Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025


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  • af Holly Farrell
    147,95 kr.

    Fra jord til bord: Lav dine egne planter helt fra bunden!Så dine frø og kerner gør det nemt at lave dine egne planter helt fra bunden. Det kræver kun nogle frø eller kerner, en lille smule udstyr og lidt plads – og du kan gøre det indendøre året rundt. Det er alletiders projekt for enhver, der har lyst til at begynde at dyrke i lille skala, og det er også en glimrende måde at lære børn noget om planter, og hvordan de gror.Lær fx om, hvordan du gør dine appelsinkerner, daddelsten og jordnødder til stueplanter og dyrker figen- og chiliplanter, så de giver frugt. Kom kernerne i jorden og oplev glæden ved at se, hvordan et lille skud udvikler sig til en plante.Derfor: Før du smider dine kerner i skraldespanden, så tænk på, at du kan få noget nyttigt ud af dem i stedet – det eneste, du har brug for, er en urtepotte og en vindueskarm. Det er sjovt at genbruge dit køkkenaffald – og bæredygtigt!Udgivet af Samvirke i samarbejde med Haveselskabet

  • af Tobias Lau
    72,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Vi er den eneste art på Jorden, der efterlader os affald, som ingen andre arter ønsker eller kan bruge til noget. Men nu er der mikro-plast i havene, insektdød og rod i økosystemerne, og det skyldes vores manglende evne til at håndtere det affald, vi selv har skabt i vores hastige udvikling. Det kan ikke fortsætte.Vi må bruge vores fantasi til at betragte affaldsudfordringen med opfinderbriller. Affald er et demokratisk råmateriale, som enhver har adgang til. Ligesom fantasien. Med fantasiens hjælp kan vi forædle affaldet på intelligente og kreative måder, så det, der ligner værdiløse spildprodukter, kan genopstå som ny værdi – også i økonomisk forstand.AFFALD OG FANTASI er en guide til at tænke vildt – for fremtidens skyld. Bogen fortæller om danskere fra Lemvig til København NV, som har gjort sig selv til moderne alkymister, og den viser, hvordan du også kan komme til at spille en rolle i et grønt paradigmeskift. Affald og fantasi kan meget vel vise sig at være den både betydeligste og sjoveste vej til at skabe den verden, vi ønsker os.

  • - En sybog for utålmodige typer
    af Stine Højland
    222,95 kr.

    Sy nyt tøj af sengetøj og andre tekstiler fra genbrugsbutikker.Atter er et opgør med tøjindustrien, en sybog med enkle syteknikker, symønstre og vejledninger med trin for trin-billeder. Her får du to symønstre – ATTERoverdelsmønster og ATTERbuksemønster i str. 34-56. Begge symønstre kan bruges til flere enkle og smarte modeller: bukser, bluser, kjoler, veste, shorts, jakker med for, bukser med lommer og meget mere. Ens for alle bogens modeller er, at de tager udgangspunkt i ét af de to symønstre, og der følger grundige vejledninger og trin for trin-billeder med til dem alle.I bogens første del beskrives et opgør med tøjindustrien og opstarten på virksomheden ATTER. Herefter følger en gennemgang af sygrej og materialer, symaskiner og stingtyper samt gode fif. I anden del er der fokus på selve syningen, og bagerst i bogen finder du en syordbog, så du er godt klædt på – uanset om du er nybegynder eller erfaren.Stine Højland er uddannet folkeskolelærer og mor til tre. I 2018 besluttede hun sig for – som et beskedent bidrag til klimakampen – at stoppe med at købe nyproduceret tøj. Snart herefter startede hun den populære Instagram-profil @atter.wearyourlinen og virksomheden ATTER. Hun underviser desuden i Cirkulær beklædning på Silkeborg Højskole.

  • - Reparér, forny og genbrug dit yndlingstøj
    af Arounna Khounnoraj
    247,95 kr.

