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Graphic novels og tegneserier: action og spænding

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  • af Issaka Galadima
    118,95 kr.

    Cast is dreams of being a SMITH, and though she's rather handy with her tools, no one in her small town ever realizes their dreams. These legendary warrior engineers haven't been seen in years and were never known for having female members, but fortunately Cast meets one surviving member who promises to make her one?if she's willing to assist mankind in solving problems that are deadlier than expected. Cybernetic desperadoes. Corporate thieves. Giant robots. Can Cast survive long enough to succeed in her goal to become a SMITH?

  • af Ryan North & Erica Henderson
    178,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Rii Abrego & Benjamin A. Wilgus
    143,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Jul
    183,95 kr.

    Lucky Luke er i Cattle Gulch i Texas for at hente 200 stykker kvæg, han skal eskortere nordpå. I den lille by møder han ildsjælen Ovid Byrde, der ikke blot har grundlagt en lokal dyreværnsforening og driver sin gård som et fristed for alle mulige dyr – men som også er vegetar! Ovid nyder stort set ingen opbakning for sin sag fra byens borgere, men med uventet hjælp fra Ratata kommer han en dag til penge — og skrupelløse desperadoer overtaler ham til at indføre et tyrannisk vegetarvælde. Men kan man det? I det Vilde Vesten? De nye ordinære Lucky Luke-album er tegnet af Achdé – der egentlig hedder Hervé Darmenton – og skrevet af Jul – der egentlig hedder Julien Berjeaut. Achdé har tegnet de ordinære Lucky Luke-album siden 2003. Jul er i Frankrig kendt som tegner og forfatter i en lang række sammenhænge, og han har selv i 2007 modtaget Prix René Goscinny, opkaldt efter Lucky Lukes berømte forfatter, som gives til unge tegneserieforfattere med et særligt talent for at skrive manuskripter af høj kvalitet.

  • - Lang vej hjem
    af Derib
    357,95 kr.

    Den hvide pelsjæger Buddy og siouxkvinden Chinook forsøger at leve i fred, kærlighed og samdrægtighed på prærien øst for Rocky Mountains i sidste halvdel af 1800-tallet. I begyndelsen alene, men snart også sammen med deres børn, Jeremie og Kathleen. De vidunderligt smukke omgivelser fylder dem med lyksalighed, men naturen kan også være barsk og uforudsigelig – og både flora og fauna er med til at forme deres tilværelse og give dem respekt for alt levende. Det gælder såmænd også mennesket, selvom periodens store indianerkrige, brutale militærfolk, ubefarne nybyggere og grådige guldgravere sætter den raceblandede familie på mange prøver. Sagaen om Buddy Longway og Chinook er et stort anlagt eventyr om samhørighed, solidaritet og medfølelse, helt uden race- og kønsdiskrimination. Selv gennem usympatiske medvirkende får læseren et nuanceret syn på de mekanismer, der styrer menneskets tilværelse. Kort sagt en medrivende rejse på sporet af livets glæder, sorger og mangfoldighed, skildret med ømhed og kærlighed i et mageløst billedsprog – indledningsvis i en noget karikeret stil, senere i en mere realistisk stil med bløde penselstrøg og varme naturfarver. Med sit episke, filmiske billedsprog og sin eminente fortælleteknik formår Derib at styre uden om sentimentalitetens grøfter og banaliteternes afgrunde, og med sin medrivende tegneseriesaga berører han læseren dybt. Dette fjerde samlebind indeholder historierne Den vilde vind, Sortkjole, Hooka-Hey og Det sidste møde.--------------------------------------------------------------- Buddy Longway er skabt af den schweiziske tegneserieskaber Claude de Ribeaupierre, kaldet Derib (f. 1944), mellem 1972 og 2006. Den udkom oprindelig i 20 album, der nu genudgives i fem eksklusive samlebind, som også er fyldt med ekstramateriale om tegneseriens tilblivelse og Deribs mangeårige arbejde med den. Derib er også kendt for en række andre bemærkelsesværdige tegneserier, der ligesom Buddy Longway ofte taler den oprindelige befolkning i USA, indianernes, sag. For eksempel den populære børnetegneserie Yakari og mere enkeltstående værker som »Han som blev født to gange« og »Den røde vej«. Pressen skrev om Buddy Longway – Den samlede saga 1: ”En overvældende smuk sag” ... ”Det kan næppe gøres meget bedre” ... ”’Chinook for livet’ har det hele, og sjældent har en topkarakter været så velfortjent”. ****** – Serieland ”En gave til tegneserieelskere.” ***** – Nordjyske Læserne skrev om Buddy Longway – Den samlede saga 1: ”Fremragende samleudgave ... Sådan skal det bare gøres. Virkelig godt, mat og kraftigt papir, der passer til farvelægningen. God trykkvalitet og mere end 20 siders bonusmateriale.”

