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Reads from right to left in the traditional Japanese manga format.
"First published in Japan in 2017 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo as Shingeki no kyojin, volumes 22, 23, and 24" -- Colophon.
"Yokai cats: they're kind of like yokai, kind of like cats. What would it be like to have one of these mysterious creatures for a pet? One has a horn on its head and wears tiger-striped pants, and hates when beans are scattered. Another loves tofu, and another retreats when it's startled into the seashell on its back. The daily life of adorable supernatural cats and their humans continues!"--Provided by publisher.
Science Camp: "Dustin Henderson arrives at Camp Know Where anxious about spending the summer away from his friends. When a spooky masked figure starts making camp counselors disappear, he gathers a crew of fellow geeks to save their camp--and possibly their own lives!"--
"The sci-fi horror manga classic returns, in a fully-colorized, premium-quality hardcover for the first time! If you've never read the story of Shinichi and the polite and murderous alien infesting his right arm-or even if you already own the series-there's never been a better way to collect it. They arrive in silence, out of dark skies. They infest human hosts and consume them. And they are everywhere. They are Parasites: alien creatures who must invade and take control of human hosts to survive. Once they have infected their victims, they can twist their hosts's bodies into any abominable shapes they choose: craniums splitting to reveal mouths of sharp teeth, batlike wings erupting from backs, blades tearing through soft hands. But most have chosen to conceal their lethal purposes behind ordinary human faces. No one knows their secret, except an ordinary high school student. Shinichi managed to stop the infestation of his body by an alien parasite, but can he find a way to warn humanity of the horrors to come? For more than 30 years, new generations of readers have been riveted to this unlikely buddy story that unfolds amid a world of monstrosities that never stay hidden for long. Since its first release, in 1988, Parasyte has inspired live-action films, spinoffs, and, in 2015, a global hit anime series. The Full Color Collection presents Hitoshi Iwaaki's original manga in hardcover for the first time, with each page carefully colorized and a revised translation for 2022. There's never been a better time to stay up late and get your hand on Parasyte!"--Publisher.
Den unge sagfører Jonathan Harker ankommer til grev Draculas borg i Transsylvanien. Hans opgave er at assistere greven med opkøb af en ejendom i London. Den dystre stemning, der hviler over borgen, kryber ind under huden på Jonathan, og snart indser han, at han holdes fanget, og at greven - denne ældre sortklædte mand, som afskyr spejle og sollys - i virkeligheden er en blodtørstig vampyr. Hvad værre er; Jonathan har selv givet dette sjæleløse uhyre de oplysninger og kontakter, der er nødvendige for, at Dracula kan nå til England og sprede rædsel og død.
SØD OG BLØD er en smuk udført og original graphic novel. Et feministisk gys om venskab og girlpower.NOURA arbejder i sin bror ALIs kiosk. Hun har en særlig evne til at blande slikposer, der passer lige netop til modtagerens personlighed. Men slikblandingstalentet får fatale følger, for en ganske særlig blanding har afstedkommet en mutation, et monster, som holder til i butikkens baglokale, og som har en forkærlighed for at æde mænd. Har monsteret noget gøre med, at NOURAS nye kæreste JACK er forsvundet?SØD OG BLØD er gennemillustreret af Kathrina Skarðsá og skrevet af den prisnominerede forfatter Zakiya Ajmi, der tidligere har udgivet den anmelderroste ungdomsroman VULKAN, som er nomineret til Nordisk Råds børne- og ungdomslitteraturpris samt shortlistet til Kulturministeriets Forfatterpris for børne- og ungdomsbøger 2021.Idéen til historien om Noura og monsteret udsprang af min fascination af bland-selv-slik-butikker. Jeg har altid været betaget af deres særlige slaraffenlands-stemning, men jeg synes