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Internet: generelt

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  • - web-tekster der virker
    af Nanna Friis
    238,95 kr.

    Kæmper du med at skrive tekster til nettet? Og savner du grundlæggende viden om, hvad der virker - og hvad der ikke gør? Vil du gerne blive bedre til at skrive effektive web-tekster i et sprog, alle kan forstå?Der er hjælp at hente fra Kort, klart og klikbart , der lærer dig at skrive tekster, som bakker op om din virksomheds værdier og målsætning og opfylder din brugers behov.Med denne praktiske og pædagogiske håndbog kommer du hele vejen rundt om at skrive godt til nettet. Du bliver taget ved hånden og får en grundig gennemgang af de helt særlige præmisser, der hersker på nettet. Du får tjeklister, trin-for-trin-guides, gode argumenter til chefen og masser af eksempler og øvelser, som gør dig i stand til at skrive korte, klare og klikbare tekster.IndholdsoversigtIndledningKAPITEL 1Kend dit medieForskellige typer hjemmesiderHvad er nettet for noget?Din bruger læser i F-formForskellige typer indholdssiderBrugervenlighed og konventionerBrugervenlighed og troværdighedSEO eller min chef insisterer på, at jeg skal skrive SEO-teksterOpsamlingKAPITEL 2Kend din modtagerHånden på hjertet: Ved du, hvem du skriver til?Hvordan ser den typiske web-bruger ud?Irriter din bruger3 spørgsmål, du skal kende svaret påUndgå fagudtryk, forkortelser og fremmedord (de 3 f'er)OpsamlingKAPITEL 3Kend din modelOverlad aldrig det hårde arbejde til læseren2 effektive dispositionsmodellerDine 8 geniale genveje til struktur og overblikKAPITEL 4Kend dine sproglige (virke-) midlerSkriv aktivt (andet kan ikke betale sig)Skriv kort og lige ud ad landevejenSkriv konkret (hold dig til de nederste trin af abstraktionsstigen)Skriv nutidigt - drop papirklichéerUndgå klichéer, banaliteter og bullshit-bingoOpsamlingFacitLitteraturlisteStikord

  • af Paul McFedries
    288,95 kr.

    A thorough and helpful reference for aspiring website buildersLooking to start an exciting new career in front-end web building and design? Or maybe you just want to develop a new skill and create websites for fun. Whatever your reasons, it's never been easier to start learning how to build websites from scratch than with help from HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies. This book has the essentials you need to wrap your head around the key ingredients of website design and creation.You'll learn to build attractive, useful, and easy-to-navigate websites by combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into fun and practical creations. Using the 6 books compiled within this comprehensive collection, you'll discover how to make static and dynamic websites, complete with intuitive layouts and cool animations. The book also includes:* Incorporate the latest approaches to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including those involving new markup, page styles, interactivity, and more* Step-by-step instructions for new site creators explaining the very basics of page layouts and animations* Easy-to-follow advice for adjusting page color and background, adding widgets to a site, and getting rid of all the bugs that affect site performance* Bonus 6th book available at development is a fun, interesting, and challenging skill that can lead to a lucrative career (if you're so inclined). And with the right help, almost anyone can learn to create engaging websites from scratch. So, grab a copy of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies and you'll be designing and building before you know it!

  • - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and the Company that Made the Modern Internet
    af Jimmy Soni
    106,95 kr.

    The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.

  • af Cory Doctorow
    146,95 kr.

    This isn't a book for people who want to fix Big Tech. It's a detailed disassembly manual for people who want to dismantle it.

  • Spar 11%
    - Det digitale samfunds skyggeside
    af Anders Wivel, Sten Rynning, Tobias Liebetrau & mfl.
    399,50 kr.

