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Graphic novels og tegneserier: historisk

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  • af Yu Sakurai
    163,95 kr.

    A shojo/josei fantasy romance about a scorned noblewoman and a lion of a prince!Cordelia, daughter of a countess, can’t seem to get married--mostly because her little sister Priscilla keeps stealing the hearts of her suitors. Ready to resign herself to a spinster fate, Cordelia is surprised when a handsome man suddenly courts her--and he’s a prince, no less! Prince Leonhardt, who possesses the power of a legendary lion, is a widely admired man but has his own quirks, such as pursuing Cordelia because he was drawn to her scent. How cat-like is this man?! A fun (and feline) fantasy romance!

  • af Jeremy Lambert
    188,95 kr.

    This fresh installment of Scott Snyder’s Dark Spaces anthology unearths a monster in the twisted underbelly of Pennsylvania mine country.There’s a monster lurking outside of Minersville, and he’s tired of hiding. Everyone thinks Viv’s crazy. Delusional. That she didn’t see what she saw. Everyone, that is, except the locals. Vivian copes the best way she can—with a visit to the local watering hole—but it’s what happens after that changes everything. The Mismatch Man is hungry, you see…and Vivian’s many wounds have never healed.Jeremy Lambert picks up the torch of Scott Snyder’s chilling Dark Spaces anthology in The Hollywood Special, a new dark tale of intrigue and the bad things people do.

  • af Yasu Hiromoto
    118,95 kr.

    More heroes and generals take to the stage after Oda Nobunaga and Zhuge Liang's clash! The young Oda is still on the hunt for his history but danger is all around as Hannibal and Napoleon join the battle in this story perfect for action and history fans!

  • af Yumeya
    118,95 kr.

    For fans of historical horror and real world ghost stories, comes this collection of chilling tales surrounding some of the most haunted sites in the Japanese city of Kyoto! Kiyomizu-dera, Kifune Shrine, and Adashino Nenbutsu-ji -- to most these places are merely tourist hotspots in the busy city of Kyoto... but each is hiding a dark history, tales of ghosts and bloodshed! In this volume come and hear the true stories of these haunted places, and the creatures that lurk just out of sight...

  • af Chris Geary
    193,95 kr.

    Take to the sky during WWI as fighter pilots battle. VOLUME 3 features the true exploits of Russia's Aleksandr Kozakov, Austro-Hungary's Godwin Brumowski, and Germany's Manfred Von Richthofen.

  • af Meral Doe Renée Jones
    233,95 kr.

    "Dive into the spellbinding world of 'Lucky to be Alive' ¿¿¿¿, a captivating fusion of science fiction and historical enchantment! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Join authors Doe Renee and Spencer Little as they skillfully intertwine the realms of history and imagination, crafting a mesmerizing tale that will leave young readers on the edge of their seats, craving adventure and discovery. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿In this thrilling narrative, experience the magic of storytelling as it unravels the true events of the Great Pueblo Flood of 1921 in Colorado. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ Let the pages transport you in time... the past comes alive with vivid imagination. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿As you turn each page, feel the excitement, embrace the curiosity, and witness the power of resilience in the face of historical challenges. 'Lucky to be Alive' is more than a book-it's a journey through time and wonder, leaving young hearts inspired to explore the rich tapestry of our past. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"All is well" echoes through the story, a reassuring reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is hope and triumph. ¿¿¿¿ And as you delve deeper into the narrative, discover the extraordinary connection between Lucky and a young girl who communicates with the magnificent horse through telepathic whispers. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Are you ready for an adventure like no other? ¿¿¿¿¿"

  • af Nicola R. White
    298,95 kr.