    Som modsvar til tidens brug og smid væk-kultur opfordrer Visible mending til at fatte nålen og genopdage glemte teknikker og glæden ved at reparere.Vi har alle et par højt skattede jeans eller et par yndlingssokker, vi griber ud efter igen og igen – og det uanset hvor slaskede og slidte de måtte blive. Visible mending er propfyldt med inspiration til, hvordan du kan give elskede beklædningsgenstande nyt liv, reparere slitager og forny glemte skatte.Trin for trin-vejledninger afmystificerer reparationsteknikkerne, som kan bruges til at give tøjet i bunden af garderoben et friskt, moderne udtryk, mens bogens projekter giver konkrete forslag til, hvordan du kan reparere, forny og genbruge dit yndlingstøj – fra lapning af jeans og stopning af strømper til bloktryk og overfarvning, der kan maskere pletter.

    257,95 kr.

    Der er meget skrald i naturen. Sort Hest & Hvid Hest vil gerne vise dig, hvordan de rydder op og sorterer affaldet.En del af serien: "Sort Hest & Hvid Hest læser let".Bogen anbefales til børn i 1.-3.klasse.Bogen er i farve og er illustreret af Kamilla Heinze.

  • af Jeenat Aslam
    1.288,95 kr.

    Waste-derived Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications, and Sustainability embarks on an illuminating exploration at the intersection of waste management and nanotechnology. Delving deep into the realm of nanoparticle synthesis, this comprehensive volume meticulously examines various waste sources, ranging from industrial residues to electronic waste, uncovering their potential for sustainable innovation. Through detailed discussions on synthesis methodologies and characterization techniques, each chapter offers insights into the intricate processes involved in transforming waste materials into functional nanoparticles. Beyond synthesis, the book ventures into the diverse applications of waste-derived nanoparticles, offering transformative solutions to pressing environmental challenges. From revolutionizing wastewater treatment to combating air pollution and advancing energy technologies, these applications hold promise for a greener future. With a forward-looking perspective, this book envisions a shift toward a circular economy, where waste materials are not only repurposed but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious world. This book serves as a beacon, guiding us toward a future where waste becomes a valuable resource in our quest for a cleaner and healthier planet.

  • af Atul Thakur
    2.147,95 kr.

    Nanoferrites for Emerging Environmental Applications discusses the synthesis and structure of nanoferrites, as well as their electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. This book also provides a detailed discussion of the use of nanoferrites for various environmental applications, such as for water and air pollution detection and remediation. This book covers almost every aspect of nanoferrites for environmental applications and will be of great use to researchers working in multidisciplinary areas. Nanoferrites’ superior electronic, optical, and magnetic properties make them promising agents in a wide spectrum of applications. After looking at the fundamentals of nanoferrites, this book proceeds to analyze their application in a comprehensive range of environmental applications. Topics covered include wastewater treatment, the removal of heavy metal ions, remediation of organic and inorganic pollutants, and their use in the detection and remediation of both air and solid pollution. Future opportunities for research are also addressed.

  • af Zhiwei Wang
    1.743,95 kr.

    Antibiofouling Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Applications covers most recent advances, challenges, and industrial applications of antibiofouling membranes to help in reducing cost and increasing sustainability of long term-filtration performance of membranes in water and wastewater treatment. This book will provide a compact source of relevant and timely information on antibiofouling membranes and will be of great interest to scientists, engineers, industry R&D personnel, and graduate students engaged in the development, engineering scale-up, and applications of antibiofouling membranes, as well as other readers who are interested in microfiltration, membrane bioreactor, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and related topics.

  • af Anders Sjöland
    1.419,95 kr.

    Characterization, Properties and Methods of Spent Nuclear Fuel is a comprehensive reference focused on the backend of the nuclear fuel cycle. It is paramount that researchers and engineers involved with spent fuel have a deep understanding of the specific fuel they are handling for both safety and economic reasons, and this book presents various opportunities to optimize both nuclear facilities and processes. It starts with a summary of the topic before presenting a broad and deep analysis of the methods available, including transport, storage, disposal, reprocessing, and accidents. Fuel characterization is then presented alongside various methods, measurements, codes and calculations which the reader can follow and apply to their own research or setting. With a focus on decision making and safety, this book will benefit all readers involved in spent nuclear fuel and will equip them with a clear understanding of the safest and most economical approaches which best suit their specific setting.

  • af Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
    1.037,95 kr.

