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Forurening og trusler mod miljøet

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  • af Francesca Pia Vantaggiato
    246,95 - 702,95 kr.

  • af Emmanuel Martinais
    572,95 kr.

    De façon surprenante, la sociologie de l¿État et de l¿administration a tendance à ignorer les corps intermédiaires de fonctionnaires qui représentent pourtant le gros des effectifs ministériels et des rouages essentiels de l¿action étatique. En France notamment, les analyses se limitent le plus souvent aux deux extrémités des structures bureaucratiques, laissant systématiquement dans l¿ombre tous les acteurs administratifs du milieu, qui ne sont ni des hauts-fonctionnaires ni des street level bureaucrats. Qui sont ces fonctionnaires du milieu ? A quoi servent-ils exactement ? Que font-ils concrètement ? Dans quels espaces évoluent-ils ? Comment travaillent-ils ? De quoi décident-ils ? C¿est à ces différentes questions que ce livre propose de répondre, en suivant pas à pas le processus de réforme de la politique publique de prévention des risques industriels engagé il y a presque vingt ans suite à la catastrophe d¿AZF de septembre 2001.

  • af Amatoritsero Ede
    475,95 - 1.772,95 kr.

    This book demonstrates how humans can become sensitised to, and intervene in, environmental degradation by writing, reading, analysing and teaching poetry. For educational professionals engaged in teaching environmental, sustainability, and development topics, particularly from a humanities-led perspective.

  • af Farah Obaidullah
    577,95 kr.

    The Ocean and Us provides an overview of our contemporary understanding of the ocean and all the ways our lives interact with it. It is intended for everyone with an interest in our blue planet. The book brings together the expertise of over 35 ocean specialists from around the world. It explores a wide variety of themes including the importance of a healthy ocean in the fight to halt and contain climate change. It covers issues such as overfishing and pollution, as well as emerging themes such as the blue economy, marine animal welfare and how we can leverage innovation to protect the ocean. The book provides an overview of some of the world¿s iconic threatened and at risk ocean ecosystems, and outlines current governance structures and ocean management tools. It also discusses the important social dimensions between people and the ocean, such as ocean and human wellbeing, communities and the ocean, and who gets to participate in the ocean space. The book aims to enhance ocean literacy by making specialist concepts accessible to non-experts, with a view to empowering concerned citizens everywhere to come into action for the ocean, and pave a better way forward for humanity.

  • af H S Winter
    292,95 kr.

    Winter Heart is an intriguing take on Finnish mythology and folklore, gloomy winters, and love that transcends time and space.

  • af Akanksha Gupta
    1.383,95 kr.

    This book explores a diverse spectrum of waste materials, encompassing industrial hazardous and non-hazardous waste, agricultural waste, biomass waste, radioactive waste, municipal solid and liquid waste, as well as e-waste, and investigates their adverse impacts on the environment. It is an exciting exploration of various approaches to waste management, highlighting the importance of adopting sustainable practices such as the 7Rs principle, utilization of nanomaterials and photocatalysis, zero waste management techniques, recycling and upcycling techniques, and IoT-enabled strategies. It provides a critical assessment of the challenges and opportunities in transforming waste into value-added products for the industry. This book is designed to provide constructive insights for researchers, environmentalists, policy makers and professionals engaged in enhancing waste management, fuelling the circular economy, and paving the way for a sustainable future.

  • af Wim Carton
    243,95 kr.

    A scathing critique of proposals to geoengineer our way out of climate disaster, by the bestselling author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline

  • af Jonathan H. Adler
    1.573,95 kr.

    Climate Liberalism examines the potential and limitations of classical-liberal approaches to pollution control and climate change. Some successful environmental strategies, such as the use of catch-shares for fisheries, instream water rights, and tradable emission permits, draw heavily upon the classical liberal intellectual tradition and its emphasis on property rights and competitive markets. This intellectual tradition has been less helpful, to date, in the development or design of climate change policies. Climate Liberalism aims to help fill the gap in the academic literature examining the extent to which classical-liberal principles, including an emphasis on property rights, decentralized authority and dynamic markets, can inform the debate over climate-change policies. The contributors in this book approach the topic from a range of perspectives and represent multiple academic disciplines. Chapters consider the role of property rights and common-law legal systems in controlling pollution, the extent to which competitive markets backed by legal rules encourage risk minimization and adaptation, and how to identify the sorts of policy interventions that may help address climate change in ways that are consistent with liberal values.

