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Biologisk mangfoldighed

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  • Spar 14%
    af Rasmus Ejrnæs
    128,95 kr.

    Din have myldrer af liv. Travle jordhumler, flaksende citronsommerfugle og vimsende gærdesmutter genskaber naturens magi for øjnene af os. Uden at spørge om lov gror græsset. Vedbenden vokser. Og skvalderkålen skyder mellem stauderne. Naturen indtager haven, og vi kan stritte imod eller læne os tilbage og nyde livet. Vi kan også lege med. Vi kan lægge den sirlige haveplan væk og dyrke havens mange muligheder for at vokse sig vild med vilje. Lave en kvasbunke og lade plænen blomstre med kodrivere og violer. Finde et område, hvor merian og hvidtjørn kan stå i fred, og lade den gamle træstamme stå. I Den uendelige have klæder Rasmus Ejrnæs, biolog og forsker fra Aarhus Universitet, os på til at fremme naturen lige uden for døren. Med haven som træningslejr forklarer han de økologiske principper for biodiversitet og kommer med gode råd og tips til, hvad vi helt konkret kan gøre for at hjælpe os selv og naturen på vej i vores egne haver. Så skal det nok komme til at myldre med snøftende pindsvin og glade haveejere. Bogen er illustreret med 140 farvefotos af naturfotografen Bert Wiklund.

  • af Susanne Harding
    93,95 kr.

    Bierne er vigtige bestøvere af både vilde og dyrkede planter, men de vilde bier er gået voldsomt tilbage i antal. For at hjælpe bierne må vi beskytte vores vilde natur og tilbyde bierne gode levesteder. Det gør vi bl.a. ved at indrette haven bi-venligt og undlade at sprøjte med giftstoffer.Susanne Harding, der er entomolog, beskriver en række vilde biers levevis og de planter, der året igennem kan hjælpe bierne med at overleve.Illustreret med fotos og tegninger af adskillige kunstnere.

  • - original version i dansk oversættelse
    af Charles Darwin
    258,95 kr.

    Charles Darwins banebrydende værk som ligger til grund for al biologisk evolutionsteori.Når man læser Darwins bog, forbavses man over hans alsidighed, viden og kombinationsevne. Han er naturhistoriker af det helt store format og så kendte han store dele af jorden".Få andre bøger har skabt en sådan storm af kontroverser som Arternes Oprindelse. Darwins teori om, at arter stammer fra andre arter ved en gradvis evolutionær proces – og at gennemsnitsniveauet for hver art øges ud fra grundtanken om at – kun den bedst egnede overlever (”the survival of the fittest”), hvilket fik debatten til at tage nye højder. Den senere accept af Darwins teorier, revolutionerede det videnskabens forløb.Darwins bidrag til den moderne videnskab, er altafgørende for, hvordan vi ser verden i dag - og næsten umulig at evaluere. Arternes oprindelse bør læses af alle med interesse indenfor biologi og for verdens evolution. Ligesom bogen har bidraget til heftig debat og fortolkning indenfor områder som filosofi og teologi.Bogen regnes for det vigtigste bidrag til biologien i videnskabens historie.Den originale version af Darwins "Arternes Oprindelse" udgives af Paludans Forlag, hvor bogen indgår i serien blandt klassiske historiske værker.

  • af Ed Yong
    126,95 kr.

  • Spar 15%
    af Hans Jørgen Degn
    278,95 kr.

    De danske heder er skabt af menneskets brug og misbrug. Og de fleste former for påvirkninger kan følges tusinder af år tilbage. Men konsekvenserne af menneskers påvirkning af hederne er langt sværere at forudsige. Gennem et langt arbejdsliv har biologen Hans Jørgen Degn betragtet og undersøgt de danske heder. Det har ført til en omfattende viden om hedernes udvikling og tilstand, som her præsenteres i en samlet fortælling om deres fremtid. Bogen fortæller en nøgtern og alligevel passioneret historie om et stykke dansk natur- og kulturarv, der er i fare for at forsvinde. For blot 100 år siden var hederne vidtstrakte og mangfoldige, og forfatteren følger hedernes forandring op til i dag og ser på de danske heders nuværende tilstand, deres beskyttelse, naturpleje og fremtid. Naturligvis dokumenteret med et væld af inspirerende fotografier af naturen og landskabet.

