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  • - begreb, felt og kritik
    af Luise Li Langergaard & Katia Dupret
    347,95 kr.

    Social bæredygtighed som supplement – eller modsætning – til økonomi og vækst bliver vigtigere og vigtigere. Hvis vi ikke tager social bæredygtighed alvorligt, er der risiko for, at vi overser en social forarmelse og en øget instrumentalisering og økonomisering af vores liv og fremtid. Social bæredygtighed fremstår som et muligt svar på disse udfordringer og risici.I bogen her analyserer en række forskere begrebet social bæredygtighed tværfagligt gennem fagdiscipliner såsom socialt entreprenørskab, arbejdslivsstudier, teknologistudier, offentlig administration og ledelse, organisationsstudier, politisk økonomi, læringsteori, sociologi og politisk filosofi. Det giver stor spændvidde og bidrager til at illustrere social bæredygtigheds begrebslige mangfoldighed, såvel som dets relevans i forhold til en række forskellige praksisfelter. Kvalificeringen af begrebet sker således ved at relatere det til disse felter og praksisser.Bogens afsæt er et ønske om at udforske og bedre forstå idéen om social bæredygtighed og ikke mindst kritisk at diskutere begrebet og dets muligheder og begrænsninger. Forfatterne er Katia Dupret, Luise Li Langergaard, Jo Krøjer, Susanne Ekman, Peter Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Christine Revsbech Jensen, Jonas Egmose, Linda Lundgaard Andersen og Lars Hulgård. De er alle tilknyttet Forskningsgruppen Organisering, Etik og Bæredygtighed/OrgESS på Roskilde Universitet.

  • - Lokalt grønt lederskab
    af Johannes Lundsfryd Jensen
    161,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Den grønne omstilling er et helt konkret byggeprojekt, som er i fuld gang i Danmark lige nu. I Virkelighedsnært fortæller en række aktive socialdemokratiske borgmestre om, hvad de konkret gør for at lede deres område hen til en grønnere fremtid. Borgmestrene er nemlig klar til at gå forrest og lægge fundamentet til et grønnere samfund. Også selvom de ikke altid bliver populære på det.Bogen indeholder også konstruktive klimaindspark fra Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Teknologirådet, Tegnestuen EFFEKT, Anders Eldrup og TV-kok og iværksætter Claus Meyer.

  • af Frank Schatzing
    297,95 kr.

    Global økothrillerbestseller udkommer på danskEn fisker forsvinder sporløst ud for Perus kyst efter mødet med en stor stime fisk. Et tankskib i Stillehavet mister navigationsevnen, da små muslinger blokerer roret. Ud for Canadas vestkyst går en flok hvaler amok og begynder at angribe skibe. I Australien blokerer millioner af giftige gopler strandene. Og ud for Norges kyst opdager ingeniører en hidtil ukendt ormeart, der æder sig ned i kontinentalsoklen og frigør metangas.Den norske marinbiolog Sigurd Johanson begynder at analysere de mystiske orme, som dukker op i millionvis, ligesom andre som ham kloden over langsomt indser, at noget er grueligt galt. En økologisk katastrofe uden sidestykke truer menneskeheden. Og nogen er fast besluttet på at udnytte katastrofen i en kynisk stræben efter magt. Sværmener en storstilet økothriller til tiden, der kombinerer videnskabens indblik i Jordens skrøbelige økologi med den politiske spændingsroman.”En fængslende thriller med den utæmmede natur i hovedrollen. Et kæmpe science fictionværk fyldt med fakta.” Stern”Efter disse 1.000 åndeløse sider ser du havet med andre øjne.” Focus”… den ultimative sommerlæsning … får mig til at tænke på det bedste af Michael Crichton og Stephen King.” Contra Costa Times”Verden kunne gå under, mens du læste Sværmen , og du ville ikke bemærke det.” Die Welt

  • af Jasper Steinhausen
    135,95 kr.

    Addressing common questions and misconceptions about the cost of sustainability, Making Sustainability Profitable takes you through the five core principles of the Impact Blueprint that will boost your company's sustainability credentials and profitability.

