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  • - Office 365
    af Libris Redaktion
    113,95 kr.

    Excel 2019 med Office 365 er et solidt og omfangsrigt program, som indeholder et hav af muligheder, som spænder lige fra typiske regnearksopgaver som fx budgetter og regnskaber, beregning af realkreditlån og valutaberegning, til blot til at holde styr på alle de oplysninger du ikke ved, hvor du ellers skal gemme. Det kan fx være fremmøderegistrering, optegnelse over værdigenstande til brug for din forsikring, projektplaner, timesedler, vagtplaner, styrketræningsskema – ja, det er kun din fantasi, der sætter grænser her.Vi gennemgår programmets brugerflade og værktøjer, og giver dig en grundig indføring i brug af formler og funktioner, formateringsmuligheder og databasefunktioner. Sidst men ikke mindst lærer du OneDrive at kende; dit lager i skyen, som bl.a. åbner for automatiske gemmefunktioner og samarbejde med andre i realtid.Med dette hæfte i hånden får du en grundig indføring i Excels mange indbyggede værktøjer, sådan at du selv bliver i stand til at håndtere dine data på en professionel og – ikke mindst – tidsbesparende måde.

  • - ... jeg vil BARE, LIGE, HURTIGT gerne bruge ...
    af Martin Jensen & Martin Georg Houlberg Jensen
    98,95 kr.

    Excel til rapporter, statistik, cockpit, overblik, planlægning, storskærm, kioskvisning, automation og og og ... Om at gøre regnearket til et værktøj der kan meget mere. Om automation, fejlminimering, forenkling, processer og at gøre det umulige muligt.

  • - Excel til andet end forretningsprocesser og andre seriøse - og mere almindelige - anvendelser
    af Martin Georg Houlberg Jensen
    98,95 - 103,95 kr.

    Excel til andet end forretningsprocesser og andre seriøse - og mere almindelige - anvendelser Om at gøre regnearket til et værktøj der kan meget mere Om nye ideer, sjove indfald og at gøre det umulige muligt I denne omgang gælder det alt andet end noget seriøst, for ja, Excel kan sagtens benyttes til en masse underholdning og ikke kun anvendes forretningsmæssigt. Man skal nok være lidt ekstra vild med - eller skør med - Excel, kodning og at fordybe sig i denne tekniske og måske nok lidt smånørdede verden. Men når det er på plads, er der masser af sjove muligheder lige ved hånden. Formålet er stadig - ligesom de tidligere hæfter - at tænke alternativt, kigge udover hvad der i dag er muligt eller tænkeligt, og overgå det.

  • af Crispo Mwangi (Mvp)
    328,95 kr.

    Transform Your MS Excel Skills with this Ultimate Guide for Professional SuccessBook DescriptionThe Ultimate Excel with Power Query and ChatGPT is a revolutionary handbook to help you embark on a transformative journey through the intricate world of Excel's lookup functions. The book dives deep into Excel's lookup universe, offering a meticulous exploration of over 100 techniques. Each method is presented with clarity and precision, making even the most complex lookup scenarios comprehensible. From traditional functions to innovative problem-solving approaches, this book equips you with versatile tools to navigate any data challenge efficiently. What sets this book apart is its focus on job roles. You'll discover techniques that directly enhance productivity, streamline data management tasks, and elevate your efficiency in Excel-related responsibilities. With a comprehensive, engaging, and interactive approach, it transforms learning Excel formulas into a journey of building practical data lookup expertise.Table of Contents1. Excel Environment2. VLOOKUP Is Dead: Or is it?3. INDEX and MATCH4. LOOKUP5. Other LOOKUP Methods and Functions6. XLOOKUP7. FILTER: The Ultimate Lookup Function8. Power Query: One-Stop Solution9. ChatGPT: Using ChatGPT to solve lookup issues Index

  • af René Martin
    298,95 kr.

