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Forretningssystemer (ERP)

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  • - Mindset, strategi, ledelse og performance i fremtidens forretningsmodeller
    af Per Østergaard Jacobsen
    314,95 kr.

    CRM 5.0 – De ustyrlige kunder i en digital tidsalder er en håndbog i kundeorientering med fokus på mindset, strategi, ledelse & performance i fremtidens (bæredygtige) forretningsmodeller. Ikke alene har vi et bud på løsningen til at forhindre et fejlslået CRM-projekt. Værktøjskassen kan også anvendes på de mange digitaliseringsprojekter som kommer de kommende år.Vi har udviklet på den populære Business Model Canvas og gjort den tidssvarende. Vi udfordrer de forskellige kundetilfredshedsmålinger og NPS vanetænkningen.Vi lukker definitivt ned for AIDA modellen og præsentere en ny model for kunderejsen baseret på kundens ECO-system og med kundeværdi med udgangspunkt i kortlægningen af forbrugeradfærden.Vi ser på den nye loyalitetsmodel, og på segmenteringsmodeller.Vi advarer mod at anvende personas og kommer naturligvis med opskriften på hvordan man gør det rigtige rigtigt.Det starter med dig som leder/beslutningstager/influencer og medarbejder. Er du klar til at udvikle, forandre og forankre?Professor Torsten Ringberg, CBS, Lektor Pernille Rydèn, DTU og Christian Daugaard, Nordisk SoMe Lead, BCG, er gæsteskribenter.

  • af Mariano Martinez Melo
    488,95 kr.

    Learn the essential supply chain management concepts and processes within Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management to become a skilled functional consultantKey Features:Learn how to set up and manage core supply chain flows such as procure to pay and order to cashCreate robust warehouse and transport management process flows and learn how to optimize themPlan and schedule all your supply chain tasks with planning optimization techniques to maximize resource efficiencyPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Meeting delivery commitments has become increasingly challenging due to evolving demands and fluctuating material availability. As a result, establishing robust systems and processes that can adapt to this dynamic environment has become a necessity. With Becoming a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate, you'll understand how to initiate and implement effective supply chain management processes.This book begins with an overview of the processes and modules within Dynamics 365 and then delves into real-life case studies involving procurement, sales, and quality assurance. You'll explore more advanced tools and core processes, such as warehouse and transportation management, which allows you to define storage flows and shipping controls. You'll also learn about the various tools available to define solutions and discover how to work within the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management platform. The last set of chapters will take you through the planning techniques and considerations to schedule and control all supply process flows seamlessly.By the end of this book, you'll not only be well-prepared to obtain your certification as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate but also be equipped to solidify your expertise and pursue exciting career opportunities.What You Will Learn:Understand the scope of the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management platformFind out how to define an effective strategy to set up and control products and inventoryImplement core supply chain flows such as procure to pay and order to cash successfullyDiscover how to comply with quality assurance controlsDefine and optimize warehouse management flows and transport management shippingPlan and schedule all your replenishments with master planningWho this book is for:This book is for solution consultants working with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management or IT professionals looking to gain expertise in supply chain management using Dynamics 365. Business users looking to learn about supply chain concepts will also find lots of useful information in this book. Basic knowledge of supply chain processes is needed to make the most of this book.

  • af Pantheon Space Academy
    208,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Peter Ries
    488,95 kr.

    Guide clients through a NetSuite implementation with the latest features in 2023 including gathering requirements, setting up the basics, creating custom automations, and importing data with SuiteQLKey Features:Pick up the best ways to identify a client's needs by asking the right questions in the initial interviews.Explore the new features in NetSuite 2023, including the Supply Chain Control Tower for managing inventory and gathering performance reports.Avoid pitfalls and get the implementation right first time by following the advice of a Consulting Technical Director at Oracle NetSuite.Book Description:ERP and CRM consultants can effectively implement NetSuite for a client organization with the aid of NetSuite for Consultants, revised with the latest features and best practices for NetSuite 2023.After reading this book, you'll have a thorough understanding of how to configure the NetSuite ecosystem for any business. You'll learn how to apply new features such as the Manufacturing Mobile application, NetSuite budgeting features, and tools for handling rebates and trade promotions. This edition also includes expanded coverage of technical topics such as SuiteQL and the SuiteTalk REST API.Understanding what a business requires is a crucial first step toward completing any software product deployment, and this NetSuite guide will teach you how to ask meaningful questions that ascertain which features, basic and new, you will need to configure for your client.Most importantly, you'll not only learn how to perform a NetSuite implementation; preparing clients to use the software confidently is the true test of a great consultant.What You Will Learn:Understand the NetSuite ecosystem, including the platform, its primary modules, and associated featuresLearn how to gather and document requirements, including understanding an organization's industry, transactions, and peopleLearn about the methodologies that go into creating a project plan for a NetSuite implementationFulfill client requirements with expanded coverage on managing employees, customer projects, and budgetingDiscover how to create custom automations and perform data migration with SuiteQL scriptsPerform integrations with expanded coverage on how we use the REST API for business purposesRecognize the procedures for testing and developmentRefine your skills with NetSuite tips and tricks and make each implementation process a successWho this book is for:This book is aimed at new NetSuite consultants who are tasked with guiding an organization through their NetSuite implementation. To make the most out of this book, you are expected to have already completed the basic NetSuite Foundations training course.

