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  • af Juan Cifuentes
    838,95 kr.

    Es ist offensichtlich, dass menschliche Eingriffe im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte zum Hauptauslöser für Veränderungen terrestrischer Ökosysteme geworden sind, mehr noch als natürliche Phänomene (Vitousek, Mooney, Lubchenco & Melillo, 1997). Die Dynamik der Landbedeckung und der Landnutzungsänderung hat vielfältige Auswirkungen auf sozioökonomische und ökologische Systeme mit bedeutenden Folgen für die Nachhaltigkeit, die Ernährungssouveränität, die biologische Vielfalt, die Anfälligkeit der Ökosysteme und der Menschen für globale Umweltveränderungen. Veränderungen der Bodenbedeckung und -nutzung entsprechen der Substitution einer Art von Bodenbedeckung durch eine andere (z. B. Entwaldung) sowie Veränderungen in der Landbewirtschaftung (z. B. Ausweitung der Landwirtschaft), die zu Veränderungen in der Struktur und Zusammensetzung natürlicher Ökosysteme führen können (Lesschen, Verburg, & Staal, 2015).

  • af Huan Sifuäntes
    838,95 kr.

    Ochewidno, chto za poslednie neskol'ko desqtiletij wmeshatel'stwo cheloweka stalo osnownym faktorom transformacii nazemnyh äkosistem w bol'shej stepeni, chem prirodnye qwleniq (Vitousek, Mooney, Lubchenco & Melillo, 1997). Dinamika izmeneniq pochwenno-rastitel'nogo pokrowa i zemlepol'zowaniq wyzywaet mnogochislennye posledstwiq dlq social'no-äkonomicheskih i äkologicheskih sistem, okazywaq wazhnoe wliqnie na ustojchiwost', prodowol'stwennuü nezawisimost', bioraznoobrazie, hrupkost' äkosistem i lüdej k processam global'nogo izmeneniq okruzhaüschej sredy. Izmeneniq w rastitel'nom pokrowe i zemlepol'zowanii sootwetstwuüt zamene odnogo tipa rastitel'nogo pokrowa drugim (naprimer, obezlesenie), a takzhe izmeneniqm w uprawlenii zemel'nymi resursami (naprimer, rasshirenie sel'skohozqjstwennogo proizwodstwa), chto mozhet priwesti k izmeneniqm w strukture i sostawe prirodnyh äkosistem (Lesschen, Verburg, & Staal, 2015).

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    353,95 kr.

    India, with its rich embroidery of culture, history, and normal magnificence, unfurls a hypnotizing story through the charming Effortlessness Fountains. Settled in the midst of the rich scenes, these fountains are not simple cascades; they are narrators, murmuring accounts that reverberation through time. The actual quintessence of India's elegance is embodied in the ethereal progression of water, winding around an orchestra of stories as it overflows down in a smooth dance.As the sun ascends over the magnificent pinnacles, the principal beams enlighten the fountains, transforming them into fluid gold. The morning fog lingers palpably, adding an enchanted quality to the environmental factors. Here, nature's verse is written in the liquid language of water, every bead adding to a steadily advancing account. The fountains, as quiet antiquarians, have seen ages unfurl, from antiquated civilizations to the cutting edge liveliness that characterizes India today.At the core of these murmuring stories lies the social mosaic of India. The fountains, with their ageless presence, stand observer to the bunch customs and ceremonies that have been performed on their shores for quite a long time. The delicate shower of water turns into a cleaning favoring, a ceremony that rises above ages. Travelers and drifters the same track down comfort in the hug of the fountains, as though the actual water conveys the insight of sages and holy people.Past the social stories, the Elegance Fountains recount accounts of flexibility and variation. Nature's cycles are reflected in the back and forth movement of the fountains, reflecting the always changing scene of India. The rainstorm bring a heavy ensemble, changing the once tranquil stream into a thundering display. However, as the seasons change, so does the fountain's demeanor, adjusting to the mood of the land it graces.As one feels overwhelmed by the fountains, the otherworldly suggestions become substantial. There's a feeling of godlikeness in the nonstop stream, an everlasting serenade that rises above the limits of time. The fountains become a journey for those looking for an association with the heavenly, where the hallowed and the mainstream merge in amicable solidarity. It's a safe-haven where searchers track down water, yet a wellspring of profound revival.

