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Finans og investering på internet

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  • - Indeks, fonde og ETF’er
    af Michael Karbo
    158,95 kr.

    Danskerne er gode til opsparing, men renten, de får, er desværre tæt på nul. Det er da ærgerligt! Ved at følge denne bog kan du se frem til et noget bedre afkast. Du lærer nemlig at investere på egen hånd med de billige onlineløsninger. Bogen er er rigt illustreret og giver letlæste, men grundige forklaringer på vigtige begreber som risiko, aktieeksponering og markedskorrektioner. Du læser om at have realistiske forventninger og lærer at vurdere forskellige typer investeringsforeninger og fonde. Og så lærer du en masse om, hvordan markedet fungerer! Bogen giver de nødvendige redskaber til at designe en balanceret portefølje af fonde, som passer til dine helt personlige forhold og tidshorisont. Løsningerne rækker fra det meget enkle, nærmest på autopilot, til det mere aktive og dynamiske. Bogen kan benyttes af alle, uanset om man lige har påbegyndt en opsparing, om man har frie midler fx fra et hussalg, eller om det er en børneopsparing, der skal sættes i gang. Uddrag af bogen Et andet aspekt er, at du skal kende og respektere din personlighed med de begrænsninger, det kan give. For når folk taber penge – og det er der mange, som gør – så skyldes det i høj grad følelser og emotionelle handlinger. Følelserne vil altid være meget aktive, når du investerer, og mange har svært ved at styre dem. Jeg har en ven, som opkøber tyske enkeltaktier. Han køber dem og beholder dem, som han nu har gjort gennem mere end 20 år – noget, jeg selv aldrig ville have kunnet finde ud af. Strategien passer perfekt til hans rolige temperament, hvor jeg selv er en noget mere emotionel og volatil type. Om forfatteren Michael Karbo (f. 1957) er professionel fagbogsforfatter med en række udgivelser bag sig om IT, om internettet, om digitale teknikker, om privatøkonomi mv. Michael Karbos bøger har altid læseren i centrum, de er godt illustrerede og giver en let tilgængelige formidling af fagstof, der ellers kan være kompliceret. Hans bøger er oversat og udgivet i 20 europæiske lande.

  • Spar 17%
    - Fremtidens penge
    af Peter Hertz & Alexander Sonne Wulff
    207,95 kr.

    Er Bitcoin og de andre kryptovalutaer den vigtigste opfindelse siden internettet eller blot en spekulativ boble?Meningerne er mange, men ikke desto mindre er de fleste eksperter enige om, at kryptoteknologien vil komme til at ændre fundamentalt på mange af verdens industrier.BITCOIN giver læseren en pædagogisk og letforståelig introduktion til kryptovalutaernes verden: Hvor kommer de digitale valutaer fra? Hvordan fungerer teknologien bag? Og hvorfor har de digitale valutaer måske potentialet til at revolutionere vores pengesystem?Forfatterne stiller skarpt på emnet, gennemgår den seneste udvikling på området og vejer fordele og udfordringer.

  • af Jordan Belfort
    188,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Scott Galloway
    166,95 kr.

    'You need this book.' Steven Bartlett, author of The Diary of a CEOThe world is changing. It's time for a new financial playbook.In this must-have guide to optimizing your life for wealth, success and happiness, you'll learn:¿ how to find and follow your talent¿ what small steps you can take now that pay big returns later¿ how to develop better financial habitsBursting with practical, game-changing advice from one of the world's most popular business school professors, The Algebra of Wealth is the practical guidebook you need to win today's wealth game.Today's workers have more opportunities and mobility than any previous generation. They also face unprecedented challenges, including inflation, labour and housing shortages, and climate volatility.Even the notion of 'retirement' is undergoing a profound rethink, as our lifespans extend and our relationship with work evolves. In this environment, the tried-and-true financial advice our parents followed no longer applies.In The Algebra of Wealth, Galloway lays bare the rules of financial success in today's economy. In characteristic unvarnished, no-BS style, he explains you what you need to know in order to improve your chances of achieving economic security no matter what.

  • af Marusha Eabden
    128,95 kr.