    Environmental impacts created by the entire textile and fashion supply chain have been an important topic of discussion in recent decades. Different life cycle phases of a textile product from raw material extraction through manufacturing to consumer use and disposal are all responsible for various magnitudes of environmental impact. Mitigating the environmental impacts created by the textile manufacturing sector is of paramount import as manufacturing is a critical point to alleviate the impacts arising from the entire textiles and clothing supply chain. This contributed volume is meant to illustrate and draw useful conclusions from initiatives taken by the textile manufacturing sector and to identify key practices invented and being practiced by textiles and clothing manufacturers toward making the industry more sustainable.

  • af Enrique Rosales-Asensio
    1.221,95 kr.

  • af Abdelkader Anouzla
    1.777,95 - 1.786,95 kr.

  • af Olusola Olaitan Ayeleru
    2.147,95 kr.

    Smart nanomaterials are making their presence ever so noticeable in areas like environmental protection and remediation, as well as in many other fields of study. The international team of expert researchers behind Smart Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications aims to spotlight the latest, rapid developments in the design and manipulation of materials at the nanoscale and to concisely present information regarding their novel methods of utilization for the safeguard of the environment, while at the same time apprising readers of challenges encountered and anticipated prospects. The volume illustrates state-of-the-art, actionable content, which is relevant and extremely valuable for those who want to apply this up-to-date knowledge in industry too.

  • af José Carlos Magalhães Pires
    1.945,95 kr.

    Advances in Sustainable Applications of Microalgae discusses different mechanisms used by microalgae to treat various gaseous streams, wastewaters, and pollution bioremediation. In addition, the advantages of the application of microalgal biomass in the agricultural and food/feed sectors are presented and bioenergy from microalgae with a view to sustainability is explored. The present covers the use of microalgal cultures in various applications, such as: the treatment of gaseous streams by removing various contaminants, wastewater treatment through the removal of several pollutants, biomass valorization for agriculture purposes, bioenergy from microalgae, and industrial integration of all these processes in a biorefinery concept. Finally, the book emphasizes the importance of gathering scientific knowledge to overcome drawbacks related to microalgal production and develops the concept of biorefinery based on microalgal biomass for a more sustainable future.

  • af Pratima Bajpai
    1.207,95 kr.

    Recycling and Deinking of Recovered Paper, Second Edition covers recent advances in recycling technologies. This second edition examines this new process, which is more eco-friendly than the virgin-papermaking process, and which uses less energy and natural resources, produces less solid waste and fewer atmospheric emissions, and helps to preserve natural resources and landfill space. In addition, the most recent information about the recycling of fibers into various grades of paper and board, the control of stickies, and the effects of recycled fiber on paper machines are also covered. Recycling technologies have been improved in recent years due to advances in pulping, flotation deinking, and cleaning/screening, resulting in the quality of paper made from secondary fibers remarkably approaching that of virgin paper.

  • af Maulin P. Shah
    2.188,95 - 2.267,95 kr.

  • - Fra slidte favoritter til unikatøj
    af Eva Kittelsen
    277,95 kr.

    At ordne ødelagt tøj med lækre og kreative reparationer er populært, og Eva Kittelsen er ekspert på området.Hun viser, hvordan du lapper huller og skjuler pletter, men også hvordan du kan omskabe gammelt tøj til små kunstværker. Hun giver en enkel og grundig indføring i, hvordan du syr, lapper, stopper og broderer foruden en række andre reparationsteknikker. Der kræves ingen forkundskaber.Med baggrund i egne erfaringer viser hun desuden, hvordan det at reparere kan få os til at passe bedre på det, vi er glade for – uanset om det gælder tøj eller os selv. Eva Kittelsen (f. 1988) er uddannet balletdanser samt mode- og tekstildesigner og har været med i finalen i Symesterskabet i Norge. I dag arbejder hun fuldtid med synlig reparation og driver netbutikken My Visible Mend.

  • af T. S. Krishnan
    465,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the economic, political, and cultural factors that make up Indiäs ¿informal processors,¿ which are the highly networked, multi-generational systems that reuse, repurpose, and otherwise dispose of 80% of Indiäs electronic waste. The research includes insight from more than ninety interviews with forty-nine key stakeholders working within Indiäs e-waste processing industry. This vital resource explores the complexities of the e-waste industry, and it comprehensively explains the importance of developing context-specific solutions that leverage the inherent strengths of informal processors. The resulting resource offers a counterpoint to mainstream arguments that dismiss the value of expertise from informal processors.

