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Vi er for mange mennesker, der forbruger og forurener for meget og lægger beslag på for meget plads. Resultatet er efterhånden alment kendt: En biodiversitetskrise og klimakrise, der i stigende grad undergraver basale eksistensbetingelser på vores planet. Modvækst: Nødvendigheden af et paradigmeskifte er et opgør med vores politiske magthaveres tro på vækst og dens lillebror 'grøn vækst', nemlig at vores vækstøkonomi og masseforbrugerisme kan forenes med planetær bæredygtighed. Indtil nu er det langtfra lykkedes. Og der er ifølge talrige eksperter heller ikke noget, der tyder på, at det kommer til at ske i fremtiden.Hvad skal vi gøre i stedet?Ifølge flere og flere forskere, organisationer og denne bog skal vi ikke blot producere og forbruge mindre. Vi skal designe en ny samfundsmodel, hvor vi mennesker fylder markant mindre, og hvor vild natur fylder markant mere. Det er hovedbetingelsen for at løse biodiversitetskrisen og et væsentligt bidrag til at bremse klimakrisen. Samtidig skal vi reducere den store økonomiske ulighed, der præger kloden i dag.Bogen er skrevet til alle, der ønsker en let tilgængelig introduktion til de planetære tvillingekriser og en drejebog til, hvordan vi kan løse dem på effektiv vis. Som sådan egner den sig også til undervisning i klimakrise, biodiversitetskrise og bæredygtighed på bl.a. landets gymnasier og professionshøjskoler.Modvækst er en revideret og stærkt forkortet udgave af Jens-André P. Herbeners Økokrati: Sådan skaber vi en bæredygtig verden (2022). Samtidig rummer den nye perspektiver, nye nøgledata om vores overbelastning af Jorden og nye råd om, hvordan vi kan stoppe den.Om forfatteren: Jens-André P. Herbener er cand.mag., mag.art. i religionshistorie og semitiske sprog. Han er forfatter af en række bøger, har skrevet fast om religion, klima og natur i Politiken og har været ansat ved Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Københavns Universitet og senest en årrække ved Syddansk Universitet.
Det er ikke så radikalt er Mikaela Loachs intense, ærlige og visionære bog om, hvorfor vi skal organisere os i kampen for en (klima)retfærdig verden. Hun tilbyder os et frisk og radikalt perspektiv på ægte klimahandling, der drastisk vil forandre verden, som vi kender den, til fordel for alle planetens beboere. Vi lever i en et økonomisk system, hvor jagten på profit står over alt andet; med skadelige, undertrykkende systemer, der i århundreder har bidraget til den nuværende klimakrise og de miljømæssige konsekvenser. Hvis vi vil håndtere klimakrisen, er vi nødt til at gribe fat om rødderne på fattigdom, kapitalistisk udnyttelse, politivold og lovfæstet uretfærdighed. Bogen bygger på princippet om klimaretfærdighed, hvor målsætningen er en afmontering af selve fundamentet for disse problematikker, hvilket tilbyde os en unik mulighed for at arbejde os hen imod raciel lighed og kollektiv frisættelse for alle. I bogen giver Mikala Loach os en tilgængelig og transformativ vurdering af vores nuværende situation, der forhåbentlig vil medvirke til at opildne læseren til handling, for der er brug for os alle, hvis planeten skal have en fremtid. Bogen udkom første gang på engelsk i april 2023. “Praktisk og insisterende – bogen er en kraftig opfordring til forandring fra frontlinjen i klimakampen for både mennesker og planeten. Jeg er helt sikker på, at “Det er ikke så radikalt”, vil blive en uundværlig værktøjskasse for den nye generation af aktivister.” – Naomi Klein, forfatter af blandt andet Intet bliver som før“Mikaela er den ægte vare. En af de sjældne stemmer, der kan se det større billede og og sammenhængene mellem de mange forskellige former for udnyttelse, og bruge den viden strategisk. Hendes engagement, vision og integritet er lige så inspirerende som hendes glade energi.” – Emma Dabiri, forfatter af blandt andet What White People Can Do Next
Tommy Ahlers’ tilværelse er spækket med tvivl og idéer, der bliver til guldrandede erhvervssucceser. Det beruser ham at fejre triumfer som toneangivende iværksætter, men samtidig sætter han spørgsmålstegn ved sine egne præstationer.I denne biografi fortæller Tommy Ahlers om opvæksten som svineavlersøn i en troende storfamilie, flere spektakulære virksomhedssalg, tiden som allemandseje i Løvens Hule og entréen i politik, hvor han tog turen fra lykkelig minister til frustreret folkevalgt.Tommy Ahlers – Uperfekt handler om personlige kampe, en insisterende søgen efter identitet og jagten på et meningsfuldt kald i livet.Biografien er lavet i samarbejde med Rune Skyum-Nielsen, som har fulgt og interviewet Tommy Ahlers siden 2016.