  • - Rovfuglenes sammensværgelse
    af Valérie Mangin
    298,95 kr.

    I Rom år 12 f.Kr. har kejser Augustus sat sig solidt på magten som kejser. Alix Graccus er mere end 50 år gammel og udnævnt til senator. Verden har forandret sig meget, siden han i sine unge dage rejste rundt i middelhavsområdet med sin bedste ven, Enak. Julius Cæser, som han tjente trofast, blev myrdet. Hans arving, Augustus, har efter mange års kamp afsluttet borgerkrigene og er blevet den første kejser. Tredive år er gået. Alix må se den kejserlige vrede i øjnene, da han vender tilbage fra Ægypten: Augustus tilgiver ham ikke for at have skånet og hjembragt Enak, der engang forrådte ham til fordel for Kleopatra. Intet ser ud til at kunne frelse Alix og hans sønner – måske bortset fra den mystiske Rovfuglenes Sammensværgelse, der vil gøre hvad som helst for at myrde kejseren. I Grækenland myrdes en kejserlig udsending, der skulle bringe de berømte orakelbøger til Rom. Alt synes at pege på de indædte krigere fra Sparta. Vil de hævne sig på romerne, efter at alt fra Akropolis i Athen til templet i Delfi er lagt i ruiner? Alix Senator er blevet kaldt for en reboot af den überklassiske sværd-og-sandal-tegneserie Alix, skabt af Jacques Martin (1921-2010) i 1948, som i et vist omfang har været udgivet på dansk i tidens løb. Alix Senator er ikke bare en ”ny Alix”, snarere en anden Alix, mere elegant, mere taktisk, en mere logisk og moralsk arving. Cobolts udgivelse af Alix Senator omfatter – til forfatterens udelte begejstring – to originale album i hvert bind, og der udkommer to nye bind om året. Hovedparten af begivenhederne, personerne og scenerierne i Alix Senator er historisk korrekte. Men nogle gange giver de sorte pletter på historiens landkort forfatter og tegner mulighed for at lade fantasien få frit løb. Om seriens skabere Den franske forfatter Valérie Mangin (f. 1973) er latinist, historiker og kunsthistoriker uddannet på den elitære École des chartes og har skrevet manuskript til en lang række tegneserier. Lige så meget som spændingselementer elsker hun at jonglere med historiske, politiske og kulturelle spillebrikker i et manuskript til en eventyrlig historie og at pille ved populærkulturens koder. Tegneren Thierry Démarez (f. 1971 i Paris) har altid været optaget af at tegne og male og har udfoldet sig inden for mange kunstneriske discipliner, skulptur, skalamodeller, malerkunst og scenografi. Efter at have uddannet sig som scenograf arbejdede han for det prestigefulde franske nationalteater, Comédie Française. I 2006 blev han endda leder af det scenografiske værksted, men parallelt begyndte han at tegne tegneserier, i 2004 mødte han Valérie Mangin, med hvem han skabte sin første tegneserie. I 2001 genoptog de samarbejdet, og har siden lavet en lang række i serien Alix Senator. Démarez har forladt nationalteatret og koncentrerer sig nu udelukkende om at tegne tegneserier.

  • af J C Phillipps
    88,95 kr.

    "Twelve-year-old Pacey travels through Rundalyn to rescue her little sister, Mina, who was taken there by Slasher, her unicorn-turned-plush toy, who hopes to regain his rightful form and place in society." --

  • af Judd Winick
    126,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Michelle Lam
    153,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af Christine Reinwald
    158,95 kr.