  • af Ekaterina Filcheva
    298,95 kr.

    Este livro apresenta uma análise sistemática dos dados disponíveis - próprios e publicados - sobre a poluição dos solos búlgaros por metais pesados e desenvolve relações entre a quantidade de metais pesados na fração de (i) SOM, (ii) formas disponíveis e (iii) teor total de metais pesados nos solos búlgaros. É investigada a variabilidade da poluição em diferentes regiões e as suas características comparativas através de métodos estatísticos de análise e são estabelecidas relações entre alguns parâmetros associados aos processos de formação de húmus e são derivadas equações que descrevem as relações estabelecidas (i), (ii),( iii).

  • af Ekaterina Filcheva
    298,95 kr.

    Ce livre présente une analyse systématique des données disponibles - propres et publiées - sur la pollution des sols bulgares par les métaux lourds et établit des relations entre la quantité de métaux lourds dans la fraction (i) de la matière organique du sol, (ii) des formes disponibles et (iii) de la teneur totale en métaux lourds dans les sols bulgares. La variabilité de la pollution dans différentes régions et leurs caractéristiques comparatives sont étudiées par des méthodes d'analyse statistique et des relations sont établies entre certains paramètres associés aux processus de formation de l'humus et des équations sont dérivées pour décrire les relations établies (i), (ii),( iii).

  • af Ekaterina Filcheva
    298,95 kr.

    Questo libro presenta un'analisi sistematica dei dati disponibili - propri e pubblicati - sull'inquinamento da metalli pesanti dei suoli bulgari e sviluppa relazioni tra la quantità di metalli pesanti nella frazione di (i) SOM, (ii) forme disponibili e (iii) contenuto totale di metalli pesanti nei suoli bulgari. È stata studiata la variabilità dell'inquinamento in diverse regioni e le loro caratteristiche comparative con metodi di analisi statistica e sono state stabilite relazioni tra alcuni parametri associati ai processi di formazione dell'humus e sono state derivate equazioni che descrivono le relazioni stabilite (i), (ii),( iii).

  • af Ekaterina Filcheva
    298,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch werden die verfügbaren eigenen und veröffentlichten Daten über die Schwermetallverschmutzung der bulgarischen Böden systematisch analysiert und Beziehungen zwischen der Menge an Schwermetallen im Anteil der (i) organischen Bodensubstanz, (ii) verfügbaren Formen und (iii) dem Gesamtgehalt an Schwermetallen in den bulgarischen Böden hergestellt. Es wird die Variabilität der Verschmutzung in verschiedenen Regionen und ihre vergleichenden Eigenschaften durch statistische Analysemethoden untersucht und es werden Beziehungen zwischen einigen Parametern hergestellt, die mit den Prozessen der Humusbildung verbunden sind, und es werden Gleichungen abgeleitet, die die hergestellten Beziehungen (i), (ii), (iii) beschreiben.

  • af Ekaterina Fil'chewa
    298,95 kr.

    V knige predstawlen sistematicheskij analiz imeüschihsq - sobstwennyh i opublikowannyh - dannyh o zagrqznenii tqzhelymi metallami bolgarskih pochw i razrabotany wzaimoswqzi mezhdu kolichestwom tqzhelyh metallow wo frakcii (i) SOM, (ii) dostupnyh form i (iii) obschim soderzhaniem tqzhelyh metallow w bolgarskih pochwah. Issledowana izmenchiwost' zagrqzneniq w razlichnyh regionah i ih srawnitel'nye harakteristiki s pomosch'ü statisticheskih metodow analiza i ustanowleny wzaimoswqzi mezhdu nekotorymi parametrami, swqzannymi s processami formirowaniq gumusa, a takzhe wywedeny urawneniq, opisywaüschie ustanowlennye wzaimoswqzi (i), (ii), (iii).