også at der er noget lidt uhyggeligt ved konceptet – noget falskt og grådigt. Jeg begyndte at forestille mig en trist pige, som stod og passede en tom bland-selv-slik-butik, og langsomt opstod historien om Noura. Den handler både om et muteret e-nummer-monster, men det er også en underlig coming of age-historie om at tage forbudte smagsprøver, at begå store fejl og forsøge at reparere dem igen.Zakiya AjmiVULKAN:ZAKIYA AJMI er leverandør af en kras socialrealisme, som jeg som læser både bliver klogere og rørt af. Det er en bog, der vil vældig meget, og som lykkes med det!Politiken♥♥♥♥♥Sammensat og ambitiøsWeekendavisenEn velskrevet roman, som kommer flot omkring de problematikker, der kan være med venskaber, spirende kærlighedsliv og forældre, som ikke lever op til deres ansvar. En troværdig historie skrevet i et letlæseligt dagligdags sprog med korte overskuelige kapitler. En nærværende ungdomsroman med noget på hjertet..Lektørudtalelsen
”M-men er du en dreng eller en pige?” ”Måske er jeg ingen af delene. Måske er jeg bare … mig!” En videnskabsmand plaget af sorg skaber et Frankensteins monster, han kalder Stine. Da den ulykkelige videnskabsmand begår selvmord, efterlades Stine helt alene i en verden, hvor ikke alle er venligt stemt over for dem, der er anderledes. Tegneserien ’Frankenstine’ er en young adult gyserkomedie om køn, venskab og sort magi. Om at finde sig selv midt i, og på trods af, alle andres forventninger.
Nil er en bekymringsløs fe, som en dag mister sine vinger. Landsbyens andre feer mener, at en fe uden vinger er defekt, og Nil bliver udstødt.Nu gælder det om at overleve ...Visne kronblade er en tegneserie for unge og voksne fans af dark fantasy, horror og tegneserier.
Ved du egentligt, hvad der foregår bag ligusterhækken hos din noget-åh-så-venlige-nabo? Altså han hilser, som han plejer, men det er, som om han har en hemme-lig-hed. Og er det ikke lang tid siden, at hans søde og charmerende kone og deres lille røver af en knægt har vist sig? På den anden side så vedkommer det jo ikke andre, og han er jo flink, ham naboen …Martin Flink, der underviser på blandt andet Graphic Storytelling på Animationsskolen i Viborg og Serieskolen i Malmø, debuterer her med sin første danske udgivelse.
"Man kan fortrænge sin fortid, men fortiden glemmer aldrig."København, 1954. Johan Crom fotograferer gerningssteder og pornografi og holder fortiden på afstand med piller og alkohol. Men det er svært. Fortiden er nemlig ved at indhente ham, og den er grusom. Det Geometriske Selskab er en hæsblæsende horrortegneserie, der tager os på en rejse igennem et okkult København, som starter under Anden Verdenskrig og ender under selve Kongehusets fundament. Aksel Studsgarth, der blandt andet har arbejdet på Hellboy 2, har sammen med Craig Frank, som blandt andet har arbejdet på mange animationsfilm fra A. Film, blæst tegneserieverdenen (og Troldspejlet) omkuld med "Det Geometriske Selskab".
"You can forget your past, but the past never forgets."Copenhagen, 1954.Johan Crom photographs crime scenes and pornography, and keeps the past at bay with pills and alcohol. But it's not easy. The past is about to catch up to him and it's cruel.The Geometric Society is a gripping horror story that takes us on a journey through an occult Copenhagen, starting during the Second World War and ending under the foundations of the Kingdom itself.
“Dette hotel husede nu de nyligt afdøde. De der endnu ikke var klar over, hvad de var. Gengangerne selv blev hjemsøgt af brændende stumper af deres tidligere liv.” En ung kvinde ved navn Nona bliver udskrevet fra en psykiatrisk institution. For at lette hendes overgang til samfundet bliver hun placeret på et bosted, det engang så mondæne Valmuemarken Hotel. Her forsøger hun at genvinde normaliteten og undslippe et formynderisk system. Men der er noget galt, der er mærkelige mekanismer på spil, og ikke alt er, hvad det synes at være.I “Valmuemarkens paradox” bevæger vi os i sindets mørke, hvor grænsen mellem jeg’et og verden, det virkelige og uvirkelige opløses. “Valmuemarkens paradox” er fortsættelsen til den prisbelønnede “Mit indre øje”.