  • af Prodip K. Das
    2.762,95 kr.

    This book contains the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICEEEE2023) that was held on August 6-8 2023 in Singapore. ICEEEE2023 is organized by Beijing Jiaotong University and Newcastle University. This book provides an international forum for discussion and communication of energy and environmental engineering.It is expected to report the latest technological developments in the fields developed by academic researchers and industrial practitioners, with a focus on renewable energy technologies and systems, energy efficiency and conservation, environmental pollution and control, sustainable development, and green cities. The contents of this proceedings will be useful to researchers, professionals, and policymakers alike.

  • af D. C. Johnson
    222,95 kr.

    Important new evidence about climate change has been uncovered by scientists. They have determined by their research that we have been mistaken in some of our basic ideas.This book is a narrative. It was written to shed some light on this new evidence and to re-evaluate all of the known evidence on climate change.The reader is not left alone, an email is provided for reader initiated inquiries with the author.

  • af Aldo Alvarez-Risco
    998,95 - 1.293,95 kr.

    This book highlights the relevant and timely global change movement: green entrepreneurship. Presented in this book is relevant literature and academic knowledge. The book is expected to  support in creating more green entrepreneurship initiatives in collaboration with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • af Elisa Aracil
    512,95 - 1.767,95 kr.

    This book compiles and explains technical terms in sustainable finance in an easy-to-navigate A-Z format.

  • af Michele Lobo
    887,95 kr.

    This accessible book features the diverse voices of scholars and activists working towards climate justice. The collection explores the politics and practices of moving towards solidarity and flourishing in the face of climate change, biodiversity loss and extinction.

  • af Dave Goulson
    185,95 - 284,95 kr.

    ?A terrific book...A thoughtful explanation of how the dramatic decline of insect species and numbers poses a dire threat to all life on earth.? (Booklist, Starred Review)In the tradition of Rachel Carson's groundbreaking environmental classic Silent Spring, an award-winning entomologist and conservationist explains the importance of insects to our survival, and offers a clarion call to avoid a looming ecological disaster of our own making.Drawing on thirty years of research, Goulson has written an accessible, fascinating, and important book that examines the evidence of an alarming drop in insect numbers around the world. ?If we lose the insects, then everything is going to collapse,? he warned in a recent interview in the New York Times?beginning with humans' food supply. The main cause of this decrease in insect populations is the indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides. Hence, Silent Earth's nod to Rachel Carson's classic Silent Spring which, when published in 1962, led to the global banning of DDT. This was a huge victory for science and ecological health at the time.Yet before long, new pesticides just as lethal as DDT were introduced, and today, humanity finds itself on the brink of a new crisis. What will happen when the bugs are all gone? Goulson explores the intrinsic connection between climate change, nature, wildlife, and the shrinking biodiversity and analyzes the harmful impact for the earth and its inhabitants. Meanwhile we have all read stories about hive collapse syndrome affecting honeybee colonies and the tragic decline of monarch butterflies in North America, and more. But it is not too late to arrest this decline, and Silent Earth should be the clarion call. Smart, eye-opening, and essential, Silent Earth is a forceful call to action to save our world, and ultimately, ourselves.Silent Earth includes approximately 20 black-and-white illustrations and charts and graphs.