    Schaltzentrale ExcelWenn Sie viel mit Excel arbeiten, kennen Sie das Problem sicherlich: von einem anderen Menschen oder einem System erhält man Daten, die man beim besten Willen so nicht weiterverarbeiten kann. Um solche Daten zu "putzen" gibt es nun mehrere Ansatzmöglichkeiten: Man kann sie mit einem der vielen Assistenten in Excel bereinigen, mit einer Funktion oder Formel oder mit Power Query. Natürlich stehen Ihnen auch Programmiersprachen zur Verfügung - aber darum soll es in diesem Buch nicht gehen. Neben dem zentralen Thema "Daten in Form bringen", besser: die Daten so aufzubereiten, dass man mit ihnen effektiv arbeiten oder dass ein anderes System sie weiterverarbeiten kann stehen einige weitere, kleinere Themen im Zentrum:- Excel schneller machen- Power Query schneller machen- Sachen "verstecken"- Sachen finden

  • af Kevin Wilson
    243,95 kr.

    Unlock the full potential of Microsoft Excel with this comprehensive guide written by best-selling technology author and trainer Kevin Wilson. Whether you're beginning with the basics or an experienced user aspiring to enhance your skills, Using Microsoft Excel is your indispensable guide to navigating and mastering one of the world's leading spreadsheet applications.Using Microsoft Excel is packed with easy-to-follow instructions, full color illustrative photos, screenshots, and helpful tips, including video demos for a hands-on learning experience. In this guide you'll learn:User-Friendly Navigation: Start with the basics of the Microsoft Excel's interface and learn how to use the ribbon menu and backstage view.Spreadsheet Mastery: Learn how to create spreadsheets, manage data entry, and master text formatting.Stylish Data Presentation: Learn how to style and present your work in Microsoft Excel with sophisticated formatting options, borders, color-coding, and conditional formatting.Formulas and Basic Functions: Construct custom formulas and use built in functions to calculate, analyze, and transform your data.Advanced Excel Functions: Go beyond the basics with Lookup, Index, IF/Date/Text/nested functions, cell referencing and other advanced tools to streamline your data processing.Compelling Charts and Analytics: Transform data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into informative charts and master layouts to visually communicate your data.Efficient Workbook Management: Manage your Microsoft Excel environment effectively. Learn about file management and workbook navigation as well as printing and exporting worksheets.In-Depth Data Analysis: Explore advanced tools such as goal seek and scenarios for professional-level data analysis. As well as a look at the ToolPak and Solver add-ins.PivotTable Proficiency: Become adept at creating pivot tables and pivot charts for dynamic data breakdowns and insights.Excel Extensions: Extend the functionality of Microsoft Excel with various add-ins to meet your specific analytical needs.Macros & VBA Introduction: Step into the world of Macros and VBA to automate tasks and boost your productivity.Seamless Collaboration: Discover strategies for effective teamwork in Microsoft Excel with workbook sharing, real-time co-authoring and commenting.Flawless Data Validation: Ensure data integrity with various validation techniques, essential for accurate data management.This guide is an indispensable resource for learning the intricacies of Microsoft Excel, designed to enhance your abilities and provide you with the expertise necessary to craft professional-quality spreadsheets with ease. So scroll up and get your copy of Using Microsoft Excel today!

  • af Ritu Arora
    198,95 kr.

  • af Koys Ina
    118,95 kr.

    Ergebnisse werden an Orten erzielt. Und wo es wichtig ist, diese Orte darzustellen, können alle aktuellen Excel-Versionen das für Sie leisten. Diagramme können in regional auf der Landkarte aufgebaut und später als Bild oder kommentiertes Video exportiert werden. Alles mit Bordmitteln ohne weitere Kosten.In diesem Heft sehen wir uns verschiedene Anwendungsfälle an - zusammen mit ein paar Tricks, wie kleine Fußangeln zu vermeiden sind. Dazu noch ein paar verwandte Möglichkeiten, falls Sie mal kurz allgemeine geografische Daten z.B. zur Bevölkerung beschaffen wollen - aktuelle Excel-Versionen liefern sie eingebaut mit!

  • af Andrew Blake
    373,95 kr.

    How to Master iWork Suite, Pages, Numbers and Keynote Even as a Non-Tech-Savvy!Here's the deal... On average most people use less than 5% of programs' full potential at any given time.I can't tell you enough how many people I see not just struggling to use a program like Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and others, but also... wasting so much time doing things that should take minutes and even seconds instead of hours and days.For this exact reason, I created this amazing, in-depth book BUNDLE - to help you master these programs in no time, even if you don't have any experience.Here is what's inside:BOOK #1: PAGESBOOK #2: NUMBERSBOOK #3: KEYNOTEIn this bundle you will quickly learn: · Ins and Outs of each program· How to learn the fundamentals fast and use main functions effectively· Different kinds of shortcuts and tips for smart use and speed· Differences between them and when you should choose which program for a specific task· Unique elements and functions you have to be aware of but probably have never used· So much more!And even if you don't have any experience whatsoever, or just bought your Apple device a few days ago and now you are wondering what the best and simplest way to master iWork Suite is, this book is for you!Get Your Copy Today and Become an iWork Suite Expert!

