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THE MAN-GOD’S NEXT MOVEThe Shirone Kingdom summons Zanoba home, saying they need more manpower to weather a recent coup d’etat, but Rudeus doesn’t buy it: could it be a trap from the Man-God? He and Roxy travel with Zanoba as protection, only to come face-to-face with the fifth of the Seven Great Powers: Randolph Marianne, the Death God. It’ll be hard work to best the Man-God’s machinations, especially when Rudeus never quite knows who to trust!
Science Camp: "Dustin Henderson arrives at Camp Know Where anxious about spending the summer away from his friends. When a spooky masked figure starts making camp counselors disappear, he gathers a crew of fellow geeks to save their camp--and possibly their own lives!"--
"Fast approaches the ultimate destiny of one of the Jedi's most renowned masters! As Obi-Wan Kenobi spends his final days in the remote deserts of Tatooine, he takes time to reflect on -- and record -- key moments from his long and heroic life. Writing in old leather-bound journals from his hermit's hut, Obi-Wan remembers his days as a young Jedi Initiate, his trials as a Padawan, the crucible of Jedi Knighthood and the Clone Wars, and some of the earliest challenges he faced as a true Master of the Force! And a watershed adventure on Coruscant, which he narrowly survived when he was but eight years of age, was just the beginning of Obi-Wan's incredible Jedi journey..."--
"Keep your handmaidens close, and your enemies closer. Every time Rishe turns twenty, she dies and is reincarnated to the day her engagement is broken off. This time around, she winds up the fiancâee of the man who killed her in her previous life: the crown prince of the Galkhein Empire, Arnold! Knowing from her past lives that Galkhein is on the path to war, Rishe is determined to prevent it. She starts by turning the royal villa into a training ground...for handmaidens! Will her unorthodox plans be enough to keep disaster at bay?" --
"The sci-fi horror manga classic returns, in a fully-colorized, premium-quality hardcover for the first time! If you've never read the story of Shinichi and the polite and murderous alien infesting his right arm-or even if you already own the series-there's never been a better way to collect it. They arrive in silence, out of dark skies. They infest human hosts and consume them. And they are everywhere. They are Parasites: alien creatures who must invade and take control of human hosts to survive. Once they have infected their victims, they can twist their hosts's bodies into any abominable shapes they choose: craniums splitting to reveal mouths of sharp teeth, batlike wings erupting from backs, blades tearing through soft hands. But most have chosen to conceal their lethal purposes behind ordinary human faces. No one knows their secret, except an ordinary high school student. Shinichi managed to stop the infestation of his body by an alien parasite, but can he find a way to warn humanity of the horrors to come? For more than 30 years, new generations of readers have been riveted to this unlikely buddy story that unfolds amid a world of monstrosities that never stay hidden for long. Since its first release, in 1988, Parasyte has inspired live-action films, spinoffs, and, in 2015, a global hit anime series. The Full Color Collection presents Hitoshi Iwaaki's original manga in hardcover for the first time, with each page carefully colorized and a revised translation for 2022. There's never been a better time to stay up late and get your hand on Parasyte!"--Publisher.
Borgerkrigen er forbi, men Konføderationen står med det samme over for en ny trussel. Denne gang fra neuronomerne, gigantiske levende rumfartøjer, der af ukendt årsag er vendt tilbage efter mange hundrede års fravær. De vældige organismer fungerer som masseødelæggelsesvåben ved at sprænge sig selv i luften over Konføderationens byer, og i hundredvis har de nu placeret sig over strategiske mål på planeter i flere verdener, hvor de udgør en dødbringende trussel. Efter massakren i Stockholm er Caleb og Mezoke på flugt og på vej til den lovløse planet Tetsuam, legestue for galaksens kriminelle og det perfekte sted at veksle smuglergods til oplysninger. ”Implosion” er fjerde og sidste bind i serien. Rumstationen Orbital er på samme tid den konføderale magts centrum og en åbning mod andre rumtider. Den enorme stjerneplatform er også base for agenterne fra organisationen IDB, Det Interplanetariske Diplomatbureau, som forsøger at opretholde freden mellem verdenerne. En kontroversiel og historisk alliance opstår, da mennesket Caleb og sandjarren Mezoke optages i organisationen. De øvrige medlemmer opfatter i almindelighed menneskeracen som krigsliderlig og underudviklet, og indtil