  • af Stephen J. Pyne
    177,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Lige så længe der har været liv på jorden, har der været ild. Igennem to millioner år har mennesket forfinet sin evne til at mestre ilden og derved fuldkommen forandret verden – og mennesket selv. Mad tilberedt over ild gav os store hjerner og små maver og placerede os i toppen af fødekæden. Mennesket brugte ilden til at præparere jorden som en del af en økologisk cyklus. Men da vi begyndte at afbrænde fossile brændsler, ødelagde mennesket sit forhold til ilden. Klimaforandringerne og de mange skovbrande viser med al tydelighed, hvordan ilden nu kan kontrollere os.Ildens tidsalder er historien om, hvordan vi med ilden som energikilde forandrede planeten, og hvordan vi på bæredygtig vis kan genindtage rollen som planetens fakkelbærere. Stephen J. Pyne er professor emeritus ved Arizona State University med speciale i miljøhistorie og navnlig ildens historie. Pyne er forfatter til mere end 40 bøger, og med Ildens tidsalder udkommer han for første gang på dansk.Udgivelsen er støttet af Carlsbergfondet.

  • af Henry Hoke
    117,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • - Bidrag til den nye naturtænkning
    af Tidsskriftet Paradoks
    297,95 kr.

    Jorden skrider under os – både i figurativ og bogstavelig forstand. Naturens mange kriser tvinger os til at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved den måde, vi behersker og udnytter vores naturlige miljøer, andre dyrearter og andre menneskers livsformer, rettigheder og arbejdskraft. Under strømmen af naturkatastrofer vokser samtidig en afgrund af sorg, pessimisme og lammelse i både tænkning og handling. Vi har akut brug for nye og mindre besidderiske greb om vores natur, nye måder at se og behandle den på. Her kan den humanistiske og politiske tænkning være med til at skabe en intellektuel orientering og tænke tidens betingelser i nye konstellationer og mønstre, som ligger hinsides det, vi kender. Jordskred og dens 15 kapitler, skrevet fra vidt forskellige perspektiver og kritiske positioner, er et kollektivt led i tidens bevægelse mod at udfordre og gentænke menneskers forhold til naturen. Jordskred er redigeret af Paradoks – tidsskrift for filosofi og teori

  • af Anurag
    157,95 kr.

    The essence of the story revolves around Kiribati, an island nation facing the existential threat of climate change. It illustrates the multifaceted challenges the nation encounters due to rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation. However, the narrative primarily focuses on Kiribati's resilient spirit, showcasing the nation's innovative approaches, community-driven initiatives, and the fusion of traditional wisdom with modern solutions. It highlights the country's endeavors in preserving cultural heritage, fostering sustainable practices, and advocating for global collaboration to combat the impacts of climate change. Ultimately, it paints a portrait of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of a sustainable future against the backdrop of an uncertain climatic landscape.

  • af Michael P Wright
    362,95 kr.

    Let all of us work together to save the Earth. Time is of the essence right now. Everyone needs to be "all in" to repair the damage of climate change and damage to the environment on our Earth. One Earth, Earth was created for all life not just human life. Never underestimate the backlash of nature.

  • af Jenni Ronda
    362,95 kr.

    Climatic changes are happening around the globe. The science of climate changeaffirms that most of these changes have been brought about by the actions of humanbeings. While trying to understand the concept of anthropogenic climate change it isnoticed that significant ethical issues surround it and the question of responsibilitybecomes vital. Certain ethical issues including responsibility associated with climatechange are discussed in this Book.This research examines and reviews some general or traditional concepts of individualand collective responsibility along with some specific literature concerning climatechange responsibility. The work of two philosophers, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong andBaylor Johnson is quite influential in this regard. The central idea of the argumentsoffered by both the philosophers is that unless everybody acts, individual efforts todiminish carbon emissions will have little or no effect on climate change. For instanceSinnott-Armstrong assesses and rejects several ethical principles to arrive at theconclusion that one has no moral obligations to limit one's personal emissions inclimate change. This idea is analyzed and shown to be inconsistent in this research.Alternatively it is agreed that the moral theories which Sinnott-Armstrong considersdo not put a restraint on the individual to curb her greenhouse gas emissions. Therebya need to propose a different way of ascertaining moral obligation in climate change isrecognized. A knowledge based ethical relativist theory is suggested for the same.This theory expects the agent to act in the light of the knowledge that exists andillustrates that commitments at the individual level cannot be different from thecommitments at collective level if one has knowledge about it that exist in today'sworld in case of climate change. It is concluded that this knowledge based ethicaltheory is one possible way to assign responsibility in climate change butconcomitantly it is also admitted that this theory may face certain limitations.

