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Etiske og sociale aspekter ved IT

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  • - Sådan vil kunstig intelligens revolutionere fremtiden
    af Anders Bæk
    238,95 kr.

    ChatGPT og de moderne AI-chatrobotter har allerede revolutioneret mange aspekter af vores hverdag. Men vi befinder os fortsat i den spæde begyndelse af AI-epoken.Vi står i disse tider over for verdenshistoriens største teknologiske revolution. AI – eller kunstig intelligens, som teknologien kendes på dansk – er en samfundsændrende teknologi, der vil transformere alle aspekter af vores liv over de kommende år. AI vil revolutionere vores hverdag, arbejdsplads, skolevæsen og meget mere.Anders Bæk er AI-ekspert og en af landets mest benyttede foredragsholdere, når det gælder kunstig intelligens. I denne bog tager han læseren på en rundvisning ind i fremtiden. Han fortæller gennem konkrete eksempler, hvordan vores fremtid vil blive forandret på både godt og ondt takket være denne science fiction-lignende teknologi.Det kan allerede afsløres nu, at det ikke er småting vores civilisation har i vente …Anders Bæk (f. 1992) er AI-ekspert og en af landets mest benyttede foredragsholdere til at fortælle om den store AI-revolution. Er uddannet civilingeniør i software- og forretningsudvikling, og har studeret AI’s udvikling siden 2015. Han er fast paneldeltager i landets største erhvervspodcast “Millionærklubben”, udtaler sig ofte til landets medier om AI- og tech-emner, og han udgiver en af landets mest lyttede podcasts om kunstig intelligens, ”AI Revolutionen”.

  • af Bruce Schneier
    254,95 kr.

    A hack is any means of subverting a system's rules in unintended ways. The tax code isn't computer code, but a series of complex formulas. It has vulnerabilities; we call them "loopholes." We call exploits "tax avoidance strategies." And there is an entire industry of "black hat" hackers intent on finding exploitable loopholes in the tax code. We call them accountants and tax attorneys.In A Hacker's Mind, Bruce Schneier takes hacking out of the world of computing and uses it to analyse the systems that underpin our society: from tax laws to financial markets to politics. He reveals an array of powerful actors whose hacks bend our economic, political and legal systems to their advantage, at the expense of everyone else.Once you learn how to notice hacks, you'll start seeing them everywhere-and you'll never look at the world the same way again. Almost all systems have loopholes, and this is by design. Because if you can take advantage of them, the rules no longer apply to you.Unchecked, these hacks threaten to upend our financial markets, weaken our democracy and even affect the way we think. And when artificial intelligence starts thinking like a hacker-at inhuman speed and scale-the results could be catastrophic.But for those who would don the "white hat," we can understand the hacking mindset and rebuild our economic, political and legal systems to counter those who would exploit our society. And we can harness artificial intelligence to improve existing systems, predict and defend against hacks and realise a more equitable world.

  • Spar 17%
    - Kvantecomputeren får os til at opdage os selv
    af Tor Nørretranders
    248,95 kr.

    100 års kvantemekanik har været et overflødighedshorn af overraskelser. Lige siden videnskabshistoriens mest succesrige teori blev skabt i København i 1920’erne har den været ombrust af debat. Filosofiske fortolkninger, vidunderlig fysik, teknologiske chok såsom atombomben og et helt nyt bud på computerens fremtid. Kvantefysikken bliver ved med at yde. Dens sære og mærkelige form for matematik viser sig nu at ligne hverdagsoplevelser i menneskesindet mere end nogen skulle have troet. I syv sind tegner et billede af de mangfoldige og modsætningsfyldte særpræg ved atomernes fysik og menneskers måde at opleve verden på. Men også en advarsel om at tidens store begejstring for kvanteteknologier kan vise sig overophedet. Der er brug for en demokratisk debat om kunstig intelligens og kvantecomputere.  Tor Nørretranders skrev i 1985 Det udelelige – Niels Bohrs aktualitet i fysik, mystik og politik (genudgivet i 2022). Den fortalte historien om den dengang oversete fysisk forskning, der i december 2022 blev hædret med Nobelprisen i fysik. I syv sind fortsætter den forunderlige historie.

  • af Susie Alegre
    153,95 kr.