”Alva, husk at det her ikke er et eventyr. Der ligger ikke et kongerige og venter på dig.”Nomineret til Årets Bedste Krimitegneserie, Angoulême 2024. ”Alva i mørket er klart årets gode overraskelse.” – Métal Hurlant ”En ekstraordinær grafisk roman.” – L’IndépendantDanske Aksel Studsgarth, der blandt andet har arbejdet på Hellboy 2, har sammen med svenske Daniel Hansen blæst den franske tegneserieverden (og Troldspejlet) omkuld med "Alva i mørket".
Takket være Louca kan Østre Gymnasiums fodboldhold levere en værdig indsats i kampen mod rækkens førende hold, Ørnene. Der bliver nemlig tændt en voldsom ild i Louca, da han får mistanke om, at hans holdkammerat Adel er ude på at score den smukke Julie, som Louca længe har været forelsket i.Men uden fodboldtalentet (og spøgelset) Nathan går det ikke. Og Nathan har det med at forsvinde, når der er allermest brug for ham på banen. Han er nemlig stadig optaget af at finde ud af, hvem der egentlig var skyld i, at han døde. Og lige pludselig dukker nogle skumle typer op fra fortiden og bringer hans venner i fare …Humoristisk tegneserie, med ægte falden-på-halen komik. Dequier kan sit tegneseriekram og fortællingen suser derudaf. Illustrationerne er klassisk fransk tegneseriestil, bl.a. med store karikerede næser, tilsat en dosis nuttethed. Tegneserien vil appellere til alle, der gerne vil have en sjov historie om den kedelige hverdag, og få sig et godt grin af og med Louca. Anbefales varmt til folkebiblioteker og PLC.Lektørudtalelsen på tidligere bind i serienTitler i Louca-serien:StartskuddetAnsigt til ansigtHvis bare ...Så længe der er liv, er der håb
Teenageren Loucas liv er en katastrofe – han er både klodset, doven og ufattelig dårlig til fodbold … lige indtil den dag, hvor spøgelset Nathan dukker op og tilbyder at hjælpe ham med træningen.Der opstår et venskab mellem den forelskede Louca, der af alt magt vil gøre indtryk på sin udkårne, den smukke Julie, og fodboldgeniet Nathan, det rastløse og forvirrede spøgelse, der forsøger at finde ud af, hvordan og hvorfor han døde. Og lige pludselig er alt på spil for Østre Gymnasiums fodboldhold, og det er afgørende, at de vinder kampen mod det stærke modstanderhold Ørnene …Humoristisk tegneserie, med ægte falden-på-halen komik. Dequier kan sit tegneseriekram og fortællingen suser derudaf. Illustrationerne er klassisk fransk tegneseriestil, bl.a. med store karikerede næser, tilsat en dosis nuttethed. Tegneserien vil appellere til alle, der gerne vil have en sjov historie om den kedelige hverdag, og få sig et godt grin af og med Louca. Anbefales varmt til folkebiblioteker og PLC.LektørudtalelsenTitler i Louca-serien:StartskuddetAnsigt til ansigtHvis bare ...Så længe der er liv, er der håb
A wonderfully evocative ghost story in the great tradition of M. R. James and Daphne Du Maurier with a contemporary edge. Perfect for Halloween and illustrated in Norm's own gorgeous style. "Every village has its stories - those of the living - and those of the dead." After the sudden death of his twin sister, 14 year old James Reynolds becomes obsessed with her tale of a black hound, a folkloric creature that is regarded as a portent of death. Enlisting the aid of his elderly neighbour, who the local children call 'The Witch', he delves into the centuries of village history, folklore, and ghosts, until he uncovers a deeper secret beyond his darkest nightmares, beyond the sight of most, and beyond the mortal veil. Set in the South Downs of England, a place that has been home to Celts, Romans, and Vikings, James's story is interwoven with tales from his village that also blur the line between the living and the dead.