  • af Andrea Rosa Steinmann
    488,95 kr.

    Este livro é o resultado de uma longa pesquisa sobre o comportamento de espaçamento e o sistema de acasalamento social e genético do rato do milho Calomys musculinus. Este livro pretende dar a conhecer vários aspectos da ecologia comportamental desta espécie que habita ecossistemas agrários pampeanos do centro e noroeste da Argentina central. A espécie é uma boa colonizadora de habitats perturbados e apresenta um nicho de habitat e trófico mais amplo do que outras espécies de roedores coexistentes. Além disso, esta espécie é muito importante em relação ao seu papel como reservatório do vírus Junín, o agente etiológico da Febre Hemorrágica Argentina.

  • af Andrea Rosa Steinmann
    488,95 kr.

    Ce livre est le fruit d'une longue recherche sur le comportement d'espacement et le système d'accouplement social et génétique de la souris des champs Calomys musculinus. Ce livre vise à faire connaître plusieurs aspects de l'écologie comportementale de cette espèce qui habite les écosystèmes agraires pampéens du centre et du nord-ouest de l'Argentine centrale. L'espèce s'installe bien dans les habitats perturbés et présente un habitat et une niche trophique plus vastes que les autres espèces de rongeurs coexistantes. En outre, cette espèce est très importante en raison de son rôle de réservoir du virus Junín, l'agent étiologique de la fièvre hémorragique argentine.

  • af Andrea Roza Shtajnmann
    488,95 kr.

    V ätoj knige predstawleny rezul'taty mnogoletnih issledowanij, poswqschennyh powedeniü kukuruznoj myshi Calomys musculinus w interwale, a takzhe ee social'no-geneticheskoj sisteme spariwaniq. Cel' knigi - raskryt' nekotorye aspekty powedencheskoj äkologii ätogo wida, obitaüschego w pampeanskih agrarnyh äkosistemah central'noj i sewero-zapadnoj chasti central'noj Argentiny. Jetot wid horosho zaselqet narushennye mestoobitaniq i demonstriruet bolee shirokuü sredu obitaniq i troficheskuü nishu, chem drugie sosuschestwuüschie widy gryzunow. Krome togo, ätot wid ochen' wazhen w swqzi s ego rol'ü w kachestwe rezerwuara wirusa Hunin, ätiologicheskogo agenta argentinskoj gemorragicheskoj lihoradki.

  • af Andrea Rosa Steinmann
    488,95 kr.

    Questo libro comprende una lunga ricerca sul comportamento di spaziatura e sul sistema di accoppiamento sociale e genetico del topo del mais Calomys musculinus. Il libro si propone di far conoscere diversi aspetti dell'ecologia comportamentale di questa specie che abita gli ecosistemi agrari pampeani dell'Argentina centrale e nord-occidentale. La specie è un buon colonizzatore di habitat disturbati e mostra un habitat e una nicchia trofica più ampia rispetto ad altre specie di roditori coesistenti. Inoltre, questa specie è molto importante in relazione al suo ruolo di serbatoio del virus Junín, l'agente eziologico della febbre emorragica argentina.

  • af Andrea Rosa Steinmann
    488,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch umfasst eine langjährige Forschungsarbeit über das Abstandsverhalten und das soziale und genetische Paarungssystem der Maismaus Calomys musculinus. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, verschiedene Aspekte der Verhaltensökologie dieser Art bekannt zu machen, die in den pampaartigen Agrarökosystemen in Zentral- und Nordwest-Zentralargentinien lebt. Die Art ist ein guter Besiedler gestörter Lebensräume und weist eine größere Lebensraum- und trophische Nische auf als andere koexistierende Nagetierarten. Außerdem ist diese Art sehr wichtig in Bezug auf ihre Rolle als Reservoir des Junín-Virus, des Erregers des Argentinischen Hämorrhagischen Fiebers.