    Despite 75 years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, many people around the world still do not enjoy their basic rights to life, liberty and fundamental freedoms of thought and expression. Yet we are already seeing a turn towards the possibility of rights for robots. Before we get distracted by corporate hype about the sentience of AI, we need to look at the multitudinous ways AI affects our rights and will continue to do so in the age of AI.From sex robots, to the algorithms that determine prison parole and custody issues, to the chilling ways in which ChatBots can influence our day to day decision-making, Human Rights, Robot Wrongs is a perceptive and vital exploration of the many ways in which artificial intelligence is coming into conflict with human rights - and most importantly how we protect them.

  • af David W Bates
    363,95 kr.

    "What would it mean to make a decision against the acceleration of automation and for humanity? In An Artificial History of Natural Intelligence, David W. Bates lays the groundwork for such a decision by rethinking the history of human cognition and its entanglements with technology. Tracing evolving lines of thought from the early modern period to the present, Bates confronts the intimate connection between autonomy and automaticity in how we have understood the capacities of the human mind. At the heart of this entanglement is a total mechanistic understanding of nature that began in the seventeenth century and saw the body as machine, the nervous system as control mechanism, and the brain as the center of cognition. Reading varied thinkers from Descartes to Kant to Turing, Bates reveals how new ideas and experiences reconfigured the ways in which the automaticity of the body could be linked with technical systems, while at the same time the mind could still create the space for autonomy. The result is a new theorization of the human in which the human, dependent on technology, produces itself as an artificial automation that has no "natural" origin"--

  • af Lauren F. Klein & Catherine D'Ignazio
    228,95 kr.

  • af Kashmir Hill
    106,95 kr.

    A thrilling investigation into the secret world of facial recognition technology from an award-winning journalist

  • Spar 17%
    - Hvordan smartphonen ændrede verden
    af Thomas Hylland Eriksen
    206,95 kr.

    Smartphonen styrer vores hverdag. Den presser virkeligheden ind i sine platforme, så det, du ikke får i en app, ikke findes. Til gengæld får du adgang til et uendeligt univers af viden, kommunikationskanaler, tjenester og distraktioner. På bare få år har smartphonen gjort verden mindre og større, morsommere og kedeligere – mere nær og mere fjern. Livet er blevet friere og mere kontrolleret, mere socialt og mere asocialt, mens vi bliver både smartere og dummere. Det er en global, digital kulturrevolution, som savner sidestykke.I Appernes planet tager Thomas Hylland Eriksen os med på en rejse rundt i smartphonens verden. Hvis vi ikke skal blive slaver af mobilen, er det nødvendigt at forstå den for at kunne tage livet, kontrollen og ikke mindst tiden tilbage.

  • Spar 10%
    - Når teknologi bliver levende og liv bliver teknologi
    af Peter Hesseldahl
    269,95 kr.

    Den teknologiske udvikling har længe handlet om at overvinde, udnytte og frigøre os fra naturen. Fremtiden handler om at forstå biologien og økosystemerne og om en økonomi, der fungerer i samarbejde og sammenhæng med naturen. For ét er sikkert: Vi kan ikke fortsætte, som vi plejer. Denne bog argumenterer for, at vi står overfor tre store omstillinger, som sker samtidig og indenfor de næste par årtier. Alle tre skal lykkes:- Vores forhold til naturen og de økosystemer, vi er del af, skal redefineres – og det skal gå stærkt.- Vi er på vej ud af industrisamfundet og ind i en ny tids logik, så måden vi organiserer arbejdet og deler goderne på trænger til en opdatering.- I takt med at teknologien bliver mere intelligent, liv-agtig og kompetent, skal vi gentænke menneskers og maskiners roller i forhold til hinanden for at bevare styringen. Omstilling til fremtiden ser på, hvad vi kan gøre for at sikre, at de enorme kræfter, der er på spil i de kommende års omstilling, vil bringe os fremgang frem for katastrofe. Bogen viser en fremtid, der er grundlæggende forandret – men til det bedre. Bogen er blandt andet baseret på interviews med en lang række af verdens førende forskere, økonomer og ledere i erhvervslivet og analyser for Ugebrevet Mandag Morgen.