The most acclaimed writer in comics history, Alan Moore, joins his late mentor Steve Moore (no relation) for one last graphic grimoire: a sprawling and stunning introduction to magic in all its timeless forms, brought to life by six wondrous and whimsical artists.Splendid news for enquiring minds, and guaranteed salvation for humanity! Messrs. Steve and Alan Moore, proprietors of the celebrated Moon and Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels (sorcery by appointment since circa 150 AD), have produced a clear and practical grimoire of the occult sciences that offers endless necromantic fun for all the family. Exquisitely illuminated by a host of adepts including Kevin O’Neill, John Coulthart, Steve Parkhouse, Rick Veitch, Melinda Gebbie, and Ben Wickey, this marvellous and unprecedented tome promises to provide all that the reader could conceivably need in order to commence a fulfilling new career as a diabolist.Its contents include profusely illustrated instructional essays upon this ancient sect’s theories of magic, notably the key dissertation “Adventures in Thinking,” which gives reliable advice as to how entry into the world of magic may be readily achieved. Further to this, a number of “Rainy Day” activity pages present lively and entertaining things to do once the magical state has been attained, including such popular pastimes as divination, etheric travel, and the conjuring of a colourful multitude of spirits, deities, dead people, and infernal entities from the pit, all of whom are sure to become your new best friends.Also contained within this extravagant compendium of thaumaturgic lore is a history of magic from the last ice age to the present day, told in a series of easy-to-absorb pictorial biographies of fifty great enchanters and complemented by a variety of picture stories depicting events ranging from the Palaeolithic origins of art, magic, language, and consciousness to the rib-tickling comedy exploits of Moon and Serpent founder Alexander the False Prophet (“He’s fun, he’s fake, he’s got a talking snake!”).In addition to these manifold delights, the adventurous reader will also discover a series of helpful travel guides to mind-wrenching alien dimensions that are within comfortable walking distance, as well as profiles of the many quaint local inhabitants that one might bump into at these exotic resorts. A full range of entertainments will be provided, encompassing such diverse novelties and pursuits as a lavishly decorated, decadent pulp tale of occult adventure recounted in the serial form. Completing this almost-unimaginable treasure trove is a lengthy thesis revealing the ultimate meaning of both the Moon and the Serpent in a manner that makes transparent the much-obscured secret of magic, happiness, sex, creativity, and the known Universe, while at the same time explaining why these lunar and ophidian symbols feature so prominently in the order’s peculiar name. (Manufacturer’s disclaimer: This edition does not, however, reveal why the titular cabal of magicians consider themselves to be either grand or Egyptian. Let the buyer beware.)A colossal and audacious publishing triumph of three hundred and fifty-two pages, beautifully produced in the finest tradition of educational literature for young people, The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic will transform your lives, your reality, and any spare lead that you happen to have lying around into the purest and most radiant gold.Book design by John Coulthart. Co-published by Top Shelf Productions & Knockabout Ltd (UK).
A deep dive into the House of Slaughter with lore that no Something is Killing the Children fan should go without!
"Comic book veterans Matt Wagner and Kelley Jones join forces on this ... take on the world's most famous vampire. The first of four planned volumes, The Impaler explores the legendary count before his debut in the novel--from his first foray into the dark arts to his rise to lord of the undead. Wagner and Jones explore the veiled stories from Dracula, diving into the bloody, horrifying events between the lines of the famed horror novel"--
"I'll do it! I'll become your thrall!" A crossdressing girl and an otaku vampire find themselves entangled in a dangerous relationship. Don't miss this heart-pounding romance from the award-winning Ema Toyama, perfect for fans of Crimson Spell, Black Bird, and He's My Only Vampire! Mito, who has no family to rely on, lives on the streets, disguised as a boy. Ruka, an otaku vampire who's only interested in 2-D girls, saves her from a perilous situation and makes her an offer: become his subservient thrall from which he can feed whenever he wants, and she can live with him--in the boys' dorm. Because her very existence depends on her secret not being found out, every day is a new danger--to say nothing of that vampire! Meanwhile, Ruka, not knowing Mito's a girl, dotes on her night and day in an attempt to ripen her "disgusting male blood," but when real feelings develop...this dangerous romance between a crossdressing girl and an obsessive vampire begins!
