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E-bogsudgaven er en opdateret og revideret udgave af den trykte udgave, der udkom i 2017.Veganer henvender sig til de mange, som bekymrer sig om dyrene, miljøet, klimaet og vores sundhed, som trues af livsstilssygdomme og smittefarlige bakterier. Bogen er en dansk guide til vegansk levevis, der minimerer den enkeltes medvirken til lidelse og ødelæggelse. Læseren får overblik over veganismen som filosofi og ideologi og introduceres til veganerlivet i praksis. Kapitel for kapitel gennemgås de etiske og miljømæssige argumenter. Sund og lækker plantekost. Glæder, udfordringer, dilemmaer på vejen. Film, bøger, blogs. Det voksende veganske netværk på de sociale medier og ude i virkeligheden. Veganer er skrevet af forfatter og journalist Karin Elrød, der deler ud af sine egne erfaringer som veganer.
Betagende og tankevækkende bog om George Orwell og om at plante roser. Rebecca Solnit, en af USA’s bedste og mest markante essayister, går bag om mennesket George Orwell. På en gang en personlig biografi om forfatteren George Orwell, et kulturhistorisk essay om roser og en smuk og tankevækkende meditation over forholdet mellem natur og politik. Bogen bringer os vidt omkring, fra Orwells reportager fra kulminerne i England og Den Spanske Borgerkrig over Stalins besættelse af at dyrke citroner til nutidens sydamerikanske rosenfarme og cellofanindpakkede roser. Bogen slutter med en genlæsning af 1984, der fuldender portrættet af en mere håbefuld Orwell - og med en refleksion over hvordan nydelse, skønhed og glæde også kan være en modstandshandling. »En vidunderlig meditation over naturens glæde og skønhed.« The Times »Ny bog argumenterer overbevisende for det politiske potentiale i at plante roser … bør læses af alle, der interesserer sig for forholdet mellem natur og politik.« Information
Den grønne omstilling er et helt konkret byggeprojekt, som er i fuld gang i Danmark lige nu. I Virkelighedsnært fortæller en række aktive socialdemokratiske borgmestre om, hvad de konkret gør for at lede deres område hen til en grønnere fremtid. Borgmestrene er nemlig klar til at gå forrest og lægge fundamentet til et grønnere samfund. Også selvom de ikke altid bliver populære på det.Bogen indeholder også konstruktive klimaindspark fra Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Teknologirådet, Tegnestuen EFFEKT, Anders Eldrup og TV-kok og iværksætter Claus Meyer.
Addressing common questions and misconceptions about the cost of sustainability, Making Sustainability Profitable takes you through the five core principles of the Impact Blueprint that will boost your company's sustainability credentials and profitability.
Toward Sustainable Communities is the definitive guide to creating vibrant, healthy, equitable, and prosperous places. This completely revised 5th edition organizes community resources into 8 interrelated forms of capital, creating an innovative framework for maximizing social, economic, and environmental benefits.
"The Ecological Farm is the go-to guide for ecological growing, with a unique focus on reduced tillage, minimizing farm and garden inputs, and pest control. Reflecting the wisdom that farmer, consultant, and educator Helen Atthowe and her late husband, Carl Rosato, gained during decades of farming experience, this book guides readers on how to reduce or eliminate the use of outside inputs of fertilizer or pesticides, even those that are commonly used on certified organic orchards and market gardens. In clear language and with color photographs, charts, and graphs throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of managing the details of an entire growing system over the full life of the enterprise. The Ecological Farm makes complex, sometimes messy, ecological concepts and practices understandable to all growers, and makes healthy farming, in which nature is invited to participate, possible."--
A radical vision for a better future: an economy that works for us, rather than the other way around.As this major German bestseller reports, our world is at a tipping point, and we feel it every day. Costs are rising, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing, natural resources are depleted, and the effects of climate change are starting to take hold. We are under increasing social and environmental stress. But, as leading economist Maja Göpel argues here, there is another path forward.She invites us to imagine what we want our future to look like, and offers solutions that will help us to get there. It's time to question our principles, set new goals, and re-evaluate our priorities. Time to rethink our world and find new ways of living that don't drain our planet any further. We need a fair distribution of wealth, and a way to reconcile the social with the ecological. We need to work smarter, not harder.Critical, yet full of encouragement, Maja Göpel chooses surprising and enlightening examples to illustrate how we can leave behind our familiar ways of living to achieve a better future.