  • - De nye monopoler vs. folkets vilje
    af Barry C. Lynn
    254,95 kr.

    Barry C. Lynn, en af Amerikas mest fremtrædende samtidstænkere, giver os en tydelig illustration af, hvor grelt det står til med friheden, efter den er blevet overtaget af Amerikas nye giga-monopoler.Amerikanere tørster efter frihed, og diskussioner om hvor meget frihed der skal til for at købe et våben, få en abort, gifte sig af kærlighed eller skifte køn fylder meget i medierne. Kampen for frisættelse fra statens reguleringer og oprør mod regeltyranni er et ideal for mange.Alligevel begynder amerikanerne først nu at indse det, som måske er den største trussel mod frihed i flere århundreder: Den ekstreme og hurtigvoksende koncentration af økonomisk magt. Store monopoler kontrollerer i dag næsten alle hjørner af den amerikanske økonomi. Konsekvensen er ikke kun lavere lønninger og højere priser, hvilket er et naturligt resultat af magtens og velstandens koncentration på meget få hænder. Også arbejdskraftens mobilitet, muligheden for at starte små virksomheder og se dem blomstre er udfordret. Kombineret med de store onlinemonopoler som Google og Amazons fremgang, skabes der grobund for en verden, hvor få, store konglomerater dels forringer den almindelige borgers generelle livskvalitet gennem dårligere lønninger og vilkår på arbejdspladsen, dels dikterer hvordan borgerne tænker, hvem de kommer i forbindelse med, og hvilket billede af omverdenen de præsenteres for. Hvordan stemmer det overens med USA’s fremherskende frihedsideal? Det undersøger Barry C. Lynn i Fri os fra alle herskere.

  • af Lindsay Weinberg
    267,95 kr.

    How surveillance perpetuates long-standing injustices woven into the fabric of higher education.

  • af Rachel Barr
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Mohamed Abdel-Basset
    1.588,95 kr.

    From innovative solutions for securing IoT infrastructures against security attacks and privacy threats to advanced topics including responsible security intelligence, this comprehensive co-authored book offers a complete study of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for securing the internet of things (IoT).

  • af Teresa Pereira
    671,95 - 719,95 kr.

  • af Serap Kurbano¿lu
    827,95 - 884,95 kr.

  • af Ulrich Furbach
    685,95 kr.

    Das Buch Künstliche Intelligenz für Lehrkräfte führt die zentralen Ansätze und Gebiete der KI fundiert und insbesondere für Informatiklehrkräfte aufbereitet ein. Es bietet aber auch Lehrkräften mit anderem Hintergrund die Möglichkeit, sich mit den fachlichen Grundlagen von KI auseinanderzusetzen. Behandelte Themen sind insbesondere Problemlösen und Suche, Grundlagen des Maschinellen Lernens, Wissensrepräsentation und Schließen, Künstliche neuronale Netze, Tiefes Lernen, Generative KI und Robotik. In jedem Kapitel wird eine methodische Einführung gegeben, relevante Anwendungsbereiche aufgezeigt und Vorschläge für die konkrete Umsetzung im Unterricht gegeben. Zudem werden interdisziplinäre Bezüge hergestellt und Fragen der Ethik und gesellschaftliche Bezüge diskutiert.Die Herausgebenden und Autor:innen des Buches sind Lehrkräfte an Hochschulen aus den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz und Informatikdidaktik. Durch die interdisziplinäre Kooperation bietet das Buch sowohl einen fachlich fundierten Einstieg in das Thema KI als auch einen geeigneten didaktischen Zugang.

  • af David Kreps
    1.420,95 kr.

    This project was motivated by the upcoming fiftieth anniversary of the IFIP Human Choice and Computers (HCC) conference, the event that led to IFIP¿s Technical Committee 9 (TC 9). Although IFIP committees are mainly technical, TC 9 is dedicated to research at the intersection of information and communication technology (ICT) with society. In addition to sponsoring HCC, TC 9 supports groups that have specific research interests. In consultation with their members, the leaders of each group offer chapters about their groups¿ history and goals. An additional chapter describes TC 9¿s formation, and an appendix details the national groups that work closely with TC 9. Overall, this volume is a useful guide to the historical development of research on ICT and society, providing readers with important reference works and relevant themes, and also points to likely new trends in these domains.

