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Regionalplanlægning og arealplanlægning

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  • af Sergey Myagkov
    496,95 kr.

    Überschwemmungen in Städten, die durch den Anstieg der Flusspegel infolge starker Regenfälle oder starker Schneeschmelze verursacht werden, sind weltweit verbreitet. In den Städten Usbekistans (Taschkent, Samarkand, Buchara), die in den hügeligen Gebieten der Trockengebiete liegen, treten Sturzfluten und Überschwemmungen als Folge der anthropogenen Veränderungen der städtischen Landschaft und der Oberflächenbeschaffenheit auf. So führt die Entwicklung der städtischen Infrastruktur zu einem erhöhten Risiko von Überschwemmungen infolge von Starkniederschlägen. In dem Beitrag werden Methoden zur Erstellung eines digitalen Modells des städtischen Reliefs und eines mathematischen Modells des Wasserflusses entlang des Reliefs des Stadtgebiets beschrieben. Die Veränderung der Topographie durch den Bau von Straßen und Bauwerken führt zur Bildung von Überschwemmungsgebieten.

  • af Maria Da Conceição Freire
    556,95 kr.

    The rossio is an ancient type of urban public open space, present in many urban areas in Portugal. It is distinguished by its location and its spatial and functional characteristics, particularly its large size, multifunctionality and versatility. The text includes a characterization of this type of space and an argument about its necessary continuity and reinvention in the context of the contemporary city.

  • af Mehmet Ça¿r¿ K¿z¿lta¿
    484,95 kr.

    National integrity, welfare, justice, law, institutionalism, planning, coordination and balance emerge right development. Right development is related to social state. Social state assures good level basic services, health infrastructure, education infrastructure, urban infrastructure, technical infrastructure, safety, accessibility for all (kamu) in equally. Development enhance provides more possibilities for public. High quality public is the biggest power of nations and the most robust foundation for states (devlet).

  • af Sergey Myagkov
    485,95 kr.

    Urban flooding, caused by rising river levels as a result of heavy rainfall or heavy snowmelt, is common throughout the world. In the conditions of the cities of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara), located on the hilly terrain of arid zones, flash floods and inundations occur as a result of anthropogenic changes in the urban landscape and surface coating properties. Thus, the development of urban infrastructure leads to an increased risk of flooding as a result of heavy rainfall. The paper outlines methods for constructing a digital model of the city's relief and a mathematical model of water flow along the relief of the urban area. Changing the topography through the construction of roads and structures leads to the formation of flood zones.

  • af Paulin Gotilo
    872,95 kr.

    Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Leser, insbesondere die NGOs, Partner, Projektbegünstigten und die Regierung, über die Bedeutung des Beitrags der ländlichen Gemeinschaften in den lokalen Entwicklungsprojekten aufzuklären. Sie ermöglicht es, die lokalen Akteure für die Durchführung des Projekts zu identifizieren, die Merkmale ihrer Beteiligung zu beschreiben und die Rolle der Frauen bei der Beteiligung der Gemeinschaft aufzuzeigen. Welche Rolle spielt die ländliche Gemeinschaft in diesem Sinne im lokalen Entwicklungsprojekt? Dies ist die Frage, die die Forschung zu beantworten versucht. Um die Daten zu sammeln, waren empirische Methoden erforderlich. So wurde dies durch Fragebogenerhebungen, Interviews, Fokusgruppen, Beobachtungen und Dokumentation erreicht. Den Ergebnissen zufolge hat das Departement mit zahlreichen natürlichen und anthropogenen Problemen zu kämpfen, die seine Entwicklung beeinflussen, aber es verfügt auch über Potenziale, die für seinen Fortschritt genutzt werden können. Angesichts dieser Probleme wurden mehrere Projekte durchgeführt, insbesondere die Erschließung von Standorten und die Verteilung von Nahrungsmitteln an die schwächsten Bevölkerungsgruppen.

  • af Gabriel Bertimes Di Bernardi Lopes
    597,95 - 777,95 kr.

  • af Julia Schulz-Dornburg
    382,95 kr.

    Unmarked on maps and largely unnoticed by urban design, architecture, and planning communities, Combat Cities have quietly spread throughout the western hemisphere. The Complete Guide to Combat City is an architectural and cultural guide of these simulated cities, exclusively developed by the military. Seventeen existing, fully functioning urban combat centers in the US, Europe and the Middle East have been reconstructed from existing video footage, satellite images, military photographs, and army supplier's catalogs. Julia Schulz-Dornburg analyzes their features, be they fictional or real, and presents them with commentary, illustrations, and classifications. The book combines different urban portraits to create a comprehensive overview and architectural database of contemporary mock-cities. A comprehensive selection of seventeen urban combat centers in the US, Europe and the Middle East The first in-depth analysis of a clandestine architectural subject

  • af Dorina Pojani
    493,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

    This book includes twelve newly commissioned and carefully curated chapters each of which presents an alternative planning history and theory written from the perspective of groups that have been historically marginalized or neglected.

