Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Undervisningsmidler: helse

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  • af Mona Johansen, Else Merete Thyness & Jan Holm
    267,95 kr.

    Når seksualitet tages alvorligt handler om de mange forskellige situationer, hvor fagpersoner på det sociale og sundhedsmæssige område møder brugernes seksualitet. Situationer som rejser en række etiske spørgsmål som for eksempel:  Skal to ældre medborgere på et plejehjem have lov til at lukke sig inde på samme stue for at have samleje - og skal de pårørende i så fald informeres om det?  Skal personalet tillade en ung udviklingshæmmet pige at have en ny partner hver dag?  Hvordan vil du reagere hvis du finder to patienter nøgne sammen i én seng på et psykiatrisk hospital?  Hvad vil du svare, hvis en handicappet mand beder dig om hjælp til at onanere? Bogen belyser emnet seksualitet ud fra faglige, etiske og juridiske synspunkter. Den er tænkt som en hjælp og inspiration til de fagpersoner, som gennem deres arbejde kommer ud for at skulle forholde sig professionelt til brugernes seksualitet. Teksten er krydret med eksempler, citater og episoder hentet fra forskellige grene af det sociale og sundhedsmæssige felt. Den handler om børn og unge, om voksne og ældre med sygdomme og forskellige former for nedsat fysisk eller psykisk funktionsevne. Bogen indeholder opgaver og forslag til rollespil som gør at den er et godt udgangspunkt for diskussioner og for gruppearbejde både på undervisningsinstitutioner og arbejdspladser inden for social- og sundhedsområdet. Bogen er oversat fra norsk, men bearbejdet til danske forhold og dansk lovgivning.

  • af Hellenius & Mai-Lis
    147,95 kr.

    Er du rigtig mand? Så kan du godt begynde at spise salater for at blive fysisk stærkere. Flere grøntsager på tallerkenen giver ikke blot en mindre livvidde og forhindrer blodpropper i hjertet. Ifølge videnskabelig forskning kan flere grøntsager på tallerkenen forlænge livet, øge muskelstyrken og reducere impotens problemer. Mad, som får dig til at have det godt og leve længere.Men salaten er så meget mere end tomat og agurk. Salater kan bestå af grøntsager, rodfrugter, bønner, nødder, fuldkorn og olivenolie til kød eller fisk.Igennem årtier har bogens forfatter, professor Mai-Lis Hellenius mødt tusinder af mænd som skulle ændre deres madvaner af hensyn til hjerte-kar-sygdomme. Erfaringer og gode råd er her opsamlet og fortalt så vi mænd forstår det - med gode råd, madinspiration og fortællinger.

  • - Glade tænder giver glade børn
    af Carina Løvstad
    169,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Gør tandbørstningen til en leg! Små bisser indeholder alt, hvad der er værd at vide om tandpleje for børnefamilier. Grundig mund- og tandpleje på dit barn er en investering i dit barns trivsel og sundhed. Samtidig er det en økonomisk investering, da det mindsker risikoen for dyre udgifter til tandbehandling i voksenlivet. Små bisser er en bog til forældre om mund- og tandpleje til børn, små som store, baseret på forfatterens professionelle og personlige erfaringer, samt spørgsmål forfatteren har fået stillet igennem årene. Mange forældre er fx i tvivl om, hvornår mund- og tandpleje skal sættes i gang, og hvad de skal gøre, hvis barnet græder eller ikke vil børste tænder. Bogen er delt op i tre dele. Første del indeholder bl.a. viden om tandfrembrud, hvordan man kan komme i mål med tandbørstningen uden gråd samt valg af tandplejeprodukter. Anden del fokuserer på selve tandbørstningen og teknikker, der kan gøre tandbørstning til en god oplevelse for alle parter. I sidste del af bogen beskrives, hvordan tænderne kan bevares sunde hele livet, samt hvilke typiske mund- og tandproblemer der kan opstå, og hvordan de behandles. Denne nye udgave af bogen er gennemgribende revideret med en helt ny opbygning, nye kapitler og nyt layout. Den kan med fordel læses fra start til slut, men også anvendes som opslagsværk.