  • af Bolakale Aremu
    238,95 kr.

    Es ampliamente aceptado que cerca del 60 por ciento de los usuarios de Excel dejan el 80 por ciento de Excel intacto. Es decir, la mayoría de los usuarios no aprovechan todo el potencial de las utilidades integradas de Excel. De estas utilidades, las más prolíficas con diferencia son la tabla dinámica y los gráficos dinámicos. A pesar de que las tablas dinámicas y los gráficos han sido una piedra angular de Excel durante más de 16 años, siguen siendo una de las herramientas más infrautilizadas en toda la suite de Microsoft Office.Habiendo encontrado este libro, eres lo suficientemente inteligente como para haber oído hablar de tablas dinámicas y gráficos o incluso haberlos usado en ocasiones. Tiene la sensación de que las tablas dinámicas y los gráficos tienen algún poder que no está utilizando, y desea aprender a aprovechar ese poder para aumentar su productividad rápidamente.Con solo este libro, podrá crear tablas dinámicas y gráficos básicos, aumentar su productividad y producir informes en minutos en lugar de horas.Dentro de los primeros 3 capítulos, podrá generar informes dinámicos complejos con capacidades de desglose que acompañan a los gráficos. Al final del libro, podrá crear un sistema dinámico de informes de tabla dinámica.

  • af Sanusi A. L.
    308,95 kr.

    This Excel guide and its short video tutorials are a life safer! Now you can learn how to use Excel more efficiently with many useful tips and tricks in this book and its quick videos. I'll show you how to get your Excel work done faster on either Windows or Mac platform.There are numerous useful shortcuts, tips, tricks and exercise files inside for you to practice along. All these will help you increase your productivity so that you can produce reports in minutes instead of hours. In Chapter 14, I provide a hassle-free download link for the 56 tutorial videos and exercise files.It is widely agreed that close to 60 percent of Excel users leave 80 percent of Excel untouched. That is, most users do not tap into the full potential of Excel's built-in utilities. Excel remains one of the most underutilized tools in the entire Microsoft Office Suite.The 14 chapters of this book and its videos serve as an exhaustive collection of quick tutorials on Excel shortcuts, tips and tricks. It's very good for beginners and advanced learners alike because it's accompanied with 56 quick HD demo videos. In these videos, I use a practical approach to simplify everything you need to understand to help you speed up your learning of Microsoft Excel.Microsoft Excel is a tool is used in virtually all careers and is valuable in both personal and professional settings. For example, you can use it to keep track of medications in a hospital inventory, create a financial plan for retirement, or to do other similar activities accurately and efficiently.This book and its demo videos are very valuable because they introduce the fundamental and advanced skills necessary to get you started quickly in using Excel. You will discover that the first few chapters or videos alone will make you very productive in a short period of time.Finally, if you have questions or need further help, you can use the support link I provide in Chapter 14. I will get back to you very quickly.

  • af Nathan George
    473,95 - 518,95 kr.

  • af Santosh Cholle
    198,95 kr.

    THE EXCEL EDGE This comprehensive guide is designed for those who wants to get familiar with Excel basics and are also ready to dive into the advanced features and techniques that will give them an advantage in business and beyond. From advanced formulas and functions to data analysis and automation, this book will empower you to excel in your data-driven endeavours. With step-by-step instructions, real-world examples, and practical tips, you'll unlock the full potential of Excel and become a proficient Excel power user. Inside ""The Excel Edge,"" you'll discover advanced Excel techniques, including:· Advanced formulas and functions· Data analysis and visualization · Automation and optimization· Power Query· Tips and tricks for advanced users ""The Excel Edge"" is your comprehensive guide to mastering advanced Excel techniques and taking your skills to the next level. Whether you're a business professional, data analyst, financial expert, or anyone who works with data, this book will equip you with the tools you need to excel in your field. Get ready to unlock the full power of Excel with ""The Excel Edge"" and gain a competitive advantage in your Excel endeavours.

