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  • af &#26862, Paul &#20445, &#32645, mfl.
    183,95 kr.

    Putting America'stwofoundingdocuments together makes their 225-year-old message shine as modern, as important, as revealing, and as relevant today as they were when they were first written more than two centuries ago.Learning to better understand these two documents will recast them from antiquated reflections of an earlier time into brilliant guideposts that point the way through the highs and the lows, the successes and losses, the prosperity and the challenges of managing the most amazing freedom formula ever invented.The Declaration of Independence may seem abstract and difficult at first, but gently taking it apart to look at its details shows it to be one of the most powerful and insightful political statements in history. This guide is for anyone who wants to know the essence of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.It is for the newly arrived immigrants to the United States who wonder about the grand vista of their new liberties.It is for the student just learning about America's founding documents for the first time.It is for the politician who needs a quick refresher on the powers and limitations of government.It is for the individual trying to understand how to protect the human rights of people around the world.It is for those who want to become familiar with the Constitution and Declaration but don't have the necessary time to do more than just read them.

  • - A Whirl of Fun, from Land to Sea
    af &#26862, &#21315 & &#21807
    282,95 kr.

    Embark on a delightful journey with "Koko's Adventures in Sporty Town: A Whirl of Fun, from Land to Sea", with Koko, your friendly language learning companion to explore the exhilarating world of sports. This vividly illustrated children's book captures the essence of athleticism and adventure, making it a perfect read for young, active minds.With Koko's boundless energy and insatiable curiosity, is your guide through a variety of sports. From the competitive sprints on the basketball court to the strategic swings of badminton, from the perseverance required in marathon running to the calm focus of yoga, Koko's adventures are a celebration of physical activity and the happiness it can bring.Each page of the 10-chapter book is an invitation to join Koko as he hops on treadmills, surfs towering waves, and parries with a foil in fencing. Children will learn about teamwork, the value of practice, and the importance of a balanced lifestyle, all while following the antics of a fun-loving monkey. Chapters at a glance: 01 - Basketball - Dunks & Dreams02 - Soccer - Goals & Glory03 - Gym - Hero Factory04 - Meditation - Mind Power05 - Badminton - Feathers in Flight06 - Marathon - The Extra Mile07 - Hiking - Peak Conquests08 - Surfing - Ocean's Odyssey09 - Fencing - Blade Ballet10 - Rock Climbing - Cliff Chronicles"Koko's Adventures in Sporty Town" is more than just a storybook; it's an engaging journey that inspires kids to embrace the joy of movement and explore their own athletic abilities. Whether your child is a budding sports enthusiast or just loves stories of adventure and fun, this book promises to keep them entertained and motivated. So come along and share in Koko's sporting escapades - an exciting and inspiring adventure awaits in every game and every wave!Within the colorful pages of "Koko's Adventures in Sporty Town", children are not only introduced to the thrilling world of sports but also to a rich vocabulary that enhances their language skills. As they journey through each chapter, young readers will encounter new words and phrases, cleverly woven into the narrative, making language learning both natural and fun.The adventures of Koko, a spirited monkey with a knack for sports, serve as an engaging backdrop for linguistic exploration. Through his eyes, children will discover the beauty of language in action - from the descriptive exhilaration of a basketball game to the poetic rhythm of a marathon. Every sport Koko delves into becomes a linguistic playground, offering a unique way to understand and use new words.Moreover, the book is designed to encourage interaction and discussion. Questions and activities at the end of each chapter provide a wonderful opportunity for parents and educators to engage with young readers, discussing both the sports and the new vocabulary introduced. These interactive elements not only reinforce learning but also encourage a deeper connection between the reader and the story."Koko's Adventures in Sporty Town" is a treasure trove of stories, sports, and words. It's an invitation to young readers to leap, play, and learn as they follow Koko's footprints. Whether it's flipping through the pages independently or reading along with an adult, this book is a perfect companion for young learners eager to explore the world of sports and language.