  • - Grundbog i håndlæsning
    af Tahoma
    187,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Den landskendte håndlæser Agma har overleveret sin viden til datteren Tahoma, som har arbejdet med kiromantien siden 1996. Tahoma læser hænder, holder foredrag og underviser i håndlæsning. Hun er kendt for sin tidligere bog der udkom i 2000, samt fra dagspressen og TV. Hun har udøvet kiromantien på Grønland samt i Israel og rejst i Latinamerika for at blive klogere på Mayaerne og Aztekerne. Bogen bygger på den viden, der er overleveret fra moder til datter og de 25 års erfaring, der er erhvervet gennem arbejdet med at tolke hændernes sprog. Bogen er enkelt og struktureret opbygget. Du bliver guidet igennem de enkelte områder, der skal til for at lave en god håndlæsning. Den er for alle, der har lyst til at forstå sig selv og andre bedre, om du er nybegynder eller øvet.

  • - over 40 hemmelige opskrifter på, hvordan du får held i kærlighed, arbejde og spil
    af Nicola De Pulford
    167,95 kr.

    Vil du gerne have lidt magi i hverdagen?Her får du 42 lokkende, eksotiske og erotiske magiske formler og opskrifter, der kan hjælpe dig i både dit arbejdsliv og dit kærlighedsliv.Bogen bygger på opskrifter og magiske formler fra forskellige tider og kulturer. Du får et glimt af magi fra oldtidens Ægypten, Babylon og Persien, fra Maya kulturen og de nordamerikanske indianerstammer. Du får endda druidernes ældgamle fortryllelser, charms, danse og magiske formler, der får dig til at se bedre ud og føle dig både bedre og stærkere.Glem datingsites! Brug magi til at finde og fange din udvalgte livspartner. Skaf dig af med uønskede personer i dit liv, opnå rigdom og berømmelse og beskyt dig mod uheld.Denne bog er din magiske genvej tilbage til det liv, du fortjener. Den rummer over 300 illustrationer - og er en virkelig god gaveide, der giver opmærksomhed og sjove - og interessante - diskussioner rundt om bordet!

  • - bliv veltrimmet og smidig på kun én time om ugen!
    af Jacqueline Lysycia
    127,95 kr.

    Hvis du ønsker at bevare eller forbedre smidigheden, er denne bog måske din vigtigste partner i dit kommende træningsprogram.Superstretch - eller "udstrækning" er en den enkleste og mest effektive måde at forbedre din krops smidighed og styrke dine muskler på kort tid.Bogen her er din guide til at få en yngre, sundere, slankere og stærkere krop – og samtidig opbygger din udholdenhed. Forfatteren viser dig de helt rigtige teknikker til netop din krop med enkle og forståelige tekster - og illustrative fotos hele vejen igennem.Udstrækning kræver kun ganske lidt plads - og tid! Og du vil opleve, at du hurtigt kan se resultater og opnår forbløffende forbedringer i din almene tilstand ved at bruge bare 1-2 times øvelser om ugen.Superstretch er den optimale guide - med en række øvelser og illustrationer til øget smidighed - en guide til alle som vil holde sig i form - uanset hvilket udgangspunkt du kommer fra og hvilken alder du har.

  • af Health Central
    127,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Marlene Qvist Simoni
    101,95 kr.

    Børnebøger om børns seksualitet.Her er bøgerne til børnene om netop børnenes seksualitet og ikke de voksnes, som de fleste andre børnebøger indenfor emnet seksualitet.Børn har brug for at få sat ord på de ting der sker med deres krop og deres egen seksualitet, som primært handler om nysgerrighed, kilderen og fornemmelser i kroppen.Begge bøger er til de store børn i børnehaven, så de kan få sat ord på de ting de mærker i deres krop. Det er vigtigt, at vi får givet børnene et sprog på det her område samt en viden om hvad der er helt normalt o hvad der ikke er.

  • af Marlene Qvist Simoni
    101,95 kr.

    Børnebøger om børns seksualitet.Her er bøgerne til børnene om netop børnenes seksualitet og ikke de voksnes, som de fleste andre børnebøger indenfor emnet seksualitet.Børn har brug for at få sat ord på de ting der sker med deres krop og deres egen seksualitet, som primært handler om nysgerrighed, kilderen og fornemmelser i kroppen.Begge bøger er til de store børn i børnehaven, så de kan få sat ord på de ting de mærker i deres krop. Det er vigtigt, at vi får givet børnene et sprog på det her område samt en viden om hvad der er helt normalt o hvad der ikke er.

