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Fagbøger for børn og unge: biblioteker, museer, skoler

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  • af Workman Publishing
    108,95 kr.

  • af Highlights Learning
    143,95 kr.

    Get ready for first grade and keep learning skills sharp all summer with this innovative activity-rich curriculum-based workbook. Organized week-by-week and aligned with state standards, kids will love the puzzles that make skills-practice fun plus the bonus pull-out Hidden Pictures progress poster, fun reward stickers, award certificate and the extra activities that they can take outdoors.Expertly crafted to combat "summer slide", The Big Fun Summer Learning Workbook (K&1) will give kids a head start on their upcoming school year. This book provides the right balance of review to keep skills sharp and a preview of what's to come, and features a wealth of Fun with a Purpose® puzzle-based activities. The book also includes ideas for simple ways to extend the learning through fun outdoor activities.Includes:Alphabet practiceSight wordsVowels and consonantsColorsShapesNumbersAdditionSubtractionSequencingSciencePLUS -- a bonus pull-out progress poster, reward stickers, and a Certificate of Achievement!Winner, Family Choice AwardWinner, PAL (Play Advances Language) AwardNational Parenting Seal of Approval

  • af Else Roesdahl, Pauline Asingh, Søren M. Sindbæk, mfl.
    164,95 kr.

    Vikingernes rejser i øst har stået i skyggen af togterne mod vest i vores fælles bevidsthed, selvom forskningen faktisk har beskæftiget sig med emnet i mange år. Takket være indlån af genstande fra museer i blandt andet Ukraine præsenterer Moesgaard Museum en ny fortælling, som forandrer og nuancerer vores forståelse af vikingerne.Bogen Rus – vikinger i øst inviterer læseren på en rejse gennem 250 års skelsættende historie, da vikinger fra Sydskandinavien krydser Østersøen og trænger ind i det østeuropæiske flodnet mod datidens supermagter Det Byzantinske Rige og Abbasidekalifatet ved Det Kaspiske Hav.Sølvfeberen raser over kontinentet og gør handel lukrativ. Andre skandinaver søger rigdom og ære som lejesoldater i verdensbyen Konstantinopel. 'Rusvikinger' bliver en betegnelse for de rejsende på floderne i Østeuropa, et multikulturelt folk, som blander skandinaviske, slaviske, finske og steppenomadiske traditioner, etablerer handelsstationer langs floderne og grundlægger det mægtige Kyiv-Rusrige i det nuværende Ukraine. Et stykke europæisk verdenshistorie.Bogen er udgivet i forbindelse med Moesgaard Museums anmelderroste særudstilling, Rus – vikinger i øst, med bidrag fra internationale vikingetidsforskere, men kan læses som en selvstændig introduktion til emnet. Udgivelsen er redigeret af leder for udstillingsudvikling Pauline Asingh, historiker Kasper H. Andersen og redaktør ved Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab Kristian Jensen.

  • af Angela Burke Kunkel
    198,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Workman Publishing
    118,95 kr.

  • af Workman Publishing
    128,95 kr.

  • af Workman Publishing
    118,95 kr.

  • af Line Jensen
    154,95 kr.

    Gennem et søskendepars fortælling folder illustrator Line Jensen historien ud om de 250.000 tyske flygtninge, der kom til Danmark i slutningen af Anden Verdenskrig. HELMUT PÅ FLUGT er en bog, der skal lære børn om flygtninge, menneskerettigheder og en anden side af krigen, end den man normalt får fortalt. Fra 1945-1949 boede 35.000 tyskere, hovedsageligt kvinder og børn, i Oksbøllejren ved den danske vestkyst. De var flygtet fra Den røde hær og et ødelagt Tyskland. Lejren blev Danmarks femtestørste by komplet med borgmester, skole, teater og folkekøkken – der mest serverede kål og kartofler. Men en by bag pigtråd. I HELMUT PÅ FLUGT fortæller Line Jensen historien om en tysk dreng og hans lillesøster, hvis hele verden er lejrens 3 gange 2 kilometer. Et søskendepar, der vokser op i et mellemrum og venter på at kunne komme hjem. Men kan de huske deres hjem? Og findes det endnu?Line Jensen er illustrator og forfatter bag bestsellerne HVER DAG STARTER DET FORFRA, DET STORE REGNESTYKKE og børnebogen TOVE – en lille digter. Helmut på flugt udgives i samarbejde med museet FLUGT – Refugee Museum of Denmark, der åbner i Oksbøl i sommeren 2022.

  • af Pauline Drasbæk & Cecilie Hastrup
    298,95 kr.