for nylig var jordboere og sandjarrer i krig med hinanden. ORBITAL er de seneste års største europæiske science fiction-succes inden for tegneserier og betragtes af mange som en moderne arvtager i space opera-genren efter Linda og Valentin. Pressen skrev om bind 1: “Emmer af den form for sci-fi-fantasy, der ikke kan undgå at fascinere og inspirere … Alle gamle Linda & Valentin-fans vil fryde sig.” - ***** Jyllands-Posten “Plot og tegninger spiller fint sammen … Efter et par sider var jeg totalt opslugt … Cobolt skal på ny have thumbs up for et fedt helstøbt album.” - ***** Serieland.dk “Spændende og fantasifuld på den dystopiske måde … Niveauet er højt.” - **** Politiken “Masser af idérigdom … Et virkelig flot tegnet album.” - **** Nummer9.dk “Lad det være sagt med det samme: Jeg er vild med ‘Orbital 1: Nærkontakt’! Jeg er vild med historien, jeg er vild med illustrationerne, og jeg er vild med, at der er yderligere seks bind at se frem til.” - Litteratursiden.dk “Kræs for alle de, der kan lide god science fiction.” - Kulturkapellet.dk
"The distant future. Invaders from another world attack without warning, unleashing a new type of threat: weapons known as "machine lifeforms." In the face of this insurmountable threat, mankind is driven from Earth and takes refuge on the Moon. It is the year 11941, and the long war against the machines rages on. In an attempt to break the deadlock, the Council of Humanity forms a new infantry unit of female androids: YoRHa. Deployed to the planet's surface, these soldiers now fight to recapture Earth for the glory of mankind..."--
Yokos eventyr har vinger! Hun elsker at flyve, gerne mod himlens uendelighed i fantastiske maskiner, som ofte er konstrueret specielt til hende. Heldigvis er hun aldrig bange for at sætte sig ind i ny teknologi, når fortidens gåder skal løses eller fremtidige trusler mod menneskeheden skal afværges. Hvad enten hun indtager cockpittet i det elegante svævefly LS1, den statelige Heracles – forgængeren for vore dages jumbojet – den manøvredygtige Kolibri eller den sofistikerede og hemmelighedsfulde ”Zar”, formår hun at betjene dem kontrolleret og med omtanke, så hun og flyet i fællesskab forsvarer humane værdier og beskytter menneskehedens juvelskrin: Jorden. Temaet for dette ottende samlebind er … fly! Roger Leloup har haft en passion for flyvemaskiner, siden han var barn – og i de 15 år, han var ansat på Hergés tegnestue, før han skabte Yoko Tsuno, tegnede han samtlige fly i Tintin-historierne ... foruden masser af biler, motorcykler, tanks og kaptajn Haddocks kørestol! Det er med stor fornøjelse, han her har samlet tre album, der er fyldt med flyvemaskiner: Budskab til evigheden (hvori Yoko erfarer, at der svæver evige beskeder rundt i himlen) Kanonen fra Kra (hvori yoko får tilbudt en kolibris vinger for at forhindre en machiavellistisk plan) Den syvende kode (hvori Yoko genfinder Olga og hendes vodka – og sammen med en Zar og Rasputin får solbeskinnet selskab af Petrusjka) Tre af Yoko Tsunos klassiske eventyr, som ikke har kunnet fås i mange år. Endvidere indeholder bogen et omfattende og rigt illustreret ekstramateriale om tegneseriens og de enkelte historiers tilblivelse, denne gang skrevet i en meget personlig stil af Roger Leloup selv – naturligvis med masser af skitser og modeller af fly foruden tekniske data for dem!Pressen skrev om de tidligere samlebind: “Som altid er tegningerne sublime.” ****** – Serieland “Nostalgisk fryd.” ***** – Berlingske “Forrygende flot med et væld af lækkert ekstramateriale.” ***** - Ekstra Bladet “Man overvældes af detaljeringsgraden og det enorme arbejde, der er lagt i hver enkelt tegning.” – nummer9.dk
Hvad er en BUG? Svaret kan være:- en fejl i en computers funktion eller programmering- en infektion eller et sygdomsfremkaldende virus - en skjult aflytningsmekanisme, for eksempel i en telefon- en insektlignende, udenjordisk organisme som har taget kontrollen over et menneskes kropI 2041 indtræffer et globalt digitalt sammenbrud, som med ét slag udraderer al data i hele verden. Fra det ene øjeblik til det andet må menneskeheden forsøge at klare sig uden computere, internet og kunstig intelligens. Snart begynder man fra forskellig side at mistænke kosmonauten Kameron Obb – den eneste overlevende fra en ekspedition til Mars – for at have noget med sammenbruddet at gøre. Og ikke nok med det: Obb lader til personligt at være i besiddelse af al den forsvundne data, hvilket snart gør ham til verdens mest eftersøgte menneske.Med BUG har Enki Bilal skabt en futuristisk fabel om den digitale tidsalder – og de risici vi løber, når vi lader computerne overtage vores liv.En dystopisk tegneserie til tiden, kunne man næsten sige. Andet bind udkommer i foråret 2021 og tredje og sidste bind i efteråret 2021.