  • Spar 32%
    - Mere natur tættere på
    af Ditte Dahl Lisbjerg, Katrine Turner & Lilli Gruwier
    218,95 kr.

    Kom skridtet videre fra den simple frøblanding med denne bog, der har alt, hvad man skal vide, når man vil have mere biodiversitet i sin have og naturen helt tæt på.Både blandt dyr og planter oplever vi i disse år en artsmæssig tilbagegang, og der er en stigende bevidsthed om, at vi skal give mere plads til den vilde natur. Et godt sted at starte er i sin egen have. I Vildskab i haven har tre eksperter samlet den nyeste viden om biodiversitet i haven og deler ud af deres erfaringer med anlægning og pleje af vilde haver og natur i byen. De gennemgår emner som planter, levesteder, indretning og pleje og viser forskellige haver og konkrete løsninger med fokus på liv og biodiversitet og større mangfoldighed i haven. Følger man bogens enkle principper, kan man selv sætte rammen for, hvordan biodiversiteten kan folde sig helt ud i ens egen have. Bogen er fuld af konkret inspiration, råd og tips, der kan bruges, hvad enten man har en altankasse, en klassisk villahave, en stor naturgrund eller blot gerne vil vide noget om bynatur. Med den kommer man hurtigt i gang med at skabe sit eget lille paradis for biodiversiteten – og for sig selv.

  • af Steve Brusatte
    198,95 kr.

    The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of Their Lost World is a captivating book by renowned paleontologist Steve Brusatte. Published in 2019 by WILLIAM MORROW, this book provides a fresh perspective on the fascinating world of dinosaurs. The book is a unique blend of history and science, diving deep into the rise and fall of the most dominant creatures that ever lived on Earth. The author, Steve Brusatte, brilliantly narrates the evolutionary journey of these magnificent creatures, their rise to dominance, and their eventual downfall. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the Earth and the life that once roamed it. It's a thrilling journey back in time, brought to life by one of the most respected voices in the field. A masterpiece in the genre of paleontology, this book is sure to captivate readers from start to finish.

  • Spar 17%
    - Før, nu og i morgen
    af Kaj Sand-Jensen & Jens Christian Schou
    206,95 kr.

    Se, oplev og forstå, hvordan naturen udfolder sig – både den lille nære og den store vilde. Det er fugle og dyr, fisk, insekter og planter, der tilsammen skaber den biodiversitet, vi møder hjemme i haven og ude i det åbne land, i skovens dybe stille ro, ved åens bredder og langs stranden ud til havet. Og det er denne brogede variation af levesteder og frodige mangfoldighed af arter i forskellige former, farver og adfærd, som Danmarks biodiversitet handler om. For rig er den danske natur stadig, selvom det går den forkerte vej.Bogens forfattere fortæller om udviklingen gennem de seneste 200 år, hvor biodiversiteten er havnet i en alvorlig krise, fordi vi ikke levner den plads i naturen. Men bogen giver også sit bud på, hvad der skal til for at skabe fremgang for alle Danmarks arter og dermed mulighed for enestående naturoplevelser – også i fremtiden. Bogen er rigt illustreret.

  • af Steve Brusatte
    196,95 kr.

    New from the author of acclaimed bestseller The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs ("A masterpiece of science writing" ?Washington Post) and ?one of the stars of modern paleontology? (National Geographic), a sweeping and revelatory history of mammals, illuminating the lost story of the extraordinary family tree that led to us We humans are the inheritors of a dynasty that has reigned over the planet for nearly 66 million years, through fiery cataclysm and ice ages: the mammals. Our lineage includes saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths, armadillos the size of a car, cave bears three times the weight of a grizzly, clever scurriers that outlasted Tyrannosaurus rex, and even other types of humans, like Neanderthals. Indeed humankind and many of the beloved fellow mammals we share the planet with today?lions, whales, dogs?represent only the few survivors of a sprawling and astonishing family tree that has been pruned by time and mass extinctions. How did we get here?In his acclaimed bestseller The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs?hailed as ?the ultimate dinosaur biography? by Scientific American?American paleontologist Steve Brusatte enchanted readers with his definitive his - tory of the dinosaurs. Now, picking up the narrative in the ashes of the extinction event that doomed T-rex and its kind, Brusatte explores the remarkable story of the family of animals that inherited the Earth?mammals? and brilliantly reveals that their story is every bit as fascinating and complex as that of the dinosaurs.Beginning with the earliest days of our lineage some 325 million years ago, Brusatte charts how mammals survived the asteroid that claimed the dinosaurs and made the world their own, becoming the astonishingly diverse range of animals that dominate today's Earth. Brusatte also brings alive the lost worlds mammals inhabited through time, from ice ages to volcanic catastrophes. Entwined in this story is the detective work he and other scientists have done to piece together our understanding using fossil clues and cutting-edge technology.A sterling example of scientific storytelling by one of our finest young researchers, The Rise and Reign of the Mammals illustrates how this incredible history laid the foundation for today's world, for us, and our future.