Bewusstes Reisen im Einklang mit der Natur und als Teil einer lebendigen ländlichen Kultur. Die schönsten Unterkünfte und besten Beispiele für eine neue Reisekultur.Reisen veredelt den Geist und räumt mit Vorurteilen auf, das wusste schon Oscar Wilde. In Slow Escapes stellt die Journalistin Clara le Fort die schönsten Orte für ein anderes, nachhaltiges Reisen vor: umgenutzte Klöster und ausgebaute Windmühlen, wiederbelebte Gutshöfe und andere Orte, deren Anziehungskraft ganzen Regionen nun neues Leben einhaucht. Wie es funktionieren kann gleichsam stilvoll und umweltbewusster zu reisen und dabei ländliche Gemeinschaften sinnvoll einzubinden, lokale Traditionen zu respektieren und kennenzulernen zeigt dieses Buch. Ob Wein, Oliven, Käse oder regionales Handwerk vieles was früher einmal Lebensgrundlage war, ist nicht nur Folklore, sondern identitätsstiftend für ganze Regionen und ihre Menschen und damit Grundlage für eine neue Form respektvoller Reisekultur.
Gennem mere end 10 år har forfatteren Robert Zola Christensen rejst i hælene på den kendte danske klimaforsker Sebastian H. Mernild. Sammen har de to været på ekspedition til nogle af verdens mest fjerne egne for at dokumentere, hvad det forandrende klima gør ved vores klode. For der hersker ingen tvivl. Klimaet er under enorme forandringer. Der bliver målt stigende vandstande mange steder, det er blevet varmere, og isen smelter på polerne. Konsekvenserne er enorme.I Da kulden forsvandt tager Sebastian H. Mernild og Robert Zola Christensen os med ud på Indlandsisen for at bore efter is i flere kilometers dybde, vi er fanget i en snestorm højt oppe i Andesbjergene, og så møder vi de mennesker, der må forlade deres hjem, fordi klimaet tvinger dem væk.Bogen er en barsk og samtidig livsbekræftende reportagerejse til klimafronten, hvor to venner – naturvidenskabsmanden og humanisten – dokumenterer den brutale og uundgåelige udvikling, vi alle er vidne til, og sammen reflekterer de to over, hvad der skal til for at fylde fremtiden med håb.
Klimakrisen er vor tids største trussel. Og største forretningsmulighed. Erkendelse af krisens alvor, politisk bevågenhed og stigende efterspørgsel på grønne løsninger betyder, at behovet for at starte nye virksomheder, der reelt løser verdens bæredygtighedsudfordringer, er nærmest uudtømmeligt. Nu er med andre ord det helt rette tidspunkt at skabe fremtidens virksomheder og springe ud som grøn iværksætter. Men hvordan bærer man sig så ad med at starte en virksomhed, der ikke “bare” skal tjene penge? Denne bog demonstrerer med talrige eksempler, hvordan du kan skabe en grøn virksomhed, der både gør en forskel og er profitabel. Du vil møde en række af Danmarks mest progressive grønne startups som Organic Basics, Tomorrow, EAT GRIM, Chainge og VIGGO, som deler ud af deres erfaringer og giver deres tips til, hvordan du bedst bygger en levedygtig grøn virksomhed. En virksomhed som selv kan overleve og sikre, at planeten gør det. Baseret på 10 principper for grønt iværksætteri, viser forfatterne, hvordan du selv kan bygge en bæredygtig og kommerciel virksomhed op fra bunden. Du lærer bl.a., hvordan du skaber grønne forretningsmodeller, involverer de mange interessenter, der vil støtte klimaet, opbygger grønne værdikæder, finder de rette investorer, skalerer nænsomt og beviser dit bæredygtighedsbidrag. Læs bogen og få inspiration til, hvordan du kan bruge dit arbejdsliv på at skabe en mere bæredygtig verden.
