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  • af &#304 & mam Nevevi
    302,95 kr.

    İslam dünyasının en önemli eserlerinden biri olan Riyazüs-salihin, İmam Nevevi'nin kaleme aldığı bir hadis derlemesidir. Bu kıymetli eser, günlük hayatta Müslümanların yaşamaları gereken ahlaki prensipleri, ibadetleri ve manevi değerleri kapsamlı bir şekilde ele alır.Riyazüs-salihin, İslam'ın temel prensiplerini anlamak ve yaşamak isteyen herkes için vazgeçilmez bir kaynaktır. İmanın, ibadetin, ahlakın ve hayatın her alanında rehberlik eden bu kitap, okuyucularına manevi bir yolculuk sunar.İmam Nevevi'nin derin bilgisi ve anlatımıyla dolu Riyazüs-salihin, Türkçe tercümesiyle şimdi sizinle. Bu değerli eseri okuyarak İslam'ın güzelliklerini keşfedin, manevi hayatınızı zenginleştirin ve Allah'a daha yakın bir ilişki kurun.Siz de İslam'ın kılavuzu olan Riyazüs-salihin'i hemen edinin ve manevi hayatınızı güçlendirin!

  • af &#304, smail Hakk&#305 & Uca
    292,95 kr.

    Bu Kitapta Hanefî mezhebine göre, günlük yaşayışımızın (özellikle kadınların) esaslarını meydana getiren ana kâideleri Kur'ân ve sünnetin ışığında kaynaklarından alarak delilleriyle birlikte mümkün olduğu kadar basit bir şekilde pratik bir hâle getirmeye çalıştık. Bu çalışmamızın toplumumuza faydalı olacağına da inanıyoruz. Bununla beraber bütün ihtiyaçlara cevap vereceği ve bütün konuları da içine alacağı iddiasında da değiliz. Birtakım eksikliklerimiz olursa onların samimiyetimize bağışlanmasını dileriz.Hakk'a hizmet yolundaki teşebbüs ve gayret bizden, muvaffakiyet ise ancak ve ancak Allah'tandır.

  • - Very İnteresting
    af &#304 & sacc Cruze
    98,95 kr.


  • af &#304 & lke Ergin
    143,95 kr.

    It is the novel of applicable utopia. Which makes readers to think, "if there is such an island like this really?" Daphne lives alone in the country where she started practice law following her university education. One day after work, she gets raped and this incident drags her at the brink of suicide. An unexpected visit from her best friend Tykhe, whom she had lost track of her for two years after the graduation from the university enables her to hold on to life again. As the day of departure was getting closer, Tykhe starts asking questions to Daphne regarding the gender equality and matriarchal social order. Daphne understands that all of these questions are relevant to the mysterious world of Tykhe. The mystery unfolds after a series of philosophical conversation and exchanges of ideas. Tykhe says that she lives in an archipelago called Uterya and invites Daphne to the island.And the adventure starts...

  • af Mehmet Bedri Aluçlu, jlal Aluclu & &#304
    538,95 kr.

  • - Student Engagement-Teacher Guidance
    af ar Kazu, brahim Ya&#351, lu Yalcin, mfl.
    455,95 kr.

  • af lker Kecetep & &#304
    339,95 kr.

    Dear readers, my 9th book Social Sciences and Science Policy in Turkey During ¿nönü Era is ready to read. Social sciences consisting of many different disciplines such as anthropology, archeology, history, geography, philosophy, law, economics & sociology and they are products of human life, people's religions, languages, lifestyles, cultures, economies and political life. Social sciences are rapidly changing and developing with the influence of the social, political, economical factors and the scientific developments and trends in other countries. Social Sciences are defined as the process of linkage based on fact and evidence produced by human beings and information obtained at the end of this process. As it is understood from this definition, social sciences deal with the reality created by human beings. The real, social facts which created by human beings can be considered as the consequences of one's interaction with other persons and institutions. In this book you will read social sciences and science policy in Turkey during ¿nönü Era.

  • af smail Koyuncu, Can Bulent Fidan, Murat Tuna & mfl.
    509,95 kr.

