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  • af Olegas Prentkovskis
    3.123,95 kr.

    This book reports on innovative research and developments in the broad field of transportation. It covers solutions relating to intelligent vehicles and infrastructure, energy and combustion management, vehicle dynamics and engineering, as well as research on railway transport, aerospace technologies, logistics and security. Contributions are based on peer-reviewed papers presented at the 13th international scientific conference "Transbaltica: Transportation Science and Technology", held on September 15-16, 2022, at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, in Vilnius, Lithuania. All in all, this book offers extensive information on modern transport systems, with a good balance of theory and practice.

  • af Annik Magerholm Fet
    528,95 - 635,95 kr.

  • af Hasan Dinçer & Serhat Yüksel
    1.981,95 kr.

  • af Drielli Peyerl
    1.213,95 kr.

    The book's objective is to present the energy transition process in Brazil over time and offer new perspectives on this process in the eyes of a sustainable future. The book unfolds over 15 chapters covering historical, geopolitical, technological, and economical aspects, as well as aspects conceptually familiar to the energy transition such as public perception, low-carbon technologies, digitalization, Sustainable Development Goals, and even recent topics such as the pandemic of COVID-19. The Brazilian electricity and transport sectors and climate change governance are the main focus of this book. The paths taken throughout this book demonstrate the particularities of Brazil and present this country in a unique and differentiated way in terms of the various approaches to the energy transition. It is a book that brings a multidisciplinary, innovative vision and information published for the first time.

  • af Sara Valaguzza & Mark Alan Hughes
    1.995,95 kr.

  • af Mohammadreza Kamali
    1.800,95 kr.

    This book reports on the treatment of waters and wastewaters with contaminants of emerging concern such as pharmaceutically active compounds. It shows how to prevent the contamination of the environment with such pollutants in the content of effluents. This book reviews various physico-chemical and biological methods that have been developed in order to deal with the polluted effluents. It also evaluates the already developed technologies regarding the sustainability criteria. The chapters discuss technical aspects and put the spotlight on the sustainability aspects of the water and wastewater treatment technologies.

  • af Jason Briggeman
    143,95 kr.

    Econ Journal Watch maintains an ongoing series of studies on classical liberalism by country. The first articles appeared in 2015. A selection of chapters from that series are here republished largely unchanged from their appearance as articles, though some also contain a postscript (written around January 2023). This second of three anticipated volumes contains chapters on Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil.

  • af Diana Verde Nieto
    388,95 - 1.253,95 kr.

  • af Gomaa A. M. Ali & Abdel Salam H. Makhlouf
    8.257,95 kr.

    This Handbook discusses the recent advances in biodegradation technologies and highlights emerging sustainable materials, including environmentally friendly nano-based materials for replacing plastics. It is useful to scientists, engineers, biologists, medical doctors and provides alternative eco-friendly materials to replace the currently used ones with harmful impact on the environment and life. The chapters present different types of alternative materials in diverse areas, such as food packaging materials, materials for construction and agricultural materials. The principles and types of biodegration technologies are described in depth.

  • af Antonio Urbina
    1.697,95 kr.

  • af Abd El-Fatah Abomohra
    1.541,95 - 1.727,95 kr.

    This book addresses the needs of students, researchers, as well as engineers and other professionals or readers interested in recent advances of biofuel and efficient waste management. In the context of energy consumption, over 85% of the total consumed energy comes from non-renewable fossil resources. Developing new renewable energy resources, especially biofuel production from wastes, has received increasing attention. The book is organized into three sections, namely Section I: Conventional waste management; Section II: From waste to green energy; and Section III: Case studies and future perspectives. Each section presents topic-specific chapters, which contain comprehensive and advanced knowledge of the subjects. Overall, the book covers the recent advances, breakthroughs, challenges, and future perspectives of waste-to-energy approach using different kinds of wastes as a feedstock for alternative biofuels and other integrated approaches such as wastewater treatment, plastic degradation, and CO2 sequestration in a cost-effective and eco-friendly way. In addition, different routes of waste recycling for enhanced biofuel production and case studies are presented with environmental and economic analysis. The presented case studies and future perspectives under Section III complement the chapters as they are authored by experts from bioenergy businesses who actually encounter real-world problems.