    Good old-fashioned associate promotion is the lifeblood of many businesses, but it is often underrated or disregarded in favour of other factors. In this handbook, I will take you on a journey through the inner workings of a well-oiled associate software. We'll discuss everything from the importance of using one of these systems to getting associates to sell when you need them to, as well as some statistics to help you prove that this is one of the most profitable aspects of online business, and I'll make sure to include at least one interactive quiz to make things more exciting and to test your knowledge.

  • af Bernhard Wecke
    222,95 kr.

    Generative Künstliche Intelligenz bringt die digitale Transformation im Marketing auf eine neue Ebene und stellt Marketingverantwortliche vor unbekannte Herausforderungen. Erfahren Sie, wie sich die Rolle von Marketingmanager:innen in Zeiten von Generativer KI verändert und welche neuen Kompetenzen gefragt sind. Darüber hinaus gibt das Buch einen Überblick über die Auswirkungen von Generativer KI auf Marketingorganisationen und einen konkreten Leitfaden zu den Handlungsfeldern. .

  • af Alexander Schwarz-Musch
    488,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch erklärt, wie Unternehmen ihre Onlinekampagnen erfolgreich planen und umsetzen können ¿ auch nach dem Ende der Third-Party-Cookies. Kampagnen auf Social-Media-Plattformen, in Suchmaschinen und mittels Display-Werbung können nach wie vor effektiv sein, wenn potenzielle Kund:innen gezielt angesprochen werden. Die Autoren zeigen, wie das auch ohne Cookies funktioniert: Die Entwicklung einer ¿Minimum Viable Personä und die Definition von Kampagnengruppen entlang der Customer Journey spielen dabei zentrale Rollen. Für jeden Touchpoint auf dem Weg zum Kaufabschluss müssen Etappenziele definiert werden, wodurch Effektivität und Effizienz der Maßnahmen leicht überprüft werden können.Ein Werk für Marketingverantwortliche, die nach Lösungen in der Post-Cookie-Ära suchen, um ihre Zielgruppen weiterhin ohne Streuverluste zu erreichen.

  • af Bernhard Wecke
    222,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch bietet einen fundierten Einblick in die Relevanz von Generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) im Marketing. Neben einer kompakten Darstellung der Funktionsweise und Grenzen von Generativer KI wird ein umfassender Überblick über KI-basierte Medienformate gegeben.Anhand von Praxisbeispielen und konkreten Auswahlkriterien erfahren Sie, wie Sie geeignete Anwendungsfälle für Generative KI identifizieren und in Ihre Marketingstrategie integrieren können. .

  • af Erwin Lammenett
    735,95 kr.

    Wie gelingt profitables Online-Marketing? Erwin Lammenett, seit über 25 Jahren Experte für digitales Marketing, erläutert praxisnah und theoretisch fundiert die gesamte Palette der Online-Marketing-Instrumente. Sie erfahren, wie Sie diese Instrumente erfolgreich nutzen, welche Sie sinnvoll miteinander kombinieren können und wie Sie ein effizientes Controlling aufbauen. Angesprochen werden Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter aus Marketing und PR, Produktmanager, Unternehmensberater, aber auch Dozierende und Studierende mit dem Schwerpunkt Marketing. Alle Kapitel enthalten dynamische Servicelinks, über die Inhalte jederzeit und kurzfristig angepasst werden können. In der 9. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Viele wurden um neue Entwicklungen ergänzt, insbesondere wurde auf neue Entwicklungen eingegangen, die auf künstlicher Intelligenz basieren.

  • af Lean Network Academy
    218,95 kr.