  • af Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse
    156,95 kr.

    Retfærdig Naturbevarelse er et manifest for en ny biodiversitetspolitik i Danmark. I bogen skitserer Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse 10 utopiske visioner for et samfund i harmoni med de planetære grænser, ny økologisk bevidsthed, og en række helhedsorienterede politiske krav, der skal bane vejen for en grøn retfærdig fremtid.

  • af Paul Rosolie
    208,95 kr.

    When Paul Rosolie, a restless eighteen-year-old hungry for adventure, embarked on a journey to the western Amazon in 2006, he didn't know that it would transform his life. In the Madre de Dios ("Mother of God") region of Peru, where the Amazon River begins, the cloud forests of the Andes converge with the lowland Amazon rain forest to create the most biodiverse wilderness on the planet.In a true story of adventure and discovery that spans more than nine years, Rosolie takes us into the most inaccessible reaches of the Amazon. Along the way, he encounters massive snakes, isolated tribes, prowling jaguars, giant anteaters, and much more in the Wild West of the natural world. It is a journey into the last great wilderness that ultimately asks the question of our time: How much longer will these places exist? The primordial depths of the Madre de Dios are in grave danger.Mother of God is the story of an amazing odyssey into the heart of the wildest place on earth. But as Rosolie delves deeper into the heart of the jungle, he finds things he never imagined could exist. And as the legendary explorer Percy Fawcett warned, "The few remaining unknown places of the world exact a price for their secrets."

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    238,95 kr.

    Betagende og tankevækkende bog om George Orwell og om at plante roser. Rebecca Solnit, en af USA’s bedste og mest markante essayister, går bag om mennesket George Orwell. På en gang en personlig biografi om forfatteren George Orwell, et kulturhistorisk essay om roser og en smuk og tankevækkende meditation over forholdet mellem natur og politik. Bogen bringer os vidt omkring, fra Orwells reportager fra kulminerne i England og Den Spanske Borgerkrig over Stalins besættelse af at dyrke citroner til nutidens sydamerikanske rosenfarme og cellofanindpakkede roser. Bogen slutter med en genlæsning af 1984, der fuldender portrættet af en mere håbefuld Orwell - og med en refleksion over hvordan nydelse, skønhed og glæde også kan være en modstandshandling. »En vidunderlig meditation over naturens glæde og skønhed.« The Times »Ny bog argumenterer overbevisende for det politiske potentiale i at plante roser … bør læses af alle, der interesserer sig for forholdet mellem natur og politik.« Information

  • Spar 15%
    - Plantelivets opståen og udvikling fra urtid til nutid
    af Kaj Sand-Jensen & Jens Christian Schou
    228,95 kr.

    Hvordan opstod plantelivet på Jorden? Hvad er en plante overhovedet? Og har vi virkelig brug for alle blomsterne? Plantelivets fotosyntese leverer stof, energi og ilt til alt liv på Jorden. Så ja, det har vi. Det begyndte for 3,5 mia. år siden med cyanobakterier i urtiden. De udviklede sig til alger, gik på land, og så tog udviklingen fart med mosser, bregner og padderokker i Kultidens skove og endte med de utallige blomsterplanter og den flora, vi har i dag. Blomsterplanterne repræsenterer en artsrigdom, som mennesker siden har efterstræbt og udnyttet uhæmmet, mest intensivt i de seneste par hundrede år. Resultatet er nutidens kriser for natur og klima. Historien viser, at planternes livskraft med stor artsrigdom og tilpasningsevne før har bragt dem gennem globale kriser. Så måske kommer plantelivet til at blomstre igen efter biodiversitetskrise og masseuddøen – men det vil være uigenkaldeligt forandret.