  • af Clara Vasconcelos & Cristina S. C. Calheiros
    2.000,95 kr.

  • af Lia Marchi
    1.121,95 - 1.593,95 kr.

    Economic constraints and lack of knowledge often prevent companies - especially small and medium enterprises - from harmonizing their facilities with the landscape. As a result, factories significantly impact the quality of our living environment, in terms of physical effects on the ecosystem, perceptual interferences with the surroundings, and disturbances on local communities. At both the design and maintenance stages, a set of appropriate tools can assist businesses in becoming more aware of their impacts and identifying possible mitigation strategies. The book presents an assessment tool and a library of inspiring design tactics for factories, with examples of the benefits and synergies for the environment, the scenery, the community, and the company itself. The purpose is to elicit more than a simple reflection about what a sustainable factory entails. It is rather to encourage and assist both businesses and designers in mitigating the impact of industrial facilities on the landscape as holistically as possible.

  • af Elena G. Popkova & Bruno S. Sergi
    1.994,95 kr.

    This book is concerned with the systemic examination of the prospects for the development of smart agriculture for sustainable development. This book substantiates the top-priority significance of smart innovation in agriculture for modern economic and ecological systems. The book not only examines the theoretical concept of smart agriculture, but also gives consideration to the rule of thumb in terms of its implementation in different countries worldwide. The book contains both fundamental and applied recommendations on the innovative technological development of smart agriculture in modern economic and ecological systems for sustainable development. The book is not limited to a single vector of development of smart agriculture, but is representative of all of them, making it possible to describe the future prospects in the fullest, most reliable and accurate manner, and to comprehensively present the directions for its development. The book has developed and applied an advanced and sophisticated methodology, the advantage of which consists in the reliance on big data with the use of datasets, which allows improving accuracy, reliability, authenticity, and coverage of results.

  • af Rajib Shaw & Anjula Gurtoo
    1.611,95 kr.

    This book highlights how the human security aspect has been affected by the global pandemic, based on the specific case study, field data, and evidence. COVID-19 has exemplified that the pandemic is global, but its responses are local. The responses depend on national governance and policy framework, use of technology and innovation, and people's perceptions and behavior, among many others. There are many differences in how the pandemic has affected the rich and the poor, urban and rural sectors, development and fiscal sectors, and developed and developing nations and communities.Echoing human security principles, the 2030 Agenda emphasized a "world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want... free of fear and violence... with equitable and universal access to quality education, health care, and social safe drinking water and sanitation... where food is sufficient, safe, affordable and nutritious... where habitats are safe, resilient and sustainable...and where there is universal access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy." These basic human security [PA1] principles and development agenda are highly affected by the global pandemic worldwide, irrespective of its development and economic status. Thus, the book highlights the nexus between human security and development issues. It has two major pillars, one is the development and the other is technology issues. These two inter-dependent topics are discussed in the perspective of the global pandemic, making this the most important feature of this book.While the world is still in the middle of a pandemic, and possibly other natural and biological hazards may affect peoples' lives and livelihoods in the future, this book provides some key learning, which can be used to cope with future uncertainties, including climate risks. Thus, the book is timely and relevant to wider readers.

  • af Jennifer Haslam
    398,95 kr.

    The New Naturals celebrates 18 global homes that put well-being and environment first, incorporating eco elements and sympathetic natural materials that provide a nourishing connection to nature. The properties showcased include: renovated Victorian homes in leafy Highgate; Italian summer houses; New York retreats and Australian new builds. Their owners and designers are the likes of Louisa Grey (House of Grey), Jonathan Tuckey, Jack Harries and Alice Aedy of Earthrise Studios, Sebastian and Brogan Cox and many more. Their shared credentials are garnered from a focus on key eco elements such as clay walls, reclaimed wood, stone, and natural paints but their visual identities are unexpectedly varied.   These contributors are pioneers of slow living and sustainable choices, whether it's a lick of paint, an upcycle of existing pieces, the use of sustainable materials, or modern technology that sits comfortably behind the scenes. All combine to create a book showing us how we must exist, now and in the future.