    I det digitale samfund er truslen fra cyberspace allestedsnærværende, og Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste anser cybertruslen som en af de mest alvorlige trusler mod Danmark. Men cybertruslen er ikke kun én ting. Denne bog er den første udgivelse på dansk, der introducerer læseren til de mest centrale trusler fra cyberspace samt til de mange forsøg på at håndtere disse. Efter en indledning og en historisk indplacering af problemfeltet, kortlægger og beskriver bogen de syv primære cybertrusler: cyberkrig, desinformation, cyberterrorisme, cyberspionage, overvågning, cyberkriminalitet og hacktivisme. Herefter undersøger bogens kapitler de statslige, private og internationale forsøg på at løse de komplekse politiske og juridiske udfordringer, som de nye trusler har medført. Afslutningsvist kigger bogen fremad og giver et bud på den fremtidige cybersikkerhed. Bogen målgruppe er studerende med en interesse for digitalisering, sikkerhedspolitik og risikostudier i cyberområdets mangeartede problematikker. Samtidig danner bogens gennemgang og diskussion af forskellige dilemmaer og politiske afvejninger i cyberspace grundlag for en åben og informeret politisk debat om cybersikkerhedspolitik og digitalisering i Danmark Jeppe T. Jacobsen er adjunkt ved Institut for Militær Teknologi, Forsvarsakademiet, hvor han koncentrerer sin forskning om staters politiske og militære adfærd i cyberspace samt udfordringer og muligheder på fremtidens datadrevne kampplads. Han har tidligere arbejdet med cybersikkerhedspolitik i Udenrigsministeriet og på DIIS. Tobias Liebetrau, ph.d., er postdoc ved Centre de Recherches Internationales, Sciences Po, Paris. Tobias forsker i politiske og strategiske aspekter af cybersikkerhed, digitalisering og teknologiudvikling. Han har tidligere været ansat ved Center for Militære Studier på København Universitet og ved Center for Cybersikkerhed under Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste.

  • - PC- og onlinesikkerhed
    af Lars Laursen
    269,95 kr.

    PC- og onlinesikkerhed er i stigende grad blevet vigtigt for pc-brugere over hele verden. Der er en lang række trusler, der kan ramme dig, når du er på Internettet. Du har måske hørt om en række former for skadelige programmer, der under ét kaldes for malware, og som kan ramme den intetanende pc- og smartphonebruger. Der kan være tale om: Virus – programmer, der smitter og inficerer ens egen og andre pc’er på netværket. Trojanske heste – programmer, som har en skadelig ladning af malware med sig. Spyware – programmer, der udspionerer din gøren og laden på pc’en, og som f.eks. sender dine indtastede kreditkortoplysninger videre til en bagmand. Keyloggere – programmer der registrerer alt, hvad du taster på tastaturet, og sender det til en bagmand. Zombier – din pc kan blive overtaget af en bagmand og skjult indlemmet i et netværk (botnet) af andre zombie-computere, som sammen angriber hjemmesider eller sender store mængder spam ud i verden. Adware – programmer, der viser reklamer på din pc og på hjemmesider, og som er meget irriterende. Ransomware – du kan blive afkrævet en løsesum for at slippe din pc fri for malware, der krypterer dine filer, så du ikke kan læse dem igen. Du lærer om: Identitetstyveri – pas på ikke at få stjålet dine personlige oplysninger, som kriminelle så kan misbruge. Fupbutikker – lær at spotte falske netbutikker, som sælger kopivarer under dække af at være ægte eller sælger dine kreditkortoplysninger. Digitalt selvforsvar – hvordan sikrer du din anonymitet på nettet? Lær om browseranonymitet og andre værktøjer såsom TOR-netværket, der øger din grad af anonymitet på både pc og smartphone. Dine børns onlinesikkerhed – Windows stiller en række værktøjer til rådighed for forældres styring af deres børns brug af pc’en. Læs også hvordan du sikrer dine børns smartphones og tablets. Adgangskoder – hvordan gør man dem sikre? Hvor mange skal man have? Lær også om farerne ved uopfordret tilsendte e-mails: At der kan følge malware med i en vedhæftet fil (bilag) i en e-mail. At du har vundet millioner i et lotteri, uden at du har deltaget i det. At en person har arvet en millionsum, men har brug for en udlænding (dig) til at overføre pengene til sig – mod betaling af en procentdel af arven. At blive mellemmand (muldyr) med en bankkonto til at modtage penge og sende dem videre for et udenlandsk firma – mod at beholde nogle få procent af beløbet. At dit NemID er midlertidigt suspenderet – indtil du oplyser dit NemID-log-ind og uploader et billede af dit nøglekort. Læs om farerne for og hvordan du sikrer dit NemID og netbank. At din PayPal-konto er blevet kompromitteret, og at du derfor skal bekræfte dit log-ind. At du skal sende din Verified-by-Visa-SMS-kode videre per SMS til en bagmand. At en person, du har fået kontakt med via en dating-hjemmeside, akut har brug for mange penge. Heldigvis kan man med oplysning og uddannelse og de rette sikkerhedsprogrammer gardere sig mod disse farer og færdes ret sikkert på nettet alligevel. Denne bog med mange illustrationer beskriver disse farer indgående og oplyser om, hvilke faresignaler du skal være agtpågivende overfor. Der er sammenligninger af antivirusprogrammer med firewall, så du kan se hvilke programmer, der er gode lige nu. Hvis du skulle være blevet ramt af malware, er der også beskrevet nogle fremgangsmåder, hvormed du kan fjerne den igen. Desuden lærer du om sikkerhedskopiering, så du ikke behøver at miste dine filer, hvis du rammes af ransomware.

