contrary, in 2022, during the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, Poland strengthened an ¿open door policy¿, showing a humanitarian approach towards Ukrainian refugees.This book uses a public goods theoretical framework to examine the various public goods characteristics of refugee protection in such scenarios. It is argued that the publicness and character of refugee protection is socially shaped by norms and identities. States perceive refugee protection, including benefits and costs, in different ways. The author focuses his analysis on the security/humanitarian dichotomy in states¿ perceptions of refugees to investigate the accompanying vision of the inherent costs and benefits. The conceptual part of the book provides conclusive support of an alternative constructivist mode in public goods theory for understanding refugee protection burden-sharing.

  • af Jennifer Martin
    1.223,95 kr.

    This book describes the ethnic identity construction involved in ¿being¿, ¿feeling¿ and ¿doing¿ Chinese for multi-generation Australian-born Chinese, who were born and raised in a different social environment. It demonstrates how Chineseness is manifested in a multitude of ways and totally debunks any notion that being Chinese is a simple identity marker. The book shows that while there are commonalities with the American-born, the experiences of Australia-born Chinese are distinct in many ways.This book is a timely and critically examination of the inescapability of Chineseness particularly when social and economic stability is threatened and those in power are looking for a scapegoat.

  • af Armelle Gouritin
    1.043,95 kr.

    This book presents the updated results of an investigation carried out in 2019. The National Autonomous University of Mexico's (UNAM) Climate Change Research Program (PINCC), funded the research coordinated by Armelle Gouritin. The research aims to answer the following questions: Does the Mexican legal framework and public policies address forced internal climate mobility? If not, what could be the elements of a legal framework and public policies to address the phenomenon? As the phenomenon was approached it was clear that it was extremely complex and consisted of numerous tensions that would lead to other questions throughout the research process.Climate forced internal displacement is projected as a huge-scale phenomenon in Mexico. Against this background, the book provides the first critical diagnosis of the current politico-legal Mexican framework and finds it to be lagging behind in terms of prevention and attention. The book analyses the three-level Mexican governance (federal, state and local levels), and identifies serious loopholes according to a rights-based approach that particularly focuses on women, indigenous peoples, and persons and communities with scarce economic resources. The results provide information on up-coming legislative and political processes and provide benchmarks that can be applied in other case-studies, including other national frameworks' critical analysis.

  • af Peter Winzen
    255,95 kr.

    There is widespread agreement among development politicians and scholars that the fate of humanity will be decided in Africa. However, the world public is still not aware of this. Our southern neighbouring continent is only ever in the focus of general interest when it comes to remedying the numerous humanitarian disasters. The fact that the cause of most disasters is to be found in the extremely dynamic population development of the 49 sub-Saharan states is usually concealed by politicians and the mass media. The author resolutely opposes the downplaying of the potential threat resulting from the population explosion in sub-Saharan Africa - not only for the continent, but for humanity as such. In his fact-based study, this dangerous scenario is analyzed in depth against the demographic background, and possible ways out are also pointed out.

  • af Luca Queirolo Palmas
    1.618,95 - 1.625,95 kr.

    This book is grounded in an extended analogy between the 19th century story of the Underground Railroad in North America, transporting fugitive slaves to safety in the North, and the 21st century routes and trails of migrant passages to and within Europe. It begins as a kind of historical travelogue tracing the remnants of the 19th-century Underground Railroad in the US and Canada, including its legacies and unfulfilled heritage. It then shifts to the political present by ethnographically sketching a series of different border instances and situations, both external and within the EU space (Ventimiglia, Athens, Paris, Calais, Ceuta and Melilla, Patras, Pozzallo). Focusing on the violent harshening of local border regimes, this book nonetheless suggests a different picture, one conceived as the dynamic effect of both migrants autonomy and of the solidarity provided by local and international groups. Focusing on these specific and contested situations, it is possible to reverse the image of a main borderland into one of a space crisscrossed by many routes and passages. Reading those experiences through the historical lens of the US antebellum Underground Railroad, the book suggests the idea of an analogous "e;Underground Europe"e;.

  • af Chiara Giordano
    1.622,95 - 1.629,95 kr.