  • af Nathan George
    248,95 kr.

    Gain expert Excel skills and easily perform complex tasksWhether you have basic Excel skills or you're a power user, Excel 365 Advanced Topics is full of tips, techniques, and tools that will save you time and effort in performing challenging tasks in Excel. When building complicated spreadsheet solutions, using the right tool in Excel can increase the accuracy and efficiency of your work. This book does not only show you how to use specific features but also in what context those features need to be used.Get real-world solutions for your dataExcel 365 Advanced Topics focuses on a selection of topics relevant to real-world productivity tasks you're likely to perform at home or at work requiring more than a basic knowledge of Excel. Even if you're an Excel power user, you'll find lots of ideas and tips in this book that will save you time and effort.Includes tons of examples and readymade formulas that you can copy and use in your own worksheets. The downloadable practice files enable you to follow the book hands-on, which is the best way to learn.This book covers Excel for Microsoft 365 (2023 update).In this book, you'll learn how to:Transform data in Excel using the Power Query Editor.Remove duplicate rows from a data list.Consolidate data from different worksheets or workbooks.Import and use data from external sources like Microsoft Access databases, CSV text files, and websites.Troubleshoot and fix formula errors with various tools.Use functions like IFS and SUMIFS to create simpler but more efficient conditional formulas in place of convoluted nested IF functions.Use modern dynamic array functions like TEXTBEFORE, TEXTAFTER, and TEXTSPLIT to manipulate text strings.Carry out financial calculations with functions like PV, FV, and NPV.Use Macros to automate Excel tasks.Analyze different data scenarios and create projections with What-If Analysis tools.Dynamically analyze large sets of data with Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.Protect your workbook, worksheets, or specific cells in your worksheets from unauthorized or accidental changes.

  • af A. J. Wright
    343,95 kr.

    This book is for every Excel user. It is widely agreed that close to 60 percent of Excel users leave 80 percent of Excel untouched. That is, most users do not tap into the full potential of Excel's built-in utilities. Of these utilities, the most prolific by far are the pivot table and pivot charts. Despite the fact that pivot tables and charts have been a cornerstone of Excel for more than 16 years, they remain one of the most underutilized tools in the entire Microsoft Office Suite.Having discovered this book, you are savvy enough to have heard of pivot tables and charts or even have used them on occasion. You have a sense that pivot tables and charts have some power that you are not using, and you want to learn how to leverage that power to increase your productivity quickly.With only this book, you will be able to create basic pivot tables and charts, increase your productivity, and produce reports in minutes instead of hours. Within the first 3 chapters, you will be able to output complex pivot reports with drill-down capabilities accompanying charts. By the end of the book, you will be able to build a dynamic pivot table reporting system.

  • af Sophie Johnson
    128,95 kr.

    Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by Excel and Google Spreadsheets? Are you ready to master the tools that will make you a valuable asset in the business world? Look no further! "Bossing Spreadsheets" is the ultimate guide for young women who are entering the business world and need to excel in their daily work life. Written by a woman, for women, this book is packed with concise, engaging and easy-to-understand information on how to use and become extraordinary with Excel and Google Spreadsheets. From setting up your spreadsheet to customizing the interface, from data analysis and visualization to collaboration and automation, this book covers it all. With real-life scenarios and advanced tips and tricks, you'll be able to apply your skills in practice and stay ahead in business. Don't let anyone tell you that spreadsheets are just for the boys, you're a girlboss and you're here to conquer the business world with data. Start your journey to becoming a spreadsheet queen!

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    103,95 kr.

    Pivot tables are one of the most valuable tools in Microsoft Excel. They let you quickly summarize a large data table and slice and dice that data any way that you want. You can even create a dynamic chart from that data using pivot charts.This book provides a detailed introduction to using pivot tables as well as pivot charts, although it does presume prior familiarity with regular charts in Excel. * * * This book is part of the Easy Excel 365 Essentials series of titles. These are targeted titles that are excerpted from the main Excel 365 Essentials series and are focused on one specific topic.If you want a more general introduction to Excel, then you should check out the Excel 365 Essentials titles instead. In this case, Intermediate Excel 365 which covers pivot tables as well as a number of other topics, such as charts and conditional formatting.

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    103,95 kr.

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    103,95 kr.

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    183,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    183,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    103,95 kr.

  • af M. L. Humphrey
    183,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Jonas Tritschler
    1.033,95 kr.