    BØRNEBOG, DER ÅBNER SAMTALEN OM MENTALE UDFORDRINGER"Mor i det dybe hul" er en eventyrlig og humoristisk fortælling, der skildrer de svære, men også stærke følelser, når en voksen i familien kæmper med depression. Bogen åbner op for samtaler i børnehøjde om mentale udfordringer.I et lille skævt hus omgivet af kirsebærtræer bor Mingus med sin mor og lillesøster Cocoog tårnhøje kager med gulddrys.Men en dag mister mor balancen og falder i et hul, der bare bliver dybere og dybere.Nu er det op til Mingus at få hende op igen. Han prøver alt fra flyttemænd til astronauter, men ingen kan hjælpe. Så hvad skal der til?Mingus lærer, at selv voksne kan have brug for hjælp, men at ikke alle problemer skal løses af børn alene.Cecilie Marie Hastrup (f. 1974) er uddannet folkeskolelærer og har arbejdet med børn i alle aldre. Hun har svævet i luftballon i Sri Lanka og Tanzania, men aldrig fløjet i rumraket. "Mor i det dybe hul" er hendes forfatterdebut.

  • af Belinda Thompson
    183,95 kr.

    In "Jessica the Robot," the author describes a tale of a robot named Jessica who is the inventor's most unique creation with a mission to make the world a happier place. Despite facing criticism and being bullied by other creatures, Jessica remains determined to fulfill her goal. Undeterred by the hurtful words of other animals, Jessica the Robot eventually succeeds in her mission as her perseverance shines through her work.This heartwarming tale, "Jessica the Robot," teaches young readers a valuable lesson that staying true to one's ambition and being determined to achieve your goal is essential. The narrative emphasizes the importance of resilience and persistence as well as how they can help people succeed and overcome bullying. This book also provides a reference to mental health. Jessica's persistence inspires children to believe in themselves and their abilities, which fosters a positive outlook and emotional well-being to achieve their unique goals.Join Jessica on her empowering journey as she overcomes obstacles, turns criticism into beauty, and discovers the importance of focusing on pursuing their goals.

  • af Belinda Thompson
    153,95 kr.

    In "Jessica the Robot," the author describes a tale of a robot named Jessica who is the inventor's most unique creation with a mission to make the world a happier place. Despite facing criticism and being bullied by other creatures, Jessica remains determined to fulfill her goal. Undeterred by the hurtful words of other animals, Jessica the Robot eventually succeeds in her mission as her perseverance shines through her work.This heartwarming tale, "Jessica the Robot," teaches young readers a valuable lesson that staying true to one's ambition and being determined to achieve your goal is essential. The narrative emphasizes the importance of resilience and persistence as well as how they can help people succeed and overcome bullying. This book also provides a reference to mental health. Jessica's persistence inspires children to believe in themselves and their abilities, which fosters a positive outlook and emotional well-being to achieve their unique goals.Join Jessica on her empowering journey as she overcomes obstacles, turns criticism into beauty, and discovers the importance of focusing on pursuing their goals.

  • af Seuss
    108,95 kr.

    UNLOCK READING SUCCESS AND LEARN SIGHT WORDS WITH DR. SEUSS! This delightfully friendly workbook helps kids ages 5 to 7 learn 120 need-to-know sight words for beginning readers. With familiar characters like the Lorax, plus more than 80 pages of fun activities, it's perfect for kindergartners, 1st graders, and any young reader who wants to improve their reading comprehension and fluency.Developed by education experts, this Dr. Seuss Workbook gives kids a fun and cheerful way to learn common high-frequency sight words! Sight words are words that kids learn to recognize automatically without needing to sound out the letters, often through repetition. Together with phonics and decodable words, sight words are an essential part of early reading success.SIGHT WORDS LEVEL 1 is perfect for kindergartners, 1st graders, and any young learner who needs extra reinforcement with the sight words commonly encountered in classrooms and at kindergarten reading levels.Packed with plenty of practice, this workbook also includes tracing, coloring, and a completion certificate for added fun! Also available from the Dr. Seuss Workbooks line:Dr. Seuss Sight Words Level 2 Workbook Dr. Seuss Phonics Level 1 Workbook Dr. Seuss Phonics Level 2 WorkbookDr. Seuss Handwriting Workbook Dr. Seuss Workbook: Kindergarten Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 1

  • af Clayton Grider
    108,95 - 136,95 kr.

  • af Victoria Rea
    108,95 - 136,95 kr.

  • af Sital Gorasia Chapman
    167,95 kr.

    "Beep and Boots are competing with their friends in a bowling competition. After they've figured out the best way to split into teams, the game is on! Who will knock down half the pins on their first try? Will anyone manage three-quarters of the pins? Watch Beep and Boots as they become excellent bowlers--and learn a lot about fractions"--Publisher description.

  • af Mari L. Ann
    193,95 - 225,95 kr.

  • af Percy Leed
    108,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Nicholas Suivski
    152,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Percy Leed
    108,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Sky Benson
    173,95 kr.

    "Breaking Procrastination Barriers: Navigating Student Life With Purpose" is a transformative guide tailored for students who aspire to conquer procrastination and harness their full potential. This book offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to understanding and overcoming the pitfalls of procrastination, blending psychological insights with practical solutions. It equips readers with the tools to identify their procrastination triggers and implement effective strategies to manage time, set achievable goals, and balance academic and personal life demands. This guide is an invaluable companion for a more focused, purpose-driven, and successful academic journey, perfect for any student looking to turn intention into action.