  • af Theo Tenzer
    182,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch bietet eine Übersicht an quell-offenen Software-Programmen und -Projekten zur Verschlüsselung. Sie sind zentral, um Bürger:innen einen Schutz vor Überwachung sowie eine Perspektive zur Absicherung des Briefgeheimnisses und ihrer Privatheit zu ermöglichen. Mit diesem Band "Open-Source Verschlüsselung - Quell-offene Software zur Demokratisierung von Kryptographie: Schutz vor Überwachung" legt der Verein Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. (Freedom not Fear), Mitglied im Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung (AK Vorrat), die Publikation von Theo Tenzer über den kryptographischen Wandel "Super Secreto - Die dritte Epoche der Kryptographie" als eine Re-Print-Sonderausgabe des dritten Bandes seiner dreibändigen Ausgabe mit einem Vorwort des Vereins vor: Ein Übersichts-Taschen-Buch eben zu den wichtigen digitalen Verschlüsselungs-Apps und Privacy-Tools: Beginnend mit der Festplatten-Verschlüsselungs-Software VeraCrypt, weiterhin der Verschlüsselungs-Suite Spot-On, sowie Werkzeugen zur Verschlüsselung von Dateien und deren Transfer bis hin zu einem Überblick an quell-offenen Messengern mit Verschlüsselung und eigenen Chat-Servern, dem Quantum-Computing-sicheren McEliece-Messaging, dem anonymen Websurfen mit dem Tor-Browser - oder einem VPN oder Proxy ... etc. Die weiteren Bände CRYPTO-WARS und QUANTEN-COMPUTER zu dieser Drei-Bände-Reihe sind ebenso erhältlich.

  • af Monee' Brown
    243,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Monee' Brown
    243,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Joran Quinten
    433,95 kr.