  • af Gaura Nitai Das
    196,95 kr.

    LYKKE OG LIVSKVALITET AFHÆNGER - MERE END NOGET ANDET - AF TILSTANDEN AF DIN BEVIDSTHED. ”I 2020 udførte jeg et eksperiment så dumdristigt, at det næsten kostede mig livet, og det næste halve år føltes som en linedans uden sikkerhedsnet. Men det jeg lærte i kampen for overlevelse har været den største gave, og i dag ville jeg ikke være oplevelsen foruden. Jeg er taknemmelig for med bogen her at kunne videregive denne gave.” – Gaura Nitai Das. I en verden fyldt med stress og kaos kan det være svært at finde balancen og bevare roen. Forbindelsen mellem helbred, tanker og følelser påvirker hinanden og præger dermed vores biokemiske tilstand. Ved at lære samspillet mellem trivsel og tanker og ved at forstå vores følelser og handlinger kan vi skabe en positiv spiral af oplevelser og minder, der transformerer vores genetiske tilstand permanent. Den bevidste livsstil er en guide til sundhed, lykke og frihed, hvor det skemalægges gennem genkendelige referencer, hvorfor vores bevidsthed er den mest afgørende faktor for vores lykke og livskvalitet. Ved at trække på lige dele moderne videnskab, gamle traditioners visdom og empiri belyser Gaura Nitai Das, hvordan vores menneskelige potentiale kan foldes ud. Selvdisciplin, meditation, motion og bøn, forståelse for karmaloven samt kultivering af taknemmelighed, generøsitet og uselviskhed er nøglebegreber i bogen, som alle belyses med både indsigt og humor. Kort om forfatteren: Gaura Nitas Das (f. 1991) har boet ti år som munk i Krishnatemplet i København. Han bor nu som selvforsynende i Kroatien med sin hustru og svigerfamilie. Han har tidligere udgivet Den lille bog om selvdisciplin og ernærer sig som foredragsholder.

  • af Vanessa Rogers
    277,95 kr.

    Creative activities and lessons to help children aged 7-11 learn about positive relationships ranging from families, carers and friends to the wider world and the relationship they have with themselves. This inclusive resource also teaches children about online relationships, boundaries and privacy and what a respectful relationships look like.

  • af Health Central
    127,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Global Healing
    127,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

  • af Agatha Harding
    127,95 kr.

    "This book is a truly helpful resource that will support you in caring for Pertussis or Whooping Cough sufferers" Living with Pertussis or Whooping Cough can be a great challenge. So many debates surround vaccinations, but where do you draw the line? We have created this comprehensive guide with the aim of supporting suffering individuals and their families. Understanding how to support and how to choose the best treatments isn't always the easiest of tasks, and doing it alone can be even more difficult. This guide book covers a wide range of topics. Some of which include: What is Pertussis/Whooping Cough, Bordetella Pertussis, Pertussis Vaccine, Pertussis Symptoms, Pertussis Treatment (traditional and natural), Pertussis in Adults, Pertussis Toxins, Acellular Pertussis, and many more. This is a resourceful and useful book to have as part of your book collection. We wish you all the best on your journey.

  • af Wadzanai Valerie Garwe
    257,95 kr.

    Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS provides insights into ordinary people's lives who have been affected and infected with HIV. It tackles stigma, hopelessness, helplessness and above all overcoming the stigma, isolation and loneliness. 32 authors made themselves vulnerable and told their stories. Many are first time authors. Many wrote under a pseudonym because they cannot come out and tell the world as they will face stigma.

  • - Teoretisk og lavpraktisk
    af Stefan Koust Hansen & Thomas Egesborg Pedersen
    147,95 kr.