  • af Mehmet Ça¿r¿ K¿z¿lta¿
    484,95 kr.

    This book is about relationship between transportation, urbanization and economy in terms of engineering, politics and history for future cities. Expresses histrorical period on the center of the world and gives the mentality of planning perspective and the philosophy of cilivilization, urban and engineering. It explains the basics of Turkey via Anatolia, Balkans, Mesopotamia, Caucasian and Levant (Aleppo). It sheds light to guide of the engineer.

  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    552,95 kr.

    Urban problems and their resolution have been one of the major challenges for planners and decision-makers over the last few decades. The increase in the number and size of cities and the deterioration of many urban environments have led architects, sociologists, anthropologists, economists, geographers and urban planners to turn their attention to the study of the city. This book sets out to make a major contribution to the field, presenting an interdisciplinary approach to the capitalist world. It focuses on the various contemporary socio-economic and environmental causes of the proliferation of shanty towns in Bangui. These causes are due to a low level of investment in rural areas and the inadequacy of urban planning and infrastructure, an imbalance in the land and social housing markets, the non-application of an urban planning master plan and the non-existence of a genuine property development system, the non-application of the cadastral plan, and the multiple failures of attempts to improve the housing problem, with these negative impacts on the way of life of the inhabitants in urban areas.

  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    697,95 kr.

    Os problemas urbanos e a sua resolução têm sido um dos maiores desafios para os planeadores e decisores nas últimas décadas. O aumento do número e da dimensão das cidades e a degradação de muitos ambientes urbanos levaram arquitectos, sociólogos, antropólogos, economistas, geógrafos e urbanistas a voltarem a sua atenção para o estudo da cidade. Este livro pretende dar um contributo importante para este domínio, apresentando uma abordagem interdisciplinar do mundo capitalista. Centra-se nas diferentes causas socioeconómicas e ambientais contemporâneas da proliferação de bairros de lata em Bangui. Estas causas são devidas a um baixo nível de investimento nas zonas rurais e à insuficiência do planeamento e das infra-estruturas urbanas, ao desequilíbrio dos mercados fundiários e de habitação social, à não aplicação de um plano diretor de planeamento urbano e à inexistência de um verdadeiro sistema de ordenamento da propriedade, à não aplicação do plano cadastral, bem como aos múltiplos fracassos das tentativas de melhorar o problema da habitação, com estes impactos negativos no modo de vida dos habitantes das zonas urbanas.

  • af Paulin Gotilo
    962,95 kr.

    The aim of this research is to enlighten readers, particularly NGOs, partners, project beneficiaries and the government, on the importance of the contribution of rural communities in local development projects. It identifies the local players involved in project implementation, describes the characteristics of their participation, and shows the role of women in community participation. So, what role does the rural community play in the local development project? This is the question the research seeks to answer. Empirical methods were used to gather data. Questionnaire surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations and documentation were all used. According to the results, the department faces a number of natural and man-made problems that impact on its development, but it also abounds in potential that can be exploited for its progress. In response to these problems, several projects have been carried out, notably site development and food distribution to the most vulnerable populations.

  • af Zinga Kristian Amandin
    697,95 kr.

    Problemy gorodow i ih reshenie qwlqütsq odnoj iz glawnyh zadach dlq planirowschikow i lic, prinimaüschih resheniq, na protqzhenii poslednih neskol'kih desqtiletij. Uwelichenie chisla i razmerow gorodow, a takzhe uhudshenie sostoqniq mnogih gorodskih sred zastawili arhitektorow, sociologow, antropologow, äkonomistow, geografow i gradostroitelej obratit' swoe wnimanie na izuchenie goroda. Jeta kniga prizwana wnesti znachitel'nyj wklad w razwitie dannoj oblasti, predstawlqq mezhdisciplinarnyj podhod k kapitalisticheskomu miru. V centre wnimaniq - razlichnye sowremennye social'no-äkonomicheskie i äkologicheskie prichiny rasprostraneniq truschob w Bangi. Jeti prichiny obuslowleny nizkim urownem inwesticij w sel'skuü mestnost' i neadekwatnost'ü gorodskogo planirowaniq i infrastruktury, disbalansom na rynkah zemli i social'nogo zhil'q, neprimeneniem general'nogo plana gorodskogo planirowaniq i otsutstwiem podlinnoj sistemy razwitiq sobstwennosti, neprimeneniem kadastrowogo plana, a takzhe mnogochislennymi neudachami w popytkah reshit' zhilischnuü problemu, chto negatiwno skazywaetsq na obraze zhizni gorozhan.