  • af Johannes Ernesti
    578,95 kr.

    Ready to master Python? Learn to write effective code, whether you're a beginner or a professional programmer. Review core Python concepts, including functions, modularization, and object orientation and walk through the available data types. Then dive into more advanced topics, such as using Django and working with GUIs. With plenty of code examples throughout, this hands-on reference guide has everything you need to become proficient in Python!Highlights include:1) Functions2) Methods3) Attributes4) Data types5) GUIs6) Debugging7) Network communication8) Modularization9) Object orientation10) Iterators11) Generators12) Exception handling

  • af Martin Georg Houlberg Jensen
    428,95 kr.

    Bogen henvender sig til ledere og medarbejdere, som har ansvar for virksomhedens kunderelationer - et ledelsesværktøj til at øge fokus på kunden, ´relationerne med og til dem´. Bogen er ´den nye Lean-bog´ indenfor kunderelationer, og kan spare dig og din virksomhed for mange indledende konsulenttimer.Bogen handler om hvordan man (primært organisatorisk) med succes implementerer CRM i virksomheder, foreninger og andre organisationer.Se mere her: finder du i bogen:- vejen til succesfuld implementering af CRM (Customer Relationship Management)- de væsentlige overvejelser, der skal gøres inden og undervejs i forløbet- sådan får man hele organisationen med- sådan vælges det rigtige CRM-system- mulighederne i CRM-universet- forandringsledelse, kommunikation og forretningsudvikling- sådan bygges, implementeres og drives en CRM-strategi- eksempler på, hvordan CRM kan bruges til meget forskellige formål- samt ikke mindst hvordan man opnår succes!Bogen bygger på mange års erfaringer og indeholder opskrifter, inspiration og mere end 70 eksempler og cases fra den virkelige verden. Den handler ikke om systemer, men om "alt det andet", der skal til.Udgivet af Varius Business - under Polyteknisk Forlag.Hvordan får du ved hjælp af god projektledelse de bedste kunderelationer og dermed bedre salgstal på bundlinjen?Få succes med CRM er en generel introduktion men giver også næste lag i form af praktiske cases og eksempler direkte til at benytte uden forudgående kendskab eller et bestemt CRM-system. Bogen beskriver de væsentlige overvejelser, der skal gøres inden og undervejs i forløbet og giver eksempler på, hvordan CRM kan bruges til meget forskellige formål, blot det er planlagt og styret. Samt ikke mindst hvordan man opnår succes!Målet er ansvarlig ledelse af virksomheder med kundeorientering som omdrejningspunkt. Bogens mission og indhold er værktøjerne til at lykkes med væsentlige emner som strategi, medarbejdermotivation, procesoptimering, kommunikation og (tvær)organisatorisk implementering.Bogen er en værktøjskasse i kundeorientering og inspirationskilde for at give det bedste udgangspunkt for andre med deres forestående CRM-rejse.Om forfatteren:Martin Jensen er oprindeligt uddannet ved DTU i Lundtofte Civilingeniør i Systemudvikling med speciale i Menneske-maskine-dialog, altså læren om, hvordan systemer skal se ud og opføre sig, så mennesket hurtigst og bedst tilegner sig brugen af dem. Mere beskrivende ville det hedde noget i stil med optimal brugervenlighed og -adoption, stejl indlæringskurve og procesoptimering. Han har bl.a. været ansat ved to CRM-producenter og en stor servicevirksomhed, samt i en række virksomheder, hvor han har udøvet projektledelse og rådgivning samt sparring under indførelse eller udvidelse af CRM.

  • af Marc Crudgington
    220,95 kr.