    At være førstehjælpsinstruktør er et multidisciplinært "håndværk", som inddrager viden inden for mange forskellige fagområder – blandt andre pædagogik, didaktik, planlægning, videnskab og kommunikation. Samtidig findes der ingen eller meget få bøger, som binder alt dette sammen og skaber rammen om virket som førstehjælpsinstruktør. Håndværket som førstehjælpsinstruktør beror sig med andre ord på de mere uskrevne regler, eller hvad der kunne kaldes tavs viden. Som udøvende eller kommende førstehjælpsinstruktør kan det være svært at søge viden, der målretter sig til førstehjælpsundervisningen. Det er håbet med denne bog, at du kan få konkrete værktøjer, men også en dybere forståelse og baggrundsviden, der får dig til at stå endnu stærkere og troværdig som underviser.I bogen kan du blandt andet læse om, hvordan guidelines bliver til, og hvad en god relation til dine kursister har af indflydelse på din undervisning. Bogen forklarer teorien ud fra fiktive, men realistiske eksempler og inddrager højaktuelle emner fra det omkringliggende samfund.

  • af Marie Nyswander Robinson
    207,95 kr.

    The Power of Sexual Surrender, first published in 1959, is a classic guide to female sexuality and the treatment of frigidity. Author Marie Robinson M.D., a Cornell educated psychiatrist, devoted her New York City practice to the treatment of frigidity, and this book is a result of her work with hundreds of women seeking better sex lives and happier relationships. Although some 'feminists' may consider some of her ideas out-of-favor, her view of the basic nature of men and women remains timeless and of value today in promoting healthy, sane marriages. The Power of Sexual Surrender discusses female orgasm, the root causes of various types of frigidity, provides case histories as examples, and, importantly, provides simple means of self-treatment. One reviewer called the book "the sanest work on feminine psychology ever written."

  • af Meera Kapoor
    272,95 kr.

    Global health challenges and their impact on public well-beingIn the 21st century, we are facing a complex landscape of global health challenges. These challenges have a profound impact on our physical, mental, and social well-being, making it essential for the global community to take action quickly.1. The persistent threat of infectious diseasesFrom pandemics such as HIV/AIDS to emerging viruses such as Ebola and COVID-19, infectious diseases remain a major threat to global health. Their spread is further exacerbated by socio-economic inequality, poor sanitation, and limited access to medical care. Vaccination, public health awareness, and appropriate investment are essential to address these challenges.2. The growing burden of non-communicable diseasesNon-communicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and mental disorders are now the leading cause of global mortality. These diseases are primarily linked to unhealthy lifestyles, poor diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Nutrition education, promotion of physical activity, tobacco control, and improvements in mental health services are needed to prevent these trends.3. Environmental degradation and its impact on healthEnvironmental issues such as deforestation, climate change, and air pollution are giving rise to many health problems. Air pollution is increasing respiratory diseases, climate change is increasing the risk of food insecurity and waterborne diseases, and the destruction of ecosystems is weakening economic and social stability. It is essential to adopt sustainable development practices and conserve natural resources to mitigate these challenges.

  • af Derrique Degagné
    556,95 - 1.389,95 kr.

  • af Molly Fisher
    422,95 kr.

    Hostile sexism describes attitudes characterising women as deliberately attempting toemotionally exploit men and challenge men's power. Men who endorse hostile sexism oftenemploy negative strategies to reduce any risk of exploitation and feelings of dependence,such as withdrawing from difficult conversations. However, no research has identifiedwhether this occurs due to concerns about depending on women or concerns about dependingon others more generally. My thesis tests how men's endorsement of hostile sexism isassociated with experiences of seeking support across different types of support providers(e.g., men vs. women) and contexts of dependence (e.g., romantic partners vs. non-romanticclose others). Chapter Two tested support-seeking in heterosexual people across a context ofromantic dependence (i.e., relying on a partner; Study 1) and non-romantic dependence (i.e.,relying on friends of mixed genders; Study 2). Across both studies, men who endorsed hostilesexism were more resistant to seek support from people they were more dependent on-butthere was no evidence that resistance emerged more strongly for relationships with women(vs. men). Chapter Three presents an observational study testing links between people'sendorsement of hostile sexism and their patterns of support behaviour from an unknownperson to accomplish a joint task. Results did not reveal any evidence that situationaldependence (i.e., not having the resources to complete a task) was associated with expectedpatterns of support seeking by heterosexual men who endorsed hostile sexism. Instead, menwho endorsed hostile sexism were generally resistant to support when paired with other menrather than women. Chapter Four focused on romantic dependence by testing whetherheterosexual men who endorsed hostile sexism received less support from their femaleromantic partners over time.

