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  • af A E Fielding
    132,95 kr.

    Una gran casa de campo, un millonario enfermo, su sospechoso círculo íntimo, varias cartas... y arsénico, claro.Ronald Craig envía un mensaje a su primo en el que le expresa su convicción de estar siendo envenenado. Todos en Woodthorp Manor tienen un motivo y casi todos ocultan algo. El inspector jefe Pointer de Scotland Yard se enfrentará a un auténtico embrollo de pistas para conseguir desentrañar un caso desconcertante con múltiples giros de guión. A medio camino entre Sherlock Holmes y Agatha Christie, la colección inédita de libros policiacos de la edad de oro del misterio de Sherlock Editores entretiene, intriga y divierte a partes iguales, rememorando una glamurosa época ya desaparecida.

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    It was to be a fitting centerpiece of the Chinese themed suite in the new home of the financier, Boyd Armstrong, an ornate Chinese wedding chest, a gift of the explorer Major Hardy. When the chest is opened at the party held for the unveiling of the chest, to the surprise and horror of all those in attendance, the chest was found to contain the body of their host, victim of a gunshot to the head. Chief Inspector Pointer is promptly called in, but he finds himself presented with a baffling puzzle. Not only must he discover who amongst the many suspects killed Armstrong, he must first discover where he was killed, and how (and why) his body came to be placed in the wedding chest when the chest was either under observation or within the locked suite the entire time. The Wedding-Chest Mystery is one of the most intriguing of the Inspector Pointer mysteries.

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery To help make ends meet, Mr. Hillock was in the habit of renting out rooms at his farm to artistic types down in the Sussex countryside looking for a rustic retreat. He wasn't particularly keen on art, nor the attention paid to his two daughters, but the money came in handy. However, when one of his boarders is found with his head bashed in this arrangement is thrown into disarray. Superintendent Gibbs, the county policeman called in to investigate the death enlists the help of one of the other boarders, a writer of mystery plays, to help him out, but even with this assistance, he finds himself out of his depth. It is at this point that Chief Inspector Pointer of Scotland Yard is called in to lend a hand to solve . . . The Upfold Farm Mystery

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery!After a chance meeting on a Channel ferry, reporter Martin Blair had no expectation of meeting the "Fairy Princess" ever again. He had no idea that when he wrote an article for his paper after attending an inquest into the supposed accidental death of a woman, that Joan Ingilby, the person that his article implicated as a murderer would prove to be the very same woman. But was she in fact guilty of the crime? When she comes to him professing her innocence, Blair decides to prove her innocence only to find himself surrounded by suspicious characters, each of whom seems to be hiding something. Fortunately, Chief Inspector Pointer is called in to handle the case for Scotland Yard. But can even the chief inspector untangle... The Net Around Joan Ingilby?

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    When the body of Rose Charteris is found at the bottom of a sand pit off Medchester Common, everyone assumed it was the result of a tragic accident, but when Chief Inspector Pointer of Scotland Yard discovers certain discrepancies, it becomes clear the death of the young woman is a case of murder. There are plenty of suspects for the chief inspector; the dead woman's jealous Italian fiancé, her cousin who would gain an inheritance, even a mysterious man who spent the night in the summer house unknown to anyone else. Yet Pointer finds himself drawn into a political intrigue that takes him to Genoa and the Italian Tyrol before finally resolving the case in his chambers in New Scotland Yard. The Charteris Mystery is the second of the Chief Inspector Pointer mysteries.

  • af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    The Rev. John Avery, rector of the village church, was famous for the eloquence and scholarly nature of his sermons. No one in attendance at the Sunday service was surprised then, when the rector, having evidently exchanged his notes for some other document, after a moment's hesitation, delivered one of his most moving sermons extempore. They were, however, much surprised, when the rector was found dead the next morning the victim of an apparent accidental poisoning. Coming on the heels of the death of one of the leading young men of the village by a shooting, also ruled an accident, it seemed to all an unfortunate coincidence. To all, that is, except for Chief Inspector Pointer, who, by a much more fortunate coincidence, happened to be visiting the County Chief Constable for a spot of fishing. It falls to the Scotland Yard detective to unravel the web of secrets that form the . . . Mystery at the Rectory!

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    Chief Inspector Pointer has a problem. More specifically, he has a body and two women claiming it as their husband. The body, the apparent victim of robbery with violence, was discovered on the beach at Dover dressed in old clothes. The competing claims of the women are soon dismissed as those of women looking for a "convenient" body, the one to collect on an insurance policy, the other to remarry. That leaves Pointer with the question of the identity of the dead man and how did he come to be lying in a beach shelter with his head bashed in. His investigation leads him to the sunny fields of the south of France and entanglements with another, more sensational, murder case that had long been thought solved.

