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Fagbøger for børn og unge: små landpattedyr

Her finder du spændende bøger om Fagbøger for børn og unge: små landpattedyr. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 653 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Flagermus, pindsvin, vaskebjørne osv. Bøger, som handler om små pattedyr, som ikke har deres egen kode eller note.
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  • af Brenda Ponnay
    273,95 kr.

    Perfect First Day of School Book It's time to get ready, Bunny! Bunny? BUNNY? In this charming little book, author/illustrator Brenda Ponnay has artfully depicted the morning routine of so many families. Whether your little one would rather stay in bed, play with toys, or try on every outfit in the closet, this book is sure to resonate with parents. Kids are sure to enjoy being the ones to take charge and convince little bunny to get his tail out the door.

  • af Mark Mulle
    125,95 kr.

    A new human has entered the Nether Portal! Is the peaceful and hidden life of the Piglins in the New Nether being threatened again by this unknown stranger?The Sheriff of Crimson City is upset with the news. He has ordered Calvin and Professor Armstrong to find the human as soon as possible or else Professor Armstrong will be forever ban from exploring and doing his research in the Nether.They need to find the human quickly as Professor Armstrong is on the brink of discovering the relics of the Ancient Bone said to be the extinct dragon related to the Ender Dragon.Disclaimer: This book is a work of fanfiction; it is not an official Minecraft book. It is not endorsed, authorized, licensed, sponsored, or supported by Mojang AB, Microsoft Corp. or any other entity owning or controlling rights to the Minecraft name, trademarks or copyrights. Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2023 Mojang/Notch/Microsoft

  • af Rowena Kong
    119,94 kr.

    The beginning of mid-summer has come...Rolleen and everyone are getting busy for new planning and activities at Blossom Town Garden and Waterfront. A continuation from the spring series collection featuring our pink bunny family, relatives and friends.

  • af Lizzy O'Donnell
    198,95 kr.

    "In a town bursting with music, everyone marches to the beat of their own drum. Except for a quiet mouse named Bell, who doesn't yet know what her sound is. She tries honking, tooting, strumming, and even tapping, just like she hears her neighbors doing. But none of it feels quite right! None of it feels like Bell. Figuring out her place in the village, it turns out, might just mean finding her own voice first. Lizzy O'Donnell's sumptuous storytelling delicately demonstrates that we find true harmony within our communities when we embrace our truest selves"--

  • af Christine Henkel
    368,95 kr.

    Nyt bind i den populære myldrebogsserie om naturen. Her kan du se, hvordan dyrene bygger og bor under og over jorden. Nogle arter forbereder sig særligt til at gå i hi og sove vintersøvn. Ved siden af hvert opslag, med et tværsnit af den pågældende biotop f.eks. en eng med dyreliv over og under jorden, vises små navngivne ikoner af de dyr, som lever netop der, så man kan lære deres navne at kende og se, om man kan finde dem i det store billede. En masse at kigge på og snakke om for store og små naturvenner!

  • af Rowena Kong
    108,95 kr.

    The beginning of summer has come...Rolleen and everyone are getting busy for a new season planning and activities. A continuation from the spring series collection featuring our pink bunny family, relatives and friends.

  • af Lori J
    209,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Ginger Gage
    183,95 kr.

    The Rabbit in the Moon book. Have you not ever looked at the moon and said I see the man in the moon Well, many of us see that there is a rabbit in the moon! This cute short story is all about how the rabbit got to the moon in the first place. The bunnies are sweet but playful and there is always that one who just has to try everything out for himself. He lands right in the middle of trouble, especially after momma rabbit told him not to do it! The setting is on a little family farm in Kansas where lots of rabbits live. The sweet old dog named Pooch who lives on the farm doesn't have much get up and go until! It seems idyllic enough at the start but the tension grows as the chase is on. How could one little rabbit get in so much trouble?! And how will he get out of it? This brings us to the little girl that gets winked at by the rabbit and his request for her permission to jump off the moon and visit her in Grandma's garden. Like most little girls faced with such a situation, she's not sure what to say. But the rabbit knows her Grandma so she lets him come sit beside her. She asks for the story of how such a little rabbit was able to jump so high he could land on the moon. This is that story told by the rabbit himself! Everyone needs a friend in the night so after you know the rabbit's story you will be able to see the rabbit in the moon and feel like you always have a friend nearby!