    Become a VueJS professional through practical projects like building a to-do list, weather app, recipe app, fitness tracker, quiz app, and moreKey Features:Increase your prospects of securing employment as a web developerFamiliarize yourself with the Vue ecosystem and build more advanced applications by leveraging the fundamentalsProgress at your own pace and build a personal project using a modern tech stackPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:In the ever-evolving web development landscape, Vue.js stands out with its intuitive design and progressive framework, empowering developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications. This book will help you stay in the forefront of modern web technologies by mastering Vue.js through hands-on projects and practical applications.Building Real-World Web Applications with Vue.js 3 is your guide to exploring the core concepts of Vue.js, setting up your development environment, and creating your first Vue.js application. You'll progress by building a recipe app using Vuetify, followed by leveraging data visualization to create a fitness tracker featuring dynamic dashboards using external databases and Vue-ChartJS. You'll then get to grips with multiplatform development with Quasar to deploy your app.As you develop an interactive quiz app, you'll be introduced to server-side logic with Nuxt.js, WebSockets for real-time communication, and client-server differentiation. Additionally, you'll study experimental object recognition using TensorFlow, leveraging machine learning and camera input, and conclude by creating a portfolio website with Nuxt and Storyblok.By the end of this book, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to create your own Vue.js applications and build a portfolio to showcase your Vue.js skills to potential employers.What You Will Learn:Master VueJS fundamentals and best practicesBuild real-world applications and create a portfolioUse VueRouter and manage state with PiniaImplement Vuetify for rapid UI developmentDevelop multiplatform apps with Quasar FrameworkCreate interactive quizzes using WebSocket connectionsApply TensorFlow for object recognitionBuild a portfolio website with Nuxt and Storyblok CMSWho this book is for:This book is for aspiring Vue.js developers eager to dive into practical projects. Whether you're just starting your Vue.js journey or have basic knowledge of JavaScript and web technologies, this book is a valuable resource, taking a hands-on approach to establishing a solid foundation in Vue.js while working on a variety of real-world projects.

  • af Julian Hawthorne
    113,95 - 148,95 kr.

  • af Antoine Chabert
    825,95 kr.

    Today's organizations must be prepared for tomorrow's events. Forecast future behavior in SAP Analytics Cloud with this comprehensive guide to predictive analytics! Start by learning about the data types, scenarios, and methods used in predictive analytics projects. Then follow step-by-step instructions to build, analyze, and apply predictive models to your business data using classification, time series forecasting, and regression analysis. Automate your models and dive into the data science with this all-in-one guide! In this book, you'll learn about: a. Predictive Scenarios and Projects Understand the basics of predictive analytics in SAP Analytics Cloud: scenarios, data types, and actions. Then plan your predictive project, including identifying the key stakeholders and reviewing the methodology. b. Build, Train, Analyze, and Apply Master predictive models from end to end. Create classification, time series, and regression models; then train them to identify business patterns. Analyze and apply the results of your models to data in SAP Analytics Cloud. c. Practical Demonstrations See predictive analytics in action! Identify use cases for predictive modeling. For each data model, understand practical applications through curated examples with sample business data. Highlights include: 1) Predictive scenarios 2) Predictive forecasts 3) Data modeling 4) Planning 5) Time series model 6) Classification model 7) Regression model 8) Multi-actions 9) Data science 10) Stories and dashboards

  • af Jasmin Karatas
    227,95 kr.

  • af Pandi Selvi P
    448,95 kr.

    The reader starts by learning the basics of AI and IoT devices and how to read IoT data from various sources and streams. Then we introduce various ways to implement AI with examples in TensorFlow, scikit learn, and Keras. The topics covered include machine learning, deep learning, genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning, and generative adversarial networks. We also show the reader how to implement AI using distributed technologies and on the cloud. Once the reader is familiar with AI techniques, then we introduce various techniques for different kinds of data generated and consumed by IoT devices, such as time series, images, audio, video, text, and speech. After explaining various AI techniques on various kinds of IoT data, finally, we share some case studies with the reader from the four major categories of IoT solutions: personal IoT, home IoT, industrial IoT, and smart city IoT.

  • af Sudheer Jonna
    388,95 kr.

