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Etiske og sociale aspekter ved IT

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  • af Yingqin Zheng
    1.028,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2022, which was supposed to be held in Lima, Peru, in May 2021, but was held virtually instead due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The 40 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 58 submissions. The papers present a wide range of perspectives and disciplines including (but not limited to) public administration, entrepreneurship, business administration, information technology for development, information management systems, organization studies, philosophy, and management. They are organized in the following topical sections: digital platforms and gig economy; education and health; inclusion and participation; and business innovation and data privacy.

  • af Robert Ciesla
    338,95 kr.

    Primitive software chatbots emerged in the 1960s, evolving swiftly through the decades and becoming able to provide engaging human-to-computer interactions sometime in the 1990s. Today, conversational technology is ubiquitous in many homes. Paired with web-searching abilities and neural networking, modern chatbots are capable of many tasks and are a major driving force behind machine learning and the quest for strong artificial intelligence, also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI).Sophisticated artificial intelligence is changing the online world as advanced software chatbots can provide customer service, research duties, and assist in healthcare. Modern chatbots have indeed numerous applications ¿ including those of a malicious nature. They can write our essays, conduct autonomous scams, and potentially influence politics.The Book of Chatbots is both a retrospective and a review of current artificial intelligence-driven conversational solutions. It explores their appeal to businesses and individuals as well as their greater social aspects, including the impact on academia. The book explains all relevant concepts for readers with no previous knowledge in these topics. Unearthing the secrets of virtual assistants such as the (in)famous ChatGPT and many other exciting technologies, The Book of Chatbots is meant for anyone interested in the topic, laypeople and IT-enthusiasts alike.

  • af Jasmin Karatas
    225,95 kr.

  • af Niels Brügger
    432,95 kr.

    An original methodological framework for approaching the archived web, both as a source and as an object of study in its own right.As life continues to move online, the web becomes increasingly important as a source for understanding the past. But historians have yet to formulate a methodology for approaching the archived web as a source of study. How should the history of the present be written? In this book, Niels Brügger offers an original methodological framework for approaching the web of the past, both as a source and as an object of study in its own right.While many studies of the web focus solely on its use and users, Brügger approaches the archived web as a semiotic, textual system in order to offer the first book-length treatment of its scholarly use. While the various forms of the archived web can challenge researchers' interactions with it, they also present a range of possibilities for interpretation. The Archived Web identifies characteristics of the online web that are significant now for scholars, investigates how the online web became the archived web, and explores how the particular digitality of the archived web can affect a historian's research process. Brügger offers suggestions for how to translate traditional historiographic methods for the study of the archived web, focusing on provenance, creating an overview of the archived material, evaluating versions, and citing the material. The Archived Web lays the foundations for doing web history in the digital age, offering important and timely guidance for today's media scholars and tomorrow's historians.

  • af Alice Mattoni
    312,95 kr.

    Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-ND licence This book pulls back the curtain on the link between activism, media and technology in the quiet times of politics when people are not protesting. Introducing the novel concept of the 'data stream', it explores the intricate ways in which activists interact daily with various types of data and how they navigate the impact of digitalization and datafication on today's grassroots politics. Through rich, empirical data from Greece, Spain and Italy, Activists in the Data Stream makes a nuanced contribution to our understanding of activists' daily political engagement in an ever-changing media and political landscape.

  • af Haze Gray
    272,95 kr.

    The blue economy is a relatively new concept, but it has quickly gained traction in recent years. It refers to the sustainable use of the ocean and its resources for economic growth. The blue economy encompasses a wide range of sectors, including fisheries, aquaculture, marine transportation, and renewable energy.Despite its growing importance, there is still a lack of understanding of the blue economy. This is partly due to the fact that it is a complex and multidisciplinary field. It also reflects the fact that research on the blue economy is still relatively new.This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the blue economy by using bibliometric and social network analysis (SNA) methods. Bibliometrics is a quantitative approach to the study of scholarly communication. It uses data from academic journals and other publications to analyze trends in research. SNA is a method for analyzing the relationships between different entities, such as authors, institutions, or keywords.The paper begins by providing an overview of the blue economy. It then discusses the use of bibliometric and SNA methods to study the blue economy. The paper then presents the results of a bibliometric and SNA analysis of blue economy research.

  • af Gerhard Schreiber
    1.177,95 kr.

    Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) Texte generieren kann, was sagt das darüber, was ein Text ist? Worin unterscheiden sich von Menschen geschriebene und mittels KI generierte Texte? Welche Erwartungen, Befürchtungen und Hoffnungen hegen Wissenschaften, wenn in ihren Diskursen KI-generierte Texte rezipiert werden und Anerkennung finden, deren Urheberschaft und Originalität nicht mehr eindeutig definierbar sind? Wie verändert sich die Arbeit mit Quellen und welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus für die Kriterien wissenschaftlicher Textarbeit und das Verständnis von Wissenschaft insgesamt? Welche Chancen, Grenzen und Risiken besitzen KI-Textgeneratoren aus Sicht von Technikethik und Technikfolgenabschätzung? Und welche Kriterien sind für einen ethisch bewussten Umgang mit KI-Textgeneratoren im Bildungskontext anzulegen? Diese und ähnliche Fragen verdeutlichen die Komplexität und Tragweite der Herausforderung, die der stetig wachsende und zunehmend selbstverständliche Einsatz von KI-Textgeneratoren für das zukünftige Arbeiten mit und an Texten mit sich bringt. Hierbei kristallisieren sich Problematiken heraus, die sich an ein breites Spektrum von Disziplinen wenden, deren spezifischen Diskurse in diesem Band beleuchtet werden. Der Tagungsband geht zurück auf die im August 2023 gehaltene Tagung KI - Text und Geltung. Wie verändern KI-Textgeneratoren wissenschaftliche Diskurse? Einen Zusammenschnitt der Tagung finden Sie hier: (optional mit englischem Untertitel).

  • af Manish Raghavan
    484,95 - 912,95 kr.

  • af Frank Stajano
    522,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Security Protocols, held in Cambridge, UK, during March 27¿28, 2023.Thirteen papers out of 23 submissions were selected for publication in this book, presented together with the respective transcripts of discussions. The theme of this year's workshop was ¿Humans in security protocols ¿ are we learning from mistakes?¿The topics covered are securing the human endpoint and proving humans correct.

  • af Susie Alegre
    147,95 kr.

    Despite 75 years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, many people around the world still do not enjoy their basic rights to life, liberty and fundamental freedoms of thought and expression. Yet we are already seeing a turn towards the possibility of rights for robots. Before we get distracted by corporate hype about the sentience of AI, we need to look at the multitudinous ways AI affects our rights and will continue to do so in the age of AI.From sex robots, to the algorithms that determine prison parole and custody issues, to the chilling ways in which ChatBots can influence our day to day decision-making, Human Rights, Robot Wrongs is a perceptive and vital exploration of the many ways in which artificial intelligence is coming into conflict with human rights - and most importantly how we protect them.

  • - Udfold dit menneskelige potentiale
    af Kaj Struve
    297,95 kr.

    Bogens primære formål er at argumentere for, at vi må få mennesker og det analoge liv med ind i den digitale verden, hvis vi i fremtiden skal have meningsfulde liv og et sammenhængende samfund. Kløften mellem det analoge og det digitale liv bliver stadig større, og de negative konsekvenser er kun alt for tydelige i vores verden. Bogen tydeliggør, at når noget digitaliseres, forsvinder det analoge – hvis vi ikke passer på. Bogen beskriver, hvorfor mennesker har et dybtfølt behov for aktiviteter, der præsenterer en levende, tredimensionel oplevelse, der involverer vores krop og alle sanser i samspil med andre mennesker, ting og begivenheder. Menneskers liv i den analoge verden er uerstatteligt. Brug det, eller du mister det! Bogen vil være et vigtigt indlæg i den samfundsmæssige debat, og den vil kunne læses af både alment interesserede, forældre og af professionelle. Uddrag af bogen Meningen med det analoge liv er at kunne afprøve mulighederne – udfolde sit menneskelige potentiale. Det er ofte de små ting i den analoge verden, som skaber betydning. Det gode analoge liv bygger på en evne til at virkeliggøre de muligheder, mennesket er bærer af. I den analoge verden oplever vi glæden. Når vi deler glæder og tanker med andre, bliver vi klogere på os selv og på verden. Om forfatteren Kaj Struve (f. 1950) har arbejdet med rådgivning og vejledning af personale og forældre i folkeskolen i 30 år. Forfatter til 17 fagbøger, to ungdomsromaner samt artikler i fagblade og tidsskrifter.

  • af Rita Matulionyte
    2.074,95 kr.

