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This tool kit explores some of the key attributes of potential and existing emission trading systems, carbon taxes, and fossil fuel subsidies rationalization programs in Asia and the Pacific and other emerging countries.It aims to guide policymakers in the Asian Development Bank's developing member countries to effectively design, implement, and manage the interplay of carbon taxes, emission trading systems, and fossil fuel subsidies reduction programs. The tool kit provides illustrative case studies as examples of the problems governments have encountered in implementing these programs and the solutions they have found to address these issues.
"This book explains the science and engineering of energy to help everyone understand and compare current and future advances in renewable energy, providing the context to critically examine the different technologies that are competing in a fast-evolving engineering, political, and economic landscape, to help drive the renewable energy transition"--
Voices of Conservation chronicles the history and evolution of the conservation movement across eighteen islands in the Salish Sea. Narratively linked by author Sheila Harrington’s two-year sailing journey to the islands to gather over fifty interviews with veteran conservationists, the book provides an in-depth view of conservation land trusts, from their emergence forty years ago through multiple legal battles, organizational challenges, hard lessons, case studies, and human-interest stories.Beginning in the 1980s, when logging and development threatened the fragile ecosystems and natural spaces of this region, and culminating in the creation of the Gulf Island National Park Reserve, this book will inspire readers to turn apathy to action and support the cause of conservation in an era of species extinction and climate change. Full of colour photos, maps, and fascinating first-hand stories by conservationists—many of whom are now elders—it reveals how grassroots movements have the power to transform the future of a natural environment.
Die von der internationalen Gemeinschaft nach dem Übereinkommen von Paris geplanten Schritte sind völlig unzureichend, um die Gesundheit und sogar das Überleben der Menschheit zu sichern. Auch wenn wir das Ziel der Netto-Null-Emissionen erreicht haben, verbleibt eine Billion Tonnen überschüssiges CO2 in der Atmosphäre und die Klimakatastrophe entwickelt sich deswegen weiter.Peter Fiekowsky stellt sich aus diesem Grund das Ziel, zusätzlich zu der Umstellung auf die erneuerbaren Energien die CO2-Werte wiederherzustellen, in denen die Menschheit über Jahrtausende nachweislich überlebt und gediehen ist. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass diese Aufgabe zwar enorm und technisch anspruchsvoll, aber durchaus machbar ist. Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure haben vier wichtige Technologien zur Entfernung und dauerhaften Speicherung von Treibhausgasen entwickelt: Wiederherstellung von Meeresweiden, Herstellung von synthetischem Kalkstein, Permakultur mit Meeresalgen und Methanoxidation. Sie alle ahmen die natürlichen Prozesse in der Natur nach: Die Natur hat nämlich in der Vergangenheit bereits wiederholt eine Billion Tonnen CO2 aus der Atmosphäre entfernt.Fiekowsky zeigt, dass diese Technologien sicher und praktikabel sind und, was noch bemerkenswerter ist, dass sie nur wenig staatliche Mittel benötigen, da sie weitgehend über die bestehenden Märkte finanziert werden können. Aus diesem Grund sind sie ein vielversprechender Weg, um das gesunde Klima auf der Erde wiederherzustellen.In Angesicht der globalen Klimakrise ist es an der Zeit, ernsthafte Gespräche darüber zu führen, was wirklich nötig ist, um eine gesunde Zukunft für die Menschheit zu schaffen. "Wiederherstellung des Klimas" beschreibt konkrete Maßnahmen, die wir ergreifen müssen, um einen lebenswerten Planeten zu erhalten.
Sustainability Ethics is a comprehensive exploration of the ethical dimensions of sustainability. The book delves into the complex relationships between ethics and sustainable development, examining the role of ethics in promoting a better world for all. The lens of sustainability ethics considers the interdependence of environmental, social, and economic factors. This provides a holistic understanding of the subject matter.Issues covered include the interconnectedness of people's rights, planetary wellbeing, prosperity, responsibility, and service to future generations; protecting sustainable human security, preserving biodiversity and nature rights; welcoming forced migrants and climate refugees, promoting labor and children's rights, advocating for human and indigenous rights, and fostering the inclusion of women and LGBTQI+ rights. The author concludes by synthesizing the various themes, and offers insights for ethical discernments and sustainable ethical decision making, and for building a better world for everyone. Throughout the book, readers will find references to relevant literature, providing a solid foundation for further exploration of sustainability ethics.The audience for this important book includes academics, researchers, students, policymakers, and practitioners in the fields of sustainability, environmental ethics, and social justice, and for anyone interested in understanding the ethical dimensions of sustainability, and exploring practical solutions to create a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world.