    Build your confidence in tackling React job interviews with this comprehensive guide covering a wide range of React ecosystem questions and the latest advancements in ReactKey FeaturesBoost your interview success by mastering React interview strategiesQuickly acquaint yourself with the latest React featuresBenefit from expert guidance for preparing to tackle any React interview question confidentlyPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionAre you struggling with React job interviews, feeling hindered by the lack of knowledge or confidence? Look no further than the React Interview Guide. Complete with the latest features of the React library, this comprehensive solution will assist you in taking a definitive step forward in your career as a React developer.This book systematically covers frequently asked questions and common edge cases encountered in React interviews. It goes beyond React to encompass other essential technologies in the React ecosystem, including routing, CSS, testing, and building Next.js apps. You'll benefit from invaluable expert guidance, enabling you to address a wide range of React ecosystem questions swiftly as this book prioritizes interview readiness, sparing you the need to dwell excessively on individual topics before technical discussions.By the end of this book, you'll be thoroughly equipped to excel in any React interview, giving you an edge over your peers and significantly increasing your chances of securing your dream job.What you will learnDiscover contemporary strategies to make your profile shine in a competitive marketplaceAccess diverse interview questions, from basic to advanced, to land a React developer jobMaster React's latest features, performance optimization, and debugging techniques step by stepGrasp techniques and tips to cover crucial skills for the React developer roleUnderstand various frameworks and libraries to prepare to answer any React interview questionBuild fully fledged React-based applications to ace coding assignmentsWho this book is forThis book will aid individuals preparing for React job interviews as well as seasoned developers looking to expand their React knowledge. A basic understanding of fundamental web development concepts and technologies, such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS is necessary to get started.Table of ContentsBrace yourself for interview preparationUnderstand ReactJS fundamentals and its major featuresHooks: Bring state, lifecycle and other features in functional componentsHandling routing and internationalisationAdvanced concepts of ReactJSRedux: The best state management solutionDifferent approaches to apply CSS in ReactJSTesting and debugging the React ApplicationRapid development with Next.js, Gatsby and Remix frameworksCracking any real-world programming taskBuild an App based on React Hooks/Redux, styled components and the Firebase BackendBuild an App based on NextJS toolkit, authentication, SWR, GraphQL and deployment

  • af M. W. Draaser
    313,95 kr.

    In "Bard die Google KI" wird ein umfassender Blick auf die transformative Kraft der Künstlichen Intelligenz im Bereich der Textgenerierung geworfen. Das Buch ist in mehrere Kapitel unterteilt, die jeweils unterschiedliche Aspekte dieser revolutionären Technologie beleuchten.Das erste Kapitel bietet eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der automatisierten Textgenerierung, einschließlich der technologischen Infrastruktur, die diese Entwicklung ermöglicht. Es folgt eine detaillierte Analyse der verschiedenen Anwendungsgebiete, von Marketing und Journalismus bis hin zu wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und Unternehmenskommunikation.Im weiteren Verlauf des Buches werden die Vorteile und Limitationen der Technologie diskutiert. Hier werden Fragen der Effizienz, Konsistenz und Qualität der generierten Inhalte behandelt. Verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele in Bereichen wie Human Resources, interne Kommunikation und kreative Anwendungen werden vorgestellt, um die Vielseitigkeit der Technologie zu demonstrieren. Das Buch schließt mit einem Vergleich zu ähnlichen Technologien ab und bietet einen Ausblick auf aktuelle Trends und Forschung im Bereich der KI-gesteuerten Textgenerierung und skizziert potenzielle Weiterentwicklungen.Dieses Buch wirft nicht nur einen Blick auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Google Bard sondern ist für alle, die sich für die Auswirkungen der KI auf die Content-Erstellung interessieren. Es bietet fundierte Einblicke und praktische Anleitungen und ist damit ein unverzichtbares Werk für jeden, der die Zukunft der Content-Erstellung aktiv mitgestalten möchte.

  • af Kiet Huynh
    198,95 kr.