    "The Cyber War Is Here" simplifies the complex world of cybersecurity, cyber risk, and the crucial relationship between corporate boards and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). Written by a distinguished cybersecurity expert and USAF Veteran, it emphasizes the strategic importance of cybersecurity in modern business. Marc highlights the evolving role of CISOs, emphasizing their shift from IT guardians to strategic advisors to the board. The book explores successful board-CISO interactions and the consequences of misalignment, offering a clear blueprint for effective partnership. "The Cyber War Is Here" dives into the national and economic security implications of cyber threats, stressing the critical link between cybersecurity and national defense. The book argues that strengthening digital defenses and fostering public-private sector collaboration is essential for national resilience. Designed for a broad audience, from individuals to boards of directors, CISOs, business executives, and policymakers, this book serves as a call to action for proactive cyber governance. It illuminates the interconnectedness of individual organizational security and national security, providing both a catalog of risks and strategies and a roadmap for action in the global cyber conflict arena. "The Cyber War Is Here" is a call to action for all.

  • af Dina Darwish
    2.904,95 kr.

    The ever-expanding realm of Big Data poses a formidable challenge for academic scholars and professionals due to the sheer magnitude and diversity of data types, along with the continuous influx of information from various sources. Extracting valuable insights from this vast and complex dataset is crucial for organizations to uncover market intelligence and make informed decisions. However, without the proper guidance and understanding of Big Data analytics techniques and methodologies, scholars may struggle to navigate this landscape and maximize the potential benefits of their research. In response to this pressing need, Professor Dina Darwish presents Big Data Analytics Techniques for Market Intelligence , a groundbreaking book that addresses the specific challenges faced by scholars and professionals in the field. Through a comprehensive exploration of various techniques and methodologies, this book offers a solution to the hurdles encountered in extracting meaningful information from Big Data. Covering the entire lifecycle of Big Data analytics, including preprocessing, analysis, visualization, and utilization of results, the book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to unlock the power of Big Data and generate valuable market intelligence. With real-world case studies and a focus on practical guidance, scholars and professionals can effectively leverage Big Data analytics to drive strategic decision-making and stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.

  • af Zemelak Goraga
    376,95 kr.

    "AI and ML Applications for Decision-Making in Education Sector: Volume 1" offers a groundbreaking exploration into the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies in educational decision-making processes. This comprehensive guide illuminates the transformative potential of AI and ML applications in optimizing student outcomes, enhancing engagement, and informing strategic decisions within the education sector. From personalized learning pathways to predictive analytics for student success, each chapter delves into innovative approaches that empower educators and administrators to make data-driven decisions. Through insightful analysis, case studies, and practical recommendations, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to harness the full potential of AI and ML technologies in shaping the future of education. Whether you're an educator, administrator, or policymaker, this volume serves as an indispensable resource for navigating the complexities of modern education and leveraging technology to drive positive change.

  • af Ron Clark
    213,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Alex Scott
    358,95 kr.

    The easy way to learn and retain key Microsoft® Excel skills!¿¿Prove your skills to employers and get certified! Provides prep for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel exam (Associate and Expert levels)Includes access to an online resource center with multimedia assets that enhance learningProvides training for beginning, intermediate, and advanced users Employs the unrivaled, proven learning techniques that Labyrinth has refined over more than two decadesProvides immediate job relevance through real-world exercises and case studies that illustrate business conditionsWritten by a teacherAlex Scott BBA, MM, is a Professor in the School of Business at Conestoga College and author of several in-demand textbooks. At Conestoga, he teaches intermediate- and advanced-level Microsoft Office courses as well as an array of business courses. Backed by decades of experienceFor more than 25 years, Labyrinth Learning has been a leader in preparing classroom students for the workplace. With the Boost Your Skills series, Labyrinth brings all of its experience from the classroom to the living rooms of learners across the globe. Boost Your Skills in Microsoft® Excel 365/2021 is an easy-to-use guide that takes learners step-by-step through the skills they'll need in the workplace.List of topics coveredIntroducing Microsoft Office and Using Common FeaturesTracking Customer DataCalculating Student Grades Using FormulasPerforming Calculations Using FunctionsData Visualization and ImagesOrganizing Large WorksheetsAdvanced Workbook FormattingDate Functions and Conditional FormattingFinancial Functions and What-If AnalysisText Functions, Conditional Functions, and Formula AuditingLookup Functions and OutlinesWorking with TablesPivotTables and PivotChartsWorking with MacrosData Management for BusinessWorkbook Completion

  • af Rob Cowell
    543,95 kr.