  • af Cajjora Eshchanova
    683,95 kr.

    Nella monografia, l'attuale studio delle popolazioni di piccoli mammiferi nell'ecosistema, così come l'insufficiente attenzione prestata a queste specie da un punto di vista scientifico, richiede uno studio approfondito come indicatore nello studio dello stato dell'ambiente, non solo in Uzbekistan, ma in tutti i Paesi sviluppati. È noto che i piccoli mammiferi partecipano attivamente alla catena alimentare in natura e hanno un proprio posto. Partendo da questo presupposto, la monografia si basa sull'uso di moderni metodi ecologici e sulla pubblicazione dei risultati in importanti pubblicazioni scientifiche, sulla discussione e sulla conferma da parte di importanti specialisti nello studio delle caratteristiche ecologiche della popolazione di piccoli mammiferi dell'ecosistema forestale. Il libro si rivolge a scienziati, insegnanti di istituti di istruzione superiore, dottorandi, studenti di master e studenti universitari, nonché a tutti coloro che sono interessati al problema della crisi ecologica di Aral e alle questioni relative alla risoluzione delle conseguenze ecologiche sul biota della regione del Mare d'Aral.

  • af Cajjora Eshchanova
    683,95 kr.

    In der Monographie wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die derzeitige Untersuchung von Kleinsäugerpopulationen im Ökosystem sowie die unzureichende Aufmerksamkeit, die diesen Arten aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht geschenkt wird, eine eingehende Untersuchung als Indikator für die Untersuchung des Zustands der Umwelt nicht nur in Usbekistan, sondern in allen entwickelten Ländern erfordert. Es ist bekannt, dass kleine Säugetiere aktiv an der Nahrungskette in der Natur teilnehmen und ihren eigenen Platz haben. Die Monographie basiert auf der Anwendung moderner ökologischer Methoden und der Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse in führenden wissenschaftlichen Publikationen, der Diskussion und Bestätigung durch führende Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet der Untersuchung ökologischer Merkmale der Population kleiner Säugetiere im Waldökosystem. Das Buch richtet sich an Wissenschaftler, Hochschullehrer, Doktoranden, Masterstudenten, Studenten sowie an alle, die sich für das Problem der ökologischen Krise am Aralsee und die Lösung der ökologischen Folgen für die Biota der Aralsee-Region interessieren.

  • af Cajjora Eshchanova
    613,95 kr.

    In the monograph at present, the study of small mammal populations in the ecosystem, as well as insufficient attention paid to such species from a scientific point of view, requires in-depth study as an indicator in the study of the state of the environment, not only in Uzbekistan, but in all developed countries. It is known that small mammals actively participate in the food chain in nature and have their own place. Proceeding from this, the monograph is built on the use of modern ecological methods and publication of results in leading scientific publications, discussion and confirmation by leading specialists in the study of ecological features of the population of small mammals of forest ecosystem. Statistical processing of data is carried out using a set of practical statistical programs and standard methods, as well as presented the results of research conducted on substantiation.The book is addressed to scientists, teachers of higher educational institutions, doctoral students, master's students, undergraduate students, as well as interested in the problem of the Aral ecological crisis and issues of solving the ecological consequences on the biota of the Aral Sea region.

  • af Cajjora Eshchanova
    683,95 kr.