    An Rós Fiáin is an Irish-language graphic novel translated and adapted from the Canadian indie comic book series Wild Rose. Set in rural Ireland and London in 1790, An Rós Fiáin reimagines a haunting Appalachian-Irish murder ballad as a tale of love and revenge. When Eliza Day is seduced and betrayed by a wealthy English lover, she soon finds out that the restrictive society in which she lives has no place for defiant women who break with convention. With the help of Adam Stone, a free Black man, Eliza has a chance to make a new life for herself after the loss of her innocence - but to do so, she will have to be braver than she could ever have imagined. Mature themes, recommended for ages 15 and older.Nuair a mheallann agus a thréigeann Sasanach saibhir Éilís Ní Dheágha, foghlaimíonn sí go tapa nach bhfuil áit ann sa tsochaí shriantach ina bhfuil sí le haghaidh mná dúshlánacha nach dtugann aon aird ar ghnás na haimsire. Le cabhair ó Adam Stone, fear gorm saortha, tá deis ag Éilís saol nua a dhéanamh di féin tar éis di a soineantacht a chailleadh - ach chun é sin a dhéanamh, beidh uirthi a bheith níos cróga ná mar a shamhlaigh sí riamh. Téamaí aibí, moltar d'aois 15 nó níos sine.

  • af Juan José Villegas
    328,95 kr.

    Historias para no dormir; relatos donde el lector encontrará una estremecedora exposición de emociones. Realidad y ficción se entremezclan en un mundo paralelo donde anidan los miedos incubados en nuestra infancia y que afloran durante el sueño porque son esencia y materia del subconsciente.

  • af Michael Auld
    393,95 kr.

    How did Anansi the spider-man end up in the Americas? And why are his stories still told? Learn the historic bond between the slave trade and the spider-man from Michael Auld's critically-acclaimed ANANSESEM comic strip.

  • af Ralph Shayne
    268,95 kr.

    ”I nødens stund – De danske jøders farefulde flugt under Anden Verdenskrig” fortæller den sande historie om modstanden mod nazisterne i Danmark under Anden Verdenskrig, og de helte der reddede de danske jøder ved at hjælpe dem med at flygte til Sverige. I H.C. Andersens eventyr fortælles det, at hvis faren nogensinde kommer til Danmark, vil den mægtige kriger Holger Danske vågne op af sin århundreder lange dvale for at beskytte sit folk. Da nazisterne planlægger en razzia mod de danske jøder for at deportere dem til koncentrationslejre i 1943, er livet for den snart 9-årige Mette, hendes familie og andre danske jøder i alvorlig fare. Men den legendariske Holger Danske rejser sig i form af en modig, medfølende skolelærer, der er blevet modstandsleder, og de andre almindelige borgere som trodser nazisterne for Mette og andre jøder i nødens stund. Det er historien om, hvordan befolkningen i en besat nation – fra konge til fisker– satte deres liv på spil for at hjælpe deres jødiske landsmænd til Sverige i små fiskerbåde. ”I nødens stund – De danske jøders farefulde flugt under Anden Verdenskrig” er en hyldest til de helte, der reddede de danske jøder, og hvordan menneskeheden triumferer i de mørkeste timer.”Der er gået 80 år siden aktionen mod jøderne i Danmark, og vi står nu ved en skillevej, hvor det bliver endnu vigtigere at høre og bevare vidnesbyrdene og huske, hvad der skete. Ralph Shayne har forvandlet sin mors oplevelser til en velfortalt grafisk roman (hjulpet af Tatiana Goldbergs smukke kunstværk), der åbner historien op for et yngre publikum og hjælper os alle til at huske på en nuanceret måde.” - Signe Bergman Larsen Museumsinspektør, Dansk Jødisk Museum.

  • af Ferdinando Leonzio
    194,95 kr.

    Scriveva Umberto Eco che "il fumetto è un prodotto industriale, commissionato dall'alto" e che "funziona secondo tutte le meccaniche della persuasione occulta", supponendo nel "fruitore un atteggiamento di evasione che stimola immediatamente le velleità paternalistiche dei committenti". Per noi il fumetto è esperienza dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza, moltiplicatore delle conoscenze e dei miti. Attraverso le pagine di Ferdinando Leonzio riscopriamo il fumetto italiano attraverso i suoi personaggi, autori, editori, albi, e collezionisti.

  • af Rashid Dossett
    268,95 kr.

    Jasper attended the 12th anniversary of Leyden, the town where he grew up.At the celebration, he encountered his niece Elsbeth. Elsbeth and her friends invited him to join them on their trip to an abandoned British mansion nearby.The residents disappeared twenty-five years ago.Despite hesitation, Jasper joined his niece on her little adventure... something he would regret sooner than later...

  • af Harrison Smith
    263,95 kr.