  • af Marek Kowalkiewicz
    158,95 kr.

    "Welcome to the economy of algorithms. It's here and it's growing. In the past few years, we have been flooded with examples of impressive technology. Algorithms have been around for hundreds of years, but they have only recently begun to 'escape' our understanding. When algorithms perform certain tasks, they're not just as good as us, they're becoming infinitely better, and, at the same time, massively more surprising. We are so impressed by what they can do that we give them a lot of agency. But because they are so hard to comprehend, this leads to all kinds of unintended consequences. In the 20th century, things were simple: we had the economy of corporations. In the first two decades of the 21st century, we saw the emergence of the economy of people, otherwise known as the digital economy, enabled by the internet. Now we're seeing a new economy take shape: the economy of algorithms."--Publisher's website.

  • af Debra S Austin
    883,95 kr.

    "This book offers practical advice for legal professionals to optimize cognitive fitness and protect their brain from the damaging effects of chronic stress. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, it provides actionable information to help readers thrive amidst the demands and stressors of the legal profession"--

  • af Mario Piattini
    1.724,95 kr.

    This book presents a set of models, methods, and techniques that allow the successful implementation of data governance (DG) in an organization and reports real experiences of data governance in different public and private sectors.To this end, this book is composed of two parts. Part I on ¿Data Governance Fundamentals¿ begins with an introduction to the concept of data governance that stresses that DG is not primarily focused on databases, clouds, or other technologies, but that the DG framework must be understood by business users, systems personnel, and the systems themselves alike. Next, chapter 2 addresses crucial topics for DG, such as the evolution of data management in organizations, data strategy and policies, and defensive and offensive approaches to data strategy. Chapter 3 then details the central role that human resources play in DG, analysing the key responsibilities of the different DG-related roles and boards, while chapter 4 discusses the most common barriers to DG in practice. Chapter 5 summarizes the paradigm shifts in DG from control to value creation. Subsequently chapter 6 explores the needs, characteristics and key functionalities of DG tools, before this part ends with a chapter on maturity models for data governance. Part II on ¿Data Governance Applied¿ consists of five chapters which review the situation of DG in different sectors and industries. Details about DG in the banking sector, public administration, insurance companies, healthcare and telecommunications each are presented in one chapter.The book is aimed at academics, researchers and practitioners (especially CIOs, Data Governors, or Data Stewards) involved in DG. It can also serve as a reference for courses on data governance in information systems.

  • af Roman Winter-Tietel
    666,95 kr.

    Die Theologie ringt mit ihrer digitalen Zukunft. Wie weit kann sie sich auf den digitalen Logos einlassen, ohne ihren eigenen Logos aus den Augen zu verlieren? Die Beiträge dieses Buches versuchen, darauf eine Antwort zu geben, indem sie in interdisziplinärer Breite aktuelle Debatten um die Digitalisierung aus einer jungen Perspektive reflektieren. Das Verhältnis von Theologie und Digitalität wird unter anderem aus einem (religions)philosophischen, ethischen, systematisch-theologischen und ökumenischen Blickwinkel thematisiert. Ein besonderes Kennzeichen dieses Buches sind die kreativen Köpfe dahinter: die Mehrheit der AutorInnen sind NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, die als Digital Natives im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs noch (zu) wenig wahrgenommen werden. Damit richtet sich das Buch aber nicht allein an das junge akademische Publikum. Es soll vielmehr ein Impulsgeber für die Theologie insgesamt werden.

  • af Hannes Werthner
    566,95 kr.