    Dans la monographie, l'étude actuelle des populations de petits mammifères dans l'écosystème, ainsi que l'attention insuffisante accordée à ces espèces d'un point de vue scientifique, nécessitent une étude approfondie en tant qu'indicateur dans l'étude de l'état de l'environnement, non seulement en Ouzbékistan, mais dans tous les pays développés. Il est connu que les petits mammifères participent activement à la chaîne alimentaire dans la nature et ont leur propre place. La monographie s'appuie sur l'utilisation de méthodes écologiques modernes et sur la publication des résultats dans des revues scientifiques de premier plan, ainsi que sur la discussion et la confirmation par d'éminents spécialistes de l'étude des caractéristiques écologiques de la population de petits mammifères de l'écosystème forestier. L'ouvrage s'adresse aux scientifiques, aux enseignants des établissements d'enseignement supérieur, aux doctorants, aux étudiants en master, aux étudiants de premier cycle, ainsi qu'à tous ceux qui s'intéressent au problème de la crise écologique d'Aral et aux questions de résolution des conséquences écologiques sur le biote de la région de la mer d'Aral.

  • af Cajjora Eshchanova
    683,95 kr.

    Na monografia, o estudo atual das populações de pequenos mamíferos no ecossistema, bem como a atenção insuficiente dada a essas espécies do ponto de vista científico, requer um estudo aprofundado como indicador no estudo do estado do ambiente, não só no Uzbequistão, mas em todos os países desenvolvidos. Sabe-se que os pequenos mamíferos participam ativamente na cadeia alimentar da natureza e têm o seu próprio lugar. A monografia baseia-se na utilização de métodos ecológicos modernos e na publicação dos resultados em publicações científicas de referência, na discussão e confirmação por especialistas de renome no estudo das características ecológicas da população de pequenos mamíferos do ecossistema florestal. O livro destina-se a cientistas, professores de instituições de ensino superior, estudantes de doutoramento, estudantes de mestrado, estudantes de licenciatura, bem como a todos os interessados no problema da crise ecológica de Aral e nas questões de resolução das consequências ecológicas para o biota da região do Mar de Aral.

  • af Aklile Nigatu Kastrie
    328,95 kr.

    Atualmente, o impacto da alteração da ocupação do solo em diferentes recursos naturais e artificiais, incluindo os recursos do solo, está a merecer uma atenção crescente a nível mundial. Este estudo analisou as alterações da ocupação do solo e o risco associado de erosão do solo durante um período de estudo entre 1987 e 2013 na bacia hidrográfica do rio Denki em Ankober Woreda. Os dados para o estudo foram obtidos através de um inquérito no terreno e de fontes secundárias. As imagens Landsat Thematic Mapper de 1987, 2000 e 2013 foram adquiridas e classificadas utilizando métodos de classificação supervisionados. Com base nos dois períodos, os tipos de ocupação do solo foram categorizados e a sua tendência e taxa foram analisadas. O modelo RUSLE foi também utilizado numa plataforma SIG para determinar a influência das alterações da ocupação do solo na erosão do solo da bacia hidrográfica em estudo durante os dois períodos. Além disso, a análise espacial revelou que a fragmentação do coberto florestal das zonas montanhosas e acidentadas e dos arbustos das zonas relativamente planas, o aumento das terras cultivadas em zonas mais inclinadas e a prática de cultivo extensivo em solos relativamente mais propensos à erosão foram os principais factores que contribuíram para o aumento do risco de erosão do solo na bacia hidrográfica.

  • af Aklile Nigatu Kastrie
    328,95 kr.

    Heutzutage wird den Auswirkungen von Landnutzungsänderungen auf verschiedene natürliche und vom Menschen geschaffene Ressourcen, einschließlich der Bodenressourcen, weltweit mehr Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. In dieser Studie wurden die Veränderungen der Bodenbedeckung und das damit verbundene Risiko für die Bodenerosion im Einzugsgebiet des Denki-Flusses in Ankober Woreda im Untersuchungszeitraum von 1987 bis 2013 analysiert. Die Daten für die Studie wurden aus Feldstudien und Sekundärquellen gewonnen. Die Landsat Thematic Mapper-Bilder von 1987, 2000 und 2013 wurden erfasst und mit überwachten Klassifizierungsmethoden klassifiziert. Auf der Grundlage der beiden Zeiträume wurden die Bodenbedeckungstypen kategorisiert und ihr Trend und ihre Häufigkeit analysiert. Das RUSLE-Modell wurde auch in einer GIS-Plattform verwendet, um den Einfluss von Änderungen der Bodenbedeckung auf die Bodenerosion im Einzugsgebiet der Studie während der beiden Zeiträume zu bestimmen.