    "Sheds light on how facial recognition technology (FRT) has been developed, used by public authorities, and regulated in jurisdictions across five continents. Offers distinct perspectives from diverse authors across different legal systems, arguing that new rules, frameworks, and approaches are necessary to prevent harms of FRT in the modern state"--

  • af Steve Kaczynski
    165,95 kr.

    NFTs cause excitement and skepticism. How much value can a token hold? What drives this value?To properly appreciate NFTs we must first understand what they actually are, how they work and in what contexts they are used.The Everything Token is an essential primer on NFTs (non-fungible tokens), explaining their use, purpose, and how businesses can create and exploit them to develop new product lines, building customer loyalty and increased revenues at the same time.Together the authors have spent much of the past few years embedded in NFT communities and helping launch NFT products. As self-described beta testers of this brand-new technology, they've seen its power first-hand and aim to educate others on the importance, uses and purpose of NFT and surrounding, ever-evolving technologies.Demystifying the complexities, two experts in NFTs show why we should take NFTs much more seriously than their reputation as fun digital art collectibles suggest. They have a wider variety of uses than one may realise.Gripping and accessible, this book provides a guide and an insight into what can often be a hard-to-grasp area of technology.

  • af Darrell Norman Burrell
    3.562,95 kr.

    In our contemporary era, while diversity is acknowledged, true inclusion remains an elusive goal, as society grapples with multifaceted challenges. The "great resignation" and movements like #MeToo have exposed workplace culture issues, while events like Black Lives Matter protests underscored glaring disparities. Simultaneously, rapid technological advancements introduce new risks, from cyber exploitation to biased AI. These complexities demand innovative solutions that address these challenges, fostering environments of genuine respect, understanding, and collaboration. Applied Research Approaches to Technology, Healthcare, and Business , edited by Dr. Darrell Norman Burrell, emerges as a transformative force. This dynamic anthology presents insights, research, and actionable recommendations from diverse fields and perspectives, taking an interdisciplinary approach to unravel workplace dynamics, health disparities, and technological advancements. Topics include inclusive leadership, equitable technology, bias in AI, and forging collaboration across religious and cultural differences. By harmonizing voices and expertise, this book offers transformative approaches for individuals, educators, and professionals. This rich resource empowers readers to navigate today's societal challenges, equipping them to become architects of a more inclusive, equitable, and harmonious future across technology, healthcare, and business.

  • af Steve Abbott
    217,95 kr.

  • af Jun Gu
    375,95 kr.

    This book shares Chinese scholars' philosophical views on artificial intelligence. The discussions range from the foundations of AI-the Turing test and creation of machine intelligence-to recent applications of AI, including decisions in games, natural languages, pattern recognition, prediction in economic contexts, autonomous behaviors, and collaborative intelligence, with the examples of AlphaGo, Microsoft's Xiao Bing, medical robots, etc. The book's closing chapter focuses on Chinese machines and explores questions on the cultural background of artificial intelligence. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for all members of the general public who are interested in the future development of artificial intelligence, especially from the perspective of respected Chinese scholars.

  • af Sabiha Dulay
    352,95 kr.

    We live in a rapidly changing world, called VUCA, with its unique challenges and opportunities for growth and innovation. To be able to adjust changes and navigate complexities, leaders need to be prepared for the crises and opportunities that await them. That is why this book provides current information on the new leadership skills and the ways for enhancing VUCA readiness of educational leaders. This book is thought to be a comprehensive guide to help today¿s educational leaders thrive in VUCA by addressing the topics such as managing change and complexity, authentic leadership, agility, resilience and digital transformation. Thus, the book addresses all practitioners, leaders and teachers who need a practical guide on how to expand their vision, enhance their skills to lead in constantly changing educational environments.

  • af Peter Hoffmann
    383,95 kr.

    Die Entwicklung des Internets, insbesondere des WWW, stößt aktuell an ihre Grenzen ¿ sowohl technisch als auch sozio-kulturell und ökonomisch. Als Lösung wird ein neues Internet versprochen, das die Grenzen der realen und der virtuellen Welt überwinden und Realität und Digitalität verschmelzen soll ¿ das Metaversum. Technische, semantische und organisatorische Details greifen hierzu eng ineinander. Was aber bedeutet dies bei genauerer Betrachtung? Welche technisch-technologischen Herausforderungen müssen bewältigt werden, um ein solches Verschmelzen zu erreichen? Welche ökonomischen Möglichkeiten eröffnen sich¿ und welche verbieten sich möglicherweise? Wie kann erreicht werden, dass ein offenes und für jeden benutzbares Metaversum entsteht? Und wie kann vermieden werden, dass auch in diesem neuen Metaversum wenige große Anbieter ihre proprietären Ideen durchsetzen? Für diese Fragen soll dieses Buch Antworten aufzeigen.