Efter at have oplevet en ekstrem varm sommerdag på vej ud af Paris, beslutter en af Frankrigs mest læste tegneserieskabere, Christophe Blain, sig for at finde ud af, hvad der er op og ned på klimakrisen.Han har aldrig for alvor sat sig ind i emnet og opsøger derfor en fremtrædende specialist i energispørgsmål, Jean-Marc Jancovici. Mødet udvikler sig til en tegnet samtalebog mellem en undrende og spørgende lægmand og en eftertænksom og besvarende ekspert om, hvor alvorligt det står til med klimaforandringerne og vores samfundsafhængighed af rigelige mængder energi."Hvis verden skal bestå" er informationsmættet, underholdende, tankevækkende og sætter spørgsmålstegn ved indgroede forestillinger om klimaet, dets årsager og virkninger, og hvad vi skal gøre, for at løse det.
A new way of thinking about the climate crisis as an exercise in delimiting knowable, and habitable, worldsAs carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise, Earth's fragile ecosystems are growing increasingly unstable and unpredictable. Horizon Work explores how climate change is disrupting our fundamental ability to project how the environment will act over time, and how these rapidly faltering predictions are colliding with the dangerous new realities of emergency response.Anthropologist Adriana Petryna examines the climate crisis through the lens of "e;horizoning,"e; a mode of reckoning that considers unnatural disasters against a horizon of expectation in which people and societies can act. She talks to wildfire scientists who, amid chaotic fire seasons and shifting fire behaviors, are revising predictive models calibrated to conditions that no longer exist. Petryna tells the stories of wildland firefighters who could once rely on memory of previous fires to gauge the behaviors of the next. Trust in patterns has become an occupational hazard. Sometimes, the very concept of projection becomes untenable. Yet if all we see is doom, we will overlook something crucial about the scientific and ethical labor needed to hold back climate chaos. Here is where the work of horizoning begins.From experiments probing our planetary points of no return to disaster ecologies where the stark realities of climate change are being confronted, Horizon Work reveals how this new way of thinking has the power to reverse harmful legacies while turning voids where projection falters into spaces of collective action and recoverable futures.
An eminent philosopher explains why we owe it to future generations to take immediate action on global warmingClimate change is the supreme challenge of our time. Yet despite growing international recognition of the unfolding catastrophe, global carbon emissions continue to rise, hitting an all-time high in 2019. Unless humanity rapidly transitions to renewable energy, it may be too late to stop irreversible ecological damage. In The Pivotal Generation, renowned political philosopher Henry Shue makes an impassioned case for taking immediate, radical action to combat global warming.Shue grounds his argument in a rigorous philosophical analysis of climate change's moral implications. Unlike previous generations, which didn't fully understand the danger of burning carbon, we have the knowledge to comprehend and control rising carbon dioxide levels. And unlike future generations, we still have time to mitigate the worst effects of global warming. This generation has the power, and thus the responsibility, to save the planet. Shirking that responsibility only leaves the next generation with an even heavier burden-one they may find impossible to bear.Written in direct, accessible language, The Pivotal Generation approaches the latest scientific research with a singular moral clarity. It's an urgently needed call to action for anyone concerned about the planet's future.
I Vi er sammen om at mærke det forklarer klimaaktivist og filosof Esther M. Kjeldahl om den komplekse tilstand, klimabekymring er, opridser klimadebattens historiske udvikling, argumenterer for, hvorfor det store fokus på den enkeltes klimavenlige privatforbrug er en afledningsmanøvre. Og redegør for, hvordan du ved at gå filosofisk til klimaspørgsmålet kan få en ny og dybere forståelse for dig selv og andre, og viser dig, hvordan du – måske for første gang – lærer at gennemskue de forskellige menneskesyn og grundideer, klimadebatten i dag bliver styret af.