  • af Hans Stengaard Jessen
    148,95 kr.

    At bevæge sig i cirkler giver et stort operationsfelt over forne tider helt op til vore dage og videre frem. At være opvokset i bondelandet med brede familiære relationer, opvækst- og uddannelses- samt arbejdsmæssige rammebetingelser er ikke særligt ringe. Det har dannet baggrunden for interesse­betonede aktiviteter udenfor det arbejds­betonede. Begge dele har medført en bekræftelse på, at verden ikke er større end, at den kan omfattes af tanken, om det så er fra Jylland, København eller Als. Dertil kommer en skribentvirksomhed af en vis størrelse.Den verden vi lever i er mere end urolig, hvorfor noget bør gøres. Hvis der gøres noget, kan det være forkert, hvis der intet gøres, er det helt sikkert forkert. Derfor bør denne bog blive en del af den inspiration, der er en nødvendighed for, at vor levevis kan opretholdes og videreføres.God fornøjelse med læsningen og inspirationen.

  • af Wolfgang Lührsen
    258,95 kr.

    Was man nicht verworten kann, kann man auch nicht beschreiben, nicht erklären und erst nicht verstehen, geschweige denn emotional begreifen.Sogar Menschen, die sich täglich mit Klimakrise, Massenaussterben und Gesellschaftskrise auseinandersetzen, gelingt es oft nicht, ihr Anliegen in knappe Worte zu fassen und angemessen zu beschreiben, wo wir Menschen ökologisch und planetar gesehen derzeit stehen. Bereits der Begriff Klimaschutz erzählt die falsche Geschichte: Wir Menschen müssen nicht das Klima schützen, sondern uns selbst, unsere Mitmenschen, unsere Kinder sowie sämtliche nachfolgenden Generationen. Und alles Lebendige auf diesem Planeten. Denn ohne das web of life, d. h. ohne das Netz des Lebens, das wir Menschen im Falle eines Weiter so absehbar unwiderruflich zerstören, ist alles nichts. Wir Menschen befinden uns folglich in einer existenziellen Krise. Ein neues Vokabular, ein neues Begriffsfeld und eine bewusst eingesetzte Wortwahl können helfen, die Debatte um die Überlebenskrise der Menschheit emotional und argumentativ zu verschlanken.Mit der Handreichung SPRACHE MACHT ZUKUNFT legen Dr. Wolfgang Lührsen (Mitglied im Vorstand des BUND Hamburg) und Dr. Marc Pendzich (Autor des Handbuch Klimakrise), eine Sammlung von Begriffen, Inspirationen und Hinweisen zu Argumentationen vor. Ziel ist es, dass interessierte Menschen künftig leichter und ablenkungsfreier als bisher in wenige präzise Worte fassen können, was Sache ist.Sprache hat Macht. Also macht Sprache Zukunft. Die Diskussion ist eröffnet. Weitere Vorschläge sind willkommen unter

  • af Mitchell L. Gold C. A.
    218,95 - 488,95 kr.

  • af V. P. Singh, Ramakar Jha, Roshni Thendiyath, mfl.
    2.008,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Breinbauer
    1.318,95 kr.

    In letzter Zeit hat die Öffentlichkeit Bedenken hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen multinationaler Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern geäußert. Die Expansion chinesischer multinationaler Unternehmen nach Europa und die Belt and Road Initiative ist ein prominentes Beispiel, das Hoffnung geweckt hat, aber auch das Bewusstsein für die langfristigen Auswirkungen geschärft hat. Auf der Grundlage einer systematischen Analyse von Internationalisierungstheorien, der Rolle ausländischer Direktinvestitionen und multinationaler Unternehmen in Verbindung mit eingehender empirischer Forschung anhand von Fallstudien in der Türkei, Russland, Lateinamerika, Asien und Europa befasst sich dieser aktuelle Sammelband mit den Chancen und Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit diesem neuen Trend. Darüber hinaus liefert er neue Erkenntnisse, die für Wissenschaftler, politische Entscheidungsträger, regionale Wirtschaftsagenturen und Studenten sowie für die breite Öffentlichkeit von großer Bedeutung sind. Durch die Konzentration auf die (potenziellen) Auswirkungen der Expansion multinationaler Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern auf Europa und die Einbeziehung einer langfristigen Perspektive bietet das Buch eine neue Sichtweise auf ein äußerst kontroverses Thema.