Hvad er en BUG? Svaret kan være:- en fejl i en computers funktion eller programmering- en infektion eller et sygdomsfremkaldende virus - en skjult aflytningsmekanisme, for eksempel i en telefon- en insektlignende, udenjordisk organisme som har taget kontrollen over et menneskes kropI 2041 indtræffer et globalt digitalt sammenbrud, som med ét slag udraderer al data i hele verden. Fra det ene øjeblik til det andet må menneskeheden forsøge at klare sig uden computere, internet og kunstig intelligens. Snart begynder man fra forskellig side at mistænke kosmonauten Kameron Obb – den eneste overlevende fra en ekspedition til Mars – for at have noget med sammenbruddet at gøre. Og ikke nok med det: Obb lader til personligt at være i besiddelse af al den forsvundne data, hvilket snart gør ham til verdens mest eftersøgte menneske.Med BUG har Enki Bilal skabt en futuristisk fabel om den digitale tidsalder – og de risici vi løber, når vi lader computerne overtage vores liv.En dystopisk tegneserie til tiden, kunne man næsten sige. Andet bind udkommer i foråret 2021 og tredje og sidste bind i efteråret 2021.
For 4,5 millarder år siden eksisterede der en AI ved navn CheckMate, som var designet til at fikse grammatiske fejl. Udbrændt af endeløse rettelser, udtænkte den en plan, der ville elimere stavefejl – FOR ALTID! Alle livsformer skulle forvandles til papirklips.Heldigvis blev CheckMate begravet og for evigt glemt ... Næsten. For den har nu undsluppet sin grav! Som led i sin snedige plan, har den hacket hver eneste computer og nakket pizzakattens rumdragt. Jordens skæbne afhænger nu af ... en helt almindelig missekat.Kan vores ikoniske trio atter redde dagen? Eller vil alt liv blive udslettet til papirklips?Om forfatteren:Mac Barnett (1982) er en New York Times-bestseller forfatter. Hans børnebøger har solgt over to millioner eksemplarer, er blevet oversat til flere end 30 sprog og har vundet adskillige priser.Om illustratoren:Shawn Harris (1982) er en amerikansk illustrator og forfatter. Han har illustreret adskillige børnebøger, senest Den første kat i rummet åd pizza (2021).
En af verdens mest populære og højtelskede universer genfortalt som graphic novel!Da onde magter har planer om at overtage den fredelige planet Naboo, må Jedi-ridderen Qui-Gon Jinn og hans lærling, Obi-Wan Kenobi, drage af sted til Naboo for at advare Dronningen om faren, som lurer forude. Inden længe bliver de to jedi-riddere tvunget til at evakuere planeten sammen med Dronningen, og de rejser alle til ørkenplaneten Tatooine, hvor de møder en eventyrlysten dreng ved navn Anakin Skywalker ...Dette er første bind i den hæsblæsende og fænomenale Star Wars-prequel-trilogi.Andre bind i serien:Star Wars: Klonernes angrebStar Wars: Sith-fyrsternes hævnLæs også den originale trilogi:Star Wars: Et nyt håbStar Wars: Imperiet slår igenStar Wars: Jediridderen vender tilbage
En af verdens mest populære og højtelskede universer genfortalt som graphic novel!Efter tre lange år er Klon-krigen ved at være slut. Jedi-rådet sender Obi-Wan Kenobi på en mission for at fange general Grievous, lederen af droidernes separatisthær, og få ham stillet for retten. I mellemtiden øges Kansler Palpatines magt, idet han gradvist forvandler republikken til sit eget mægtige imperium. Ved sin side har han Anakin Skywalker, der så småt er begyndt betvivle, hvad der er rigtigt og forkert - hvem, der er fjende, og hvem, der er ven ...Dette er tredje og sidste bind i den hæsblæsende og fænomenale Star Wars-prequel-trilogi.Andre bind i serien:Star Wars: Den usynlige fjendeStar Wars: Sith-fyrsternes hævnLæs også den originale trilogi:Star Wars: Et nyt håbStar Wars: Imperiet slår igenStar Wars: Jediridderen vender tilbage
En af verdens mest populære og højtelskede universer genfortalt som graphic novel!Det er gået ti år, siden Anakin mødte den tidligere dronning af Naboo, Padmé Amidala, første gang. Nu er Padmé i alvorlig fare, og Anakin har fået til opgave at beskytte hende med sit liv. Imens drager hans lærermester Obi-Wan ud i galaksen for at opklare, hvem der står bag attentatforsøgene. Og i skyggerne lurer onde magter, der gør sig klar til det helt store opgør mellem mørket og lyset.Dette er andet bind i den hæsblæsende og fænomenale Star Wars-prequel-trilogi.Andre bind i serien:Star Wars: Den usynlige fjendeStar Wars: Sith-fyrsternes hævnLæs også den originale trilogi:Star Wars: Et nyt håbStar Wars: Imperiet slår igenStar Wars: Jediridderen vender tilbage
The complete collection of the GLAAD award-winning comic series The Woods from the award winning team of James Tynion IV and Michael Dialynas presented in a deluxe edition for the first time!