  • af Ed Ikin & Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
    245,95 - 346,95 kr.

  • af Thomas (Michigan State University) Dietz
    363,95 - 853,95 kr.

  • af Mark Roseland
    354,95 kr.

    Toward Sustainable Communities is the definitive guide to creating vibrant, healthy, equitable, and prosperous places. This completely revised 5th edition organizes community resources into 8 interrelated forms of capital, creating an innovative framework for maximizing social, economic, and environmental benefits.

  • af Helen Atthowe
    324,95 kr.

    "The Ecological Farm is the go-to guide for ecological growing, with a unique focus on reduced tillage, minimizing farm and garden inputs, and pest control. Reflecting the wisdom that farmer, consultant, and educator Helen Atthowe and her late husband, Carl Rosato, gained during decades of farming experience, this book guides readers on how to reduce or eliminate the use of outside inputs of fertilizer or pesticides, even those that are commonly used on certified organic orchards and market gardens. In clear language and with color photographs, charts, and graphs throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of managing the details of an entire growing system over the full life of the enterprise. The Ecological Farm makes complex, sometimes messy, ecological concepts and practices understandable to all growers, and makes healthy farming, in which nature is invited to participate, possible."--

  • af Maja Göpel
    125,95 kr.

    A radical vision for a better future: an economy that works for us, rather than the other way around.As this major German bestseller reports, our world is at a tipping point, and we feel it every day. Costs are rising, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing, natural resources are depleted, and the effects of climate change are starting to take hold. We are under increasing social and environmental stress. But, as leading economist Maja Göpel argues here, there is another path forward.She invites us to imagine what we want our future to look like, and offers solutions that will help us to get there. It¿s time to question our principles, set new goals, and re-evaluate our priorities. Time to rethink our world and find new ways of living that don¿t drain our planet any further. We need a fair distribution of wealth, and a way to reconcile the social with the ecological. We need to work smarter, not harder.Critical, yet full of encouragement, Maja Göpel chooses surprising and enlightening examples to illustrate how we can leave behind our familiar ways of living to achieve a better future.

  • af Vandana Shiva
    185,95 kr.

    Terra Viva was originally published in India in 2022 by Women Unlimited.

  • af Rosie Flanagan
    394,95 kr.

    Bewusstes Reisen im Einklang mit der Natur und als Teil einer lebendigen ländlichen Kultur. Die schönsten Unterkünfte und besten Beispiele für eine neue Reisekultur.Reisen veredelt den Geist und räumt mit Vorurteilen auf, das wusste schon Oscar Wilde. In Slow Escapes stellt die Journalistin Clara le Fort die schönsten Orte für ein anderes, nachhaltiges Reisen vor: umgenutzte Klöster und ausgebaute Windmühlen, wiederbelebte Gutshöfe und andere Orte, deren Anziehungskraft ganzen Regionen nun neues Leben einhaucht. Wie es funktionieren kann gleichsam stilvoll und umweltbewusster zu reisen und dabei ländliche Gemeinschaften sinnvoll einzubinden, lokale Traditionen zu respektieren und kennenzulernen zeigt dieses Buch. Ob Wein, Oliven, Käse oder regionales Handwerk vieles was früher einmal Lebensgrundlage war, ist nicht nur Folklore, sondern identitätsstiftend für ganze Regionen und ihre Menschen und damit Grundlage für eine neue Form respektvoller Reisekultur.