    "Smerten og jeg" er Christine Reinwalds første store tegneserie. Tegneserien består af fire tegnede noveller, der hænger tematisk sammen, Tegneserien sætter fokus på smertefulde relationer mellem kønnene, og tager ærligt og modigt fat på barske emner som psykisk vold, voldtægt, gaslighting og stalking.Christine Reinwalds tegninger fortæller historier om smerte, angst og forvirring, som ord ikke kan beskrive. Når man er udsat for overgreb og psykisk vold sker der tit en splittelse i ens selv, som kan være svær at forklare omverden - selv mange år efterStregen er enkel, nøgtern konstaterende men ind imellem også skrøbelig og tøvende og står i skarpt modspil til bogens dobbeltopslag der i dynamiske og ekspressive farver, indrammer novellerne.

  • af Ken Akamatsu
    106,95 kr.

  • af Atsushi Ohkubo
    188,95 kr.

    In the year 198 of the Solar Era, the city of Tokyo is plagued by a deadly phenomenon: spontaneous human combustion! The only ones who can stop it are the Fire Force, a team of specialized firefighters. Shinra, a young man blessed with the ability to ignite his feet and travel at the speed of a rocket, wants nothing more than to be a hero, and knows that this is the place for him! He joins the company at Special Fire Cathedral 8, a team tasked with discovering the source of this strange epidemic. But many obstacles stand in their way, and there are secrets haunting Shinra's past...

  • af Akili
    143,95 kr.

    A new vampire is in town, but whose side is she on? On the surface Khara appears to be a threat to Aria but this immortal appears to have motives that are not quite threatening.

  • af Touya
    116,95 kr.

    "As the knight brigades patrol the forest, a pair of blue dragons has pinned one of the companies, and it's not looking good! When Fia is the target of a deadly attack, Zavilia steps in-and up-revealing his adult black dragon form to protect her. He may have shown their hand, but there's nothing this dragon wouldn't do for his savior."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Yuuki Doumoto
    116,95 kr.

    "The party reunites in time to set sail for the land of sun, Akebono! Hot on a lead, they join in the revelry of the sizzling Overlord Overload Summer Festival. An accidental date takes a sinister turn when Lyco and Vib stumble through a magic gate, trapping them in a hellish face-off against the powerful Lupine. Are Lyco's talents strong enough to hold off the powerful demon? Elsewhere, Shibuki must calm the roiling tensions between demons and humans in Akebono before things get out of hand...Will the Demon Lord-slaying party of friends be able to pull off the feat a second time?"--Publisher.

  • af Amahara
    126,95 kr.

    SAME BATTLE, NEW CENTURYYsley, confident in the Idaten’s supremacy, begins making moves to ensure that the demons are driven to extinction. Meanwhile, the demons send a team to take out the comparatively weaker Hayato, Paula, and Ysley.Victory appears all but assured for the Idaten. However, they did not reckon with the mysterious Demon Lord. With both sides willing to stop at nothing to destroy each other, how will the battle of wits unfold?!

  • af Hitsuji Tarou
    116,95 kr.

    "Sisti is a young magic-user in training who attends prestigious magical academy where she hopes to be trained by the best of the best. However, when her instructor suddenly retires, his replacement is anything but what Sisti had hoped for-lazy, incompetent, and always late! Can Sisti still learn magic and unravel the mystery of Sky Castle with such a terrible teacher to lead her?"--

  • af Toshi Aoi
    126,95 kr.

    The new, magical dungeon-adventure fantasy series from the author of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Seeking to fulfill a promise to a childhood friend, Will Serfort enters Regarden Magical Academy with the goal of making it to the top of the magical world. There's just one problem: he can't use magic! Will his sword skills be the key to unlocking his true potential?RISE OF THE NO-TALENT Will Serfort dreams of keeping his promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, one of the mighty magicians who sit atop the Wizard's Tower. However, he is unable to cast even the simplest of spells, leaving him to fight dungeon monsters to earn credits at Regarden Magical Academy. As if that weren't enough, he finds himself putting his sword skills to the test against a bullying professor!

  • af Ken Akamatsu
    106,95 kr.

  • af Kousuke Satake
    143,95 kr.