  • af Aklile Nigatu Kastrie
    328,95 kr.

    De nos jours, l'impact des changements de l'utilisation des terres sur les différentes ressources naturelles et artificielles, y compris les ressources en sol, fait l'objet d'une attention accrue à l'échelle mondiale. Cette étude a analysé les changements d'occupation du sol et le risque d'érosion du sol qui y est associé au cours d'une période d'étude allant de 1987 à 2013 dans le bassin versant de la rivière Denki dans le woreda d'Ankober. Les données de l'étude ont été obtenues à partir d'enquêtes sur le terrain et de sources secondaires. Les images Landsat Thematic Mapper de 1987, 2000 et 2013 ont été acquises et classées à l'aide de méthodes de classification supervisée. Sur la base de ces deux périodes, les types d'occupation du sol ont été catégorisés et leurs tendances et taux ont été analysés. Le modèle RUSLE a également été utilisé sur une plateforme SIG pour déterminer l'influence des changements d'occupation du sol sur l'érosion du sol du bassin versant étudié au cours des deux périodes. En outre, l'analyse spatiale a révélé que la fragmentation de la couverture forestière des zones montagneuses et vallonnées et des arbustes des zones relativement plates, l'augmentation des terres cultivées sur des zones plus pentues et les pratiques culturales extensives sur des sols relativement plus sujets à l'érosion étaient les principaux facteurs contribuant à l'augmentation du risque d'érosion des sols dans le bassin versant.

  • af Aklile Nigatu Kastrie
    328,95 kr.

    Al giorno d'oggi l'impatto dei cambiamenti nella copertura del suolo su diverse risorse naturali e antropiche, comprese le risorse del suolo, sta ricevendo una crescente attenzione a livello globale. Questo studio ha analizzato i cambiamenti nella copertura del suolo e il rischio associato all'erosione del suolo durante un periodo di studio compreso tra il 1987 e il 2013 nel bacino idrografico del fiume Denki di Ankober Woreda. I dati per lo studio sono stati acquisiti da indagini sul campo e da fonti secondarie. Le immagini Landsat Thematic Mapper del 1987, 2000 e 2013 sono state acquisite e classificate utilizzando metodi di classificazione supervisionati. Sulla base dei due periodi, sono stati classificati i tipi di copertura del suolo e sono stati analizzati il loro trend e il loro tasso. Il modello RUSLE è stato utilizzato anche in una piattaforma GIS per determinare l'influenza dei cambiamenti nella copertura del suolo sull'erosione del suolo del bacino di studio durante i due periodi. Inoltre, l'analisi spaziale ha rivelato che la frammentazione della copertura forestale dalle aree montuose e collinari e degli arbusti dalle aree relativamente pianeggianti è aumentata nei terreni coltivati su aree a maggiore pendenza e le pratiche di coltivazione estensiva in terreni relativamente più inclini all'erosione sono stati i principali fattori che hanno contribuito all'aumento del rischio di erosione del suolo del bacino idrografico.

  • af Aklile Nigatu Kastri
    333,95 kr.