  • - Beretninger fra klimafronten
    af Robert Zola Christensen & Sebastian H. Mernild
    118,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Gennem mere end 10 år har forfatteren Robert Zola Christensen rejst i hælene på den kendte danske klimaforsker Sebastian H. Mernild. Sammen har de to været på ekspedition til nogle af verdens mest fjerne egne for at dokumentere, hvad det forandrende klima gør ved vores klode. For der hersker ingen tvivl. Klimaet er under enorme forandringer. Der bliver målt stigende vandstande mange steder, det er blevet varmere, og isen smelter på polerne. Konsekvenserne er enorme.I Da kulden forsvandt tager Sebastian H.  Mernild og Robert Zola Christensen os med ud på Indlandsisen for at bore efter is i flere kilometers dybde, vi er fanget i en snestorm højt oppe i Andesbjergene, og så møder vi de mennesker, der må forlade deres hjem, fordi klimaet tvinger dem væk.Bogen er en barsk og samtidig livsbekræftende reportagerejse til klimafronten, hvor to venner – naturvidenskabsmanden og humanisten – dokumenterer den brutale og uundgåelige udvikling, vi alle er vidne til, og sammen reflekterer de to over, hvad der skal til for at fylde fremtiden med håb.

  • - How Motorsport Science can Save the World
    af Kit Chapman
    106,95 - 256,95 kr.

  • - Sampak, bog og e-bog
    af Kristoffer Nilaus Tarp & Erik Thomas Johnson
    366,95 kr.

    FORRETNING FOR FREMTIDEN - SUCCES MED VERDENSMÅLENE handler om, hvordan små og mellemstore virksomheder (SMV’er) kan få bæredygtighed til at blive en del af kerneforretningen og samtidig - eller netop derfor - drive forretning for fremtiden.FORRETNING FOR FREMTIDEN er skrevet på baggrund af de erfaringer, som en række virksomheder har fået ved at arbejde konkret med Verdensmålene, og som alle virksomheder kan lade sig inspirere af. Særligt i en tid med en verdensomspændende krise, hvor private virksomheder må og skal være med til at sikre en mere bæredygtig fremtid.FORRETNING FOR FREMTIDEN præsenterer syv kernekompetencer, som er udledt af erfaringer fra to projektforløb under Industriens Fond: Fra Filantropi til Forretning (Dansk Industri) og SDG Accelerator for SMV’er (UNDP). Flere end 50 virksomheder arbejdede i programmerne med at bruge bæredygtighed som løftestang for øget indtjening gennem produkt- og serviceinnovation, strategiudvikling, omkostningsreduktion, medarbejderengagement, styrkede forretningsmodeller og fokus på nye markeder. Kernekompetencerne spillede en essentiel rolle i disse tiltags tilblivelse og udførelse. Erfaringerne kan give dig og din virksomhed værktøjerne til at opnå kommerciel succes med Verdensmålene.Dette SBN dækker bog + voucher til e-bog

  • - Sådan skaber du en virksomhed, der redder verden (lidt)
    af Thomas Høgenhaven & Christian Løken Sparrevohn
    249,95 kr.

    Klimakrisen er vor tids største trussel. Og største forretningsmulighed. Erkendelse af krisens alvor, politisk bevågenhed og stigende efterspørgsel på grønne løsninger betyder, at behovet for at starte nye virksomheder, der reelt løser verdens bæredygtighedsudfordringer, er nærmest uudtømmeligt. Nu er med andre ord det helt rette tidspunkt at skabe fremtidens virksomheder og springe ud som grøn iværksætter. Men hvordan bærer man sig så ad med at starte en virksomhed, der ikke “bare” skal tjene penge? Denne bog demonstrerer med talrige eksempler, hvordan du kan skabe en grøn virksomhed, der både gør en forskel og er profitabel. Du vil møde en række af Danmarks mest progressive grønne startups som Organic Basics, Tomorrow, EAT GRIM, Chainge og VIGGO, som deler ud af deres erfaringer og giver deres tips til, hvordan du bedst bygger en levedygtig grøn virksomhed. En virksomhed som selv kan overleve og sikre, at planeten gør det. Baseret på 10 principper for grønt iværksætteri, viser forfatterne, hvordan du selv kan bygge en bæredygtig og kommerciel virksomhed op fra bunden. Du lærer bl.a., hvordan du skaber grønne forretningsmodeller, involverer de mange interessenter, der vil støtte klimaet, opbygger grønne værdikæder, finder de rette investorer, skalerer nænsomt og beviser dit bæredygtighedsbidrag. Læs bogen og få inspiration til, hvordan du kan bruge dit arbejdsliv på at skabe en mere bæredygtig verden.