    Master Salesforce DevOps while exploring deployment, packages, Git workflows, and organizational monitoring using third-party tools such as Salesforce DX, GitHub, Jenkins, Gearset, and CopadoKey Features:Learn to build a DevOps culture to mitigate project risks and boost return on investment (ROI)Delve into the principles of DevOps and how to apply them in Salesforce for maximum efficiencyExplore Salesforce DevOps tools, with examples and strategies for building a robust DevOps stackPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:As the Salesforce Platform evolves into an increasingly complex landscape, architects face a growing demand for advanced solutions. The key to successful Salesforce projects lies in effective DevOps practice, and this book helps you achieve just that by offering strategic and practical insights into Salesforce components.The book starts by cultivating a DevOps mindset, focusing on collaboration, coordination, and communication, and learning how to efficiently demonstrate governance, visibility, and accountability. Building upon this architectural foundation, you'll delve into tools and techniques to plan your strategy using the capabilities of SFDX. Once you've gotten to grips with Salesforce packaging, you'll learn how to build a CI/CD stack with freely available software and configure it for automated change delivery. You'll then address the operational concerns of a mature DevOps process as you explore topics such as ticket management, backups, change monitoring, and data seeding-essential for maintaining a clean and healthy Salesforce org. Finally, you'll learn about the ecosystem of third-party solutions, which provide out-of-the-box capabilities to accelerate your Salesforce DevOps journey.By the end of this book, you'll have demystified Salesforce DevOps, empowering you to deliver Salesforce projects with the expertise of a DevOps professional.What You Will Learn:Grasp the fundamentals of integrating a DevOps process into Salesforce project deliveryMaster the skill of communicating the benefits of Salesforce DevOps to stakeholdersRecognize the significance of fostering a DevOps culture and its impact on Salesforce projectsUnderstand the role of metrics in DevOps architecture within Salesforce environmentsGain insights into the components comprising a Salesforce DevOps toolchainDiscover strategies for maintaining a healthy Salesforce org with a variety of supporting DevOps toolsWho this book is for:If you are a Salesforce architect or senior developer looking to bring DevOps best practices to your projects, this book is for you. To learn from this book, you should have a strong familiarity with Salesforce platform development both in code and low-code, understand concepts such as metadata, JSON, and XML, and feel at ease with command-line operations.

  • af Frahaan Hussain
    298,95 kr.

    In today's fast-paced business world, proficiency in Microsoft Office isn't just a valuable skill-it's a necessity. "Mastery in Microsoft Office: A Comprehensive Guide" is the quintessential resource for anyone looking to elevate their office productivity skills to a professional level. Whether you're a student preparing for the workforce, an office worker seeking to enhance your software capabilities, or even a seasoned professional aiming to stay updated with the latest Microsoft Office features, this book is your ultimate guide. Spanning across the most widely used programs of the Office suite-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more-this guide delves deep into each application, offering insightful, step-by-step instructions. Begin your journey with Microsoft Word, where you'll learn to format documents, use templates, and implement advanced text editing techniques for professional reports and manuscripts. Then, transition to Excel for a comprehensive breakdown of formulas, functions, pivot tables, and data analysis tools that will transform your approach to data management and decision-making processes. PowerPoint is next on your learning path, where you'll discover how to craft captivating presentations with custom animations, audio-visual aids, and effective communication strategies. Not forgetting Outlook, this guide covers time management and email communication skills that are essential in any professional setting. But it's not just about the how-to's. "Mastery in Microsoft Office" also focuses on the practical applications of these tools in real-world scenarios. From managing complex datasets in Excel to creating persuasive business presentations in PowerPoint, the skills you'll acquire are directly applicable to your everyday professional tasks. To ensure a comprehensive understanding, the book includes:Detailed tutorials and practical exercises.Tips and tricks from industry experts.Latest updates and features in Microsoft Office.Real-world case studies and project examples. This guide doesn't just teach you to use Microsoft Office applications; it empowers you to harness their full potential, turning routine tasks into impactful projects. "Mastery in Microsoft Office: A Comprehensive Guide" is more than a book; it's a career investment, equipping you with the skills to excel in the modern digital workplace.

  • af Anusha Iyengar
    338,95 kr.