    "Gana Dinero Diseñando Portadas de Libros" es tu boleto para desbloquear un mundo de oportunidades en el mercado digital. En un mundo que se está volviendo cada vez más digital y visual, los ebooks han tomado el centro del escenario como un medio popular para compartir conocimiento, historias y experiencia. Esta guía integral, presentada por Lean Network Academy, profundiza en el arte de diseñar portadas de ebooks impresionantes que no solo captan la atención del lector, sino que también encapsulan la esencia del libro.Este libro abre las puertas a una empresa lucrativa que combina tu talento creativo con la creciente demanda de portadas de ebooks de alta calidad. Lean Network Academy comparte información valiosa sobre el mundo del diseño gráfico para ebooks, revelando trucos del oficio y consejos que elevarán tus diseños de lo ordinario a lo extraordinario. Las portadas de ebooks que creas tienen el poder de marcar la diferencia en la decisión de un lector de explorar el contenido. Con esta guía, aprovecharás las herramientas y el conocimiento necesarios para asegurarte de que sea lo primero.Lo que distingue a este libro es su practicidad y el potencial que desbloquea. No necesitas un título en diseño gráfico para embarcarte en esta aventura; todo lo que necesitas es el deseo de crear, una computadora y esta guía completa a tu disposición. Ya sea que estés buscando aumentar tus ingresos, explorar una nueva salida creativa o incluso iniciar una carrera completa en diseño de portadas de ebooks, "Gana Dinero Diseñando Portadas de Libros" te proporciona las habilidades y estrategias para tener éxito en esta era digital.Entonces, si estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje en el que tus habilidades creativas se encuentren con la independencia financiera, "Gana Dinero Diseñando Portadas de Libros" de Lean Network Academy es tu guía para realizar tu potencial y abrir tu propio nicho en el mercado digital. No pierdas esta oportunidad de convertir tu creatividad en efectivo, una portada de ebook a la vez.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    363,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Tanja Bernsau
    419,95 kr.

    ¿Dieses Buch richtet sich an introvertierte Selbstständige, Solopreneure und Unternehmer und zeigt auf, wie sie Social Media auf die eigene, leise Art für Vertrieb und Marketing zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen können. Denn: Introvertierte Menschen haben zahlreiche verborgene Stärken, die ihnen besonders im Verkauf zugute kommen können. Diese gilt es zu entfalten!Die Autorin, selbst ein ¿leiser¿ Mensch, räumt mit Mythen und Vorurteilen auf, präsentiert eine Vielzahl von praktischen Orientierungshilfen und Strategien für eine wirksame Positionierung auf Social Media. Am Beispiel der für Unternehmer wichtigsten Plattform LinkedIn zeigt sie auf, wie u. a. Social Selling, Social Listening, Content Marketing oder Personal Branding funktionieren ¿ und mit welchen Kniffen sich introvertierte Menschen selbst aus dem Schneckenhaus locken.

  • af Dizzy Davidson
    183,95 kr.

    How to Make Money Publishing Books on Draft2Digital PlatformDo you want to turn your passion for writing into a profitable business? Do you want to reach millions of readers worldwide with your books? Do you want to have complete control over your publishing process and earnings?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you!In this book, you will learn how to use Draft2Digital, one of the most versatile and user-friendly platforms for self-publishing authors. Draft2Digital allows you to publish eBooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks with just a few clicks. You can also distribute your books to major online retailers and libraries, such as Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, Scribd, and more.You will also discover how to prepare your manuscript for publishing, design an attractive cover, set the right price, market and promote your books effectively, and maximize your earnings. You will also get inspired by the success stories of other authors who have found their audience and income on Draft2Digital.By the end of this book, you will have all the tools and knowledge you need to start your publishing journey on Draft2Digital. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced author, this book will help you achieve your publishing goals and dreams.Here are some of the topics covered in this book:Getting Started with Draft2Digital: How to create an account and set up your author profile.Preparing Your Manuscript: Tips for writing a compelling book, formatting guidelines for different book types, cover design essentials and resources.Publishing eBooks on Draft2Digital: Step-by-step guide to publishing an eBook on Draft2Digital, pricing strategies for eBooks, exclusive vs. wide distribution options.Publishing Paperbacks on Draft2Digital: Preparing your manuscript for print, cover design and formatting for paperback, setting up your paperback on Draft2Digital.Publishing Audiobooks on Draft2Digital: Understanding the audiobook market, narration and production options, uploading and distributing your audiobook.Marketing and Promotion: Building your author brand on Draft2Digital, leveraging Draft2Digital's marketing tools, and strategies for promoting your books effectively.Maximizing Your Earnings: Managing royalties and payments on Draft2Digital, strategies for increasing book sales and revenue, and exploring other income streams.Troubleshooting and Common Mistakes: Common pitfalls to avoid, solutions to common publishing and distribution issues, tips for handling negative reviews and feedback.Success Stories: Inspiring case studies of authors who found success on Draft2Digital, lessons learned and key takeaways from their experiences.Future Trends in Self-Publishing: Emerging trends in the self-publishing industry, preparing for the future of digital publishing, and resources for staying updated.Don't wait any longer. start making money publishing books on Draft2Digital!