    The Decline of the Roman Empire in Time and Space.Harrison Smith, the author.Description:In "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire: A Historical Perspective," Harrison Smith leads readers on an exciting adventure through the dramatic and impressive events that shaped the history of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Readers will get a profound knowledge of the forces that formed the ancient world from this well researched and fascinating narrative's investigation of the rise, grandeur, and final decline of the Roman Empire.The great sweep of history is brought to life by Smith's stunning depictions of the major players, cultural processes, and defining events that shaped the Roman Empire. From its humble beginnings to its height of power, readers will embark on an exciting voyage, seeing the construction of great structures, the development of Roman law, and the colourful tapestry of cultures inside Rome's borders.Smith expertly navigates the nuances of the empire's fall, taking a close look at both internal and external forces that led to its downfall, as the story progresses. The political machinations, economic difficulties, and military battles that contributed to the collapse of this once-mighty superpower will all be revealed to the reader.History buffs, students, and anybody interested in the Roman Empire's long influence will find "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" to be an important resource. This book is an illuminating and approachable investigation of an ancient civilization that continues to affect our own because of Harrison Smith's historical perspective, which gives a captivating and thought-provoking explanation of the factors that determined the destiny of Rome.

  • af Steven Jones
    133,95 kr.

    SHERLOCK HOLMES MEETS THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!A meeting that just had to happen! Holmes and Watson are called in regarding the terror occurring at a Paris opera house with claims that it is caused by a ghost. Although Holmes dismisses it outright as a case needing a spiritualist rather than a consulting detective, however he agrees to look into it.Unknown to him, Eric, the tortured ghost of the opera house will prove to be more than a ghost and more than an able opponent in a battle of wits with Holmes and Watson. From the grandeur of the Opera House to the catacombs beneath the city of Paris, what happens when Holmes and Watson discover that even a ghost can kill?

  • af Bakufu Narayama
    153,95 kr.

    NO ONE SAID BEING A VILLAINESS WAS EASY...Claudia, determined to change the past, tries to thwart her half-sister Fermina’s schemes, but their clashes finally spiral out of the home and into high society. Now, she must confront the crown prince, who is intrigued by her behavior, and his other prospective fiancées. Claudia can’t let her guard down for even a second as the battle between the villainess and the perfect villain escalates!

  • af Frank R. Stockton
    268,95 kr.

    "Be ready to go on an amazing literary journey with the classic Frank Richard Stockton's 'The Young Master of Hyson Hall,' a timeless gem from 1900 that will enthrall you from the first page." This book is a must-have addition to your library since it entices you with a timeless tale that is also incredibly relatable.Young Jack, the charming protagonist whose mischievous personality and desire for adventure will immediately relate with you, is at the center of this engrossing story. The opulent and alluring Hyson Hall estate serves as the background for an engrossing and vivid drama, becoming into a character in and of itself.You will get completely absorbed in Jack's journey as you flip the pages-from a carefree youngster to the responsible heir of a large estate. Trials and tribulations accompany this transition, as Jack deals with dishonest family, money problems, and personal conflicts. But in the middle of these difficulties, he meets a group of remarkable people, including a perceptive gardener, a devoted servant, and an alluring young lady, each of whom adds their own special touch to this wonderful story.The late 19th-century English setting of the book gives it an immersive feel and provides a view into the social and economic climate of the era. Readers of all ages will be emotionally impacted and able to relate to it because of its ageless themes of love, loyalty, family, and the weight of duty, which are woven into the very fabric of the novel.Furthermore, the archaic quality of this edition is what really sets it apart. Even if it may have historical markings, it is evidence of our dedication to protecting and disseminating historical cultural assets. You may appreciate the story's timeless significance and own a piece of history with this contemporary reproduction.So why wait? Get a copy of 'The Young Master of Hyson Hall' promptly and lose yourself in a timeless story that will enhance your comprehension while also leaving a lasting impression on your emotions. This is a unique chance to embark on an amazing journey and own a piece of literary history."

  • af Michael Ralph
    170,95 kr.