    Software development is an exciting and demanding field that focuses on the process of creating computer programs. These programs power almost every aspect of our daily lives, from our favorite apps on our smartphones to the complex systems that run banks.In this chapter, we will explore the basic concepts of software development, why it is important, and the different types of software developers that exist.What is software?Software is a sequence of instructions that tells a computer to perform specific tasks. It is in contrast to hardware (the physical components of a computer), which executes these instructions. Software comes in various forms, including:· Operating systems: These control the basic functions of a computer, such as managing files and running other programs. Examples include Windows, macOS, and Linux.· Application software: These are programs designed to perform specific tasks, such as word processors, web browsers, and games.· System software: These programs facilitate communication between a computer's hardware and other software. Examples include drivers and utilities.Why is software development important?Software is essential to our modern world. It powers our devices, our businesses, and our governments. Software developers are responsible for creating the software that we use every day. They play a vital role in shaping our world.Different types of software developersThere are many different types of software developers, each with their own specialized skills and knowledge. Some common types of software developers include:· Web developers: These developers create websites and web applications. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.· Mobile developers: These developers create apps for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies, such as Java, Kotlin, and Swift.· Desktop developers: These developers create apps for desktop computers. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies, such as C++, Java, and Python.· Data scientists: These developers use data to solve business problems. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies, such as Python, R, and SQL.DevOps engineers: These developers combine development and operations to deliver software more effectively.&

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    O guia inclui um arquivo do Power BI para download para que você possa trabalhar e experimentar o código. Este guia completo foi pensado para uma rápida resolução dos casos mais comuns que podem ser encontrados ao realizar modelagem do zero no POWER BI. Através de seu uso, pretende-se parar de investir horas em desenvolvimento e código mal escrito (não otimizado) que gera falhas graves. O resultado deste guia é uma base de conhecimento que nos orienta na hora de encontrar o código em DAX que precisamos ou de poder gerá-lo por nós mesmos. Nele, você encontrará a resolução de um mesmo caso a partir de diferentes perspectivas aplicando diferentes FUNÇÕES E COMBINAÇÕES ENTRE ELAS para que possa encontrar a melhor que se adapte à necessidade do projeto. À medida que consultar este guia, aprenderá:Usar e combinar FUNÇÕES em Linguagem DAX.Criar código usando uma sintaxe mais limpa.Adquirir um estilo de desenvolvimento ágil. Se quiser aprofundar-se na programação em DAX, este guia o ajudará a escrever código de maneira limpa e ótima.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    La guida include un file Power BI scaricabile per poter lavorare e sperimentare con il codice. Questa guida completa è destinata a risolvere rapidamente i problemi più comuni che si possono incontrare quando si esegue una modellazione da zero in POWER BI. Grazie al suo utilizzo, si intende evitare di spendere numerose ore nello sviluppo e nel codice mal scritto (non ottimizzato) che genera gravi bug. Il risultato di questa guida è una base di conoscenze che ci guida a trovare il codice DAX di cui abbiamo bisogno o a generarlo da soli. In essa troverete la risoluzione dello stesso caso da diverse prospettive applicando le diverse FUNZIONI E LE COMBINAZIONI TRA DI ESSE, in modo da poter trovare la migliore che si adatta alle esigenze del progetto. Durante la lettura di questa guida, imparerete: : Utilizzare e combinare le FUNZIONI nel linguaggio DAX.Creare codice utilizzando una sintassi più pulita.Acquisire uno stile di sviluppo agile. Se volete approfondire la programmazione DAX, questa guida vi aiuterà a scrivere il codice in modo pulito e ottimale.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    178,95 kr.

    This guide is purely practical so all the DAX code in this publication can be tested through a .pbix file available for download. "90 Solved Cases on Time Intelligence in DAX" is a guide for users of Microsoft Power BI that provides solutions to very common practical cases in time intelligence models in the DAX language.To promote understanding and versatility of the DAX language, several parts were chosen to address the same case from different perspectives, using TIME INTELLIGENCE FUNCTIONS and combining them to find the best option for the model's needs. By applying the contents of this manual, users will be able to: - Use and combine TIME INTELLIGENCE FUNCTIONS in DAX language.- Write code using a refined syntax.- Acquire an agile development style. If you are interested in getting deeper into DAX programming, this guide will help you write code quickly and optimally.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    Esta guía es puramente práctica por lo que todo el código DAX recogido en esta publicación puede ser probado a través de un fichero .pbix disponible para su descarga."90 casos resueltos de Time Intelligence en DAX" es una guía para usuarios de Microsoft Power BI en la que se da solución a casos prácticos bastante frecuentes en modelos de Time Intelligence en lenguaje DAX.Para facilitar la comprensión y la versatilidad del lenguaje DAX, se ha optado en varios apartados por la resolución de un mismo caso desde diferentes perspectivas, utilizando y combinando las FUNCIONES de TIME INTELLIGENCE para poder dar con la mejor opción que se adapte a la necesidad del modelo. Aplicando el contenido de esta guía, el usuario será capaz de:Usar y combinar FUNCIONES de TIME INTELLIGENCE en Lenguaje DAX.Escribir código empleando una sintaxis depurada.Adquirir un estilo de desarrollo ágil. Si tiene interés en profundizar en la programación en DAX, ésta guía le ayudará a escribir código de manera rápida y óptima.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    Ce guide est purement pratique alors tous les codes DAX dans cette publication peuvent être testés sur un fichier .pbix disponible en téléchargement."90 cas résolus de l'intelligence temporelle en DAX" est un guide destiné aux utilisateurs de Microsoft Power BI qui fournit des solutions à des cas pratiques très courants de modèles d'intelligence temporel en langage DAX.Afin de promouvoir la compréhension et la polyvalence du langage DAX, plusieurs parties ont été choisies pour aborder le même cas sous différents angles, en utilisant des FONCTIONS D'INTELLIGENCE TEMPORELLE et en les combinant pour trouver la meilleure option pour les besoins du modèle.En appliquant le contenu de ce manuel, les utilisateurs seront en mesure de :Utiliser et combiner les FONCTIONS D'INTELLIGENCE TEMPORELLE en langage DAX.Écrire un code en utilisant une syntaxe raffinée.Acquérir un style de développement agile.Si vous souhaitez approfondir la programmation DAX, ce guide vous aidera à écrire le code rapidement et de manière optimale.