  • af Paula A. Bradley
    277,95 kr.

    A growing body of research on asexuality - defined as the quality or characteristic of not experiencing sexual attraction - has recently emerged in the psychological and sociological literature. This literature has focused largely on understanding asexuality as both a phenomenological and an individual experience. However, less attention has been given to the ways that asexual individuals experience, navigate, and negotiate relationships, romance, and intimacy. The existing research on this topic suggests that asexual individuals who do pursue romantic relationships tend to do so with non-asexual partners and often struggle to navigate and negotiate intimacy in these relationships.

  • af Edward H. Clarke
    137,95 kr.

    "Is there any thing better in a State than that both women and men be rendered the very best? There is not." - Plato. It is idle to say that what is right for man is wrong for woman. Pure reason, abstract right and wrong, have nothing to do with sex: they neither recognize nor know it. They teach that what is right or wrong for man is equally right and wrong for woman. Both sexes are bound by the same code of morals; both are amenable to the same divine law. Both have a right to do the best they can; or, to speak more justly, both should feel the duty, and have the opportunity, to do their best. Each must justify its existence by becoming a complete development of manhood and womanhood; and each should refuse whatever limits or dwarfs that development.

  • af Anurag Passi
    307,95 kr.

    TB Drug Repurposing with Network Pharmacology, is an authoritative guide that explores the use of network pharmacology and pharmacogenomics for the repurposing of drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis. This book provides an overview of the current state of drug discovery and development for tuberculosis, and highlights the need for new approaches to combat the rising prevalence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). The book covers various aspects of drug discovery and development for TB, including drug targets, efficacy, safety, toxicity, side effects, and drug interactions. It also discusses the use of drug combinations and synergies to enhance drug efficacy and overcome drug resistance. The book explores the potential of network pharmacology to identify new drug targets and optimize drug combinations for TB treatment. In addition, the book delves into the mechanisms of drug action and resistance, and the importance of host-pathogen interactions in disease pathogenesis. It provides an overview of drug development pipeline, preclinical studies, and clinical trials for TB drug development. Overall, TB Drug Repurposing with Network Pharmacology is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers involved in the fight against tuberculosis. It provides valuable insights into the current challenges and opportunities in TB drug discovery and development, and offers a roadmap for the development of more effective and affordable TB treatments.

  • af Valentin Jensen
    247,95 kr.

    Both men and women take pleasure in learning what their partners have planned for them in the future or what they might look forward to experiencing in the future. When the words are said in a moaned, yelled, whispered, or growled tone, the sensations are amplified, and they have the potential to reach new heights.This is a pretty thorough advice that will help you acquire confidence and feel free while attempting to spice things up in the bedroom with your partner or other intimate partner. This book, "MORE THAN JUST WORDS: HOW TO UNLEASH YOUR INNER SEDUCTRESS WITH DIRTY TALK WHETHER YOU ARE A BEGINNER OR A PRO," is a must read for everyone, regardless of what degree or talents you already possess, since it teaches you how to unleash your inner seductress with dirty talk.Both men and women take pleasure in learning what their partners have planned for them in the future or what they might look forward to experiencing in the future. When the words are said in a groaned, yelled, whispered, or growled tone, the feelings are amplified, and they have the potential to reach new heights. However, contrary to popular belief, it is not as "easy" as some people make it out to be. It is not sufficient to just yell out every profanity that your fellow sailors have taught you.Few couples are under the impression that negative communication might improve their connection in the long run. Many people have the misconception that it is an activity that is only reserved for persons who are wayward or sexually deviant. Even if they are beginning to feel more at ease with it, some people still choose not to use it because they are not yet completely at ease with it or they do not know where to begin.

  • af Bryon Patrick
    267,95 kr.