  • af Jacob Snedker
    158,95 kr.

    In the high-stakes world of trading, emotions can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. "The Emotional Trader" by Jacob Snedker is your essential guide to harnessing the power of your emotions to become a master of the market.This transformative book takes you on a journey through the intricate landscape of trading psychology, offering practical strategies for traders of all levels. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, you'll find invaluable insights that will help you navigate the markets with clarity and confidence. "The Emotional Trader" begins by helping you understand the emotional rollercoaster that often accompanies trading. Jake delves into the psychological factors that can impact your decision-making and provides you with tools to identify and manage these emotions effectively.One of the core techniques presented in the book is the concept of an Emotion Journal. This personalized journal helps you track your emotional responses before, during, and after each trade. By documenting your feelings and reactions, you'll uncover patterns that can inform your future trading decisions, ultimately leading to improved performance.Whether you're a day trader, swing trader, or long-term investor, "The Emotional Trader" is your indispensable companion for mastering your emotions and mastering the market. Don't let your emotions dictate your financial destiny. Take control, gain clarity, and thrive as a trader with the guidance of this invaluable resource. Get your copy of "The Emotional Trader" today and embark on a journey toward trading excellence.

  • af Barry Wood
    398,95 kr.

    Unleash Wealth: Your Definitive Guide to Profiting from Alternative InvestmentsDon't miss this chance to open the doors to new financial opportunities.

  • af Steve Kaczynski
    166,95 kr.

    NFTs cause excitement and skepticism. How much value can a token hold? What drives this value?To properly appreciate NFTs we must first understand what they actually are, how they work and in what contexts they are used.The Everything Token is an essential primer on NFTs (non-fungible tokens), explaining their use, purpose, and how businesses can create and exploit them to develop new product lines, building customer loyalty and increased revenues at the same time.Together the authors have spent much of the past few years embedded in NFT communities and helping launch NFT products. As self-described beta testers of this brand-new technology, they've seen its power first-hand and aim to educate others on the importance, uses and purpose of NFT and surrounding, ever-evolving technologies.Demystifying the complexities, two experts in NFTs show why we should take NFTs much more seriously than their reputation as fun digital art collectibles suggest. They have a wider variety of uses than one may realise.Gripping and accessible, this book provides a guide and an insight into what can often be a hard-to-grasp area of technology.

  • af Jacob Snedker
    108,95 kr.

    Drawing from in-depth interviews with 7-figure traders and my own transformative journey to trading success, "Ready. Set. Trade" is your essential guide to mastering the art of trading and ascending the elusive Trader's Success Rate Triangle. This compact yet powerful book distills the essence of trading expertise into 10 pivotal steps, designed to elevate traders of all levels.Starting from the very basics and advancing to the intricate realms of compound interest and the trader's psychology, this guide seamlessly bridges the gap between novice and expert traders. Whether you're a newcomer eager to grasp the fundamentals or a seasoned trader seeking to fine-tune your skillset, this book is your roadmap.Beginning with a demystification of some fundamental teachings, and market dynamics, you'll gain a solid foundation. As you progress, you'll dive into the nuances of technical and fundamental analysis, journaling, and an understanding of emotions both on the charts and within you, equipping you with the tools that set successful traders apart. Throughout the journey, I expose the psychological challenges that can ensnare traders and provide invaluable insights on conquering them.But "Ready. Set. Trade" isn't just theory. Inside, you'll find a wealth of downloadable resources and links to supplementary materials that allow you to put knowledge into action. These practical resources empower you to refine your trading strategies, making this book an indispensable asset in your trading arsenal. Fueled by insights from 7-figure traders and my own transformative experience, "Ready. Set. Trade" is your gateway to conquering the Trader's Success Rate Triangle. Whether your goal is financial freedom, an additional income stream, or a profound understanding of the markets, this book is your passport to success. Your journey to trading mastery begins now. Get ready, set your environment, and trade your way to financial prosperity with "Ready. Set. Trade."

  • af Edwin LefeVre
    218,95 kr.