Heralding the first graphic novel written and drawn by the acclaimed South Korean, fan-favorite cover artist Jeehyung Lee. Collecting the entire critically acclaimed Gumaa saga. Perfect for fans of hard-hitting supernatural thrillers. YOUNG KHALIDA escapes from a drug syndicate and discovers an ancient blade in a long-abandoned temple. Using its power, she becomes the GODDESS OF THE CITY, controlling the citizens through dark magic and fear. But events are being manipulated against her from the shadows, targeting Khalida. A final action-packed confrontation will reawaken the ancient war and change the balance of power between HEAVEN AND HELL...FOREVER.
A special standalone of brand new stories set in the award-winning Slaughterverse–a perfect starting place for new readers ahead of the Netflix series!
The final fate of fan-favorite hunter Jace Boucher that readers have been waiting for!
The final volume of the frightening and mystifying story from The Empty Man writer Cullen Bunn, for fans of The Sixth Sense and The Stand.
The ALIENS mythos expands in frightening new directions! Billionaire Daniel Grant leads an expedition to the Alien homeworld! But what could possibly be worth a journey into ultimate terror? It's one planet, two Alien queens, millions of hungry monsters and a king's ransom awaiting any survivors! Then, Stanislaw Mayakovsky and his partner, the young thief Gill, design a cybernetic Alien to steal the precious royal jelly of the Alien Queen Mother - but a powerful corporation wants what they have! And when an Alien is detected on board a space station orbiting Earth, all hope of destroying it depends on one man's sinister secret! Plus: The full story of Newt from the Aliens movie and more tales of horror! Collecting ALIENS: GENOCIDE #1-4, ALIENS: HIVE #1-4 and ALIENS: TRIBES, ALIENS: NEWT'S TALE #1-2 - plus material from DARK HORSE INSIDER #14-27, DARK HORSE PRESENTS FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL and DARK HORSE PRESENTS (1986) #56.
The Aliens franchise gets the Marvel What If treatment, featuring notorious corporate man Carter Burke in an all-new adventure!For years, fans of James Cameron’s legendary ALIENS film questioned whether Carter Burke, a company man more hateable than the Xenos themselves, had actually survived the traumatic events on the terraforming colony Hadley’s Hope. Now the actor behind the beloved villain, Paul Reiser, joins his son Leon and a star-studded team of writers and producers for a journey back to Hadley’s Hope and the twisted escape of a man who should have died!COLLECTING: Aliens: What If…? (2024) 1-5
For fans of Creepshow, and Tales from the Crypt! Stories contained within are a smorgasbord of entertaining tales designed to thrill, chill, and just plain ol scare the hell out of you!