  • af Larissa Böhrkircher
    419,50 kr.

    Andean dry forest ecosystems are threatened by deforestation and unsustainable land use methods. The negative effects for the livelihood of the local population, biodiversity, and the regional climate could be countered by reforestation measures; however, dry land forests have not attracted the same level of interest and investment like other ecosystems. This book describes the development of a priority-zone map for reforestation measures, showing where reforestation might have the greatest social and ecological benefits. To achieve this, a problem analysis of a case study region is conducted and thematic reforestation benefits are determined. Using remote sensing and GIS, the areas where benefits can be obtained are mapped in individual layers and compiled into a summarizing priority-zone map. It is thus possible to identify areas where reforestation would achieve multiple benefits. The concept of priority maps could be used to facilitate reforestation strategies by local communitiesand municipal governments and could thus contribute to initiate an integrated forest and landscape restoration of the Bolivian montane dry forests.

  • af Tariq Muneer
    1.985,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the current situation of two technologies for electricity production from renewable energy sources, wind and solar photovoltaic energy, analysing and describing both technologies in detail.Four regions of the world, with distinct energy markets and conditions, are explored. Together, the USA, Europe, China and Japan represent one third of the world¿s population and occupy 25% of the planet, therefore offering a representation of a global picture. In each of these regions, the development of the solar and wind energy is examined, and the economic implications are described.

  • af Reinhard Altenburger
    1.025,95 kr.

    Artificial intelligence - and social responsibility. Two topics that are at the top of the business agenda. This book discusses in theory and practice how both topics influence each other. In addition to impulses from the current often controversial scientific discussion, it presents case studies from companies dealing with the specific challenges of artificial intelligence.Particular emphasis is placed on the opportunities that artificial intelligence (AI) offers for companies from different industries. The book shows how dealing with the tension between AI and challenges caused by new corporate social responsibility creates strategic opportunities and also innovation opportunities. It highlights the active involvement of stakeholders in the design process, which is meant to build trust among customers and the public and thus contributes to the innovation and acceptance of artificial intelligence.The book is aimed at researchers and practitioners in the fields of corporate social responsibility as well as artificial intelligence and digitalization. The chapter "Exploring AI with purpose" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Mourade Azrour, Rajasekhar Chaganti & Azeem Irshad
    1.784,95 kr.

  • af Paul Vare, Marco Rieckmann & Nadia Lausselet
    1.791,95 kr.

  • af Kusisami Hornberger
    356,95 kr.

    The global challenges confronting us ¿ climate change, poverty, inequality, and many others ¿ can feel overwhelming. Those of us who believe in market-based solutions to these challenges get even more disheartened when we regularly see our existing capitalist system failing us, often causing more harm than good. Many examples show how the capitalist tools of finance and investment can and make real, positive impact. Approaches like blended finance and impact investing can help accelerate progress against the world¿s biggest remaining collective challenges. Yet use of these improved capitalist approaches remains far too subscale. Blended finance and impact investing remain 15 to 200 times smaller than traditional approaches to finance and investment. How can we continue to make capitalism work better by scaling these approaches and others? This book looks at how we can start making these necessary changes using strategies, structures, and practices that take advantage ofcapitalism's strengths. Its goal is to demonstrate how a reimagined financial system can be more inclusive and accountable to all. By shifting away from extractive, short-term practices in the name of shareholder primacy, we can move toward a system that values the role of all stakeholders.

  • af Dieter D. Genske & Giovanni Maurice Pradipta
    1.103,95 kr.

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