  • - The blue-eyed turtle
    af Zaina Ibrahim
    93,95 - 307,95 kr.

    A series of short stories of the island girl from the Sulu Sea will revolve around the Sustainable Development Goals. In this story, explore along with Ocean as she discovers a sad blue-eyed turtle in their garden. The book is told in a rhythm of rhymes that sparks curiosity about culture and geography. The story offers a good message about the plight of underwater life and motivates children to dig deeper into marine conservation. The book touches on feelings that ... ... cultivates compassion ... cultivates selflessness ... cultivates caring ... cultivates a new way of thinking The book also includes research-based creativity training, which is a good way for both parents and children, students and teachers to be creative together engaging with the underwater life problem together through creative exercises. Kids generating ideas to solve the problems, expressing themselves and transforming ideas into reality, being ok with ambiguity, exploring possibilities and just having fun.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    236,95 kr.

    Betagende og tankevækkende bog om George Orwell og om at plante roser. Rebecca Solnit, en af USA’s bedste og mest markante essayister, går bag om mennesket George Orwell. På en gang en personlig biografi om forfatteren George Orwell, et kulturhistorisk essay om roser og en smuk og tankevækkende meditation over forholdet mellem natur og politik. Bogen bringer os vidt omkring, fra Orwells reportager fra kulminerne i England og Den Spanske Borgerkrig over Stalins besættelse af at gro citroner til nutidens sydamerikanske rosenfarme og cellofanindpakkede roser. Bogen slutter med en genlæsning af 1984, der fuldender portrættet af en mere håbefuld Orwell - og med en refleksion over hvordan nydelse, skønhed og glæde også kan være en modstandshandling. »En vidunderlig meditation over naturens glæde og skønhed.« The Times »Ny bog argumenterer overbevisende for det politiske potentiale i at plante roser … bør læses af alle, der interesserer sig for forholdet mellem natur og politik.« Information

  • af Brojo Kishore Mishra
    2.788,95 - 4.787,95 kr.

    In today's context of intricate global challenges, encompassing climate crises, resource scarcity, and social disparities, the imperative for sustainable development has never been more pressing. While academic scholars and researchers are instrumental in crafting solutions, they often grapple with the intricate balance between theoretical concepts and practical implementation. This gap impedes the transformation of innovative ideas into tangible societal progress, leaving a void where effective real-world strategies for cross-industry sustainability should flourish. "Fostering Cross-Industry Sustainability With Intelligent Technologies" seeks to bridge this divide. This book is more than just a collection of pages; it serves as a roadmap for those determined to make a tangible impact. It brings together a diverse group of esteemed experts from various disciplines, offering a comprehensive spectrum of actionable insights, all grounded in the ethical imperatives of inclusivity and environmental responsibility. Anchored in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this volume serves as a guiding star, channeling theoretical expertise into practical solutions. For academic scholars, scientists, innovators, and students alike, Fostering Cross-Industry Sustainability With Intelligent Technologies is the definitive guidepost. It fosters a profound understanding of the real-world implications of research, promoting interdisciplinary collaborations that transcend conventional boundaries. This comprehensive book presents a wealth of sustainable science and intelligent technology applications, all while emphasizing the importance of ethics and societal impact. With visionary insights woven throughout its pages, it calls upon humanity to envision a future where challenges transform into opportunities, and sustainable development becomes an attainable reality.

  • af Felipe Luis Palombini
    1.024,95 kr.

    Bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials in nature due to its fast growth, rapid regeneration, outstanding mechanical properties, and applications in numerous industries. Latest technological advances have been allowing the plant to be studied and applied to exciting new projects. Being bamboo an icon of sustainable development, this book approaches the latest developments in the study of the plant, either as a natural resource or as a source of inspiration for more efficient designs. With the global urging demand for more sustainable practices, innovations in bamboo science and technology are key to the development of environmentally sound solutions.

  • af Deepmoni Deka
    1.563,95 kr.