  • af Mariam G. MacGregor
    264,95 kr.

    Written and experiential activities help teens discover their own leadership potential and develop skills that guide them to act responsibly and make a difference in the world around them. Teens gain a greater understanding of who they are, what matters to them, how that translates into leadership, and how leadership relates to everyday life. Written activities encourage reflection; ''do something'' activities call for commitment and action. Both enable teens to reach new levels of leadership. Created for use with Building Everyday Leadership in All Teens, this consumable guide also functions as a stand-alone resource for personal growth.

  • af Edward L. Martin Jr. M. S.
    139,95 kr.

    The story told in this book is true. It describes a situation the author and a second grade teacher faced one school year. What transpired and the conclusion are accurately described in this story.Some children seem to make friends easily while others struggle. Children can be taught friendship making skills. They can also be taught conflict resolution.Although boys certainly have issues of their own, making friends and keeping them are less of a problem for them than girls. Four Friends deals with four girls, all good friends, that have to work through a problem to remember why they are friends in the first place.

  • af Edward L. Martin Jr. M. S.
    113,95 kr.

    As we know, sleep problems can cause numerous other negative issues in both adults and children. They can take a serious toll on a person's mental and physical health. Your mood, job performance and relationships could all potentially suffer from lack of or intermittent sleep. The Dream Box tells the story of a second-grade girl who is having sleep issues. It first becomes noticeable to her teacher who contacts her students' parents and the school counselor. The counselor, after speaking to the little girl, the teacher and mother, comes up with a plan to solve the problem. The technique illustrated in this book was used successfully numerous times by the author in dealing with students suffering from the same problem.

  • af Dan Sasuweh Jones
    184,95 kr.

    "Dan SaSuWeh Jones brings to light the forced assimilation and cultural erasure of Indigenous people by government-run residential schools with first-person accounts that breaks down the truth of America's hidden past"--

  • af Rob Sanders
    198,95 kr.

    We Are a Class is a pledge, a commitment, a promise among the members of a single class and every class.

  • af Sofia Rehal
    88,95 kr.

    This book is written by 8-year-old Sofia and encourages children to their ABC. There are different animals. Some of them are Zebra, Yak and Kangaroo. Every letter of the alphabet is in it! I hope you enjoy my very first published book. Sofia... x

  • af Anthony Segura
    208,95 kr.

    *When you buy a book, a book will get donated to a school*Embark on a colorful vibrant journey with simple and engaging text about workers in our community in this heartwarming children's picture book. This is an inspiring read that sparks curiosity and respect for all the incredible workers who shape our community.Workers-Firefighter-Police Officer-Singer-Athlete-Chef-Farmer-Construction Worker-Teacher-Doctor

  • af Sharon Morgan
    133,95 kr.

    Preschool days are very instrumental in creating learning opportunities and lifetime skills for children. They will develop skills such as language skills, cognitive skills, emotional skills, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. They will learn to share, become independent, follow directions, solve problems, make their own choices and decisions, and develop curiosity, structure, and self-awareness.In this book, Willy learned a lot about and had so much fun at preschool. Enrolling your child in this notable place of learning will definitely put your mind at ease. Your child will become a shining star and just like Willy, he or she will never forget these precious moments.

  • af Edward L. Martin Jr. M. S.
    113,95 kr.

    Children need to learn about personal space and assertiveness. The Bubble Brigade explains the concept of personal space in an easy way for them to understand.The skill of self-protection, "bully-proofing" if you will, is also explained. This is also at the appropriate developmental level.As a primary school counselor, I taught these social skills lessons and many more to our students starting kindergarten and reinforced them the following two years.Appreciating personal space and knowing how to protect yourself are obliviously lifelong skills crucial to personal growth and development. The Bubble Brigade teaches these concepts and skills.

  • af DK
    138,95 kr.

    Boost your child's comprehension, phonics and reading skills with this phonics workbook!DK Super Phonics My First Sound Blends is the perfect workbook for children aged 4-6 who are learning to read. Every activity gives the opportunity to practice and build upon phonics skills learned at school. Tip boxes featured throughout and a full answer section will enable you to support and reassure your child. Each of the eight sections focuses on essential first sound blends and will provide a strong foundation for your child to become a motivated and fluent reader.Dive in and start your learning mission together today!This beginner reader series offers:- 8 sections focusing on sound blends to help children develop as readers.- Over 50 stickers to engage and motivate young learners.- Easy-to-use home learning material, with carefully constructed activities, tip boxes, and an answer key for parents to support their children's phonic skills development.- A visual and engaging approach to learning to read.What is phonics?Phonics is a way of teaching children to read by understanding the sounds that letters make and blending them to make a word. Children can learn to read using this skill to decode new words.More in the seriesDK Super Phonics is designed to support home learning and includes a comprehensive range of beginner reader sets, activity books, a card game, and even a parent's guide. Develop children's reading skills further with DK Super Phonics My First Letter Sounds, a phonics workbook focusing on essential first letter sounds to help children develop as readers.

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