    This book explores the interconnection of care, gender and migration regimes and their impact on 'migrant domestic work' in Europe, in a comparative perspective. The research presented in this book aims to understand the reasons not only of the increased concentration of migrants in the domestic and care sector, but also of the significant differences between European countries. Care, gender and migration regimes are first operationalised in the form of three typologies. Then, the three typologies are used to investigate the ethnicisation of the domestic sector (the proportion of migrants in the domestic sector, compared to natives) and the domesticisation of migrants (the proportion of migrants in the domestic sector, compared to other sectors). The findings suggest that the three regimes have an effect and that this effect is greater when they are taken into account simultaneously. 

  • af Nafeesah Allen
    1.316,95 kr.

  • af Roger Hosein
    1.119,95 - 1.125,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the ways in which the Venezuelan immigrant community is making an impact on the social and economic dynamic of small economies. This publication addresses some of the main economic development conversations on trade, labor, and fiscal implications of immigration. This book attempts to collate and unpack some of the relevant theoretical frameworks which provide a basis for policymakers and other key decision-makers. In this regard, the links between immigration and economic development is discussed with a focus on Trinidad and Tobago as a representative case within the Caribbean community.

  • af Prarthna Agarwal Goel
    1.819,95 kr.

    This book is a machine-generated literature overview that explores the theoretical and empirical aspects of economics of natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, droughts, and earthquakes from a policy perspective. It provides a comprehensive collection of economic theories in Disasters and empirical findings that would benefit scholars in academia and policy-making. On the theory side, there is a growing use of game theory, Input-Output, computable general equilibrium models, and Catastrophe models to analyze the economic impacts of natural disasters. These models provide optimal decisions for the government concerning disaster relief. On the empirical front, studies showing causal and associative relationships between disasters and socio-economic variables are important for estimating disaster-related losses and making appropriate policy suggestions.The book explores different critical aspects and interlinkages of natural disasters; economic, social, and political. Besides having localized effects, disasters influence macroeconomic parameters, such as impacts on international trade and foreign direct investment. Moreover, the effects of disasters are subject to interventions from various national and international agencies. It discusses fiscal pressures caused due to disasters and existing policies related to disaster-risk mitigation and management as a guide to policy-making. It is an important guide to researchers and policymakers examining the socio-economic impact of natural disasters and public investment for disaster-risk mitigation.

  • af Yos Santasombat
    1.116,95 - 1.125,95 kr.

    This book examines contemporary Chinese transnational mobile practices with special focuses on the ethnographic exploration of the lives, experiences, views, and narratives of the Chinese mobile subjects in three ASEAN countries: Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, and their interactions with the ethnic Chinese communities in these countries. This book is based on recent and updated original ethnographic research carried out by leading scholars in China and Southeast Asia.  The work addresses questions of integration and social embeddedness, interrogating the possibility of whether the transnational Chinese diaspora can be simultaneously embedded into two or more nation-states and geopolitical spheres. It contends that in moving in the transnational space, the Chinese diaspora may experience a strong yearning for a cultural home that may not be in one space for bicultural or multicultural diaspora. It also asks whether the transnational Chinese diaspora is motivated to negotiate cultural membership and social belonging in a new country. Shedding new light on the ways in which the transnational diaspora negotiates cultural membership to adapt to situational requirements, this volume is relevant to scholars researching in China studies, anthropology, international relations, and in Asian, Southeast and East Asian regional studies.

  • af Sarah Hoenemann
    745,95 kr.

    Mehr als jede vierte Person in Deutschland hat einen Migrationshintergrund, wobei türkeistämmige Migrant/-innen die größte herkunftsspezifische Gruppe bilden. Insbesondere für Frauen mit türkeistämmiger Herkunft werden spezifische gesundheitliche Probleme und Integrationsschwierigkeiten beschrieben. Im Rahmen der Studie werden daher anhand der Betrachtung individual-biografischer Daten Prozesse und Mechanismen analysiert, die im Zusammenhang mit der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität im Integrationsprozess als bedeutsam erlebt wurden. Hierzu werden relevante Faktoren, die in Verbindung mit der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität von Frauen mit türkeistämmigem Migrationshintergrund stehen, herausgearbeitet sowie Gesundheitsstrategien und das Integrationsverständnis der Interviewten.

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