  • af Sanjoy Kumar Paul
    1.962,95 kr.

    Computational Intelligence Techniques for Sustainable Supply Chain Management presents state-of-the-art computational intelligence techniques and applications for supply chain sustainability issues and logistic problems, filling the gap between general textbooks on sustainable supply chain management and more specialized literature dealing with methods for computational intelligence techniques. This book focuses on addressing problems in advanced topics in the sustainable supply chain and will appeal to practitioners, managers, researchers, students, and professionals interested in sustainable logistics, procurement, manufacturing, inventory and production management, scheduling, transportation, and supply chain network design.

  • af Ramón Javier Castro Amador
    183,95 kr.

    Le guide comprend un fichier Power BI téléchargeable pour que vous puissiez travailler et expérimenter avec le code. Ce guide complet est destiné à résoudre rapidement les cas les plus courants que l'on peut rencontrer lors de la réalisation d'une modélisation à partir de zéro dans POWER BI. Par son utilisation, il a pour but d'éviter d'investir de nombreuses heures en développement et en code mal écrit (non optimisé) qui génère de sérieux bugs. Le résultat de ce guide est une base de connaissances qui nous guide pour trouver le code DAX dont nous avons besoin ou pour le générer nous-mêmes. Vous y trouverez la résolution d'un même cas sous différents angles en appliquant les différentes FONCTIONS ET LEURS COMBINAISONS afin de trouver celle qui correspond le mieux aux besoins du projet. En consultant ce guide, vous apprendrez : Utiliser et combiner des FONCTIONS dans le langage DAX.Créer du code en utilisant une syntaxe plus propre.Acquérir un style de développement agile. Si vous souhaitez approfondir la programmation DAX, ce guide vous aidera à écrire du code de manière propre et optimale.

  • af Cihan Fethi Hizar
    438,95 kr.

    Unleash Lightning Web Components (LWC) for Salesforce CloudBook DescriptionEmbark on a transformative journey into the world of Salesforce Lightning Web Components (LWC) with this comprehensive guide. From laying the foundation to honing advanced skills in LWC debugging and testing, each chapter seamlessly builds upon the last, empowering developers to navigate the intricate world of Salesforce LWC development. The book begins by creating your first LWC and delving into the intricacies of Lightning Web Components. It explores the seamless integration of Salesforce Data and master event management with Events in LWC.Next, it moves on to navigate the relationship between LWC and Flows, unlocking the potential of Lightning Out for standalone applications. Readers will dive deep into the aesthetics with Salesforce Lightning Design System, enhancing their components with style. It will also help you safeguard your applications by understanding LWC Security measures and learn debugging and testing in the LWC environment. In the final chapters, immerse yourself in working with Aura components and seamlessly migrate them to LWCs, providing an insightful transition to advanced development techniques.Table of Contents1. Introduction2. Creating Your First LWC3. LWC in Detail4. Using Salesforce Data5. Events In LWC6. LWC and FLOWS7. Lightning Out8. Salesforce Lightning Design System9. LWC Security10. LWC Debugging and Testing11. APPENDIX 1: AURA-LWC Co-Existence12. APPENDIX 2: Migrate Aura Components to LWCs Index

  • af Asian Development Bank
    388,95 kr.

    "Publication stock no. TCS230565-2"--Title page verso.

  • af Hossein Bonakdari
    1.852,95 kr.