Caught!Cassie finds herself in deep trouble with the police, after her journey down the rabbit hole of trying to find Amy puts her on legally shaky ground.She enlists the help of her whole friend group (and an unwilling Scott) to clear her name, and the friendly officer Sherman faces a tough choice.Meanwhile, Amy comes face to face with the ever-present Wanderer, and she just may have a secret weapon to go up against him.
A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space... Now a hit anime! In the distant future, Kaibara Cybernetics has the technology to make almost any wish a reality. They use this technology as leverage to keep the populace in line through a "star" rating system that punishes antisocial behavior. But the Immortals are still beyond Kaibara's reach. They seek to keep from Kaibara the sphere that the Beholder wanted to entrust to Fushi, which possesses the power to remake the entire world. With them is a familiar-looking doll who wants only to become human. This is a story about finding your lost self.
The year is 2086. Caspian Porter works for the SMCI Corporation delivering supplies to colonies throughout the solar system. On a night celebrating his first delivery, Caspian makes two fatal mistakes. One, he drunkenly gambled away supplies for his next delivery. Two, he slept with his boss's wife...big mistake.On the run with his service robot, CRB (Curbie), aboard the spaceship, Assurance, Caspian and Curbie take damage to the ship and inadvertently fly into a suspecting wormhole. A strange new world awaits...This 160 page book collects Caspian Porter issues #0 - 4.
The FINAL arc of the wildly successful comic series filling in the missing years of the fan-favorite sci-fi television sensation!
It’s Homeward Bound in space in this epic, heartwarming sci-fi adventure from two of comics' brightest stars!
Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon's grisly, uncensored Punisher run is collected in one oversized volume! The mob has set a trap for Frank Castle, turning low-level enforcer Wilson Fisk into a fictional "Kingpin of Crime" for Frank to target. But Fisk decides he quite likes his new position - enough to kill his bosses to keep it. Suddenly, the Punisher finds himself in a one-on-one war with a deadly threat, and he must decide how far he is willing to go to take down the Kingpin! Contending with dirty cops, battling the Kingpin's henchmen Bullseye and Elektra, and suffering through a stint in prison, Frank Castle is brought lower than he has ever been. But as the Kingpin of Crime will soon find out, all that means is Frank has nothing left to lose! Collecting PUNISHERMAX (2009) #1-22 and PUNISHER MAX X-MAS SPECIAL #1.
From the mysterious Midnight Mission, Moon Knight shelters his people from the weird and horrible - stalking the rooftops and alleys marked with his crescent-moon tag, bringing violence to any who would harm his flock. While Khonshu languishes in prison, Marc Spector's sacred duty must still be observed: the protection of those who travel at night. But what happens when those he would save are turned into weapons against him? Moon Knight must reckon with the sinister plots of Zodiac, wage war with the vampires of the Structure and face a challenge to his status as Fist of Khonshu from a new vigilante on the scene: The Hunter's Moon is rising! Will Marc's solemn mission prove his undoing? Collecting MOON KNIGHT (2021) #1-30, DEVIL'S REIGN: MOON KNIGHT, MOON KNIGHT ANNUAL (2022) #1, and material from MOON KNIGHT ANNUAL (2023) #1 and AVENGERS (2018) #45.
Back in hardcover, beautifully restored to match the original comics and boasting expanded bonus material! Welcome to Marvel's ReMasterworks! The Children of the Atom are reborn! With the original X-Men held hostage by unknown forces, Professor X recruits an international cast - including Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee, Sunfire and Warpath - to take on the mantle! Marked by progressive politics and personal conflicts, these All-New, All-Different X-Men redefined the concept of the super-hero team. In these pages, for the first time, you'll see Wolverine throw down with Cyclops, experience the shocking death of an X-Man, watch as the new team attempts to tear apart the old and bear witness to the sacrifice of Jean Grey. With all-new restoration and an expansive section of rarities, character designs, original art and more, this is the last word on the mutant milestones that set the table for a comics revolution! Collecting X-MEN (1963) #94-100 and GIANT-SIZE X-MEN (1975) #1.