Bogkasse med 7 bøger i planetserien, en del af KRABATs Klodebøger:Den Gule Planet trilogiDen Blå Planet trilogi Den grå planet Spar 30% ved at købe bogkassen
Køb de 3 bøger i serienForfatter Helle PerrierIllustrator Aske Schmidt RoseLæs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside https://forlagetkrabat.dk/boeger/Om serienDen Gule Planet er klimafiktion. En hæsblæsende trilogi fra en fremtidig verden, hvor vand er det mest dyrebare. Det overordnede tema i serien Den Gule Planet er tørke. Serien viser hvad der sker med naturen, når vi ikke passer på den. Den viser også hvilke teknologier der findes, for at overleve i en ørken. Og hvad vi selv kan gøre.Målgruppe: fra 9 årVinder af Niels Klim prisen 2020.Trilogien indenholder seks af FNs Verdensmål som en del af historien. Download gratis undervisningsmateriale fra forlagets hjemmeside.AnmeldelserBibliotekernes materialevurdering: "Absolut anbefaling."Folkeskolen.dk "Et yderst anbefalelsesværdigt materiale."Bogblogger.dk "Det her er genialt."Bogrummet.dk ★
Line Nagell Ylvisåker bor med sin familie på Svalbard, som er hårdt ramt af klimaforandringer. Inden vi ser os om vil temperaturen på Svalbard være steget med otte grader. Min verden smelter er en alarmerende historie om livet med laviner, jordskred, smeltende isbjerge og sultne isbjørne.Longyearbyen er et paradoks. Den eksisterer kun på grund af kulminedrift, og kul bidrager til klimaforandringerne, som folk her lider under. Ylvisåker har opbygget en tilværelse i Arktis som journalist sammen med sin mand og deres børn, og nu må hun med stigende frygt iagttage, hvordan hendes by bliver et stadig mere ugæstfrit sted.Da en lavine begraver flere huse og slår mennesker ihjel, begynder Ylvisåker at undersøge årsagerne til og konsekvenserne af opvarmningen af Arktis. Hun taler med meteorologer, klimaforskere, erfarne fangere, møder sultne isbjørne og måler de stigende vandtemperaturer i Nordishavet.”En historie om klimakrisen, der er lige så lærerig som den er fængslende.” Süddeutsche Zeitung”En gribende, stærk bøn mod klimakatastrofen.” 3SAT ’Kulturzeit’”En rapport fra fronten om kampen mod klimaændringer, den er både oplysende og rørende.” FocusLine Nagell Ylvisåker (f. 1982) er journalist, forfatter og foredragsholder og har boet på Svalbard siden 2005. Efter næsten fem år som freelancer og forfatter er Line Nagell Ylvisåker siden 2023 tilbage som redaktør på Svalbardposten, hvor hun tidligere har arbejdet i tolv år.
Økokrati: Sådan skaber vi en bæredygtig verden giver en udførlig introduktion til den globale biodiversitetskrise og klimakrise, der i stigende grad truer de basale livsbetingelser på Jorden. Den forklarer, hvad der er krisernes historiske rødder og årsager. Og den fremlægger en visionær ni-punktskøreplan for, hvordan vi sikrer, at både mennesker og planetens millioner af andre livsformer kan overleve og trives.Bogens omdrejningspunkt er et grønt paradigmeskifte, der er karakteriseret af to centrale forhold: Vi skal afsætte halvdelen af Jordens areal til vild natur, og vi skal transformere og formindske menneskenes egne samfund. Målet er et økokrati, der er kendetegnet af både økologisk og social retfærdighed.Bogen er et overflødighedshorn af viden om de forskellige sider af den grønne transformation af verdens samfund. Samtidig indeholder den et hav af løsningsforslag til, hvad både folk i almindelighed, NGO'er, stater og internationale forbund kan gøre.Først og sidst giver bogen svar på det vigtigste spørgsmål i vor tid: Hvad skal der egentlig til - hvad er nødvendigt - for at redde Jordens liv?Med Økokrati: Sådan skaber vi en bæredygtig verden i hånden er du rustet til tænderne i kampen for at bremse både biodiversitetskrisen og klimakrisen.Dette er 3. revideret udgave, der er opdateret på en række områder, indeholder flere informationer og er 26 sider længere end 1. udgaven.Om forfatteren: Jens-André P. Herbener er cand.mag., mag.art. i religionshistorie og semitiske sprog. Han er forfatter af en række bøger, har skrevet fast om religion, klima og natur i Politiken og har været ansat ved Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Københavns Universitet og senest en årrække ved Syddansk Universitet.