  • af Jace Shoemaker-Galloway
    137,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Renée Devincent
    143,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af M. I. McAllister
    198,95 kr.

    With the wise guidance of King Crispin, the animals of Mistmantle have enjoyed a long period of peace and prosperity since the violent Raven War.The tranquility is disrupted when a series of tidal waves threatens to destroy the island. The inhabitants must quickly move to higher ground to avoid the devastation. But Mossberry, an influential squirrel with delusions of grandeur, sees the impending disaster as an opportunity to rise to power...and his reckless decisions will put many citizens in harm's way.In a race against time, Urchin of the Riding Stars, his page, Corr, and the Circle of King Crispin's court must stop Mossberry and usher the animals of Mistmantle to safety. And when the rage tide sweeps a beloved islander beyond the mists, there is only one thing to be done. Beautiful cover by Christine Enright, beautiful black and white drawings by Janna Mattia.

  • af Leah Flaherty
    143,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Isla Wynter
    123,95 kr.

    Papy Pinpin se comporte bizarrement.Il oublie là où il range les carottes.Il s'assoit dans le pot de fleurs sans savoir pourquoi.Et un jour, il oublie même le prénom de Ben.Qu'arrive-t-il à Papy Pinpin ? Le docteur dit que c'est la démence sénile, mais qu'est-ce que c'est ? Et qu'est-ce que Ben peut faire pour aider son grand-père ? Un album illustré pour aider les enfants à comprendre la démence sénile et trouver comment agir avec des proches qui en sont atteints.

  • af W. Nadine White
    173,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Xist Publishing
    103,95 - 288,95 kr.

    Discover Series Books for Babies & Toddlers What's cuter that a bunny? A bunny with a pet puppy! Here are 25 adorable photos of bunnies with puppies. This Discover Series title features full-color photos and short descriptions below each image. Suitable for young readers ("e;Puppy gives bunny a big lick"e;) or for adults looking to share cute springtime images with a curious baby or toddler.

  • af Estela Solis Torneria
    198,95 kr.

    Libro infantil bilingüe, español e ingles. Narra las aventuras de una astuta ardilla que guarda un secreto muy particular. Apto para compartir con toda la familia."Clemente es una astuta ardilla que un secreto esconde. En esta historia descubrirás lo que otros por no saber observar ignoran de lo que es capaz""Clemente, the clever squirrel, his secret hidden in a twirl.In this tale, you shall uncover, what others, not as keen discover.Unseen talents, they ignore, through observation, he'll soar."

  • af Gianna Marino
    198,95 kr.

    "New York Times bestselling illustrator Gianna Marino helps little ones find their courage to face their fears and explore the world around them."--

  • af Clark Carroll
    119,94 kr.

    Clumpety-Clump Bunny is eager to start her day while everyone in her family is still sleeping. She has one big problem - she is so noisy that every morning, she wakes Mama, Papa, and little brother Hoppy-Hop. She wants to be quiet and tries very hard. Finally, she gets an idea and learns how to be quiet all by herself!

  • af Roy Stone
    223,95 kr.

    "Ally Kazam's Magical Journey - The Enchanted Meadow" Ally is a special bunny from a magical place called the Enchanted Meadow. But one day, he falls into a new world - ours! Here, not all creatures are kind, but Ally finds a friend in a magician named Donavan. Together, they put on amazing shows that everyone loves. Prince Aiden hears about them and invites them to a big party. But a sneaky magician named Ashton Thorn wants Ally's magic all to herself. Will her evil plans to trap Ally work? She must find a way!Will Ally's family from the Enchanted Meadow ever find their lost child? Can he keep his magic safe from Ashton? And where does Ally truly belong?Dive into Ally's magical journey full of wonder, friendship, and big choices!

  • af W. Nadine White
    188,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Colleen Manning
    183,95 kr.

    A cheeky mouse has built his home inside a house! The lady of the house is NOT happy.

  • af Margaret Km Andrews
    128,95 kr.

    Pink Patsy and the Moon - Launch Day Special Price! Pink Patsy is the amazing gazing hare; she is fond of nature and loves going on little adventures in the countryside. Come and join Pink Patsy today for an adventure. She's looking for the moon and won't give up until she finds it.Along the way, Pink Patsy discovers a lost bird and makes friends with Tiger, a beautiful silver tabby, and Max the mouse, who wears black books. Her newfound friends help her find the moon.