    "Ten days have passed since the siege on the Paladin stronghold where stores of forbidden instruments were kept under lock and key. Ashaf leaves one such instrument, which takes the form of a child, in Guideau's care until a method to contain its ability to absorb magic is secured. Meanwhile, Paladin Cugat finds himself at the Executioners' doorstep, lured by Oakleave's invitation to the shadowy organization..."--

  • af Coolkyousinnjya
    126,95 kr.

    "There's demon-slaying action galore in this stylish update to a Japanese folktale from the creator of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid! The rambunctious, teenage Princess Saltherine is fed up with being trapped behind high walls and engineers an escape. But this world is full of monsters both human and otherwise, and it could be Sally herself is one of them... Watch for the anime adaptation, coming July 2021! ONCE UPON A TIME... Long, long ago, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man used to go and cut grass for the farmers around, and the old woman, his wife, went to the river to do laundry...but this isn't Mikoto's past. This is a journey down memory lane to learn how Kibitsuhiko-no-Mikoto, also known as "Momotaro," met Mikoto and how they parted. What will be revealed in this flashback about the relationship between the two Mikotos?"--

  • af Iwatobineko
    116,95 kr.

    FOUND AND LOSTShii comes face-to-face with her mother! What should be a joyful reunion is soon overshadowed by an uncomfortable truth. In her moment of need, Shii turns to Bulb for comfort—but the golem is nowhere to be found! Where have they disappeared to? And why did they leave?

  • af Kogitsune Kanekiru
    153,95 kr.

    "After returning to base, Rou receives a task from the tomboy princess. Before he can even warm up a chair, he is sent to the capital city of Oswell to train the palace guard. Rumors of the tomboy princess hiring demi-human mercenaries quickly spread throughout the capital. For better or worse, the nobility takes a keen interest in Rou and his secret mission!"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Joshua Hauke
    223,95 kr.

    "A hilarious postapocalyptic romp full of fun, misfits, and friendship! If you think your friends are oddballs, wait till you meet the kids at Doom's Day Camp!" -John Patrick Green, New York Times bestselling creator of the InvestiGators seriesThe Last Kids on Earth meets Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children in this funny and adventurous middle grade graphic novel set in a world where everyone has unusual abilities except for a boy named Doom…who just might have to save them all.Doom Thorax is destined for greatness! Well, maybe…His dad is, after all, the fiercest apocalyptic warrior to ever walk what's left of the earth. Unfortunately, in a world where the remaining humans (if you can still call them that) all have extraordinary abilities, Doom is painfully ordinary. In fact, the only thing even remotely special about him is that he is the one person in their whole pack who can read.When his dad leads the adults off to battle a mysterious new threat, Doom gets left in charge of all the other kids from his camp. The only problem is he can barely take care of himself, let alone a group of weirdos like them. What's he supposed to feed a boy made of mud? Why is the girl with telekinesis such a headache? And how can he stop his super strong little sister from turning everyone against him? Doom has ­ finally been given a chance to prove himself. But it may take a lot more than book smarts if he and the others are going to have any chance at surviving on their own.

  • af Corey R Tabor
    163,95 kr.

    From Caldecott Honoree and two-time Geisel Award?winning author-illustrator Corey R. Tabor, this is a fresh and funny young graphic novel series sure to delight readers. Perfect for fans of Catwad, Bird & Squirrel, and Narwhal & Jelly.Ladies and gentlebugs, presenting the duke of the dandelion patch, champion of truth and justice, the one, the only?Sir Ladybug!Sir Ladybug never shies away from a quest, even when he'd rather be playing a video game or baking a cake. So when a caterpillar needs rescuing from a ?monster? (a hungry chickadee), Sir Ladybug and his trusty friends?his herald, a roly-poly named Pell, and his squire, a snail named Sterling?hatch the perfect (delicious) plan.This is the first in a new graphic novel series for newly independent readers, following the adventures of a ladybug knight and his pals in the dandelion patch.Woven seamlessly into this funny and surprising story are the themes of friendship, bravery, teamwork, creative thinking, and helping others. With warmth and heart, surprising and delightful asides, and memorable cast of characters, this new series will appeal to avid and reluctant readers alike.

  • af Jake Maddox
    98,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Jake Maddox
    98,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Jade Armstrong
    298,95 kr.

    "Paper-over-board cover illustration by Christine Wong"--Page opposite title page.

  • af Francesco Sedita & Prescott Seraydarian
    153,95 - 223,95 kr.

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