This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current challenges in one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. Environmental sustainability and climate change implications in the mountain ecosystems in general and mountainous regions of the Global South in particular are key concerns of the present-day world. In particular, the mountainous regions in the Global South are excessively being subjected to haphazard developmental activities making them vulnerable to all possible aspects of climate change. Ecologically fragile and biodiversity-rich (considered ¿hotspot¿ of biodiversity) Himalayan Region (HR) is subjected to high vulnerability due to climate change and unsustainable developmental activities. A major portion of the Indian HR, for instance, has gradually been endangered by intense environmental burden owing to rapid and haphazard urbanization, extreme weather events, etc. Unfortunately, environmental sustainability studies in many parts of the region are stillinadequate. Accordingly, in this book, the authors provide a detailed account of the Himalayas in the epoch of Anthropocene¿¿the most recent period in Earth¿s history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet¿s climate and ecosystems" (as defined by the National Geographic Society). It is no secret that the haphazard developmental activities in the Himalayas are having tremendous impacts on the local ecosystems. Many of such impacts are irreversible over the next hundreds of years and it should ring an alarm to all of us alike. Therefore, it becomes increasingly imperative that we document the existing anthropogenic challenges in the Himalayas, analyse them and find a way where environment and development can go hand in hand. This book is an attempt in that direction. The authors aim to address issues ranging from unorganized tourism practices to the big dams in the Himalayas and from mining and quarrying activities to climate change implications and sustainable development goals (SDGs).
In an era profoundly influenced by climate change, Climate Smart Greenhouses - Innovations and Impacts emerges as a pivotal guide, heralding a path toward resilient, efficient, and sustainable food production. By seamlessly blending the essence of traditional farming wisdom with the pulse of modern innovation, this book underscores the vast potential of human ingenuity and determination against daunting environmental adversities. Venturing deep into the realm of contemporary agriculture, it elucidates the nuanced role of farming in greenhouse gas emissions, sheds light on the innovative cooling systems tailored for closed greenhouses, and emphasizes the untapped potential of hydroponics. Additionally, it brings to the forefront the revolutionary strides of Controlled Environment Agriculture in the vibrant landscapes of Africa, inspiring readers with visionary greenhouses that astutely interweave economic prudence with ecological responsibility. Beyond its pages, it serves as a clarion call, reaching out to thinkers, innovators, dreamers, and every individual who cherishes our planet. It passionately advocates for a reimagined and harmonized agricultural future, where food production not only sustains but thrives in tandem with nature¿s rhythms. This is not just a book; it is a journey towards a green tomorrow.
The book explains the basic concepts of river water quality index, river environments, shifting of river courses, dams and barrages ¿ their merits and demerits, mutual interdependence of river and society etc. in the typical geomorphic set up of West Bengal. In India, West Bengal is a riverine state due to the towering Himalayas to the north and the Bay of Bengal to the south. In between the mountain and sea, due to the location of the Gangetic delta region and its stability with space and time, the rivers of this state are gradually dying. In addition to the stability of the delta, the river channel is being filled with sediments carried along the river course from upstream. The role of dams, barrages and reservoirs in the normal flow of rivers at different geographical locations deserves discussion which is included in the book. It is to be expected that the rivers of West Bengal can be an outstanding example of mutual interdependence of science and society, all of which are included in the book.The use of different physicochemical parameters adopted for the water quality index of different rivers described in this book will provide new directions in this regard. With discussions like water quality index, river environments, shifting of river courses, reservoirs, dams and barrages, and mutual interdependence of river and society, it is the intention that this book, River Systems of West Bengal - Water and Environments, will be useful for the research and higher studies in the river related field. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of riverine environments.