    A gorgeous full-color graphic historical novel, sure to become an instant classic, that explores the friendship and feud between Ida B. Wells and Frederick Douglass, offering new insights into slavery and incarceration in the United States.Told from the perspectives of statesman and orator Frederick Douglass, and journalist and activist Ida B. Wells, Before 13th is a story that illuminates the contradictions of freedom. Friends and rivals, Douglass and Wells clashed over how to grapple with the racism and exoticism that defined portrayals of African Americans at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, where Douglass was invited to speak after they had initially agreed to boycott the event. It uses the story of this real-life conflict as a lens through which we see the history of slavery and incarceration as never before.Historical anthropologist Michael Ralph joins forces with acclaimed illustrator Laura Molnar to reimagine these two influential Black Americans and the controversies surrounding the Thirteenth Amendment—which some contend did not abolish slavery, claiming instead it was used to keep African Americans in a condition approximating bondage in the years immediately following Emancipation. Before 13th boldly takes on this issue, offering a provocative re-thinking that goes back years earlier than the adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment, to a practice known as convict leasing, an experiment in capitalist innovation and progressive legal reform, whose profound effects continue to be felt today.Before 13th features100 four color illustrations.

  • af Julian Voloj
    188,95 kr.

    A graphic history of how America's most iconic symbol came to be. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous monuments in the world and it is synonymous with the American Dream. Countless emigrees were welcomed by her imposing presence on arrival at Ellis Island during the 20th Century. A symbol of freedom and hope for millions. But did you know that her very existence was down to the incredible determination and obsession of one man? And this man, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi was not even an American! Liberty: the improbable story of how America's most iconic symbol came to be.

  • af Klara Nordin Stensö
    198,95 kr.

    For Klara ender en ønskegraviditet med en voldsom fødsel. Og månederne efter er fyldt med skyld, skam og manglende søvn, da amningen ikke går, som den skal. Og gå, det skal den. Det ved alle – fra jordemoren til WHO. Ja, selv Aristoteles vidste det. Så hvad gør man så?Den perfekte mor er Klara Nordin Stensös selvbiografiske fortælling om ikke at leve op til forventningerne i den første tid som mor – både egne og samfundets. Gennem personlige oplevelser, historiske fakta og tankevækkende kunstværker undersøger Stensö, hvor forventningerne stammer fra.

  • af Touko Amekawa
    153,95 kr.

    ALLIED WITH DANGERIn the month and a half since Rishe became the fiancée of Galkhein’s crown prince, she’s wasted no time. Not only has she forged alliances with important figures from her past lives, but she’s also made friends with the common people of the kingdom. Most importantly, her time spent training in secret with the knight recruits has strengthened her resolve to alter the future and avoid the war she knows is coming. So when the true reason for Prince Kyle’s visit is finally revealed, Rishe is more determined than ever to intervene and prevent tragedy from befalling both Coyolles and Galkhein – even if it means risking Arnold’s wrath!

  • af Camilo Moncada Lozano
    178,95 kr.

    "In 15th-century Mesoamerica, Donají and Itzcacalotl travel to the Oracle of Lyobaa in the hopes of learning the secret behind Donají's missing father. But instead of receiving information, they find themselves roped into a quest to stop the assassination of the great Emperor Ahuizotl! This is easier said than done when faced with a mysterious group of black-clad killers who want nothing more than to send the known world tumbling into chaos"--

  • af Otsuji
    163,95 kr.

    AN EDUCATION IN CLASS!Miya, an illegitimate child taken in by the prominent Kounokura main family, never had much of a formal education before arriving at her new home. Her stepmother and stepsisters feel she has learned all she can within the confines of their estate though and enroll her in a prestigious all-girls academy. Surrounded by the daughters of society’s most elite families, Miya can’t help but feel out of place. And when the queen bee of the entire school singles her out just to tell her she’s not up to snuff, Miya definitely feels the pressure! Will she be able to prove herself to her classmates?!

  • af Blandine Le Callet
    308,95 kr.

    "Who was Medea, really? The legendary sorceress from Greek myth has been cast as many things: a caring mother and a passionate lover who was thwarted by her desires; an independent woman vilified for refusing the tyranny of men; a barbarian who sowed confusion in the regimented world of the Greeks; a formidable witch, mistress of occult forces. Simply put, she was precisely what some would call a monster. And yet, there is so much more to Medea. From beyond the hearsay, exaggerations, and distortions inflicted by time, we hear Medea's story in her own voice, from the luxuriant gardens of her childhood in Colchis to the mysterious island from which she gives her final confession"--

  • af Scott Snyder
    268,95 kr.