  • - En udlægning af Rudolf Steiners landbrugskursus
    af Nanna Juliussen
    263,95 kr.

    Velkommen til det moderne landbrugskursus og en indføring i Rudolf Steiners tanker, som stadig er lige aktuelle.Den filosofi, der ligger bag den biodynamiske dyrkningsmetode, blev udviklet af Rudolf Steiner. Steiners landbrugskursus fra 1924 består af otte foredrag om biodynamisk jordbrug, og netop det kursus har dannet grundlag for al snak om biodynamik i jordbrug lige siden.I denne bog bliver principperne gjort tilgængelige og forståelige for alle med interesse for den biodynamiske jordbrugs oprindelige principper. Steiner er evig aktuel, og aldrig har der været et større behov for, at vi tager vare på naturen, end der er nu.Hvorfor graver man kohorn ned i jorden, og hvilken indflydelse har planeterne på planternes vækst? Her får du masser af inspiration og svar på de store spørgsmål. Læs også om naturens fascinerende rytmer, det evige kredsløb og de mest intime sammenhænge.Bogen er relevant uanset om du blot har en lille have, er selvforsynende eller ligefrem landmand. Faktisk behøver du slet ikke selv at have fingrene i mulden for at interessere dig for naturen og dens dybere sammenhænge.

  • - En unaturlig naturhistorie
    af Elizabeth Kolbert
    273,95 kr.

    En skelsættende og central bog om verdens fremtid og masseudryddelsen af planetens artsrigdom, der udspiller sig for øjnene af os. I løbet af den sidste halve milliard år har der været fem masseudryddelser, hvor mangfoldigheden af liv på jorden er faldet pludseligt og dramatisk. Forskere verden over registrerer i øjeblikket en sjette udryddelse af arter, der spås til at blive den mest omfattende siden asteroide-nedslaget på Yucatanhalvøen i Mexico for 66 millioner år siden, da dinosaurerne blev udslettet. Men denne gang kommer katastrofen ikke udefra. Det er os, der skaber den: menneskeheden.I Den sjette masseuddøen formidler videnskabsjournalist og forfatter Elizabeth Kolbert feltarbejdet i biodiversitetens frontlinje, som snesevis af forskere inden for et halvt dusin discipliner har foretaget gennem de seneste årtier. Hun tager almindelige læsere med derud, hvor masseudryddelsen er i fuld gang: til bunden af dybhavet, hvor geologerne studerer borekerner og dokumenterer krisen i oceanerne; til trægrænsen, der klatrer højere og højere op ad Andesbjergene til stor bekymring for botanikerne; til Great Barrier Reef, hvor havbiologerne ser livet rinde ud i korallerne. På levende og øjenåbnende vis introducerer Elizabeth Kolbert også læseren til et dusin utrolige arter, som for nogles vedkommende allerede er væk, mens andre står over for udryddelse og kun holdes i live i unaturlige omgivelser, for eksempel den panamanske gyldne tudse, alkefuglen og sumatranæsehornet.Gennem sine beretninger fra felten leverer Kolbert en bevægende beretning om udryddelsen af arter, der finder sted overalt omkring os, og samtidig undersøger hun artsudryddelsens begrebshistorie, fra pioneren Georges Cuvier i Paris i 1800-tallet og frem til i dag, hvor det snart står klart for enhver, at udryddelsen er et faktum, og at menneskeheden bærer et hovedansvar. Det bliver næppe de syv vidundere, månelandingen og internettet, som vil stå tilbage som menneskehedens verdensarv, men den sjette udryddelse. Som Kolbert skriver, tvinger det os til at genoverveje det grundlæggende spørgsmål om, hvad det vil sige at være menneske.Elizabeth Kolbert vandt en Pulitzer Prize for Den sjette masseuddøen, og den er nr. 1 på The Guardians "100 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time".

  • af Sean B Carroll
    156,95 kr.