"This textbook combines the theoretical principles of engineering hydrology with their practical applications. It is indispensable for advanced students in civil, environmental, and agricultural engineering and as a reference textbook for researchers and practicing engineers, bringing them up-todate with modern techniques in applied hydrology"--
In the eye-opening exploration, How to Curb Climate Change?, readers embark on a remarkable voyage through time to uncover the astonishing transformation of the Sahara and the Middle East, evolving from fertile landscapes into unforgiving deserts within a mere seven centuries. This captivating book takes readers on an enlightening journey, revealing the pivotal role played by Neolithic societies in shaping the global climate. With the emergence of large-scale agriculture and animal husbandry, ancient civilizations flourished, seemingly unaware of the ecological consequences of their actions. As suspicions arise regarding the rapid desertification, this thought-provoking narrative investigates the interplay between exponential population growth, abusive land use, and the alarming shift towards aridity. The initial chapters transport readers to the heart of the Neolithic era, where they bear witness to the profound influence these early inhabitants wielded over the world's climate systems. By skilfully manipulating vegetation, they triggered permanent changes in the intensity and trajectory of prevailing moist winds, ultimately fuelling the expansion of deserts in the Northern Hemisphere. Building upon this revelatory premise, the subsequent sections of the book unveil a compelling proposal grounded in a deep understanding of Earth's climatic mechanisms. As the spectre of global warming looms ominously, the author outlines a visionary approach to harness the power of these ongoing climate changes for the betterment of our planet. This revolutionary method revolves around directing and redirecting the flow of humid winds, ingeniously channelling them deep into the heartlands of continents. The result? A remarkable renaissance, where the deserts of the Northern Hemisphere are revitalized and transformed into lush, green landscapes once more. Challenging conventional wisdom, How to Curb Climate Change provides a wide-ranging revaluation of our relationship with the environment and acknowledging the profound impact we have on Earth's delicate equilibrium. This remarkable book serves as an urgent call to action, reminding us of the transformative potential humanity possesses in curbing climate change and forging a sustainable future. Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and equipped with the knowledge needed to embark on this critical journey towards global environmental restoration.
In a time of climate crisis and housing shortages, a bold, visionary call to replace current wasteful construction practices with an architecture of reuseAs climate change has escalated into a crisis, the reuse of existing structures is the only way to even begin to preserve our wood, sand, silicon, and iron, let alone stop belching carbon monoxide into the air. Our housing crisis means that we need usable buildings now more than ever, but architect and critic Aaron Betsky shows that new construction—often seeking to maximize profits rather than resources, often soulless in its feel—is not the answer. Whenever possible, it is better to repair, recycle, renovate, and reuse—not only from an environmental perspective, but culturally and artistically as well.Architectural reuse is as old as civilization itself. In the streets of Europe, you can find fragments from the Roman Empire. More recently, marginalized communities from New York to Detroit—queer people looking for places to gather or cruise, punks looking to make loud music, artists and displaced people looking for space to work and live—have taken over industrial spaces created then abandoned by capitalism, forging a unique style in the process. Their methods—from urban mining to dumpster diving—now inform architects transforming old structures today.Betsky shows us contemporary imaginative reuse throughout the world: the Mexican housing authority transforming concrete slums into well-serviced apartments; the MassMOCA museum, built out of old textile mills; the squatted city of Christiana in Copenhagen, fashioned from an old army base; Project Heidelberg in Detroit. All point towards a new circular economy of reuse, built from the ashes of the capitalist economy of consumption.
This book focuses solely on the issues of agricultural productivity analysis with advanced modeling approaches bringing solutions to food-insecure regions of the world, especially in south and southeast Asia and in Africa. Advanced modeling tools and their use in regional planning provide an outstanding opportunity to help face the challenges of climate change. The sudden effect of flash floods, drought, salinity, and sea water rises causing saltwater intrusions and its impact on agricultural production are some of the disastrous results of climate change.In this edited volume, information on climate-induced impacts for flooding, flash floods, and drought impact on agricultural crops is provided to address possible solutions for food security in south Asia, southeast Asia, and some regions of Africa. Leading-edge research methodology is presented as it relates to remote sensing applications for regional science and allied fields. In regional policy planning, agriculture andforestry play key roles in food security along with environmental conservation and depend on geo-spatial variability. Satellite remote sensing and geographical information systems have an immense potential to encompass all these factors and to catalogue the regional variability of climate change and climate economics. In the satellite remote sensing domain, advanced modeling tools, deep learning applications, and cloud-based earth engines significantly increase the flexibility of decision making and its application for regional perspectives. The result can increase agricultural and forest productivity and ensure its resilience and sustainability.The book¿s chapters introduce modeling techniques such as machine learning and fuzzy expert system using satellite remote sensing datasets based on cloud application. These methods assist regional planners to increase crop production, land use, and detection of changes in land cover in order to better understand their vulnerability toclimate-related disaster. Furthermore, remote sensing and in-depth GIS analysis are integrated with machine learning to address natural uncertainties such as flash floods, droughts, and cyclones so that emergency responses for agricultural production management can be adopted more effectively.