  • af Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
    1.221,95 kr.

    Natural dyes offer a time-tested and generally more sustainable alternative to synthetic dyes in the textile industry. The issues surrounding synthetic dyes are well-known, and in the literature it is generally accepted that natural dyes have a smaller environmental impact. However, even natural dyes have issues that must be dealt with in order to ensure sustainability in the industry. For example, the mordants needed to improve the dyeing process may release hazardous heavy metal pollutants when used. This book is dedicated to exploring cases such as this that illustrate the benefits and drawbacks to natural dyes and steps that must be taken for their sustainable use in the textile industry.

  • af Alina Hazel
    377,95 kr.

    Description:In a time overwhelmed by comfort and large scale manufacturing, the issue of plastic waste has arisen as a worldwide natural emergency. In any case, in the midst of the mounting concerns, a groundbreaking idea known as "Waste to Miracles" is reclassifying our way to deal with plastic, diverting it from a contamination into a wellspring of development and maintainability. The center way of thinking of Waste to Marvels is established in the possibility of round economy standards, planning to limit squander and expand the worth of assets. This drive goes past the regular ideas of reusing by embracing a comprehensive methodology that starts at the plan stage and reaches out all through the whole lifecycle of an item. One of the vital parts of Waste to Marvels is the accentuation on reconsidering the actual idea of plastic. Rather than survey it as a dispensable product, this drive energizes a change in outlook towards perceiving plastic as a significant asset. By integrating eco-accommodating materials, planning for solidness, and carrying out dependable removal rehearses, the point is to break free from the straight "take, make, arrange" model that has powered the plastic emergency. The most common way of changing plastic waste into ponders includes creative reusing advances. High level techniques like substance reusing and upcycling are utilized to change over disposed of plastic into excellent materials appropriate for different applications. These advancements lessen the ecological effect of plastic as well as open up additional opportunities for making manageable items. Waste to Miracles likewise advances public mindfulness and commitment, empowering people and networks to take part in the progress towards a more reasonable future effectively. Training efforts feature the significance of capable utilization, squander isolation, and the job of buyers in driving positive change. By cultivating a feeling of obligation and natural cognizance, Waste to Miracles tries to make a culture of supportability that reaches out past the life expectancy of individual items. One striking sign of Waste to Marvels is the production of workmanship and foundation from reused plastic. Figures, establishments, and, surprisingly, practical designs are made utilizing plastic waste, transforming what was once a natural risk into stylishly satisfying and significant manifestations. These unmistakable portrayals act as strong images of the groundbreaking potential inborn in reexamining our way to deal with plastic. Basically, Waste to Miracles is something other than a reusing drive; it is a source of inspiration for a crucial change in our relationship with plastic. By embracing development, instruction, and dependable utilization, this development is directing us towards a future where plastic isn't an issue to be discarded yet an asset to be treasured and reused to improve our planet.

  • af Aldo Alvarez-Risco
    1.004,95 - 1.302,95 kr.

    This book highlights the relevant and timely global change movement: green entrepreneurship. Presented in this book is relevant literature and academic knowledge. The book is expected to  support in creating more green entrepreneurship initiatives in collaboration with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • af Abdelazim M. Negm
    2.412,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the referred proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Solutions Toward Sustainable development (ESSD2023), organized by the Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University and held in Port Said, Egypt, during May 2-3, 2023.The book is devoted to fulfill the need for sustainable development that has never been more urgent. It shows the crucial role of engineering to play in this transition from consumption culture to responsible culture. This book explores the relationship between engineering and sustainability, highlighting the vital role that engineering plays in achieving sustainable development. The book provides a comprehensive guide for engineers, researchers, and experts from different disciplines that are interested in sustainable development. From renewable energy sources to green infrastructure, the book delves into the latest technological advancements providing insights and practical strategies for designing and implementing sustainable solutions. With practical examples and case studies, readers will gain a deep understanding of how engineering principles and practices can be harnessed to develop sustainable solutions that balance economic, social, and environmental needs and to mitigate the negative impacts of human activity on our planet. The books is very useful for graduate students, researchers, policy planners, decision makers and stakeholders in the field of renewable energy, clean water development, climate actions, smart cities and communities and green infrastructures.