  • af Zoë Lescaze
    1.797,95 kr.

    Some of Nick Brandt's subjects are humans, some are animals, but they all are creatures of equal and obvious personhood. The overwhelming sense in the photographer's ongoing global series The Day May Break is that they are all figuring out how to live in a new world.  Both extreme droughts and floods have destroyed people's homes and livelihoods. Victims of habitat destruction and wildlife trafficking, the animals are rescues that can never be released to the wild. People and animals were photographed in the same frame and indeed convey a sense of connectedness through a shared fate. Fog is the unifying visual, symbolic of the natural world rapidly fading from view; and an echo of the smoke from wildfires, intensified by climate change, devastating so much of the planet. But in spite of their loss, these people and animals are survivors, pioneers entering the new phase our world has reached. In The Day May Break they share their powerful stories.   This set includes the volumes The Day May Break , The Day May Break - Chapter Two , and SINK / RISE, The Day May Break, Chapter three. NICK BRANDT (*1964, London) studied painting and film at St.Martin's School of Art, London. In 1992 he moved to California,where he still lives today. Since 2001, he has documented thedestructive impact that humankind is having on the naturalworld and, as a result, on humans themselves. Chapter One ofhis seminal series The Day May Break featured photographstaken in Zimbabwe and Kenya in late 2020. Chapter Two wasshot in Bolivia in 2022. In the third chapter Brandt introducescolor to the series, highlighting the all-encompassing impact ofthe water.

  • af Rajat Mazumder
    1.186,95 kr.

    This book describes the complex interplay between Earth's surface processes (erosion and sedimentation) and human interactions. Intensive as well as extensive research has been undertaken to infer modern sedimentation processes and to infer the mode of stratigraphic sequence building. However, the effort to understand the influence of sedimentation processes on society and the human impact on sedimentation is long overdue. This is a new upcoming multidisciplinary research field that is beyond the scope of leading traditional Earth and Environmental Science journals. To fill in the prodigious gap in the knowledge base, this book includes in-depth reviews and new data-based case studies from Asia, involving multidisciplinary research. It covers case studies of risk management of various hazards and risk management systems at regional, national, and local levels. The book proposes a comprehensive approach to reducing future risks by collaborating with various stakeholders and preparingfor the most effective responses towards complicated hazards, minimizing social damage. This publication will help researchers in the field of Environment and Earth surface processes, disaster risk reduction, and geoscientists to have a better idea of the current trend of research in the field and will provide updated synthesis on this important topic.

  • af Todd Stern
    259,95 kr.

    "This book is Todd Stern's eyewitness account of the full, charged, seven-year story of how the Paris Agreement came to be, following an arc from Copenhagen, to Durban, to the secret U.S.-China climate deal in 2014, to Paris itself. It illuminates the strategy and tactics, policy, politics and diplomacy that made Paris possible, and it also depicts the pitfalls and challenges overcome, the struggle between different groups of countries, the sometimes shifting alliances, the last-minmute maneuvering and the ultimate historic success"--

  • af Nitish Kumar
    1.782,95 kr.