    V nastoqschee wremq wo wsem mire udelqetsq powyshennoe wnimanie wliqniü izmenenij pochwenno-rastitel'nogo pokrowa na razlichnye prirodnye i tehnogennye resursy, wklüchaq pochwennye resursy. V dannom issledowanii proanalizirowany izmeneniq pochwenno-rastitel'nogo pokrowa i swqzannyj s nimi risk ärozii pochwy w period mezhdu 1987 i 2013 gg. na wodosbore reki Denki w Ankoberskom worede. Dannye dlq issledowaniq byli polucheny w rezul'tate polewyh issledowanij i iz wtorichnyh istochnikow. Byli polucheny snimki Landsat Thematic Mapper 1987, 2000 i 2013 godow, kotorye byli klassificirowany s pomosch'ü metodow kontroliruemoj klassifikacii. Na osnowe ätih dwuh periodow byli klassificirowany tipy pochwenno-rastitel'nogo pokrowa, proanalizirowany ih tendencii i tempy rosta. Model' RUSLE byla takzhe ispol'zowana w platforme GIS dlq opredeleniq wliqniq izmenenij pochwenno-rastitel'nogo pokrowa zemlepol'zowaniq na äroziü pochwy na issleduemom wodosbore w techenie dwuh periodow.

  • af Edison Pascal
    413,95 kr.

    Traditional agricultural activities have been developed without taking into account the conservation of the environment and biodiversity, therefore, it is necessary in rural agro-productive sectors to carry out an ecological territorial planning that benefits the community and the existing biodiversity in the sector, carrying out sustainable and environmentally friendly productive activities. The objective of this research was to identify the biodiversity associated with an agro-productive rural settlement, in order to make a proposal for ecological management.

  • af Roberta L Bondar
    388,95 kr.

    The lives and habitats of two majestic bird species are shared through striking space, aerial, and surface photographs to artfully convey the fragile elegance of life on Earth.New perspectives can inspire us to think differently about our place in the universe. The first photos of Earth from space showed the home of all known life as a small “blue marble” in a vast darkness and are thought by many to have inspired the environmental movement. For Dr. Roberta L. Bondar, the first female Canadian astronaut and the world’s first neurologist in space, the rare perspective she enjoyed aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery enhanced her reverence for the world we share with non-human life— especially birds, the only animals also able to fly vast distances across the globe.In Space for Birds: Patterns and Parallels of Beauty and Flight, Bondar, also an accomplished professional nature and landscape photographer, focuses her lens on two international species: the endangered Whooping Crane, which migrates from its boreal nesting grounds in Canada’s Wood Buffalo National Park to the seaside abundance of its winter habitat in Texas; and the near-threatened Lesser Flamingo, which is seen in dazzling pink flocks on and above East African Rift Valley soda lakes. Photos from the International Space Station convey the continental scale of these birds’ travels, and Bondar’s aerial and surface photos, accompanied by insights both scientific and personal, offer intimate glimpses of their daily lives and unique behaviours. While these birds lead different lives on opposite sides of the globe, they share, with each other and with us, an imperative to survive and a reliance on Earth’s fragile ecosystems.This book complements a travelling photographic exhibit, Patterns & Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive.

  • af Keerthi T R
    2.200,95 - 2.398,95 kr.

    This book brings together chapters related to sustainable utilization of biological resources, including in situ and ex situ conservation of rare, endangered, and threatened plants. The title also gives a special emphasis on marine sponges and mangrove ecosystems, which are two important untapped potential resources of the marine ecosystem and play a key role in maintaining the marine ecosystem. There is an urgent need for the conservation, exploration and utilization of bioresources for the growth and survival of human beings. Due to the significant reduction in biological resources, many countries are developing strategic action plans for the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. That is where this book fills the gap by discussing the significant development of new products and methodologies for sustainable utilization of these resources. This book also unveils a world of novel bioactive molecules from medicinal plants and the marine ecosystem and explains how drug design pipelines can advance modern drug development. The target audiences for this book include biodiversity researchers who are working on technology and bioresource management issues and faculty and students in the environment research areas and Biodiversity conservation.

  • af Gerhard Ernst Overbeck
    2.398,95 kr.