    One of today's most accomplished biologists and gifted storytellers reveals the rules that regulate all lifeHow does life work? How does nature produce the right numbers of zebras and lions on the African savanna, or fish in the ocean? How do our bodies produce the right numbers of cells in our organs and bloodstream? In The Serengeti Rules, award-winning biologist and author Sean Carroll tells the stories of the pioneering scientists who sought the answers to such simple yet profoundly important questions, and shows how their discoveries matter for our health and the health of the planet we depend upon.One of the most important revelations about the natural world is that everything is regulated—there are rules that regulate the amount of every molecule in our bodies and rules that govern the numbers of every animal and plant in the wild. And the most surprising revelation about the rules that regulate life at such different scales is that they are remarkably similar—there is a common underlying logic of life. Carroll recounts how our deep knowledge of the rules and logic of the human body has spurred the advent of revolutionary life-saving medicines, and makes the compelling case that it is now time to use the Serengeti Rules to heal our ailing planet.Bold and inspiring, The Serengeti Rules illuminates how life works at vastly different scales. Read it and you will never look at the world the same way again.

  • af Pardeep Singh
    1.333,95 kr.

    This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current challenges in one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. Environmental sustainability and climate change implications in the mountain ecosystems in general and mountainous regions of the Global South in particular are key concerns of the present-day world. In particular, the mountainous regions in the Global South are excessively being subjected to haphazard developmental activities making them vulnerable to all possible aspects of climate change. Ecologically fragile and biodiversity-rich (considered ¿hotspot¿ of biodiversity) Himalayan Region (HR) is subjected to high vulnerability due to climate change and unsustainable developmental activities. A major portion of the Indian HR, for instance, has gradually been endangered by intense environmental burden owing to rapid and haphazard urbanization, extreme weather events, etc. Unfortunately, environmental sustainability studies in many parts of the region are stillinadequate. Accordingly, in this book, the authors provide a detailed account of the Himalayas in the epoch of Anthropocene¿¿the most recent period in Earth¿s history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet¿s climate and ecosystems" (as defined by the National Geographic Society). It is no secret that the haphazard developmental activities in the Himalayas are having tremendous impacts on the local ecosystems. Many of such impacts are irreversible over the next hundreds of years and it should ring an alarm to all of us alike. Therefore, it becomes increasingly imperative that we document the existing anthropogenic challenges in the Himalayas, analyse them and find a way where environment and development can go hand in hand. This book is an attempt in that direction. The authors aim to address issues ranging from unorganized tourism practices to the big dams in the Himalayas and from mining and quarrying activities to climate change implications and sustainable development goals (SDGs).

  • af Federica Dal Falco
    1.043,95 kr.

    The book addresses the interdisciplinary and multiscale theme of the design of sustainable, inclusive and creative urban green spaces in relation to the socio-ecological transition and in line with the systemic vision promoted by the 2030 Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles outlined by the New European Bauhaus (European Commission, 2021). The publication refers to the International Study Day organized in June 2022 by the Unit for Internationalization of the PDTA Department of the Sapienza University of Rome, develops and updates its themes, with essays that deepen theories and methodologies pursued in specific disciplinary and research fields, and with case studies of design experiments and achievements that constitute best practices at an international level in the sign of a conscious sustainability.The book is therefore part of an international and interdisciplinary dialogue and discussion focused on the challenges of climate change, economic crises and social inequalities as well as the questions that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic. These issues are fundamental in the rethinking and reconfiguration of the role of urban green spaces, conceived as a priority place for the existence of citizens, the archetype of European culture, the conservation of biodiversity, and the relationship with nature.

  • af Joel Sartore
    162,95 kr.

    Bring home the Photo Ark, by celebrated National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore, with this collectible set of 50 postcards, including some of the most celebrated images taken of our planet's most precious species.Curated from the #1 best-selling The Photo Ark, these 50 iconic portraits highlight the beauty of some of the world’s most endangered species. A powerful collection of Sartore's major initiative and lifelong project to shed light on these invaluable creatures, it will inspire you to save these species for our planet.

  • af Roland Keller
    1.320,95 - 1.845,95 kr.

  • af Vivek Pandi
    2.068,95 - 2.078,95 kr.

  • af Robert W. Jones
    2.533,95 - 2.543,95 kr.

  • af Oommen V. Oommen
    1.431,95 - 1.440,95 kr.

  • af Yukari Suzuki-Ohno
    1.819,95 kr.