Hiromu Arakawa, award-winning manga creator of the best-selling smash hit Fullmetal Alchemist, draws readers into an intricate new web of magic, intrigue, and life-or-death stakes!In a world where certain humans command mighty supernatural duos called Daemons, it is the birthright of “the children who sunder day and night”—twins Yuru and Asa—to rule over these powerful entities.Separated from a young age and unaware of the truth of their birth, brother and sister must fight to make their way back to each other, claim their birthright, and save the world…Ancient Daemons awaken to fight a new battle in an age-old war!!Having infiltrated Higashi Village and taken two of its residents hostage, Ivan beckons Yuru to a warehouse in the dead of night. Although Yuru stakes out the location from a distance, he’s swiftly kidnapped by a skull-faced Daemon under Asuma’s command. The Divine Guardians are left to fend for themselves as the familiar scents of Yuru and Asa’s parents waft from Ivan’s blood-soaked blades…
Scott Pilgrim and Wednesday combine into a teenaged Fleabag in DYING INSIDE, a supernatural, emo-fantasy thriller from the minds of FALL OUT BOY’s Pete Wentz, Hannah Klein, and Lisa Sterle!Immortality is entirely overrated. From Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz, Hannah Klein (Everything’s Fine), and Lisa Sterle (The Modern Witch Tarot, Witchblood) comes the graphic novel about a chronically depressed girl who’s tired of fighting for her…death. Today is Ash’s big finale. And by finale, of course, she means exiting the stage permanently. Ash is a sixteen-year-old girl with more angst than Ian Curtis and Elliott Smith combined (her two idols). She’s apathetic and therefore believes death is the easiest route to relief. But nothing is more embarrassing than a lame death. Unfortunately, her meticulous plans — which include the perfect outfit, soundtrack, and method — are all ruined when the beautiful knife she buys off a webstore turns out to be charmed with a protection spell. Now, Ash has to track down the witch who turned her clocking out attempt into the worst gift imaginable: immortality. Turns out, the witch responsible is another sixteen-year-old-girl named (get this) Liv. The two vow to undo the charm together and fight for Ash’s death…even as things get increasingly entangled with a strange new antidepressant called Somnia and her mom’s gross boyfriend, Greg. DYING INSIDE is a musically immersive experience, featuring QR codes that lead the reader to: original lyrics and poetry from Pete Wentz an integrated playlist from Pete Wentz and Hannah Klein never-before-heard music from Daisy Grenade and more! For fans of: It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth (Zoe Thorogood), Squad (Maggie Tokuda-Hall & Lisa Sterle), Light as a Feather (Zoe Aarsen), Book of Shadows (M. Verano), The Secret Circle (LJ Smith), Heart-Shaped Box (Joe Hill), the Shadow and Bone Trilogy (Leigh Bardugo), Vicious (V.E. Schwab), Bunny (Mona Awad), The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (graphic novels, prose novels), the Practical Magic series (Alice Hoffman), Anya’s Ghost (Vera Brosgol), the series Charmed, and the films The Craft, Booksmart, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Easy A, and Jennifer's Body. CONTENT WARNING: This book includes discussion of suicide, suicidal ideation, and depiction of self-harm. While Vault hopes this book will help some readers feel less alone, its content may be triggering. Please only read ahead if you are safe and supported. If you are struggling, it's important to share your feelings with people you trust. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number is 988 - call or text 24/7 for free and confidential support. You can also access online at: https://988lifeline.org/ PRAISE FOR DYING INSIDE “When they say books can save your life, they mean books like this." — Ben Hennessy (Godfell, The Odds) "Witches, music, and mystery intertwined — seriously, what's not to love?" — Natalie Nardozza (Beneath the Surface, Step-Vampire) "If I see Lisa Sterle’s name, I’m buying it." — Chris Shehan (The Autumnal, House of Slaughter) "Dying Inside is a bubblegum emo-goth swirl of depression, obsession, love, and self-discovery." — Sally Cantirino (I Walk With Monsters, Human Remains, Door to Door, Night by Night, The Final Girls) "Reminiscent of Black Hole, Love & Rockets, and many classic 90's indie comics [...] Readers are in for a treat." — Cody Ziglar (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Futurama, Rick & Morty, Miles Morales, Spider-Punk) “Sterle’s underground punk art style will have you staring at each page for hours!" — Justin Richards (Finger Guns, Everything is Different Now) "An important book that would've made me feel seen as a teen." — Val Halvorson (Finger Guns, Grimm Tales from the Cave) “As beautifully drawn as it is darkly funny." — Cody Ziglar (She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Futurama, Rick & Morty, Miles Morales, Spider-Punk) “DYING INSIDE is like a gay anime “Practical Magic”and I’m HERE FOR IT!” — Corin Howell (Lilith, Shadow Service, Queen of Swords) "A wonderful read with true heart." — David 'DB' Andry (Resonant, Creepshow, Denizen, Morning Star) “Strikes a deft balance between acerbic and sweet, while Lisa Sterle stuns with career-best artwork." — John Lees (THE NASTY, SINK, HOTELL) “Simultaneously one of the most adorable and disturbing things I’ve read in my life.” - Eliot Rahal (HYSTERIA, Bleed Them Dry, Madam Satan)
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