    Running accounting in SAP S/4HANA Finance? This is your hands-on guide! Learn how financial accounting works with the Universal Journal and understand key organizational structures. Get step-by-step instructions to perform your finance tasks for the general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, and customer projects and billing. With details on both classic SAP GUI transactions and modern SAP Fiori apps, as well as coverage of new event-based revenue recognition, you'll find everything you need in these pages!In this book, you'll learn about:a. Finance Fundamentals Explore the processes that make up financial accounting: order to cash, purchase to pay, acquire to retire, and record to report. Understand the organizational structures and general ledger master data that provide the foundation to FI. b. Tasks and Transactions Walk through your core accounting activities, click by click. Post journal entries in the general ledger, create customer and vendor invoices, make payments, process bank statements, manage assets, set up customer projects, and more. c. Period-End Close and ReportingClose your books and report on your data. In each finance subarea, perform key tasks such as reconciliation, foreign currency valuation, and reclassifications. Learn about key transactions and apps that are available for reporting. Highlights include:1) General ledger accounting2) Accounts payable3) Accounts receivable4) Fixed assets5) Customer projects6) Event-based revenue recognition7) Organizational structure8) Period-end close9) Reporting10) SAP GUI transactions11) SAP Fiori applications

  • af Ina Koys
    138,95 kr.

  • af Koys Ina
    118,95 kr.

    Im Büro sind gute Excelkenntnisse praktisch unverzichtbar. Dennoch sind die eingebauten Rechenfunktionen wie WENN(), SVERWEIS() und andere ein immer nachgefragter Inhalt von Kursen. Wenig bekannt sind die Datenbankfunktionen, die manches Problem lösen. Und dann kommen dazu noch die ganz modernen Funktionen wie XVERWEIS(), FILTER() und LAMBDA(), die völlig neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen. Sie alle und noch mehr werden hier mit Beispielen erklärt!

  • af Isaac Gottlieb
    266,95 kr.

    No matter what your professional or academic status is, if you often engage in data analysis, summary creation, and report writing, this book is for you. You''ll be able to generate relatively strong reports and infographics from your data, thereby allowing you to make more well-informed decisions.

  • af Nathan George
    233,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Koys Ina
    118,95 kr.

    Häufig dient Excel als Auswertungswerkzeug vorhandener Daten. Wo werden kritische Werte erreicht? Kann man mit einem Blick überschauen, wie Zahlen sich in der Vergangenheit entwickelt haben? Welche Zellen müssen noch ausgefüllt werden? Kann man eine ganze Zeile hervorheben, wenn eine Spalte irgendwo einen wichtigen Inhalt hat? Geht das auch, wenn ich in zwei verschiedenen Zellen nachsehen muss? Wie behalte ich gleichzeitig Anfang und Ende eines Blattes im Blick? Und wie schaffe ich optische Ordnung in einer dicken Arbeitsmappe?Alles Fragen, die hier beantwortet werden.Häufig dient Excel als Auswertungswerkzeug vorhandener Daten. Wo werden kritische Werte erreicht? Kann man mit einem Blick überschauen, wie Zahlen sich in der Vergangenheit entwickelt haben? Welche Zellen müssen noch ausgefüllt werden? Kann man eine ganze Zeile hervorheben, wenn eine Spalte irgendwo einen wichtigen Inhalt hat? Geht das auch, wenn ich in zwei verschiedenen Zellen nachsehen muss? Wie behalte ich gleichzeitig Anfang und Ende eines Blattes im Blick? Und wie schaffe ich optische Ordnung in einer dicken Arbeitsmappe?Alles Fragen, die hier beantwortet werden.

  • af Michael Alexander
    186,95 kr.

    Wie Sie mit Microsoft Power Pivot und Power Query große Datenmengen in Excel zusammenführen, untersuchen und weiterführende Erkenntnisse daraus gewinnen, zeigt Ihnen dieses Buch. Angefangen bei der Anbindung an Datenbanken bis hin zur Verwendung eigener Formeln und Funktionen: Sie erfahren, wie Sie Daten aus verschiedenen Datenquellen in einem einheitlichen Datenmodell verarbeiten, interpretieren und übersichtlich in Berichten darstellen. Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und wertvolle Praxistipps unterstützen Sie dabei, Analysen und Geschäftsprozesse weiter zu optimieren.

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