  • af Vijayalaxmi J
    858,95 kr.

    This book highlights the various aspects of architectural research based on field studies and real-time data including the data collection methods and the methodology and materials required. The output of every study is knowledge based and informed decision that helps architects and designers in decision making process at an early stage. The output of the book bridges the architectural research methods and its application in contemporary world through a thorough understanding of sustainable building materials, construction techniques and its quantified consequences on thermal performance. This book is aimed at researchers and professionals to assist in understanding the strategies, tacts and methods of a scientific approach to assess building performance through real-life case studies from India. The implication of what is being done in the contemporary world is highlighted which will help practicing architects make design decisions.¿

  • af Shilpa Chaudhary
    2.124,95 kr.

    Modern organizations confront an array of existential challenges encompassing environmental volatility, resource scarcity, workforce recruitment woes, employee burnout, and technological disruption. These uncertainties, coupled with the call for sustainability as exemplified by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), necessitate adept management and visionary leadership. Nevertheless, deciphering these intricacies proves formidable, exacerbated by societal shifts and rapid behavioral transformations. The demand for proficient management and comprehensive leadership has never been more pressing as we stand on the cusp of a transformative era. Contemporary Management and Global Leadership for Sustainability , emerges as a remedy for present challenges. This book delves into the core of modern management science and global leadership, offering a roadmap to navigate multifaceted issues across various sectors. Beyond theoretical insights, it bridges the gap between theory and application, equipping a diverse audience with actionable approaches for sustainable triumph. Tailored for academics, professionals in public and private spheres, and students, the book serves as a reservoir of knowledge. Touching industries from hospitality to education and exploring the fusion of religious philosophy with sustainable leadership, provides invaluable guidance. As organizations worldwide seek direction amid contemporary challenges, this book shines as a beacon, guiding the way toward resilience, innovation, and enduring triumph.

  • af Linda V. Scott
    206,95 kr.

    In "Leadership for a Living Planet," Linda V. Scott challenges traditional notions of corporate success, arguing for a profound integration of sustainability and profitability within business leadership. This enlightening guide provides a roadmap for leaders who seek to harmonize business objectives with environmental stewardship. Through compelling narratives, practical strategies, and real-world examples, Scott illustrates how sustainable practices can drive innovation, foster resilience, and create lasting value.Structured around the core principles of sustainable leadership, the book delves into:The Imperative of Sustainability: Exploring the urgency and necessity of embedding sustainability at the heart of business models.Strategies for Integration: Offering actionable insights on how to intertwine sustainability with profit, enhancing both organizational growth and environmental conservation.Leadership in Action: Showcasing leaders who have successfully navigated the path toward sustainability, providing inspiration and guidance for others to follow.Scott's vision extends beyond mere theory, presenting a practical approach that empowers leaders to act decisively and responsibly. "Leadership for a Living Planet" is not just a book; it's a manifesto for a new era of leadership where profit and planet are inextricably linked. It's an essential read for anyone committed to forging a sustainable future, proving that business success and environmental sustainability can, and indeed must, go hand in hand.

  • af Martin Abraham
    22.907,95 kr.

    While technological advancement leads to societal benefits in terms of economic growth, it also brings with it challenges in its impact on the environment or human health. Sustainable development seeks a uniform means of comparing the economic benefits with the environmental and health costs associated with the implementation of a new technology. This revised encyclopedia investigates sustainability initiatives across a range of industries, providing insight into future opportunities for technological development. A broad spectrum of human challenges have only become more intense since publication of the first edition. For example, climate change is now observed across the globe as a contributor to large scale weather events, including extreme drought in Australia, intense wildfires in California, and flooding along the great rivers of Africa, North and South America. Land in the Amazon rain forest is destroyed to provide increased cropland, contributing to climate change. Expansion of the use of biomass as a raw material in chemical processing leads to food shortages. In many cases, these challenges have the greatest impact on the poorest nations, and the most polluting manufacturing facilities are located in the poorest communities, demonstrating social justice challenges. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, Four Volume Set provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges of modern technology, and the innovations that are leading to better use of limited resources and improved resiliency as we learn to adapt to a changing world. Each chapter examines in depth a technological solution to support a specific human need, evaluates it relative to its impacts on the environment and human health, and considers the social justice issues underlying its development. The new edition provides a stronger link between manufacturing and climate change, updates on new technologies for the generation, distribution and storage of energy, new concepts in resiliency and modularity that have changed manufacturing and chemical processes, and emphasizes the trade-offs required to obtain desired products while minimizing environmental impact.