    The World Wide Web has become an integral part of our lives, and at its core are two essential languages: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). "HTML and CSS Fundamentals" is your key to understanding and mastering these foundational web development languages. Whether you're new to web development or an experienced professional, this book will empower you to create stunning web experiences from scratch. It covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques and best practices. Join us on this journey through the fascinating world of web development, where you'll learn to build, design, and deploy websites with confidence. Welcome to "HTML and CSS Fundamentals." Let's get started!

  • af Scott Shapiro
    133,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Sabiha Dulay
    543,95 kr.

    We live in a rapidly changing world, called VUCA, with its unique challenges and opportunities for growth and innovation. To be able to adjust changes and navigate complexities, leaders need to be prepared for the crises and opportunities that await them. That is why this book provides current information on the new leadership skills and the ways for enhancing VUCA readiness of educational leaders. This book is thought to be a comprehensive guide to help today¿s educational leaders thrive in VUCA by addressing the topics such as managing change and complexity, authentic leadership, agility, resilience and digital transformation. Thus, the book addresses all practitioners, leaders and teachers who need a practical guide on how to expand their vision, enhance their skills to lead in constantly changing educational environments.

  • af Suvendrini Perera
    561,95 kr.

    This volume offers a critical and creative analysis of the innovations of Deathscapes, a transnational digital humanities project that maps the sites and distributions of custodial deaths in locations such as police cells, prisons and immigration detention centres.

  • af Kimberly A. Hall
    422,95 - 1.814,95 kr.

  • af Cathy Hackl
    183,95 - 226,95 kr.

  • af Kelsey Gilbert Kreiling
    388,95 kr.

    Uncover expert insights, practical tools, and a library of resources, including everything you need to build design-focused websites with rich user experience-from signup to launchPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey Features:Discover professional insights as you get hands-on with designing a custom website on Squarespace 7.1 and Fluid EngineLaunch a website on your domain with features like commerce, member areas, blogging, and schedulingGrow your audience with a mobile-optimized website you can own, edit, and updateBook Description:You may have heard about Squarespace and even started a trial site, but launching it can be a real challenge for new users. While the basic features look simple enough, shaping Squarespace to fit your business needs requires expert help. That's where author and Squarespace expert Kelsey Gilbert Kreiling can help. Squarespace from Signup to Launch is a comprehensive resource for customizing the most design-focused and user-friendly website builder in the no-code world.Enriched with insights and resources from Squarespace experts such as Christy Price, Will Myers, David Iskander, Kristine Neil, Kathryn Joachim, Beatriz Caraballo, Justin Mabee, Shelly Morse, and more, this book goes beyond a technical manual. It prepares you to build a website, explains the foundational knowledge behind Squarespace 7.1 and Fluid Engine, and fosters a professional designer's mindset. Throughout the book, you'll learn how to build forms, use content blocks, optimize websites for mobile, build an online store, and become proficient in Squarespace's built-in SEO, marketing, and analytics tools.By the end of this Squarespace book, you'll have the confidence to build professional websites with a developer's technical knowledge, project organization, and design intuition. You won't just launch your site; you'll be proud to share it with the world.What You Will Learn:Build a website on Squarespace, step by step, with expert insights and practical tipsPlan your site content with an easy-to-understand outlineSource and create the visual elements necessary to achieve a professional websiteGo beyond pre-set templates by creating a polished design from navigation to footerIntegrate custom code to enhance both the design and functionality of your projectOptimize your website for mobile viewing and search engine visibilityImplement effective marketing strategies to promote your site and grow your audience after its launchWho this book is for:If you are interested in building a website on the Squarespace platform, using its newest version 7.1 and Fluid Engine, this book is for you. Whether you're a brand designer with little or no code experience, an entrepreneur seeking full ownership and usability of a website, or a website designer versed in other platforms looking to expand your skill set to other platforms, this comprehensive go-to guide covers everything you need. No matter your entry point, this book will offer an understanding of the why and how of Squarespace.