    Entrez dans le monde captivant de Wall Street à travers les pages de "Wall Street Stories" de l'illustre Edwin Lefèvre. Cette remarquable collection de récits passionnants donne vie aux triomphes dramatiques, aux défaites déchirantes et à l'attrait intemporel de l'un des quartiers financiers les plus emblématiques du monde.Lefèvre, conteur magistral et initié au marché boursier, brosse un portrait vivant et intime des habitants de Wall Street. Grâce à son sens aigu du détail et à sa compréhension de la nature humaine, il entraîne le lecteur dans un voyage envoûtant, plongeant dans l'esprit et les motivations des traders, des investisseurs et des courtiers.Au fil des pages de ce joyau littéraire, les lecteurs découvriront une riche tapisserie de récits qui s'étendent sur plusieurs générations. Des titans légendaires qui ont façonné le paysage de la finance aux nouveaux venus ambitieux désireux de faire leur marque, Lefèvre capture l'essence de la poursuite incessante de la richesse, du pouvoir et de la quête du rêve américain à Wall Street. Grâce à un mélange d'anecdotes captivantes, d'observations perspicaces et d'analyses astucieuses, "Wall Street Stories" offre un aperçu rare du monde labyrinthique du trading à haut risque. Les prouesses de Lefèvre en matière de narration permettent aux lecteurs de vivre par procuration les hauts euphoriques des transactions réussies et les bas écrasants des désastres financiers.Plus qu'une simple collection d'histoires, ce livre est une fenêtre captivante sur le côté humain de Wall Street, révélant les triomphes, les tragédies et les dilemmes moraux auxquels sont confrontés ceux qui sont mêlés à la poursuite de la gloire financière. Les personnages de Lefèvre prennent vie sur la page, leurs ambitions et leurs défauts sont mis à nu, offrant aux lecteurs une compréhension intime de l'équilibre délicat entre le risque et la récompense qui définit l'éthique de Wall Street. "Wall Street Stories" n'est pas seulement une ¿uvre littéraire captivante, c'est aussi un examen intemporel de l'interaction complexe entre l'ambition, la cupidité et la poursuite du succès. Que vous soyez un investisseur chevronné, un trader en herbe ou simplement un amateur de récits passionnants, ce livre laissera une trace indélébile, modifiant à jamais votre perception du monde de la finance et des individus qui le peuplent.Plongez dans l'attrait captivant de "Wall Street Stories" et laissez Edwin Lefèvre vous transporter dans un monde où les fortunes se font et se défont, et où la recherche de la richesse se mêle aux triomphes et aux tribulations de l'esprit humain.

  • af Edwin LefeVre
    268,95 kr.

    Plongez au c¿ur de l'univers envoûtant d'un célèbre trader de Wall Street avec "Mémoires d'un spéculateur" d'Edwin Lefèvre. Cette ¿uvre intemporelle capture l'essence d'une fascinante ascension sociale, en offrant un témoignage captivant de la quête acharnée de succès dans le monde de la finance. Situant son récit au début du XXe siècle, le livre suit le parcours enivrant de Jesse Livermore, un génie de la bourse ! La plume de Lefèvre tisse magistralement la passion du trading à haut risque, les subtilités de la psychologie des marchés et les émotions palpitantes qui marquent la vie d'un spéculateur. Au fil des pages, vous serez irrésistiblement attiré par le charismatique Livermore, dont la détermination inflexible et l'intuition remarquable le propulsent des débuts modestes au sommet de l'élite de Wall Street. À chaque tournant du récit, vous serez emporté par l'excitation de ses triomphes et ému par les leçons tirées de ses échecs."Mémoires d'un spéculateur" est bien plus qu'un compte rendu captivant du monde financier ; c'est un guide intemporel qui offre des enseignements inestimables sur l'art du trading et de l'investissement. Le récit de Lefèvre non seulement dévoile les complexités de la bourse, mais explore également la psyché humaine, révélant l'équilibre délicat entre la peur et la cupidité qui peut dicter les fortunes. Que vous soyez un trader expérimenté en quête d'inspiration ou un novice désireux d'apprendre les rouages des marchés financiers, ce livre laissera une empreinte indélébile sur votre perspective. La sagesse contenue dans ses pages résonne avec les traders de toutes les époques, le rendant aussi pertinent aujourd'hui qu'à sa première publication !

  • af Zoe Cooper
    308,95 - 408,95 kr.

  • af Gaston Chavez
    308,95 kr.