    This volume explores the South Brazilian grasslands, a unique complex of ecosystems in Brazil. Despite high biodiversity and many important ecosystem services, their biodiversity and conservation are neglected, both nationally, and globally. This book provides a state-of-the-art synthesis of knowledge on the biodiversity and its drivers in South Brazilian grasslands and associated ecosystems. Further, the book discusses conservation challenges and options, as well as management strategies that help to maintain the region¿s uniqueness. The chapters present information on biodiversity and ecological features of the region, and put this information into the context of historical and current human land uses, allowing for links to global discussions of conservation and sustainable development. Altogether, the book contains 20 chapters organized in four sections. The book is directed at researchers, students and professionals working with biodiversity and sustainable development in southern Brazil, as well as to the international scientific and conservation community interested in grasslands and associated ecosystems, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.

  • af Dominick A Dellasala
    1.401,95 kr.

    Mixed Severity Fires: Nature’s Phoenix, Second Edition focuses on wildfire as a keystone ecological process that has shaped plant and animal communities for over 400 million years. The book describes the renewal process that follows wildfires in forests and chaparral ecosystems as nature’s phoenix by drawing from examples of wildfire effects. In addition, the book describes management and policies that have contributed to wildfire problems, including climate change and land-use practices incompatible with nature’s phoenix and what must happen to get to coexistence with wildfires that are not going away no matter how much we try to suppress or alter fire behavior.

  • af Analyses Team. & Gew Reports
    308,95 kr.

    "Oceanic Oases Under Threat," is a comprehensive analysis of the impact of climate change on various regions, focusing mainly on the Mediterranean, Gulf, and Indian Ocean areas. It is organised into several key sections, each addressing different aspects of this broad topic. Each section delves into specific aspects of climate change, ranging from its fundamental background, the particular vulnerabilities of different regions, to the socio-economic impacts and policy responses. The report also provides an in-depth theoretical framework, looking at power structures and environmental justice, and it explores the interplay between climate change and social dynamics, such as conflict, migration, and community resilience. Moreover, it includes a variety of case studies, quantitative and qualitative data analyses and concludes with a call to action for policymakers and the general public¿. Contributions of this report:- Provides a comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic impacts of climate change in Arab regions.- Sheds light on historical climate data, regional projections, and policy responses.- Focuses on specific regions such as the Mediterranean, the Gulf, and the Indian Ocean to study the impacts of climate change on small islands and peninsulas.- Explores power dynamics and environmental justice issues specific to these regions to deepen understanding of climate change impacts and identify opportunities for more equitable and just responses.- Aims to develop holistic strategies that address the root causes of climate change, conflict, and migration and provide support to affected communities.- Aims to foster a sense of global responsibility and inspire action for a more sustainable and resilient future.- Aims to work towards implementing effective policies, promoting regional and international cooperation, and preserving the beauty, diversity, and stability of the planet. Practical implications of this report:- The report highlights the urgent need for collaborative efforts between governments, communities, NGOs, and international organisations to develop adaptive strategies and mobilise resources to address the challenges posed by climate change in the Indian Ocean region.- It emphasises the importance of implementing resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable livelihoods, and protecting marine ecosystems to mitigate the impacts of climate change and build resilience in the region.- The report calls for comprehensive and collaborative approaches to address the interconnected challenges faced by small islands and peninsulas, particularly in the Mediterranean, Gulf, and Indian Ocean regions.- It emphasises the significance of education and awareness campaigns in enhancing resilience and understanding the implications of climate change in these regions, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among community members.- The report underscores the need for international cooperation, financial assistance, and capacity-building initiatives to support small islands and peninsulas in implementing long-term strategies to address climate change challenges effectively.Overall, the report provides practical guidance for policymakers, communities, and organisations to take action and work towards a more sustainable and resilient future in the face of climate change.

  • af Gerard Kuperus
    368,95 kr.

    Analyzes the different feelings, drives and instincts we have inherited from other species, to suggest a new understanding of ourselves as part of an eco-political community.

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