Bæredygtige businessstudier handler om, at den grønne omstilling involverer alle led i værdikæden: hver en afdeling i virksomheden, hvert et projekt, hver en ansat og selvfølgelig ledelsen. Dette synspunkt afspejler antologiens opbygning, som i grove træk følger værdikæden, der kan synes lineær, men som reelt skal tænkes cirkulært. Bæredygtige businessstudier kommer ind på, hvordan ledelsen kan arbejde med bæredygtighed blandt andet i strategiarbejdet, og hvordan man kan lave bæredygtige regnskaber – også kaldt ESG-rapportering. Antologien har kapitler om, hvordan HR- og kommunikationsafdelinger skal arbejde mere aktivt ud fra principper om bæredygtighed, og hvordan den omfattende digitalisering skal tage bæredygtige hensyn også i den digitale distribution af data. Markedsføring, sourcing, affaldshåndtering, genanvendelse og innovation er andre emner, som tages op i denne antologi, der bidrager til det fortsatte arbejde med bæredygtighed på videregående uddannelser og i konkrete organisationer og virksomheder. Der kan købes en kode, som giver adgang til den supplerende hjemmeside med cases.
Når de fleste er enige om, at omstillingen til bæredygtighed er påtrængende, hvorfor er den så så vanskelig?Bæredygtighed har ofte haft fokus på klima og miljø men handler om meget mere end disse i sig selv komplicerede områder. Med FN’s Verdensmål er der sat en endnu bredere og gennemgribende dagsorden, som både er global og lokal og strækker sig fra, hvad den enkelte kan gøre til, hvad fællesskaber kan gøre og fra hvad den enkelte udsættes for til, hvad store grupper udsættes for. Antologien Bæredygtighed og forandring udvider forståelsen af bæredygtighed ved at inkludere en række perspektiver, der fremhæver den omfattende kompleksitet i samspillet mellem natur, samfund og virksomheder.Bogen er skrevet til undervisere og studerende på universiteter og erhvervsakademier samt på lederuddannelser og efteruddannelser. Den kan desuden læses af alle med interesse for bæredygtighed, grøn omstilling, FN’s verdensmål, samfundsforhold, erhvervsliv samt organisation og ledelse.
Hvilken forskel gør det at spise mindre kød? At skrue ned for varmen? At undgå at flyve? At bytte benzinbilen ud med en elbil? Hver dag står vi over for valg, som har potentiale til at forme fremtiden for vores planet. Men det kan føles som en uoverkommelig opgave at forstå de egentlige konsekvenser af vores handlinger.I Er mit liv bæredygtigt? analyserer Morten O.A. Sommer, professor ved Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, danskernes daglige aktiviteter og præsenterer effekterne i tekst og grafer. Hvad du vælger at gøre med denne viden, er op til dig.
The report aims to help the cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China identify their potentials for green development, especially to find their own suitable green development paths. Based on the evaluation, six green development models that can be replicated and promoted are initially established by selecting typical cities as pilot. The report is the first volume of its series and will be updated annually with more abundant green development models.
The book provides an overarching perspective on sustainability from a historical, practical and legal perspective. It offers a holistic understanding of economic and ecologic concepts. Schools for sustainable business models are introduced and discussed. As a broader concept Life Cycle Assessments are discussed and examples for their application are provided with a focus on CO2 Footprints. Ecodesign as measures for reducing Carbon Footprints are introduced both for physical products and for service organizations. From an organizational perspective it is clear that managing the reduction of the sustainability-related impact is a matter that has to involve all stakeholders. Tasks for all involved are given and their contributions are described. As it is crucial to provide evidence for the activities reported audits are described as well methods to transfer information to the appropriate stakeholders. The book is targeted at practitioners and students who want to get to know the subject or need to implement the respective measures in companies.