    This book introduces community science (or citizen science) projects in Japan with a focus on ecology. Environments and ecosystems that have been slowly built up over time are changing and collapsing dramatically. In this rapidly changing environment, ecologists need to collaborate with volunteers in their research and activities to investigate and conserve a vast area. This book aims to guide ecologists in the practice of community science. The authors, who are leading ecologists and practitioners of community science projects, share their methods and lessons learned from practice. The book begins with the definition of community science and the following chapters introduce monitoring in ecological community science, using various methods such as observation, specimens, photographs, videos, sounds, and environmental DNA. Readers can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods in ecological community science monitoring. The book also coverstopics such as scientific communication, data obtained from ecological community science monitoring, the rights of participants, decision-making in community science, and conservation activities with volunteers such as invasive alien species extermination and nature restoration. This book serves as a valuable resource for readers interested in ecological community science and its practice. The book is suitable for both undergraduate students and researchers as well as practitioners.

  • af Guangce Wang
    2.210,95 - 2.268,95 kr.

    This book is the fourth volume of the ¿Marine Algal Flora of China-Rhodophyta.¿ The series has seven volumes covering about 20 orders, 45 families, 173 genera, and 560 species including over 150 species firstly described from China,  indicating significant importance to the knowledge of North-Western Pacific marine algal flora. The fourth volume covers coralline algae, including Sporolithales, Corallinales, and Hapalidiales.Almost all species involved are illustrated in detail on morphology, inner structure, habitats, and geographical distribution, based upon herbarium specimens collected along the China coast, and a lot of elaborate pictures are attached inside. This flora will gain our understanding of current Chinese marine red algae, but much research is still necessary to reflect the whole picture of the red algal diversity along the China coast.

    1.513,95 kr.

    Floristic Diversity - Biology and Conservation invites you to embark on a remarkable exploration of our planet¿s rich tapestry of plant life, from the arid deserts to the aquatic realms. This book is a call to action, a passionate plea to become stewards of our natural world. Delve into the intricate beauty of our flora and aquatic ecosystems, and together, let us ensure a thriving biodiversity for future generations.

  • af Shibu Jose
    2.028,95 kr.

    This book offers an overview of the most important research and developments in silvopastoral systems of the northern part of South America and Central America, including the most common silvopastoral arrangements in each country and their characteristics in terms of productivity, and environmental and socioeconomic aspects. Featuring a compilation of original research articles, country overviews and reviews of the contribution of silvopastoral systems to different topics, it summarizes the state-of-the-art knowledge regarding various aspects of silvopastoral systems in this region.

  • af José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho
    1.320,95 kr.

    This comprehensive volume discusses the patterns and processes analyzed in macroecology with a distinct look at the theoretical and methodological issues underlying the discipline as well as deeper epistemological matters. The book serves as a synthesis of macroecological literature that has been published since Brown and Maurer proposed and defined the term ¿macroecology¿ in 1989. Author José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho draws from the different disciplines and branches (ecology, evolutionary biology, physiology, behavioral sciences, climatology, and paleontology) that make up macroecology to present a full, holistic picture of where the discipline stands.Through ten chapters, Diniz-Filho moves from a discussion of what macroecology actually is to macroecological modeling to the more applied side of the discipline, covering topics such as richness and diversity patterns and patterns in body size. The book concludes with a synthesis of how macroecological researchis done in a theoretical and operational sense as well as unifying explanations for each of the macroecological patterns discussed, moving on to evaluate which theories and models are still useful and which ones can be abandoned. The book is intended for academics, young researchers and students interested in macroecology and conservation biogeography. In addition, because of the integrative nature of macroecology and the theoretical and methodological background in the book, it can be of interest to researchers working in related fields including but not limited to ecology and evolutionary biology.

  • af Sara Imari Walker
    308,95 kr.

    "What is life? This is among the most difficult open problems in science, right up there with the nature of consciousness and the existence of matter. All the definitions we have fall short. None help us understand how life originates or the full range of possibilities for what life on other planets might look like. In [this book], physicist and astrobiologist Sara Imari Walker argues that solving the origin of life requires radical new thinking and an experimentally testable theory for what life is. This is an urgent issue for efforts to make life from scratch in laboratories here on Earth and missions searching for life on other planets. Walker proposes a new paradigm for understanding what physics encompasses and what we recognize as life"--

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