  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    697,95 kr.

    Städtische Probleme und ihre Lösung stellen seit einigen Jahrzehnten eine der größten Herausforderungen für Planer und Entscheidungsträger dar. Die wachsende Zahl und Größe der Städte und die Verschlechterung vieler städtischer Lebensräume haben dazu geführt, dass sich Architekten, Soziologen, Anthropologen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Geographen und Stadtplaner mit dem Thema Stadt befassen. Dieses Buch soll einen wichtigen Beitrag zu diesem Bereich leisten, indem es einen interdisziplinären Ansatz für die kapitalistische Welt vorstellt. Es behandelt vor allem die verschiedenen sozioökonomischen und ökologischen Ursachen für die Ausbreitung der Slums in Bangui. Diese Ursachen sind auf ein niedriges Investitionsniveau in den ländlichen Gebieten und die Unzulänglichkeit der Stadtplanung und Infrastruktur zurückzuführen, auf ein Ungleichgewicht der Märkte für Grundbesitz und Sozialwohnungen, auf die Nichtumsetzung eines städtebaulichen Masterplans und die Nichtexistenz eines echten Immobilienförderungssystems, auf die Nichtumsetzung des Katasterplans sowie auf die zahlreichen gescheiterten Versuche, das Wohnungsproblem zu verbessern, was sich negativ auf den Lebensstil der Bewohner in den städtischen Gebieten auswirkt.

  • af Oshri Hakak
    242,95 kr.

    Listen to the Land: A Tale of Two Flowers, is a book about to flowers, who are in animosity, and other than guided by natural elements into a space of healing, mutual respect, and reconciliation.

  • af Alisa V Moldavanova
    1.017,95 kr.

    Elevates in systematic ways the importance of organizational thinking about sustainability and emphasizes the importance of cultural organizations in facilitating societal sustainability goals.

  • af Yan Zhang
    1.725,95 - 1.734,95 kr.

  • af Nisrine Makhoul
    1.118,95 kr.

    Using a consistent structure throughout, the book examines smart cities in a broad sense, looking at people, governance, economic, mobility, environment, and infrastructure dimensions. It identifies the likely weaknesses of those cities and threats faced, proposing a modeling platform to help enhance resilience of smart cities, offering state-of-the-research and deep literature review. The book shows the role smart cities play in achieving sustainability goals through the lens of urban resilience and concludes that smart cities are required to be cities of hope where well-being of the humankind is the center.

  • af Sam C. M. Ofori
    469,95 kr.

    The book is about an assessment of a community-led spatial planning intervention in a historically declined and deprived indigenous community, Old Accra/Ga Mashie, in central coastal Accra metropolis, under the UN-HABITAT¿s Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP). It is set against the background of global slum upgrading/regeneration programmes from the 1950s until the PSUP in 2016. The book also sets within the context of statutory slum upgrading and improvement policies and the national planning system with normative backing.Rest of the book covers the historical degeneration of Old Accra/Ga Mashie and its slum conditions, actual participatory community-led settlement planning and design experience, including plan aims and objectives, stakeholders, consultation processes, development proposals, implementation timeline and planning administration processes. Conclusions are drawn, including the impressive effective community-led spatial planning processes, need to encourage such communities to plan their own settlements, widening participation for kids, extension of the plan period from 10 to 30 or more years and contribution of all these to sustainable community development.

  • af Diego Palau
    422,95 kr.

    As part of the project "Pueblo Invisibles" we developed a first approach to the territoriality represented by the interior enclaves of the Department of Rocha, its characteristics; interactions; strengths; weaknesses; opportunities and threats. From the "hard" science, obtaining data from various sources such as INE, PROBIDES, IDR among others, being these corroborated and rectified through field visits, where several dialogues and interviews with local actors of the most different areas were achieved, allowed us to establish a first propositional approach that refers to local development through education as a "motor" of growth taking advantage of the synergy generated by the triangle identity - history - trade, being the product of this in its minimum expression the grain of rice as it is for the human body a cell. In this article we will detail the result of the study on the city of Lascano defined in Capital, Rice, Landscape, Heritage, Development.

  • af Cheikh Bamba Fall
    692,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch ist ein Beitrag zur Analyse der räumlichen Dynamiken in den kleinen Städten im Landesinneren, die auch als Sekundärstädte bezeichnet werden. Der methodische Ansatz beruht auf einem klassischen Vorgehen durch Literaturrecherche, quantitative und qualitative Erhebungen, diachrone Analyse der räumlichen Entwicklung anhand der Überwachung durch Fernerkundung und der Verarbeitung von Satellitenbildern.Diese Studie hat das räumliche Wachstum und die schnelle Entwicklung der Bebauung auf Kosten der landwirtschaftlichen Flächen hervorgehoben, was zu einer progressiven Neugestaltung des Gemeindegebiets und seiner Peripherie führt. Die lokalen Behörden müssen daher Entscheidungen treffen, die auf eine bessere Planung des städtischen Raums abzielen.