Køb de 3 bøger i serienForfatter Helle PerrierIllustrator Aske Schmidt RoseLæs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside https://forlagetkrabat.dk/boeger/Om serienDen Gule Planet er klimafiktion. En hæsblæsende trilogi fra en fremtidig verden, hvor vand er det mest dyrebare. Det overordnede tema i serien Den Gule Planet er tørke. Serien viser hvad der sker med naturen, når vi ikke passer på den. Den viser også hvilke teknologier der findes, for at overleve i en ørken. Og hvad vi selv kan gøre.Målgruppe: fra 9 årVinder af Niels Klim prisen 2020.Trilogien indenholder seks af FNs Verdensmål som en del af historien. Download gratis undervisningsmateriale fra forlagets hjemmeside.AnmeldelserBibliotekernes materialevurdering: "Absolut anbefaling."Folkeskolen.dk "Et yderst anbefalelsesværdigt materiale."Bogblogger.dk "Det her er genialt."Bogrummet.dk ★
This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current challenges in one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. Environmental sustainability and climate change implications in the mountain ecosystems in general and mountainous regions of the Global South in particular are key concerns of the present-day world. In particular, the mountainous regions in the Global South are excessively being subjected to haphazard developmental activities making them vulnerable to all possible aspects of climate change. Ecologically fragile and biodiversity-rich (considered ¿hotspot¿ of biodiversity) Himalayan Region (HR) is subjected to high vulnerability due to climate change and unsustainable developmental activities. A major portion of the Indian HR, for instance, has gradually been endangered by intense environmental burden owing to rapid and haphazard urbanization, extreme weather events, etc. Unfortunately, environmental sustainability studies in many parts of the region are stillinadequate. Accordingly, in this book, the authors provide a detailed account of the Himalayas in the epoch of Anthropocene¿¿the most recent period in Earth¿s history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet¿s climate and ecosystems" (as defined by the National Geographic Society). It is no secret that the haphazard developmental activities in the Himalayas are having tremendous impacts on the local ecosystems. Many of such impacts are irreversible over the next hundreds of years and it should ring an alarm to all of us alike. Therefore, it becomes increasingly imperative that we document the existing anthropogenic challenges in the Himalayas, analyse them and find a way where environment and development can go hand in hand. This book is an attempt in that direction. The authors aim to address issues ranging from unorganized tourism practices to the big dams in the Himalayas and from mining and quarrying activities to climate change implications and sustainable development goals (SDGs).
The book provides an overview of the Slow Onset Disasters (SLOD) in the urban built environment discussing potential strategies to assess and mitigate multiple climate change related risks. Climate change evidence has been reported in the last decades, suggesting that the anthropogenic activities are accelerating these changes towards a warmer and more polluted environment. In this context, SLODs have been linked to climate change related disasters and have been stated to have a higher impact risk within dense built environment (BE). Therefore, the book presents a description of the most relevant SLODs, their significance, and confluence, the way in which scientists and entities are monitoring their progression at different scales, a structured risk assessment strategy and the deconstruction of the BE characteristics that make it more prone to SLODs risk. In addition, it highlights the necessity of adapting the traditional risk assessment methods, to account for different vulnerabilitytypes, including the morphology and materiality of the BE, and the BE users¿ characteristics. In fact, individual features influence users¿ responses and tolerance to environmental stressors, because of age, health, gender, habits, and behaviour, thus impacting the users¿ vulnerability. Exposure can then amplify these issues, since it defines the number of users that can be effectively affected by the SLOD. Starting from this perspective, the book first traces literature-based correlations between individual features, use behaviour, and individual response to the SLOD-altered open spaces. Then, a novel methodology, to quantify the variations of users¿ vulnerability and exposure, is offered, to support designers in quickly defining input scenarios for risk assessment and mitigation. Lastly, it demonstrates, through a case study, the SLOD risk assessment framework proposed and the evaluation of the efficacy of risk mitigation strategies.