A revolutionary new theory and call to action on animal rights, ethics, and law from the renowned philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum.Animals are in trouble all over the world. Whether through the cruelties of the factory meat industry, poaching and game hunting, habitat destruction, or neglect of the companion animals that people purport to love, animals suffer injustice and horrors at our hands every day. The world needs an ethical awakening, a consciousness-raising movement of international proportions. In Justice for Animals, one of the world's most influential philosophers and humanists Martha C. Nussbaum provides a revolutionary approach to animal rights, ethics, and law. From dolphins to crows, elephants to octopuses, Nussbaum examines the entire animal kingdom, showcasing the lives of animals with wonder, awe, and compassion to understand how we can create a world in which human beings are truly friends of animals, not exploiters or users. All animals should have a shot at flourishing in their own way. Humans have a collective duty to face and solve animal harm. An urgent call to action and a manual for change, Nussbaum's groundbreaking theory directs politics and law to help us meet our ethical responsibilities as no book has done before.
Dans ce petit ouvrage, Michel Carpentier (1930-2022) raconte ses trentesix ans de vie dans les institutions européennes et sa contribution de visionnaire au lancement de plusieurs politiques. Michel Carpentier a intégré la Commission d¿EURATOM le 14 juillet 1959 à Bruxelles, où il fut désigné responsable du service des achats et des marchés. En 1967, lors de la fusion des Commissions, il a rejoint la Direction Générale desAffaires Industrielles, Technologiques et Scientifiques (DG III) où, en 1971, à l¿initiative d¿Altiero Spinelli, alors commissaire responsable de l¿Industrie, il rédigea la première communication de la Commission Européenne sur l¿environnement, « une donnée indissociable de l¿organisation et de la promotion du progrès humain ». Le Service de l¿environnement et de la protection des consommateurs qüil a dirigé jusqüen 1981 a préparé soixante directives visant à la prévention et diminution des pollutions de l¿eau, de l¿air et du bruit, récupération des déchets, protection du milieu naturel, notamment de la faune sauvage, la protection des mers et des fleuves, etc.
Was passiert, wenn wir politisch einfach so weiter machen? Wie lässt sich Politik gleichzeitig verantwortungsvoller und dezentraler organisieren? Im Gegensatz zu anderen politischen Analysen bietet die Autorin eine reale und sofort umsetzbare Lösung für den Übergang in eine gerechtere und verantwortungsvollere, obwohl digitale Zukunft. Das vorgeschlagene Handlungskonzept ist ein universell, demokratisch und rechtsstaatlich anwendbares Verfahren für Politikerhaftung. Die Autorin illustriert es mit vielen Beispielen und bewegenden Geschichten aus dem eigenen politischen Leben. Wie zum Beweis führt sie uns mit Zitaten bekannter Politiker, Philosophen und Ökonomen durch die Regeln der heutigen Politik. Sie zeigt die Folgen dieser Politik und die Dringlichkeit einer politischen Weiterentwicklung auf, gibt aber gleichzeitig auch einen leicht nachvollziehbaren Ausblick auf eine gesellschaftliche Ordnung mit neuen demokratischen Spielregeln.
Sometimes, reading the news, it seems we are drowning in a sea of risks. Every day, dozens of news articles proclaim some activity, some exposure, some change in the environment exposes us to new and terrifying risks. And every day, governments in developed countries pop out regulations to ensure that we make those changes in behavior to address those supposed risks, whether we want to or not. You probably think such claims, and regulation of risk are backed up by something resembling actual real-world evidence of harm. You probably assume that governments, when regulating, are relying on hard data: physical observations of exposures to a potential harm, physical measurements of harms that result from exposure, and that sort of thing.But if you assume that, you are probably wrong. Since the computer revolution of the 1970s, actual hard evidence of risk have been replaced, both in the estimation of risks, and in the regulation of risks, with computer models simulations of reality - that may have little or no relation to the actual reality in which actual people live.The book is about the influence of computer risk-modeling on public policy, specifically, the giant gushing fountain of EHS regulations that have poured forth since the 1970s. That shift to simulation of risk has led to a massive increase in regulation: a Plague of Regulation that rests on the Plague of Models.
Exploring how the concept and practice of the CE can help address and achieve targets linked to relevant SDGs, this book is a great resource for researchers and policy makers alike.
While it is widely acknowledged that climate change is among the greatest global challenges of our times, it has local implications too. This volume forefronts these local issues, giving anthropology a voice in this great debate, which is otherwise dominated by natural scientists and policy makers. It shows what an ethnographic focus can offer in furthering our understanding of the lived realities of climate debates. Contributors from communities around the world discuss local knowledge of, and responses to, environmental changes that need to feature in scientifically framed policies regarding mitigation and adaptation measures if they are to be effective.