  • - Preaching Like Paul:Homiletical Wisdom for Today
    af &#26862, James W Thompson &#38597, &#21508, mfl.
    109,95 kr.

    内容简介:保罗在第一世纪异教徒文化背景中的讲道,被视为今日21世纪讲道的模范,不免会引起一些当代讲道者的怀疑。尽管如此,雅各-汤普森认为保罗书信能够提供一个叙述性讲道所缺欠的范畴。新约圣经27卷中的21卷都不是叙述性的,而是写给在异教文化里基督徒群体的书信。保罗为那些在新异教文化中面对要重新建立基督徒群体这一前景的讲道者们,提供了一个所需的模范。保罗展示了讲道永远是教会性的。福音性讲道会形成基督徒群体,而教牧性讲道为要更新整个教会。如果保罗是一个智慧的建筑师并立好了根基(林前三10),那么我们众人便是在别人立好的根基上继续建造。保罗为我们提供了模型,以便我们在他事工上继续建造。作者简介:雅各-汤普森(James W. Thompson)是阿比林基督教大学(Abilene Christian University)神学研究院的新约教授和副院长。他著作颇丰,其《希伯来书》注释收入于Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament,并在Baker Academic先后出版了《保罗眼中的教牧事奉》、《保罗眼中的道德养成》和《保罗眼中的教会》。2006年,《普林斯顿神学专著系列》(Princeton Theological Monograph)出版了论文集《更新传统》(Renewing Tradition)来致敬汤普森的学术贡献。学者推介:「雅各-汤普森一方面分析新近的叙述性讲道与传统的辩论性讲道两种讲道模式的优劣,指出叙述性讲道的缺欠。另一方面,他以保罗为例,从他的书信中阐述他如何作辩论性讲道。不论读者是否同意作者的观点,均可透过本书反思"直接教导"如何构成讲道事奉中不可缺少的一个元素。」谭志超博士 爱丁堡大学哲学博士、香港播道神学院圣经科副教授 「本书给我们提供了一个讲道资源。这资源牢固地扎根于保罗自己的劝勉艺术和实践。强烈推荐!」威瑟灵顿Ben Witherington III博士 阿斯伯里神学院(Asbury Theological Seminary)新约教授 「在叙事性娱乐技巧试图取代三点式讲座方法的讲道年代中,汤普森的著作借着圣经回到保罗及他的书信,恢复了讲道任务的活力。通过这种方式,他有效地重申讲道之于当代处境----文化潮流缺失基督教信仰和圣经素养----的权柄和完整性。初上讲台和老练的传道人在理解汤普森的反思后,都将从中受益。」温永勖牧师 爱丁堡大学系统神学博士

  • af &#20811, &#23612, &#26412, mfl.
    345,95 kr.

    GOLO 的理念是让你的胰岛素得到控制--而不是简单地减少热量 摄入或减少整个食物组--是新陈代谢正常运作的关键;根据该公司 的网站,一旦你的新陈代谢工作得更好,你就可以更轻松地减肥和保 持体重。 有几种激素被认为与食欲、新陈代谢和体重管理有关,而 GOLO 专 注于胰岛素,它应该可以调节你的血糖。简而言之,当您的胰岛素无 法将能量分配给您的细胞时,糖分会留在您的血液中,而您的身体会 将多余的部分储存为脂肪。GOLO 背后的想法是,它将使您的胰岛 素和血糖水平达到应有的水平,从而帮助您有效地利用能源。 该公司总裁兼联合创始人詹妮弗·布鲁克斯 (Jennifer Brooks) 表示, 膳食计划本身是混合搭配的。一本小册子列出了允许的食物(所有这 些都是现成的全食物,如肉类、蔬菜和水果),并附有每餐可以吃多 少的指南。 然后,您从每个类别中选择一到两份:蛋白质、碳水化合物、蔬菜和 脂肪来制作您的膳食;她说,这种组合旨在保持血糖稳定并避免饥饿。

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