This contributed volume offers a wide variety of cases exploring how humanity can adapt to a changing climate. The volume features a wide variety of contributions from geographers, primarily in India but with plenty of global cases to provide a broad comparative perspective. A primary goal of this book is to bridge the gap from conceptual and data-driven analysis of climate change and adaptation to practical planning approaches and strategies. The book compiles contributions that address human well-being and environmental effects related to climate change, including analysis and modelling of ecosystem services, socio-ecological research and sustainable governance of ecosystems. Results reported in this book are conducive to a better understanding of the climate emergency, climate-related impacts and adaptation and mitigation strategies. The cases here also provide researchers with new examples of applications of vulnerability assessment methods. The volume offers insights regardingvulnerable areas in India, an exploration of how some regions have coped with these issues, and a discussion of the impacts that public policy has had on vulnerability in the regions studied. The focus on vulnerability will assist decision-makers in and outside India in targeting policies aimed at poverty reduction in agricultural communities as well. Though the cases here primarily focus on India, the methodologies presented here are transferable to many other parts of the world.
Environmental impacts created by the entire textile and fashion supply chain have been an important topic of discussion in recent decades. Different life cycle phases of a textile product from raw material extraction through manufacturing to consumer use and disposal are all responsible for various magnitudes of environmental impact. Mitigating the environmental impacts created by the textile manufacturing sector is of paramount import as manufacturing is a critical point to alleviate the impacts arising from the entire textiles and clothing supply chain. This contributed volume is meant to illustrate and draw useful conclusions from initiatives taken by the textile manufacturing sector and to identify key practices invented and being practiced by textiles and clothing manufacturers toward making the industry more sustainable.
En parte una película documental de viaje, parte reportaje social inspirador y parte modelo de negocio motivador, Fomentando el Cambio es sobre la cruzada obstinada de un gerente medio reservado para cambiar el mundo del café. Durante sus 24 años en Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Rick Peyser ha sido una voz persistente incidiendo por una mejor calidad de vida en las comunidades productoras de café. Se ha unido a su amigo de muchos años y escritor Bill Mares para contar la historia de su carrera y de sus viajes alrededor de tierras cafetaleras en América Latina y África del Este. Una apertura de los ojos y conmovedor, Fomentando el Cambio es una historia que nos muestra la naturaleza indomable del espíritu humano y nos recuerda de los cambios dramáticos que son posibles cuando los individuos luchan por un mundo equitativo. El libro hace una crónica del irresistible viaje personal de Peyser y ofrece una visión interna fascinante de una de las compañías más exitosas en el negocio del café.
The book addresses the interdisciplinary and multiscale theme of the design of sustainable, inclusive and creative urban green spaces in relation to the socio-ecological transition and in line with the systemic vision promoted by the 2030 Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles outlined by the New European Bauhaus (European Commission, 2021). The publication refers to the International Study Day organized in June 2022 by the Unit for Internationalization of the PDTA Department of the Sapienza University of Rome, develops and updates its themes, with essays that deepen theories and methodologies pursued in specific disciplinary and research fields, and with case studies of design experiments and achievements that constitute best practices at an international level in the sign of a conscious sustainability.The book is therefore part of an international and interdisciplinary dialogue and discussion focused on the challenges of climate change, economic crises and social inequalities as well as the questions that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic. These issues are fundamental in the rethinking and reconfiguration of the role of urban green spaces, conceived as a priority place for the existence of citizens, the archetype of European culture, the conservation of biodiversity, and the relationship with nature.
The book offers a multi-scale, epistemically diverse, and sense-making perspectives on the food system. The book argues that sustainable food system transformation is a complex proposition that can better thrive upon the inclusion of consumer perspectives. The book brings together scholarly works of critical scholars and practitioners who bring to bear the uniqueness of places, cultures, histories and interactions in the milieu of food.
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