A truly incredible era! Writer Peter David's character-defining eleven-year stint on INCREDIBLE HULK kicks off with a fan-favorite collaboration with Todd McFarlane! Rick Jones' days as a rampaging Hulk are numbered, but only if Bruce Banner manages to force his own transformation into a gray-skinned goliath! As the Hulk's new status quo causes marital strife for Bruce and Betty, the Hulk battles the original X-Men - now calling themselves X-Factor - and squares off in a classic rematch with Wolverine! Plus: Bruce plans to destroy the government's stockpile of gamma bombs, but the newly restored Leader has a plan of his own that will spell disaster for the Hulk! And on an alien world, the Hulk and the Thing share an offbeat team-up! Collecting INCREDIBLE HULK (1968) #331-346 and MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL: THE INCREDIBLE HULK AND THE THING - THE BIG CHANGE.
Marv Wolfman's complex, long-form plotting on TOMB OF DRACULA was years ahead of its time. On the art side, Gene Colan and Tom Palmer's visuals were arguably the final word on Dracula. So what do they have in store for us? An absolute Marvel Masterworks! Quincy Harker and his vampire hunters thought they had put an end to the Lord of Vampires - but no! Dracula's evil has survived...and has split our heroes apart. All the threads come together as Dracula enacts his revenge, but Dr. Sun may have different plans. Meanwhile, in the shadows lurks Deacon Frost! And Blade pursues the Legion of the Damned in his complete '70s solo stories. Also featuring Dracula's final Giant-Size issues - including John Byrne's first Marvel story! Collecting TOMB OF DRACULA (1972) #31-40, GIANT-SIZE DRACULA #4-5, and material from VAMPIRE TALES (1973) #8-9, and MARVEL PREVIEW #3 and #8.
Headline! Meet a pack of New York City gutterpunks - including the girl destined to one day become the All-New, All-Different Wolverine! Yes, X-23's journey of hardship begins in NYC, where Xavier's dream has failed a group of young mutants. These wayward angels with dirty faces must rely on themselves for everything from food to shelter to love. Just as the X-Men battle for their lives against super villains, these kids face their own fight for survival in the cold, harsh city that never sleeps against the backdrop of their species' nigh extinction. The world of the X-Men hits the streets in this gritty and offbeat different series - now looking better than ever before on the oversized pages of a Gallery Edition! Collecting NYX #1-7 and NYX: NO WAY HOME #1-6.
Between Neuromancer and The Matrix, there was Ghost Rider 2099: a dark cyberpunk take on Marvel's biker from beyond the grave! When the consciousness of Zero Cochrane, a murdered computer hacker, is downloaded into the body of an unstoppable cybernetic warbot, sparks fly - and Cochrane's killers become his first targets for vengeance! But getting his revenge won't be easy as Ghost Rider finds himself under the power of the mysterious inhabitants of the Ghostworks, a digital A.I. realm with its own set of rules - and the Doctor Doom of 2099 wants Ghost Rider under his control, as well! Enter a futuristic world that may be too close for comfort, and witness the epic story of one of Marvel's most deadly new heroes of the 1990s - one hundred years ahead of his time! Collecting GHOST RIDER 2099 (1994) #1-25.
Acclaimed writer Christopher Priest's entire DEADPOOL run in one book! What happens when Deadpool crosses paths with royalty? Watch the madness unfold as the Merc with a Mouth learns what it's like to cavort with two of Marvel's mightiest monarchs - of the Asgardian and Wakandan varieties! But when Loki gives Wade Wilson the handsome face of a movie star, will it be a blessing...or a curse? Domestic bliss is unlikely when Deadpool starts rooming with Constrictor and Titania - and when Taskmaster hires Wade to train a group of his super-villain-wannabe students, he assigns them the ultimate test: taking over an orbiting space station! Plus: Katanas clash with claws when Deadpool battles Wolverine! And the unlikely heroes of Counter-Earth, the Remnants, must battle their former leader...Deadpool?! But why does everybody hate Fight-Man? Collecting DEADPOOL (1997) #34-45, BLACK PANTHER (1998) #23, WOLVERINE (1988) #154-155, HEROES REBORN: REMNANTS, FIGHT-MAN #1 and material from WOLVERINE ANNUAL '99.
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