    Intelligence Systems for Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences: Methods, Models and Applications provides cutting-edge theory and applications of modern-day artificial intelligence and data science in the Earth, environment, and planetary science fields. The book is divided into three sections: (i) Methods, covering the fundamentals of intelligence systems, along with an introduction to the preparation of datasets; (ii) Models, detailing model development, data assimilation, and techniques in each field; and (iii) Applications, presenting case studies of artificial intelligence and data science solutions to Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences problems, as well as future perspectives. Intelligence Systems for Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences will be of interest to students, academics, and postgraduate professionals in the field of applied sciences, Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences and would also serve as an excellent companion resource to courses studying artificial intelligence applications for theoretical and practical studies in Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences.

  • af Agbotiname Lucky Imoize
    2.016,95 kr.

    Federated Learning for Digital Healthcare Systems critically examines the key factors that contribute to the problem of applying machine learning in healthcare systems and investigates how federated learning can be employed to address the problem. The book discusses, examines, and compares the applications of federated learning solutions in emerging digital healthcare systems, providing a critical look in terms of the required resources, computational complexity, and system performance. In the first section, chapters examine how to address critical security and privacy concerns and how to revamp existing machine learning models. In subsequent chapters, the book's authors review recent advances to tackle emerging efficient and lightweight algorithms and protocols to reduce computational overheads and communication costs in wireless healthcare systems. Consideration is also given to government and economic regulations as well as legal considerations when federated learning is applied to digital healthcare systems.

  • af Andy Forbes
    488,95 kr.

    Harness ChatGPT for streamlined flows, effective configuration, proficient code writing, and enhanced project activitiesKey Features- Improve process quality and reduce costs by incorporating ChatGPT into your Salesforce projects- Optimize project workflows and align technical capabilities with business goals- Integrate ChatGPT's strengths with Salesforce expertise to innovate business analysis, coding, and testing approaches- Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionAuthored by a team of Salesforce masters with exemplary IT background, ChatGPT for Salesforce Development helps you learn about the intricacies of Salesforce design, configuration, coding, and testing, demonstrating how ChatGPT can simplify complex setups and enhance project team efficiency.With this book, you'll unlock the effective use of ChatGPT for crafting user stories that align seamlessly with project goals, learn how to design and implement Salesforce flows, and quickly write clear, comprehensive, and high-quality project documentation. You'll leverage ChatGPT to write new Apex code, decipher existing code, and explore the development of web services and callouts. This book covers everything from trigger creation to the development of Lightning Web Components (LWC), highlighting how these can accelerate the development process. Applying ChatGPT's debugging capabilities, you'll swiftly identify and resolve Salesforce issues to uphold the integrity and performance of your Salesforce applications.By the end of this book, you'll be adept at integrating ChatGPT at every stage of Salesforce project delivery, from initial configuration to final testing.What you will learn- Masterfully craft detailed and engaging user stories tailored for Salesforce projects- Leverage ChatGPT to design cutting-edge features within the Salesforce ecosystem, transforming ideas into functional and intuitive solutions- Explore the integration of ChatGPT for configuring Salesforce environments- Write Salesforce flows with ChatGPT, enhancing workflow automation and efficiency- Develop custom LWCs with ChatGPT's assistance- Discover effective testing techniques using ChatGPT for optimized performance and reliabilityWho this book is forThis book is for Salesforce developers, offering insights into using ChatGPT to enhance their coding and configuration abilities. It's an invaluable resource for business analysts looking to use ChatGPT to translate complex requirements into actionable solutions. For testers, this book covers methods to leverage ChatGPT for more effective testing processes, ensuring higher quality outcomes. Product owners will gain insights into optimizing project workflows and aligning technical capabilities with business goals, making this book a must-have for Salesforce project team members.Table of Contents- Getting Started Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Development- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Configuration- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Flows- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Feature Design- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Apex That Someone Else Wrote- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Apex- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Web Services and Callouts- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Triggers- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Lightning Web Components- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Project Documentation- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce User Stories- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Testing Scripts- Using ChatGPT for Salesforce Debugging- What You've Learned and What's Next

  • af Gregory Eric
    288,95 kr.