"In the tradition of Killers of the Flower Moon, a haunting murder-mystery revealing the human story behind one of the most devastating crimes of our time: the ruthless destruction of the Amazon rainforest-and anyone who stands in the way"--
Umweltprobleme machen nicht an Grenzen Halt. Mit dem Entstehen nationaler und internationaler Umweltpolitik um 1970 geriet das Thema auch auf die politische Agenda der Bundesrepublik und der DDR. Ob Werra- oder Elbeverschmutzung, Geruchsbelästigung oder Müllverbringung - die Themen waren vielfältig und die Probleme drängend. Die Umweltverhandlungen zwischen beiden deutschen Staaten gestalteten sich jedoch kompliziert, wurden mehrfach unterbrochen und unterlagen sowohl äußeren als auch inneren Einflüssen. Erst in der zweiten Hälfte der 1980er Jahre führten die Bemühungen zu konkreten Maßnahmen. Gerahmt wird diese ökologische und diplomatische Verflechtungsgeschichte sowohl von Geschehnissen der internationalen Entspannungspolitik des Kalten Krieges als auch von Protest und Engagement der Zivilgesellschaft. Die auf einer breiten empirischen Quellenlage basierende Studie befindet sich damit an der Schnittstelle zweier aktueller Forschungsfelder, der Umweltgeschichte und den Cold War Studies.
This collection highlights the practical consequences of postcolonial legacies and climate change while championing a sustainable future for Arctic development and governance.
The book narrates and analyses the historical and contemporary situations that shape and reshape the strategies and practices of larger livelihood-environmental and identity politics in Kerala by drawing parallels from the rest of India and the global South.
This innovative interdisciplinary study focuses on the history, science, and policy of tree planting and water conservation in South Africa. South Africa's forestry sector has sat-often controversially-at the crossroads of policy and scientific debates regarding water conservation, economic development, and biodiversity protection.
Relevant to both Australian and overseas audiences, here is the untold story of how Australia buried its knowledge on climate change science and response options during the 1990s - going from clarity to confusion and doubt after arguably leading the world in citizen understanding and a political will to act in the late 1980s.
The environmental history of "the most polluted lake in America."Native Americans have long regarded Onondaga Lake as one of the most sacred spaces in the continent, the place where peace between nations was achieved and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy was created. In the mid-twentieth century, however, it acquired a wholly different reputation as "the most polluted lake in America." Toxic Lake is an environmental history of this complex ecological system, tracking how it was tarnished, the costly efforts to clean it up, and the controversies those efforts generated. Thomas Shevory argues that the history of Onondaga Lake mirrors the larger environmental history of the US, from colonization to the industrial era, resulting, eventually, in the rise of social movements and legislative action for environmental protection. Layered within this history is the dismissal of indigenous land claims and the marginalization of indigenous voices in clean-up efforts. Toxic Lake illustrates that the failure to prevent the environmental destruction of Onondaga Lake was part of a political climate which favored unregulated industrial production and urban growth, ignoring the destructive impacts on local environments. Shevory argues this larger failure was the result of an active process of privileging the economic interests of polluters over other business interests, expanding neighborhoods, and indigenous rights. He concludes with an investigation of New York's recent declaration that the clean-up is complete, questioning what exactly that means and whether the lake's status as a sacred space will ever be re-established. Toxic Lake is a compelling work of history, demonstrating the disastrous effects of pollution and the importance of community involvement in environmental activism.
Sustainable Energy Technology, Business Models, and Policies: Theoretical Peripheries and Practical Implications offers a new outlook on incorporating sustainable energy technologies into business models. This book begins by conceptualizing a theoretical sustainability framework from an interdisciplinary perspective. In the second part, the findings from several case studies examine criteria for business energy policies including legal implications and technical, market, or business model viability. Finally, the book addresses the technical and economic difficulties for recovering and re-using energy losses within energy-intensive industries, while also proposing practical solutions to overcome challenges and exploit opportunities. Weaving together the latest information on innovative technology, policies, and business models, Sustainable Energy Technology, Business Models, and Policies: Theoretical Peripheries and Practical Implications presents an interdisciplinary guide to the energy transition.
Diffusion of Innovative Energy Services: Consumers' Acceptance and Willingness to Pay consolidates research in the diffusion, adoption and acceptance of Innovative energy services (IES), including dynamic green electricity tariffs, small-scale energy generators, and smart metering information systems among residential electricity consumers. The book addresses consumer awareness, acceptance and engagement towards smart technologies, focusing on the 'willingness to pay' for IES. Chapters address findings from field experiments, pilot programs and simulation methods such as agent-based modeling. Case studies involve various countries and continents, with a focus on modern, pro-environmental and sustainable economies, where IES are offered. Policy recommendations, tools and interventions as well as behavioral strategies conclude the work.
This publication provides key highlights and takeaways from the Asia-Pacific Rural Development and Food Security Forum 2022 on four main areas: sustainable, resilient, and inclusive food systems; financing for sustainable agriculture and natural capital; nutrition security; and the rural-urban divide.The publication shares insights from the forum to support policymakers in rethinking the future of agriculture amid complex and evolving challenges; exploring new research, innovations, and technologies to build nature-positive food systems; and in forging partnerships to mobilize financing for food and nutrition security. It includes recommendations for moving forward.
Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas presenta un compendio de texto original, estudios de caso y ejemplos de todo el mundo, a partir de la literatura, el conocimiento y la experiencia de las personas involucradas en áreas protegidas.
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