  • af Lawrence K. Wang
    1.405,95 kr.

    This volume discusses: (1) the treatment of hazardous sludge, wastewater, textile effluent, contaminated groundwater, laboratory waste, toxic dye, heavy metals, acid mine drainage and palm oil effluent; (2) the technologies of stabilization, solidification, natural coagulation-flocculation, river catchment control and mitigation, dredging and mining operations, and (3) the management of acid mines, laboratories, nano pollutants and plant effluents.

  • af Ololade Olatunji
    1.686,95 kr.

    This book covers the challenges and opportunities presented by plastics in the modern era and sheds light on the complex interplay of technology, environment, and socio-economic dynamics. With a thorough exploration of the history, uses, and potential of plastics, the book reviews the impact of plastics beyond single-use plastics, and critiques multiple long-term plastic applications that are significant for food security, water resource management, ecological conservation/restoration, and sustainable urbanization. It also explores frameworks for achieving a more sustainable plastic economy aligned with sustainable development goals.This book comprises 13 chapters, commencing with a critical assessment of plastics in the context of sustainable development and global society. It proceeds with a historical overview of plastics' evolution, showcasing pivotal milestones and innovations in modern industry and daily life. Subsequent chapters delve into diverse topics: the intricate relationships between plastics, food security, and sustainable urbanization; plastics' impact on water safety, management, distribution, and conservation; their potential as an alternative energy source; and their innovative applications in sustainable transportation and energy generation. Emphasis is placed on plastics' role in waste reduction and recycling, as well as the latest sustainable alternatives like biodegradable and recyclable materials. In the book's final sections, readers will learn about green buildings and climate-resilient cities constructed using innovative plastic materials, and plastics' significance in space exploration. The book concludes with a forward-looking perspective on plastics' future, accompanied by recommendations for a more sustainable coexistence between society and these versatile materials.This book is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, industry professionals, and concerned citizens seeking to navigate the intricate landscape of plastics, their environmental implications, and their potential for sustainable development.

  • af Yufei Yang
    1.121,95 kr.

    This book introduces solid and hazardous waste identification technology in environmental management. The author summarizes solid waste and hazardous waste identification research of more than two decades. It includes a series of identification standards, the list of hazardous waste and case studies to broaden the understanding of readers systematically.

  • af Pooja Sharma
    1.541,95 kr.

    Waste-to-Energy: Sustainable Approaches for Emerging Economies presents the latest developments and applications for the conversion of waste into biofuels and other energy products. Divided into two parts, Section I reviews the major sources of solid waste and their management strategies in developing countries, and includes the collection, composition, segregation, and dispersal of various waste streams, as well as the generation of biogas and other value-added products. Section II examines the transformation of waste into biofuels and the management strategies required to efficiently implement waste-to-energy processes. Methods for the production of hydrogen, biomethane, biofuels, and bioenergy, as well as resource recovery are discussed in depth, and mathematical models are provided for anaerobic digestion techniques. The benefits and challenges of waste-to-energy as a waste management strategy are explored through dedicated chapters on the techno-economics, environmental and social regulation, and the operation of WtE plants. The final chapter of the book presents a lifecycle assessment and environmental impact analysis of the technologies and strategies discussed.

  • af Mihir Kumar Purkait
    1.611,95 kr.

    Waste-Based Zeolite: Synthesis and Environmental Applications focuses on the use of waste-based materials to fabricate zeolite and its subsequent use in environmental applications. It presents recent progress in zeolite synthesis using wastes products such as fly ash, steel slag, biomass waste, water treatment plant sludge, and municipal waste, among others. It discusses the application of waste-based zeolite for environmental applications such as biodiesel production, as well as considering techniques for recovering spent zeolite. Many industries produce substantial quantities of waste material comprising various hazardous constituents that lead to pollution and threaten the environment. However, such waste can often be a rich source of precursor ingredients for zeolite synthesis, and waste-based zeolites could potentially provide an economically and environmentally viable alternative to commercially available zeolites. This book illuminates this fascinating avenue of research.

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