    What is Risk Management?Risk management is a crucial aspect of management information systems that empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, where technology plays a pivotal role, understanding risk management is essential for everyone involved in management information systems.Risk management refers to the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing potential risks that could hinder the achievement of an organization's objectives. These risks can arise from various sources such as technology failures, security breaches, natural disasters, economic fluctuations, or human errors.For everyone involved in management information systems, risk management is about understanding the potential risks associated with data, systems, and processes. It involves implementing strategies and controls to minimize or eliminate these risks, ensuring the smooth functioning of information systems and safeguarding valuable data.A comprehensive risk management framework includes several key steps. The first step is risk identification, where potential risks are identified through a systematic evaluation of the organization's operations, systems, and processes. This step involves understanding vulnerabilities and threats, and assessing the potential impact of each risk.Once risks are identified, the next step is risk assessment. This involves analyzing the likelihood and potential impact of each risk, considering both quantitative and qualitative factors. By prioritizing risks based on their significance, organizations can allocate resources effectively and focus on mitigating the most critical risks.Risk mitigation is the process of implementing strategies and controls to reduce the likelihood or impact of identified risks. This may involve implementing security measures, disaster recovery plans, backup systems, or training programs to enhance employees' awareness and competence in handling risks.Monitoring and review play a crucial role in risk management. Regularly monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures ensure that the organization stays proactive and adaptable in the face of evolving risks. It allows for the identification of new risks and the reassessment of existing ones, ensuring that the risk management strategy remains relevant and effective over time.

  • af Frank Densborn
    733,95 kr.

    It's time to start your migration to SAP S/4HANA, using this all-in-one resource! Get to know the migration paths, processes, and tools. First, explore on-premise, cloud, and hybrid deployment scenarios. Then, understand the steps involved in new implementations and system conversions. Finally, get step-by-step instructions for all the relevant migration tools. From basic concepts to implementation processes, you'll find everything you need to plan, prepare, and kickstart your SAP S/4HANA migration! Highlights include: 1) Cloud, on-premise, and hybrid scenarios 2) SEAMAP 3) Brownfield migration (system conversion) 4) Greenfield implementation (new implementation) 5) Data migration 6) RISE with SAP 7) Software Update Manager (SUM) 8) SAP Discovery Center 9) SAP AppHaus 10) SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) 11) SAP S/4HANA Cloud 12) Hyperscalers

  • af Adam Bergstein
    433,95 kr.

    Get started with Drupal 10 using this comprehensive guide for beginners and learn key concepts such as building, installing, maintaining, managing content, and advanced topics through real-world examples and use casesKey FeaturesExplore Drupal 10 concepts in depth and discover how you can engage with the Drupal open-source communityBuild Drupal applications with powerful features such as structured content, media, views, and displaysLearn how to create modules and themes with metadata, hooks, and Drupal's customization pluginsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionLearning Drupal can be challenging because of its robust, extensible, and powerful capability for digital experiences, making it difficult for beginners to grasp and use it for application development. If you're looking to break into Drupal with hands-on knowledge, this Drupal 10 Masterclass is for you.With this book, you'll gain a thorough knowledge of Drupal by understanding its core concepts, including its technical architecture, frontend, backend, framework, and latest features. Equipped with foundational knowledge, you'll bootstrap and install your first project with expert guidance on maintaining Drupal applications. Progressively, you'll build applications using Drupal's core features such as content structures, multilingual support, users, roles, Views, search, and digital assets. You'll discover techniques for developing modules and themes and harness Drupal's robust content management through layout builder, blocks, and content workflows. The book familiarizes you with prominent tools such as Git, Drush, and Composer for code deployments and DevOps practices for Drupal application management. You'll also explore advanced use cases for content migration and multisite implementation, extending your application's capabilities.By the end of this book, you'll not only have learned how to build a successful Drupal application but may also find yourself contributing to the Drupal community.What you will learnUnderstand Drupal's architecture and infrastructure dependenciesBootstrap, install, and configure your first Drupal projectMaintain Drupal through updates, automation, and DevOps practicesHarness Drupal features like multilingual, search, Views, and content moderationUnderstand content management and how to effectively put it into actionExplore advanced topics such as Git, Drush, DevOps, and ComposerLeverage Drupal's framework for modules and themesDiscover advanced use cases for migration and multisite managementWho this book is forIf you are a CMS professional new to Drupal and want to learn all aspects of building and maintaining Drupal websites, this book is for you. While hands-on experience with Drupal is not assumed, having foundational knowledge of CMS development will help you get the most out of this book.Table of ContentsWhat is Drupal?Core, Contributed, and Custom Projects (Modules, Themes)Infrastructure and Overview of Technical ArchitectureDrupal TerminologyWhat is new in Drupal 10?Bootstrapping, installing, and configuring a new Drupal projectMaintaining DrupalContent Structures and MultilingualUsers, Roles, and PermissionsDeveloping Drupal Views and Display ModesManaging Static AssetsBuilding Search in DrupalUser Engagement with Contact FormsManaging Content and MediaVisual Content ManagementModerated content with workflows(N.B. Please use the Look Inside option to see further chapters)

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