  • af Morgan Lee
    307,95 kr.

    Step into the digital realm of activism and discover a world where every click, share, and hashtag holds the power to ignite change. 'From Clicks to Change: The Evolution of Protestware and Digital Activism' takes you on a captivating journey through the evolution of technology-fueled activism. Delve into the heart of online movements that have reshaped society, from amplifying unheard voices to driving tangible real-world impact. Explore the birth and growth of protestware, the innovative tools that empower activists to transcend screens and catalyze movements that challenge the status quo. With a keen focus on the intricate web of ethics, collaboration, and emerging technologies, this book unveils the stories of online communities that have revolutionized the art of making a difference. Immerse yourself in the stories of those who harness the digital landscape to spark revolutions, transform lives, and shape the future. 'From Clicks to Change' invites you to witness the fusion of technology and activism, as clicks evolve into lasting change.

  • af Agbotiname Lucky Imoize
    1.957,95 kr.

    This edited book discusses the technical considerations, potential opportunities and critical challenges of AI and blockchain in telehealth systems and presents case studies and critical lessons to consider when designing future AI and blockchain-based telehealth systems which have privacy and security in mind.

  • af Anders Bæk
    247,95 kr.

    Kære læser, sæt dig godt til rette og lad os tage på en rejse ind i fremtiden – og tilbage til vores fortid.Anders Bæks AI er en stor fortælling om AI og mennesket. Om AI's historie, faldgruber og muligheder i en ny epoke i vores civilisation.

  • af David Kreps
    454,95 - 494,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC15 2022, in Tokyo, Japan, in September 2022.The 17 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 32 submissions. Summaries of 2 keynote presentations are also included. The papers deal with the constantly evolving intimate relationship between humans and technology. 

  • af Morgan Lee
    327,95 kr.

    In "Unraveling the Fediverse: A Journey into Decentralized Social Networking," embark on a captivating exploration of the revolutionary world of decentralized online communities. As the digital landscape evolves, this thought-provoking book delves into the heart of Web 3.0, where the Fediverse emerges as a beacon of user empowerment and data ownership. Discover the transformative power of federated networks, where the traditional boundaries of social media dissolve, and users seize control over their digital identities. From diverse instances to cross-protocol communication, this book sheds light on the interconnected nature of the Fediverse, where collaboration knows no bounds. Delve into the fascinating interplay of privacy and accessibility, as inclusive design principles pave the way for a community that embraces diversity and amplifies marginalized voices. Uncover the inner workings of content discovery algorithms, exploring how transparency and user-centricity redefine the online experience.Amidst the challenges of misinformation and content overload, "Unraveling the Fediverse" offers fresh insights into maintaining decentralization, empowering users, and fostering responsible governance. Embrace the synergy between blockchain technology and the Fediverse, and witness the rise of decentralized funding models that empower creators and communities. As you traverse the pages of this book, you'll be captivated by the visionaries driving this digital revolution, the pioneers building bridges across protocols, and the enthusiasts shaping a future where individuals hold the reins of their digital destiny. "Unraveling the Fediverse" is a profound journey into the heart of a movement that transcends the limits of traditional social media, empowering readers to envision a world where connectivity thrives and user sovereignty reigns.

  • af Catherine Jones
    1.472,95 kr.

    This book explores how smart cities enable new and playful ways for citizens to experience, inhabit and socialise within urban environments. It will be a resource for scholars and researchers of information technology.

  • af Tine (Nottingham Trent University Munk
    473,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

  • af Michael Filimowicz
    222,95 kr.

    Democratic Frontiers focuses on digital platforms¿ effects in societies with respect to key areas such as subjectivity and self-reflection, data and measurement for the common good, public health and accessible datasets, activism in social media and the import/export of AI technologies relative to regime type.

    239,95 kr.

    Deep Fakes: Algorithms and Society focuses on the use of artificial intelligence technologies to produce fictitious photorealistic audiovisual clips that are indistinguishable from traditional video media.

  • af Paul A. Watters
    484,95 - 1.321,95 kr.

    473,95 kr.

    This book sets out to define and consolidate the field of bioinformation studies in its transnational and global dimensions, drawing on debates in science and technology studies, anthropology and sociology

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