  • af Stefan Stampfli
    283,95 kr.

    In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich die Welt der Technologie rapide weiterentwickelt, und KI hat dabei eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt. Von selbstfahrenden Autos bis hin zu intelligenten Sprachassistenten wie Alexa, Siri und Google Assistant hat KI unseren Alltag revolutioniert.In diesem leicht verständlichen Buch werden wir uns ausführlich mit Künstlicher Intelligenz befassen und die faszinierende Welt hinter dieser Technologie erkunden. Du wirst die Grundlagen der KI kennenlernen, ihre vielseitigen Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen erforschen und einen Blick in die Zukunft werfen, um zu verstehen, welche Auswirkungen KI auf unseren Alltag hat und was dies für dich und deine Zukunft bedeutet.

  • af Chris Dixon
    254,95 kr.

    "The Internet of today is a far cry from its early promise of a decentralized, democratic network of creativity and innovation. In the past decade, the Internet has fallen under the control of a tiny group of massive companies like Apple, Google, and Facebook. In Read Write Own, tech visionary Chris Dixon argues that the dream of an open network for fostering creativity and entrepreneurship doesn't have to die, and that in fact it can, and must, be saved with blockchain networks, which he vitally separates from the currency-based speculation that it is unfortunately lumped together with - a distinction he calls "The Computer vs The Casino". With lucid and compelling prose - and drawing from his first-hand observations, mental models, and experiences over a 25-year career in the Internet industry - Dixon shows how the Internet has undergone three distinct eras, bringing us to the critical moment we're in today. The first act was the "read era," lasting from 1990 to 2005, in which early Internet networks democratized information. In the "read-write era," 2006-2020, corporate networks democratized publishing. And we are now entering the "read-write-own era," sometimes called web3, in which blockchain networks have begun to democratize ownership, granting power and economic benefits to the participants in the network--not just to massive corporations"--

  • af C. Miya
    308,95 kr.

    The Internet of Things (IoT) enables autonomous, predictive, and real-time sensing and monitoring of things without human intervention. As connected devices have proliferated, so has the need to transmit and receive data, consolidate and evaluate it, and respond to events. IoT solutions connect machines, sensors, and control systems to speed up contemporary industrial manufacturing. Its Predictive Maintenance, Statistical Evaluation, and Measuring may increase system reliability.IoT links and organizes a wide network of devices and intelligent entities, enabling real-time communication between physical things through any Internet-connected network or service. Smart objects identify, communicate, and make choices, accessing data from other items. The Internet is still strong because it links individuals to actual objects and enables them to communicate in real time.The evolution of IoT began with landline phones, radios, and TVs, which were one-way experiences. The 1980s saw the development of Atari and Commodore home computers and IBM PCs, which improved the efficiency of machines in connecting to the outside world. However, slow dial-up rates and infrastructure made connecting a new concept.A smart object network may employ embedded sensors and actuators to observe, feel, record, share, and react to various types of data. The concept of IoT has evolved since 2009, with the goal of reducing waste, loss, and costs by allowing computers to know everything there is to know about things.

  • af Maddel M Manisha
    368,95 kr.