    Let's put our worries behind us, explore the world around us, and make this evening into the best night of your life. Learn how to improve your dating life and your intercourse lives by mastering the skill of chatting naughtily within the bedroom with the help of this article. This book will take you through, step by step, the process of learning how to study and become confident in the use of grimy speaking. It will also tell you of all the benefits, as well as the potential mistakes that you may make. You will find out how to make use of your imagination while also satisfying your partner if you read this book, and I can promise you that you will never longer regret your decision to do so.Have you found that your sexual life has become routine, uninteresting, or even monotonous? Do you want to learn how to rescue your sex life by learning how to speak inappropriately to your man?Have there been moments when you wanted to speak trash to your spouse but you simply weren't sure how to do it or when it was appropriate to do so?In the next section, you will learn how to dirty speak, as well as how to get your partner amped up and ready to go in the bedroom. READ THIS BOOK if you want a little bit extra to spice things up in the bedroom or if you want to fully rejuvenate your sex life. Both of these goals may be accomplished by reading this book. It will completely alter the course of your life.

  • af Karikoga
    207,95 kr.

    Get ready for a cannabis journey like no other in "Ganja: The Virgin Drug with a Wild Side"! Whether you're a curious novice or an experienced enthusiast, this book is your ultimate guide to uncovering the intriguing world of cannabis. Written in a light-hearted and accessible style, "Ganja" breaks down the science behind cannabis for readers with little to no medical or scientific background. Explore the proven benefits of cannabis, demystify the gray areas, and delve into the unknowns of this remarkable plant. With each turn of the page, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how cannabis can be both helpful and harmful, and how it impacts every facet of our society.Drawing from the latest research and expert insights, "Ganja" empowers you with the information you need to make informed decisions about cannabis. Discover how it affects fetuses, adults, and populations, and learn about the potential risks and benefits that come with its use.As Mahatma Gandhi wisely said, "Live as if you will die tomorrow and learn as if you were to live forever." With "Ganja," you're embarking on a learning adventure that will not only enrich your understanding of cannabis but also equip you with knowledge that can shape your choices and conversations for years to come.So, whether you're a curious individual seeking answers, an advocate aiming to spread accurate information, or just someone who loves a good, enlightening read, "Ganja: The Virgin Drug with a Wild Side" is a must-read.

  • af William I. Thomas
    182,95 kr.

    These studies have been published in various journals at different times. They are reprinted together because there is some demand for them, and they are not easily accessible. In preparing them for publication in the present form, some of them have been expanded and all of them have been revised. While each study is complete in itself, the general thesis running through all of them is the same, that the differences in bodily habit between men and women, particularly the greater strength, restlessness, and motor aptitude of man, and the more stationary condition of woman, have had an important influence on social forms and activities, and on the character and mind of the two sexes.

  • af Maura Rivero
    187,95 kr.

  • af Maurice A. Bigelow
    177,95 kr.

    Many of the lectures printed in this volume have formed the basis of a series given at Teachers College, Columbia University, during the summer sessions of 1914 and 1915, and during the academic year 1914-1915. Others were addressed to parents, to groups of men, to women's clubs, and to conferences on sex-education. In order to avoid extensive repetition, there has been some combination and rearrangement of lectures that originally were addressed to groups of people with widely different outlooks on the sexual problems. Several years ago the late Dr. Prince A. Morrow announced that a volume dealing with many of the timely topics of sex-education was to be prepared by the undersigned with the advice and criticism of a committee of the American Federation for Sex-Hygiene; but even before Dr. Morrow's death it became evident that this plan was impracticable. Three members (Morrow, Balliet, Bigelow) of the original committee collaborated in a report presented at the XV International Congress on Hygiene and Demography. Since that time the writer, working independently, has found it desirable to reorganize completely the original outline announced by Dr. Morrow. In accordance with a declaration made voluntarily in a conversation with Dr. Morrow, the author considers himself pledged to devote all royalties from this book to the movement for sex-education. Among the many persons to whom is due acknowledgment of helpfulness in the preparation of this book, the author is especially indebted for suggestions to the late Dr. Prince A. Morrow, to Dr. William F. Snow, Secretary of the American Social Hygiene Association, and to Dr. Edward L. Keyes, Jr., President of the Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis; for constructive criticism, to his colleagues, Professor Jean Broadhurst and Miss Caroline E. Stackpole, of Teachers College, who have read carefully both the original lectures and the completed manuscript; and to Olive Crosby Whitin (Mrs. Frederick H. Whitin), executive secretary of the Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, who has suggested and criticized helpfully both as a reader of the manuscript and as an auditor of many of the lectures delivered at Teachers College.

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