Tangled in Vow & Beseech vows to remember what we lose and beseeches us to embrace every moment. Throughout, McCabe Johnson writes intimately about family, nature, and animals, while also protesting the violences of religion, patriarchy, and racism. The lyricism of these poems carries the speaker into the "clear slipstream of memory" to "river me home. River me home."-Craig Santos Perez, author of from incorporated territory [åmot], winner of the National Book Award for PoetryThrough an array of poetic forms, Jill McCabe Johnson explores a deep sense of interconnectedness. These lyric tangles help us grapple with a life where the ugliest abuses of person and planet occur alongside a mother's love for her son, the grace of childhood innocence, the anniversary of a first kiss, and the understanding that "in this land" of "dogwood blossom, swordfern and fen" is "everything" we need to "believe." -Derek Sheffield, author of Not for Luck, co-editor of Cascadia Field Guide: Art, Ecology, Poetry, and Poetry Editor of Terrain.org
De façon surprenante, la sociologie de l¿État et de l¿administration a tendance à ignorer les corps intermédiaires de fonctionnaires qui représentent pourtant le gros des effectifs ministériels et des rouages essentiels de l¿action étatique. En France notamment, les analyses se limitent le plus souvent aux deux extrémités des structures bureaucratiques, laissant systématiquement dans l¿ombre tous les acteurs administratifs du milieu, qui ne sont ni des hauts-fonctionnaires ni des street level bureaucrats. Qui sont ces fonctionnaires du milieu ? A quoi servent-ils exactement ? Que font-ils concrètement ? Dans quels espaces évoluent-ils ? Comment travaillent-ils ? De quoi décident-ils ? C¿est à ces différentes questions que ce livre propose de répondre, en suivant pas à pas le processus de réforme de la politique publique de prévention des risques industriels engagé il y a presque vingt ans suite à la catastrophe d¿AZF de septembre 2001.
A devastating critique of the forces propelling us beyond critical temperature limits, by the bestselling author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline
Climate Liberalism examines the potential and limitations of classical-liberal approaches to pollution control and climate change. Some successful environmental strategies, such as the use of catch-shares for fisheries, instream water rights, and tradable emission permits, draw heavily upon the classical liberal intellectual tradition and its emphasis on property rights and competitive markets. This intellectual tradition has been less helpful, to date, in the development or design of climate change policies. Climate Liberalism aims to help fill the gap in the academic literature examining the extent to which classical-liberal principles, including an emphasis on property rights, decentralized authority and dynamic markets, can inform the debate over climate-change policies. The contributors in this book approach the topic from a range of perspectives and represent multiple academic disciplines. Chapters consider the role of property rights and common-law legal systems in controlling pollution, the extent to which competitive markets backed by legal rules encourage risk minimization and adaptation, and how to identify the sorts of policy interventions that may help address climate change in ways that are consistent with liberal values.
This book contains the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICEEEE2023) that was held on August 6-8 2023 in Singapore. ICEEEE2023 is organized by Beijing Jiaotong University and Newcastle University. This book provides an international forum for discussion and communication of energy and environmental engineering.It is expected to report the latest technological developments in the fields developed by academic researchers and industrial practitioners, with a focus on renewable energy technologies and systems, energy efficiency and conservation, environmental pollution and control, sustainable development, and green cities. The contents of this proceedings will be useful to researchers, professionals, and policymakers alike.
Important new evidence about climate change has been uncovered by scientists. They have determined by their research that we have been mistaken in some of our basic ideas.This book is a narrative. It was written to shed some light on this new evidence and to re-evaluate all of the known evidence on climate change.The reader is not left alone, an email is provided for reader initiated inquiries with the author.
This accessible book features the diverse voices of scholars and activists working towards climate justice. The collection explores the politics and practices of moving towards solidarity and flourishing in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and extinction.
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