    Charting the Course with Options Trading - Your Compass to the Dynamic World of Financial Derivatives!Embark on an enlightening journey into the complex, yet intriguing world of options trading with Charting the Course with Options Trading: Demystifying the Risk, Mastering the Rewards. Whether you are a novice trader or seasoned investor, this book is your comprehensive roadmap, navigating you through the often-intimidating landscape of financial derivatives.This in-depth guide demystifies the risks and uncovers the rewards of options trading, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. It delves into the intricacies of options, laying bare the strategies, jargon, and analytical tools, with an emphasis on risk management and profit optimization.Learn about call and put options, volatility indices, hedging strategies, and more, all explained in easy-to-understand language. Charting the Course with Options Trading equips you with the knowledge and confidence to play the options market to your advantage.The book goes beyond simply explaining the concepts. It provides a practical, hands-on approach, with real-world examples, case studies, and scenario analyses, enabling readers to grasp the potential and dynamics of options trading.Venture into the exciting world of financial derivatives and let Charting the Course with Options Trading guide you on this journey, allowing you to demystify the risk and master the rewards of options trading. With this guide, you'll not only understand the mechanics of options trading but also learn to navigate the market strategically, optimizing gains while mitigating potential losses. Master the art and science of options trading and steer your financial future with confidence

  • af Mos Dlamini
    233,95 kr.

    Enter the realm of an effective methodology for trading forex like a long-term professional. Interested, learning or accustomed with trading - experience an advanced trading course that disposes the need for any special technical or fundamental education. Become equipped with all that you need in order to become a professional trader within your own right and regard. Confront and clear the popular confusion behind several subjects such as:a). the perfect trading plan, strategy and trading system design templateb). effective strategic exercises during the preparation processc). professional self-management practiced). professional trading psychologye). types of risk and capital management systems andf). other important topics and concerns within the frequent trading community. Benefit from a comprehensive methodology that facilitates a simple and guided application of every important subject that is addressed. A one of a kind trading methodology that provides the perfect start to any trading career and the perfect reset for any accustomed trader.

  • af George L . Brown
    258,95 kr.

    "Ready to unlock the secrets of successful trading? Dive into 'Trading Revolution: Unleashing Financial Potential in the Modern Markets' and embark on a transformative journey to financial prosperity. This innovative guide is your ticket to mastering the art of trading, providing you with insider insights, proven strategies, and a creative approach that will set you apart from the crowd."Include:Discover groundbreaking strategies to maximize profits and minimize risks in today's dynamic trading landscape.Gain valuable insights from seasoned traders and industry experts to elevate your trading game.Learn how to navigate the markets with confidence, using innovative techniques and tools.Unlock the power of creative thinking and out-of-the-box approaches to uncover hidden opportunities.Develop a disciplined mindset and cultivate the necessary skills for long-term trading success.With 'Trading Revolution' you'll not only gain the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the markets, but you'll also acquire a fresh perspective that allows you to tap into new possibilities. Whether you're a novice trader or an experienced investor, this book is your gateway to unlocking your full trading potential and achieving the financial freedom you've always dreamed of. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your trading journey!"

  • af Vivek K. Negi
    158,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Antonopoulos
    554,95 kr.

    "Join the technological revolution that's taking the financial world by storm. Mastering Bitcoin is your guide through the seemingly complex world of Bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. Whether you're building the next killer app, investing in a startup, or simply curious about the technology, this revised and expanded third edition provides essential detail to get you started. Bitcoin, the first successful decentralized digital currency, has already spawned a multibillion-dollar global economy open to anyone with the knowledge and passion to participate. Mastering Bitcoin provides the knowledge. You supply the passion" --

  • af Samra Veena
    308,95 kr.

    Trade is an important stimulator of economic growth. The import and export depends on the overall efficiency of the country and its foreign exchange policy. Export generates foreign exchange earnings and the utilisation of imported technology leads to the overall development of the country. In the modem business world, global trade and commerce have become the order of the day. Coastal Karnataka is known as an import/export business hub for the past 300 years. It is called the "Gateway of Karnataka" with its national and international connectivity through water, air cargo and roadways and imports and exports of crude oil, iron ore, wooden logs, spices, food grains, coffee, and sea foods. The major home industries here are beedis, tiles, cashew processing units, coffee curing, and marine products. All these sectors contribute to the foreign exchange to a great extent.

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