    This book covers cadmium contamination of soil and plants, its sources, acute and long-term impacts on the environment and human health, and overall challenges posed by the global poisoning issue. Cadmium is among the elements that have been most broadly used by man over time, which has led to extensive pollution of surface soils, mainly associated with the mining and smelting of the metal and the addition of organic cadmium compounds to petrol. The release of cadmium into the atmosphere from various high-temperature processes has also led to surface contamination on a regional and even global scale. Cadmium is particularly firmly bound to humic matter in organic-rich soil and to iron oxides in mineral soil and is rather immobile in the soil unless present at very high concentrations. Plants grown on cadmium-rich soils incorporate cadmium, thus increasing the concentration of cadmium in crop plants. Cadmium thus enters the food chain through the consumption of plant material, whichposes important health risks to humans and animals. In this book, readers will find out about the latest mitigation strategies, including a multi-disciplinary approach to address cadmium contamination. Recent methods in cadmium detoxification, speciation, and molecular mechanisms are included, and the book offers the knowledge required for efficient risk assessment, prevention, and countermeasure. Divided into 3 parts, this book brings together expert contributions on cadmium toxicity. In the first part, readers will find out about the different sources and distribution of cadmium in soil and plant ecosystems. The second part of the book outlines the health risks linked to cadmium toxicity, and in the final part, readers will discover sustainable cadmium toxicity mitigation strategies and potential applications of recent biological technology in providing solutions. This book is a valuable resource for students, academics, researchers, and environmental professionalsdoing fieldwork on cadmium contamination throughout the world.

  • af S. W. Lawrence
    247,95 kr.

    Climate fiction without apocalypse, set in and around Washington, D.C. Newly minted engineering professor Jake Harper, dealing with issues of mild dyslexia and awkwardness with public speaking, wants to stave off climate weirding by re-engineering the North American electric grids. His pregnant partner Abbey London, sassy but irresistible, starts her practice as an infectious disease specialist, concerned with encroaching tropical diseases. Together they operate her parents' Dragonfly Inn just twenty minutes away in northern Virginia. A chance encounter at a lecture at George Washington University causes Jake to become suspicious that someone may be plotting a cyberattack on critical electrical infrastructure. Abbey discovers an infection new to North America has infiltrated the drug-injecting population in the Capital, and she must personally and professionally rise to the challenge.

  • af Anja Du Plessis
    1.371,95 - 1.381,95 kr.

  • af Joyce P. Allen
    322,95 kr.

    Rigidity at Sea: Unveiling the Impact of School Climate on Career ChoicesUncover the Intricate Dynamics of Career Commitment in the Maritime WorldExplore the compelling relationship between school climate and career commitment in the riveting book, Rigidity at Sea: Unveiling the Impact of School Climate on Career Choices. This groundbreaking study delves into the experiences of recruits in merchant marine academies across England, Spain, and the United States, offering profound insights into the factors shaping their career decisions.Key Highlights:Preface Insight:The preface sets the stage for a thought-provoking journey, providing a glimpse into the research findings. The contextual and nuanced nature of the relationship between school climate and career commitment is expertly dissected, offering readers a preview of the insightful analyses that await within the pages of Rigidity at Sea.Grab Your Copy Today!Embark on a compelling exploration of the maritime world's inner workings. Rigidity at Sea is a must-read for educators, maritime professionals, and anyone intrigued by the intersection of school climate and career choices. Don't miss the opportunity to unveil the impact of structural rigidity on the seascape of career commitment. Order your copy today and dive into a world of discovery!

  • af Arne Woythal
    229,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Kan en vegetar også være en voksen mand?I DU LIGNER DA ELLERS IKKE EN VEGETAR fortæller tegner og forfatter Anders Morgenthaler, billedkunstner Kristian von Hornslet, journalist Henrik Palle, forfatter Torben Munksgaard, bioetiker ph.d. Mickey Gjerris, generalsekretær i DVF Rune-Christoffer Bech Dragsdahl, kogebogsforfatter Kirsten Skaarup og verdens bedste kok, Rasmus Kofoed fra Geranium, om deres liv som vegetarer.Bogen tager dig fordomsfrit med rundt i argumenterne for at leve plantebaseret. Om du har et blødt hjerte for dyr, om du brænder for klimaet og biodiversiteten, eller det er af helbredsmæssige årsager, du ønsker at leve plantebaseret, så er der gode råd at hente.Vidste du, at der lever flere pattedyr i den industrielle produktion på jordkloden end mennesker? At den største effekt, du som individ kan få, hvis du vil gøre noget godt for klimaet, er ved at spise plantebaseret? At det har en beviselig gavnlig effekt for potensen at leve plantebaseret?

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