    This open access textbook introduces and defines digital humanism from a diverse range of disciplines. Following the 2019 Vienna Manifesto, the book calls for a digital humanism that describes, analyzes, and, most importantly, influences the complex interplay of technology and humankind, for a better society and life, fully respecting universal human rights.The book is organized in three parts: Part I ¿Background¿ provides the multidisciplinary background needed to understand digital humanism in its philosophical, cultural, technological, historical, social, and economic dimensions. The goal is to present the necessary knowledge upon which an effective interdisciplinary discourse on digital humanism can be founded. Part II ¿Digital Humanism ¿ a System¿s View¿ focuses on an in-depth presentation and discussion of the main digital humanism concerns arising in current digital systems. The goal of this part is to make readers aware and sensitive to these issues, including e.g. thecontrol and autonomy of AI systems, privacy and security, and the role of governance. Part III ¿Critical and Societal Issues of Digital Systems¿ delves into critical societal issues raised by advances of digital technologies. While the public debate in the past has often focused on them separately, especially when they became visible through sensational events the aim here is to shed light on the entire landscape and show their interconnected relationships. This includes issues such as AI and ethics, fairness and bias, privacy and surveillance, platform power and democracy.This textbook is intended for students, teachers, and policy makers interested in digital humanism. It is designed for stand-alone and for complementary courses in computer science, or curricula in science, engineering, humanities and social sciences. Each chapter includes questions for students and an annotated reading list to dive deeper into the associated chapter material. The book aims to provide readers with as wide an exposure as possible to digital advances and their consequences for humanity. It includes constructive ideas and approaches that seek to ensure that our collective digital future is determined through human agency.

  • af Ali A. Gooyabadi
    1.620,95 kr.

    In this compelling journey into Digital Transformation (DT) tailored for Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs), this book unravels the intricacies of technological integration. Grounded in over one hundred years of extensive research by authors and the editor, real-world examples, and using the San Diego Diplomacy Council (SDDC) as a primary case study, it introduces a tailored Digital Maturity Model (DMM) for NPOs. At the heart of this transformation are three pivotal pillars: Culture, Ethics, and Security.Part I sets the stage, painting a landscape of how NPOs have intertwined with the digital realm. As technology's omnipresence surges, Chapter Two offers a panorama of DT's historical and contemporary intersections with the nonprofit sector. The subsequent chapter emphasizes the stark reality: for many NPOs, digital adaptation is no longer about relevance but survival.Part II delves into the comparative digital strategies of NPOs and their for-profitcounterparts in Chapter 4, highlighting the need for tailored approaches. Chapter 5 explores the Nonprofit Digital Maturity Model (NDMM), using the San Diego Diplomacy Council as a focal point. The journey then unfolds further in Chapter 6, which casts a spotlight on the strategic execution of DT in NPOs, weaving in comprehensive analyses to dissect the forces shaping an NPO's digital trajectory.Part III dives deeper, with Chapter 7 laying the foundation of the NDMM. The subsequent chapter meticulously unpacks the NDMM, culminating in Chapter 9, which emphasizes the pillars of DT¿Culture, Ethics, and Security¿forming the essence of the Nonprofit DT Strategic Framework (NDTSF). This chapter also crafts a tailored roadmap for NPOs, charting a comprehensive DT course.Concluding with a forward-looking stance, Chapter 10 thrusts readers into the enthralling fusion of AI and NPOs, exploring transformative potentials and ethical concerns. Through real-world cases, it positions AI as both a potent tool and a vital dialogue for NPOs. Essentially, this book equips NPOs with tools like the NDMM and insights from successful DT narratives. It seeks to provide a practical guide for nonprofits through their DT journey, ensuring they harness technology ethically and effectively without compromising their core values.

  • af Wei-I Lee
    2.005,95 - 2.014,95 kr.

  • af John Lok
    98,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Sabrina Schork
    538,95 kr.

    Der vorliegende Band markiert einen initialen Schritt zur umfassenden Erörterung des Themenfelds ¿Vertrauen in KI¿ aus vielfältigen Blickwinkeln. Dabei wird eine Herangehensweise sowohl aus wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher als auch aus informationstechnischer Perspektive gewählt, die zudem interdisziplinäre Aspekte einbezieht. Insgesamt präsentiert der Band fünfzehn Beiträge von 25 renommierten Autorinnen und Autoren, die ihre Expertise aus vierzehn unterschiedlichen Einrichtungen einbringen. Ziel dieser Debatten ist es, Lernende, Lehrende, Forschende sowie Entscheidungsträgerinnen und -träger aus Politik und Wirtschaft dazu zu befähigen, auf Basis von Fakten eine fundierte Meinung zu bilden. Auf dieser Grundlage sollen sie in der Lage sein, gut durchdachte persönliche Entscheidungen im Umgang mit KI zu treffen.

  • af Nicholas Taylor
    374,95 - 737,95 kr.

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