    "Security Management System of Cyber Cafes" is a comprehensive and practical guide that outlines effective strategies and best practices for ensuring the security of cyber cafes. Written by industry experts and cybersecurity professionals, this book serves as a valuable resource for cyber cafe owners, managers, and IT administrators seeking to establish robust security measures and safeguard their customers' digital experiences.In this book, the authors address the unique security challenges faced by cyber cafes, where numerous individuals access public computer terminals and shared networks. They provide a step-by-step approach to implementing a comprehensive security management system that encompasses various aspects of cyber cafe security, including network protection, user authentication, data privacy, content filtering, and incident response.Key topics covered in this book include:Introduction to cyber cafes: The authors provide an overview of cyber cafes, their services, and their importance in providing internet access to the public. They discuss the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the need for robust security measures to protect customers' privacy and prevent malicious activities.Risk assessment and security planning: The book guides cyber cafe owners and managers in conducting a thorough risk assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and security gaps. It offers practical insights into creating a customized security plan tailored to the specific needs of the cyber cafe environment.Network security: The authors delve into network security considerations, addressing topics such as secure Wi-Fi deployment, firewall configuration, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and network segmentation. They emphasize the importance of protecting the cyber cafe's network infrastructure from unauthorized access and external threats.User authentication and access control: The book explores various methods of user authentication and access control, including password policies, multi-factor authentication, and biometric solutions. It highlights the significance of implementing strong authentication measures to prevent unauthorized access to the cyber cafe's resources.Data privacy and protection: The authors discuss strategies for protecting customer data and ensuring privacy within the cyber cafe environment. They cover topics such as data encryption, secure data storage, and compliance with data protection regulations, guiding cyber cafe owners in establishing robust data privacy practices.Content filtering and parental controls: The book addresses the importance of content filtering and parental control mechanisms in cyber cafes. It explores techniques for blocking access to inappropriate or harmful content, protecting minors, and ensuring a safe browsing environment for all customers.Incident response and incident handling: The authors provide guidelines for establishing an effective incident response plan and implementing incident handling procedures. They discuss incident detection, analysis, containment, and recovery, enabling cyber cafe staff to respond promptly and effectively to security incidents.Training and awareness: The book emphasizes the significance of training cyber cafe staff and raising customer awareness about security best practices. It offers guidance on conducting security awareness programs, educating employees and customers about potential risks, and promoting responsible online behavior.Throughout the book, the authors provide practical tips, case studies, and checklists to assist cyber cafe owners and managers in implementing a comprehensive security management system.

  • af Aarron Walter
    373,95 kr.

    In the years since publishing the first edition, emotional design has gone from innovative to essential in designers' toolkits. Aarron Walter once again offers wise, inspiring guidance for the principles of designing for humans, and addresses newer challenges that have emerged for web professionals tasked with reaching an ever-shifting audience.Packed with engaging case studies and psychologically-grounded principles, Designing for Emotion has never been more relevant for modern business.WHAT'S NEW IN THE SECOND EDITION?Learn from updated case studies that push beyond where the web was in 2011 and reflect more of today's concerns such as privacy, representation, and safety. You'll also engage more deeply with your users when you apply takeaways from the new chapter on empathy and inclusion. Finally, make the case for working more thoughtfully in your own company with Aarron's fresh insight into the business value-and impact-of emotional design.

  • af Karen McGrane
    368,95 kr.

    Responsive design is more than the technical; it's a new way of communicating and working that affects every person on your team. Karen McGrane draws on data and stories from real-world teams to show you why going responsive is just good business sense-and how to set up your project (from concept to launch) for total success. Learn how to plan and scope work, collaborate in a responsive context, evaluate content, handle browser support and testing, and measure performance outcomes. No matter your role or project, go responsive with confidence.

  • af Rebekah Baggs
    363,95 kr.

    As the web has matured, so have search engines, algorithms, and marketing practices meant to attract pageviews. Modern SEO isn't about delivering traffic for traffic's sake-it's about helping real people find the right information, at the right time, and in the right place.In this practical, illuminating book, Rebekah Baggs and Chris Corak make the case that SEO plays a central role not just in search rankings, but in delivering an excellent user experience. After all, most interactions don't begin on our carefully crafted homepages, but on a list of search results-and only by connecting our efforts in content, design, development, and search optimization can we create a truly human-centered web that supports users throughout their entire journey.THIS BOOK EXPLORES:The history of SEO, how it got a bad rap, and how to make it betterThe importance of satisfying users' search intent with meaningful contentInvestigating search behaviors as part of user research and discoveryIntegrating SEO considerations into your design and development processesHow to avoid snake-oil practices and invest in holistic, human-centered SEO

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