  • af Cheikh Bamba Fall
    457,95 kr.

    This book is a contribution to the analysis of current spatial dynamics in small towns in the interior of the country, also known as secondary towns, whose processes of evolution, recomposition and governance differ from those of former regional towns, which were essentially administrative. The methodological approach is based on a classic approach involving a literature review, quantitative and qualitative surveys, diachronic analysis of spatial evolution based on remote sensing monitoring and satellite image processing.This study highlighted the spatial growth and rapid evolution of built-up areas to the detriment of agricultural land, leading to a gradual recomposition of the communal territory and its outskirts. Local authorities are therefore faced with the need to take decisions aimed at improving urban planning.

  • af Shalini Dhyani
    2.082,95 kr.

    This volume brings together theoretical, experiential, and creative perspectives on the phenomenon of urban foraging. In a rapidly urbanising world, foraging is (re)raining popularity as a way to connect with nature and cope with uncertainty. Authors from various disciplines and geographies make sense of what this means for humanity.Urban foraging represents a multifaceted movement that provides people with avenues for sustenance, socialising, and spirituality. Motivations and implications of urban foraging vary across the socioeconomic spectrum, as do barriers and enablers. Urban foraging can help people adapt to change, and build resilience to shocks, but its spontaneous and unregulated nature makes it attractive to many. Recognising and promoting sustainable urban foraging therefore is a delicate balancing act. This collection discusses the philosophical and practical considerations towards this aim.The book is of interest to researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and creatives, inviting readers to envisage scenarios that are desirable and achievable. It is of special interest to those working in urban and landscape planning, social-ecological systems, non-government organisations, municipal and development corporations, and the environment.

  • af Nikolas Thomopoulos
    1.336,95 kr.

    This volume is a valuable source of ACT information for developing holistic research methods and global policies for making progress towards the SDGs.

  • af Eyal Weizman
    195,95 kr.

  • af Octavio Francisco González Castillo
    983,95 - 1.357,95 kr.

  • af Lauren Moretto
    869,95 - 1.155,95 kr.

  • af Comfort Ndou
    773,95 kr.

    Urban collapse is a global dilemma that severely impacts urban areas both socially and economically due to negative impacts on neighbourhoods, and also impacts the environmental sustainability of neighbourhoods. Abandoned property contributes to a self-perpetuating vicious cycle where tenants and building owners do not restore property when fear and crime are present. Governments also fail to reduce fear and crime when neighbourhoods are overrun with abandoned property. The aim of this book was to assess the status of building dilapidation in Thohoyandou Central Business District (CBD). This study consist of three objectives, the first objective was to determine the buildings that have dilapidated in Thohoyandou CBD, the second objective was to investigate the causes of building dilapidation in Thohoyandou CBD and the last objective was to suggest recommendations towards addressing the causes of persisting building dilapidation. This study adopted a qualitative research approach through conducting 20 key informant interviews and field observations.

  • af Rosanna Xia
    190,95 kr.

    Now in paperback: a "deeply researched and reported" (San Francisco Chronicle) exploration of sea level rise in California that "breathes exquisite detail and dialogue" (Science Magazine) into the subject."Viscerally urgent, thoroughly reported, and compellingly written—a must-read for our uncertain times." —Ed Yong, author of An Immense World"When do seawalls make sense? And when is it better to give in to the tides? [...] In California Against the Sea, Xia [...] writes about the difficult realities of trying to incorporate fairness into our tally of costs and benefits." —The New YorkerAlong California's 1,200-mile coastline, the overheated Pacific Ocean is rising and pressing in, imperiling both wildlife and the maritime towns and cities that 27 million people call home. In California Against the Sea, Los Angeles Times coastal reporter Rosanna Xia asks: As climate chaos threatens the places we love so fiercely, will we finally grasp our collective capacity for change?Xia, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, investigates the impacts of engineered landscapes, the market pressures of development, and the ecological activism and political scrimmages that have carved our contemporary coastline—and foretell even greater changes to our shores. From the beaches of the Mexican border up to the sheer-cliffed North Coast, the voices of Indigenous leaders, community activists, small-town mayors, urban engineers, and tenacious environmental scientists commingle. Together, they chronicle the challenges and urgency of forging a climate-wise future. Xia's investigation takes us to Imperial Beach, Los Angeles, Pacifica, Marin City, San Francisco, and beyond, weighing the rivaling arguments, agreements, compromises, and visions governing the State of California’s commitment to a coast for all. Through graceful reportage, she charts how the decisions we make today will determine where we go tomorrow: headlong into natural disaster, or toward an equitable refashioning of coastal stewardship.

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