    Chaotic systems exhibit complex and aperiodic behavior, sensitive dependence on initial conditions and emerge in deterministic nonlinear systems. Due to these features, intensive studies have been carried out on the development of chaos based TRNG structures in recent years. Since this structure gives more reliable source, it is offen used in cryptography for initial vector, generation of private and secure key and in Pseudo RNGs for the production of seed. Digital-based FPGA chips have a big potential for enhancing the capacity of data security in the applications like cryptography and secure communication that provide high performance and processor power. In this book, a new dual entropy core discrete time chaos-based TRNG structure has been implemented on FPGA. The designed units have been synthesized for the Xilinx Virtex¿6 FPGA chip using Xilinx ISE simulation program. The data rates of the designed dual entropy core TRNG units range between 390-464 Mbps. In the last step, the generated bit streams obtained from FPGA-based dual entropy core new TRNGs have been subjected to full FIPS 140-1 and NIST 800-22 test suites and all of them passed.

  • af &#304 & lker Kecetep
    546,95 kr.

  • - Die Analyse Von Wettbewerbsrechtlichen Auswirkungen Bei Gruendung Der Konzentrativen Und/Oder Kooperativen Gemeinschaftsunternehmen
    af &#304 & pek Cevik
    1.178,95 kr.

  • - Deutsch-Tuerkisch
    af &#304 & mran Karaba&#287
    586,95 kr.

  • - Empirische Befunde Gerontologisch Interpretiert
    af &#304 & smail Tufan
    421,95 kr.

    In der türkischen Gesellschaft steigt die Zahl der hochaltrigen Menschen und auch in Deutschland ist die erste Generation der türkischen Migrantinnen und Migranten inzwischen gealtert. Auf Basis einer in der Türkei durchgeführte Untersuchung analysiert Ismail Tufan die Bedingungen des Alterns. Die vorgestellten Befunde sind deswegen wichtig, da sie zum ersten Mal die Hochaltrigkeit in der noch als jung geltenden, jedoch rasant alternden türkischen Gesellschaft darstellen.

  • af &#304, lker & Baltac&#305
    509,95 kr.

  • af &#304, kiz Turgut, Av&#351, mfl.
    339,95 kr.

  • af &#304, Enel, UEnal &#350, mfl.
    284,95 kr.

  • af &#304, ncekara Suleyman & Abubakar Ahmad Said
    455,95 kr.

  • af smet Akca & &#304
    796,95 kr.

  • - Sample of The USA & Recruitment Criteria
    af &#304 & lker Kecetep
    339,95 kr.

  • - A Comparative Study
    af &#304, ncekara Suleyman & Khalil Muhammad Salisu
    455,95 kr.

  • af &#304, M Fatih Akay, pek Abas&#305 & mfl.
    409,95 kr.

    The performance of three directory-based cache- coherence protocols; strict request-response, intervention forwarding and reply forwarding are evaluated via simulation on the SOME-Bus, which is a fiber-optic interconnection network supporting DSM. The simulated system contains 64 nodes, each of which has a processor, cache controller, directory controller and output channel. Simulations have been conducted for each protocol to measure average processor utilization and average network latency for varying values of DSM parameters such as the ratio of the mean channel service time to mean thread run time (T/R), probability of a cache block being in modified state {P(M)}, the fraction of write misses {P(W)} and under different traffic patterns. The results reveal that the performance of all protocols decreases under all traffic patterns as P(W),P(M) or T/R increases. The effect of P(W) on the performance of the protocols reduces as P(M) increases. Reply forwarding performs the best for high P(M) values, intervention forwarding yields the best performance for low P(M) and high P(W) values and strict request-response is the best protocol under hot-region (HR) traffic.

  • af &#304 & rem UEstunsoez
    487,95 kr.

    This study analyzes the legal status of translators in Turkey, defined in contradicting terms in the two Turkish laws and accounts for the factors determining the translators'' self-images. The Turkish Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works defines the translator as the ¿owner of the processed work'', whereas the Press Law holds the translator liable as the ¿owner of the work'' in case of a criminal case against the translated work. An analysis of certain cases in Turkey, in which translated books have been prosecuted/ banned or even confiscated, reveals that translators base their defensive pleas on the argument that they are the ¿messengers¿ of the source authors and thus, should not be convicted. This is indicative of a discrepancy between the image of the ¿rewriter¿ assigned to translators by translation scholars and translators'' self-images . In this book, it is argued that translators''self- images are shaped by not only the present controversial legal status but also historical and social factors which have led translators to assume a subservient role rather than acknowledging their own power as cultural agents.

  • af &#304, brahim Gurer & Fatma Ebru Yildiz
    409,95 kr.

  • af &#304, fakat Tulay Ca&#287 & atay
    487,95 kr.

  • af brahim Yakut, Hüseyin Polat & &#304
    409,95 kr.

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