  • - Bogpakke
    af Helle Perrier
    417,95 kr.

    Køb de 3 bøger i serienForfatter Helle PerrierIllustrator Aske Schmidt RoseLæs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside serienDen Gule Planet er klimafiktion. En hæsblæsende trilogi fra en fremtidig verden, hvor vand er det mest dyrebare. Det overordnede tema i serien Den Gule Planet er tørke. Serien viser hvad der sker med naturen, når vi ikke passer på den. Den viser også hvilke teknologier der findes, for at overleve i en ørken. Og hvad vi selv kan gøre.Målgruppe: fra 9 årVinder af Niels Klim prisen 2020.Trilogien indenholder seks af FNs Verdensmål som en del af historien. Download gratis undervisningsmateriale fra forlagets hjemmeside.AnmeldelserBibliotekernes materialevurdering: "Absolut anbefaling." "Et yderst anbefalelsesværdigt materiale." "Det her er genialt." ★

  • - Harnessing the Power of the Natural World to Survive a Changing Planet
    af Nadina Galle
    322,95 kr.

    In the tradition of Elizabeth Kolbert and Jonathan Doerr, The Nature of Our Cities is a stirring exploration of how scientists from around the world are harnessing local ecology and innovative technology to protect the planet's cities from the effects of climate change.When it comes to nature, most people romanticize bucolic mountain scenery and verdant pine forests, but anyone who's ever lived in a city can tell you that nature has just as vital a role to play in urban landscapes. And with climate change altering life and mental health everywhere, nature can do more to aid and protect our cities, offering the potential to solve problems as diverse as flood preparation and wildfire management. As ecological engineer Dr. Nadina Galle argues, nature is our most critical infrastructure for tackling the climate crisis. It just needs a little help.A fellow at MIT's Senseble City Lab and selected for Forbes' 30 under 30 list, Galle has been at the forefront of the growing movement to use nature and technology together to prepare urban life for the climate challenges upon us. Now, in The Nature of Our Cities, she embarks on a journey as fascinating as it is pressing, showing how scientists and engineers from around the world are harnessing the power of technology and the natural world to save their cities, a phenomenon she calls the "Internet of Nature." Traveling the globe, Galle examines how urban nature, long an afterthought for many, actually points the way toward a livable future for cities. She reveals how technology can help nature navigate this precarious moment with advances such as: firefighting robots inspired by ancient forest wisdom, sensors that achieve 99% tree survival in increasingly dry, hot summers, and innovative smart ponds that collect and manage water surges from extreme weather.Optimistic in spirit yet pragmatic in approach, Galle writes persuasively that the future of urban life depends on balancing the natural world with the technology that can help sustain it. By turns clear-eyed and lyrical, The Nature of Our Cities marks the emergence of an invigorating, prescient new talent in nature writing.

  • af Amartya Sen
    212,95 kr.

    By the winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics, an essential and paradigm-altering framework for understanding economic development--for both rich and poor--in the twenty-first century. Freedom, Sen argues, is both the end and most efficient means of sustaining economic life and the key to securing the general welfare of the world's entire population. Releasing the idea of individual freedom from association with any particular historical, intellectual, political, or religious tradition, Sen clearly demonstrates its current applicability and possibilities. In the new global economy, where, despite unprecedented increases in overall opulence, the contemporary world denies elementary freedoms to vast numbers--perhaps even the majority of people--he concludes, it is still possible to practically and optimistically restain a sense of social accountability. Development as Freedom is essential reading.

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