  • af Edubestbooks
    298,95 kr.

    Si has llegado hasta aquí, es porque este libro se convertirá en tu próxima aventura ilustrada.Sólo déjame advertirte una cosa: ¡No podrás parar de leerlo!Así que tranquilo si te preguntas "¿Cómo puede un pequeño conejo vivir algo tan asombroso?" Bueno, quizás es porque no todos los conejos tienen una asombrosa amistad con un águila. ¡Y como las verdaderas amistades, estas muestran su grandiosidad en los momentos más difíciles!¿Estás listo?Prepárate para vivir un emocionante cuento infantil... no, mejor dicho, ¡un emocionante rescate! lleno de hermosos valores y en donde la aventura, los desafíos y los finales inesperados han decidido ponerse de acuerdo.¡Atrévete a vivir con tus hijos un maravilloso rescate y una fabulosa amistad que ni un increíble fuego forestal puede detener! Qué puedes esperar de este libro:Un historia con tiernos valores y con un final felizUna trama emocionante tanto si la lees en alto o en silencio.Coloridas ilustraciones de animales en su entorno natural. Con este libro podrás conversar con tus hijos sobre:El sano espíritu de competiciónEl afán de superaciónLa perseverancia para lograr tus metasLa deforestación y los peligros de los incendios forestalesLa poderosa fuerza del águila El sacrificio personal para conseguir un bien mayorEl poder de la gratitud La búsqueda de la libertad interiorLos cambios inesperados de la vida y los nuevos comienzosLa importancia de una verdadera amistad¡Y mucho más!¡No te pierdas la primera aventura de EdubestBooks!Colecciona momentos increíbles. ¡Colecciona EdubestBooks!

  • af Maryann McMahon
    138,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Nancy R. Myers
    113,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Janice Griffin
    288,95 kr.

    Herman was a little toddler mouse who had been born in the attic of a nice house. He really loved the people that owned the house, and he would tiptoe downstairs every night and look in on them to make sure they were okay. They didn't get to meet him, but he put some little black balls on the floor as signs that he had found the food they left under the table for him.As Christmas approached, he noticed that people were a little nicer than usual as they passed on the street. They would smile and wish each other "Merry Christmas!" Some of them even hugged and exchanged gifts.As he saw all this evidence of their love, he thought to himself, How wonderful it must feel to be able to give a gift to your friends. He continued to think, What do I have? I have no money to buy anything! Then he got an idea!"I'll give my masters my last piece of cheese!"He knew it would not only make the nice people happy, but it would also make God and Jesus happy because he had given the best he could.

  • af Edubestbooks
    233,95 kr.

    If you've come this far, it's because this book will become your next illustrated adventure.Just let me warn you one thing: You won't be able to stop reading it!So don't worry if you wonder "How can a little rabbit live something so amazing?" Well, maybe it's because not all rabbits have an amazing friendship with an eagle. And like true friendships, they show their greatness in the most difficult moments!Are you ready?Get ready to experience an exciting children's story... no, better said, an exciting rescue! full of beautiful values and where adventure, challenges and unexpected endings have decided to agree.Dare to live with your children, a wonderful rescue and a fabulous friendship that not even an incredible wildfire can stop!What you can expect from this book:A story with sweet values and a happy endingAn exciting plot whether you read it aloud or on your ownColorful illustrations of animals in their natural environmentWith this book you can start conversations with your children about:The importance of sportsmanshipThe desire to excelPerseverance to achieve your goalsDeforestation and the dangers of wildfiresThe mighty force of the eagleSelf sacrifice for the greater goodThe power of gratitudeThe pursuit of the inner freedomUnexpected life changes and new beginningsThe importance of a true friendshipAnd much more!Don't miss the first EdubestBooks adventure!Collect Great Moments. Collect EdubestBooks!

  • af James Hosmer Penniman
    323,95 kr.

  • af Snowdrop
    218,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Timothy Young
    143,95 kr.

    An early chapter book that features the true story of the Old Wye Mill in Maryland, as told by a mouse who travels through time to different periods of US history

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