    In 1884 a mine collapsed into itself. What was the dark substance found 666 feet underground?Blending modern horror, historical fact and Western lore, Scott Snyder and Dan Panosian have created a uniquely terrifying thriller with Canary.During the final days of the Gold Rush, one mining company in Utah pulled up radioactive Uranium, and then the mine then collapsed in on itself. Legends sprung up about the mine being cursed or even haunted.Now the Frontier is closed and the gold and silver mines have dried up. The country is becoming “civilized,” and yet, in one stretch of the Rocky Mountains, a terrifying, new kind of violence is suddenly emerging. Random killings. People going mad and murdering neighbors and classmates without real cause. When a schoolboy kills his teacher with a hatchet, a famous federal marshal named Azrael William Holt is called in to investigate the killings. What he and a brilliant young geologist uncover is stranger and more horrifying than anything they could have ever imagined.

  • af Tohru Himuka
    163,95 kr.

    "Determined to get to the bottom of a mysterious pandemic, Keiun leads a top-secret mission into the neighboring Plum Province to investigate rumors of a "mountain curse" that has already claimed many lives. Discovering it was a contagious disease all along, Keiun also uncovers a scheme to conceal the spreading sickness as well as the Stem Sect's hidden movements in the shadows. Left with no choice, Keiun uses the last ace left up his sleeve.. cover.

  • af Tsuyoshi Yasuda
    163,95 kr.

    "The year is 1863. It is a turbulent time in Japan, as rising anxieties about the modernizing world coincide with the decline of the shogunate, and the possibility of civil war looms. As disgruntled samurai flood into the city of Kyoto, a group of warriors are recruited to maintain peace and protect the shogunate's interests: the Mibu Roshigumi, later known as the Shinsengumi! Despite his youth and small stature, Nio begins to turn heads among the Roshigumi with his work ethic and forthright personality. But not all is well within the group--some plot against the Roshigumi for their own interests, and their resources are scant. Fortunately, a plea to the mighty daimyo of Aizu might just gain them an audience. Will the scrappy group of misfits find themselves a powerful backer, or will they be relegated to the dustbin of history?!"--Back cover.

  • af Satsuki Nakamura
    163,95 kr.

    "The Maiden Court's blazing summer of plots and curses wanes into cooler autumn days. Keigetsu buckles down to restore the Palace of Vermillion Stallion in the turbulent wake left by the ex-Noble Shu, along with Reirin's bolstering support. That fateful Double Sevens night almost seems like a different lifetime, but the seasonal change also marks a big event--the Harvest Festival, a chance for the Maidens to trade the palace for the southern region, in none other than...Shu!"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Nmura
    153,95 kr.

    In 1920s Tokyo, a prodigy has finally made it to university, only to find himself in a tough spot. He happens upon Ozaki, who invites him to live in his mansion. But is Ozaki just a recluse, or something far stranger? A supernatural, one-volume BL romance from the creator of Turns Out My Online Friend is My Real-Life Boss! The year is 1920, the 9th year of the Taisho Period. Lifelong philomath Kiyo Fukasaku is ecstatic when he's admitted into the Imperial University, and can't wait to begin his new life in the nation's capital...that is, until he gets lost and already finds himself on hard times on his first day in the big city. Luckily, he runs into Ozaki, an eccentric, seemingly well-off man who invites Kiyo to stay in his mansion after he learns about his financial troubles. But there's more to the handsome stranger than meets the eye. It turns out that Ozaki is a fox spirit who had some sort of connection to Kiyo's grandfather, Seishirou, and he invites Kiyo to live with him as a way to repay Seishirou's kindness. But just what kind of relationship did Ozaki and Seishirou have, and what does it mean for Ozaki and Kiyo?

  • af Shin'ichi Sakamoto
    308,95 kr.

    "A fictionalized story of the real life of the Royal Executioner of Paris, Charles-Henri Sanson, who performed over 3000 executions. What has begun, must be seen to an end. Despite the sorrows of a broken heart, Charles must carry out the execution of the condemned Damiens. Swearing to fulfill his duty mercifully, fate plays a cruel hand, and within the ranks of the Sanson family, one intervenes in a shocking display. With dreams of a future of mercy and flourishing equality, Charles faces the execution of the century."--

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