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    Cluny is an ancient town in France better known for its past then its present, in other words, the perfect place for tourists and travelers. When a local wine grower who provides accommodations for the better sort of English tourist in his villa decides to entertain his guests with a masked ball it promises to be a pleasant diversion. But the diversion turns to tragedy when two of the attendees are found dead in a locked room, apparently as a result of a duel. But, was it really a duel fought over the wife of one of the dead men, or can their deaths be attributed to something more sinister, murder? Fortunately, Chief Inspector Pointer is attending a conference in the neighborhood and is prepared to assist the local police, but only, of course, in the role of an observer. But can even the ever astute Pointer solve . . . The Cluny Problem?

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery Farthing was one of the oldest and finest houses in England, and, as with many ancient houses it came with legends attached to this. A particularly gruesome one dated back to the time of Queen Mary when the then current owner of the house, denounced his own wife as a heretic in order to retain possession of the estate. Shortly after he met his own doom. Since that time, a sequence of three eerie laughs has presaged the death of the most recent owner. When Chief Inspector Pointer is approached to investigate when the laughs have sounded twice, he demurs, claiming pressing business, only to be called in when Edgar Danford, the latest owner is found murdered. The call reporting the death had been made by the victim's partner, a Mr. Digby Cox, but when the police arrived on the scene, Cox had vanished leaving Pointer to ponder just who Mr. Cox was and what part had he played in the death of Danford. It would seem that to solve the mystery of Edgar Danford's death, Pointer must first find the Mysterious Partner.

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    When the body of a young man is found in the wardrobe of a London hotel it is at first assumed to be a case of suicide by drug overdose. But Chief Inspector Pointer has his doubts. Why, for instance, would the dead man choose to expire in the rather inconvenient confines of a piece of furniture? And who was the dead man, anyway? Soon these and other questions lead Pointer onto the trail of a completely different crime. Written by an author whose identity is as great a mystery as his/her novels. The Eames-Erskine Case is the first of nearly two dozen mysteries from the 1920's and 1930's to feature Chief Inspector Pointer.

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    When the body of Mrs. Tangye was found sitting beside her tea-table with her service revolver, a souvenir of her days as an officer in the Waacs during the war, lying on the floor next to her and a bullet wound to the heart the initial assumption was that it was a case of an accident or suicide. There were no signs of a struggle or foul-play. Mrs. Tangye had been a strong willed woman more than capable of defending herself. And the fact was, she had acted in the days leading up to her death in a manner consistent with someone straightening up her affairs. But Chief Inspector Pointer was not so sure that Mrs. Tangye had died by her own hand, whether intentionally or by accident. There were several aspects of the case that troubled him, not least of which were the footsteps in the garden heard through the pantry window by the maid, footsteps that stopped when a light was turned on.

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A nice little country murder. When Ronald Craig succumbed after a short illness it came as a surprise, but when a specialist called down to consult declares the death as due to chronic arsenic poisoning it proves even more of a puzzle. There are plenty of suspects, the ex-wife, the reluctant fiancé, the governess who doesn't care for children, the widow of the dead-man's cousin, the attending physician, his sister, each with a motive, and each lacking an alibi. There are plenty of clues as well, footprints in the garden, the curious tea, the torn wrapping of the package never sent to name but a few. All in all, quite a tangle. No wonder then that Chief Constable was only too happy to turn the investigation over to Chief Inspector Pointer of Scotland Yard who fortuitously was in the neighborhood on another matter. But is even Inspector Pointer up to solving . . The Craig Poisoning Mystery!

  • af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A Chief Inspector Pointer MysteryAt first it had seemed just a tragic accident, a conjuring trick gone horribly wrong when a real sword substituted for a prop results in the death of a woman. Moments later the amateur magician, the ladies husband, overwhelmed with grief committed suicide. But when certain aspects don't seemed to add up, one of Scotland Yard's finest, Chief Inspector Pointer, is sent to the scene of the tragedy, Beechcroft, to investigate. Was it truly an accident and suicide? Or was it something more sinister, a double murder? And if so, why? And more importantly, by whom? These are the questions Pointer must unravel as he investigates the . . . Tragedy at Beechcroft!

  • af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    The flat in the Heath Mansions apartment building in Hampstead came with all the amenities and fully furnished, including, unfortunately, a headless corpse. Which, of course, is where Chief Inspector Pointer came into the picture. However, when certain evidence points to the deceased being an infamous Basque anarchist, the inspector finds himself in a conflict of jurisdiction with an investigator from the Foreign Office. But is the body that of the Basque, or someone else? If, as the inspector suspects, it is not, then who

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery The house known as The Nook would have been a perfect place for the newly wedded Layngs to live while awaiting the completion of the house they built. Perfect, that is, except for the body of a young woman found under the kitchen floor while the couple are moving in. The corpse, whose identification is made uncertain by the injuries to the face and the several months the body had lain there before being discovered, appears to be of someone well known to the family, though oddly, Douglas Layng disputes this. All this leaves Chief Inspector Pointer the task of unraveling the usual mysteries of why and when and how the victim was murdered, but possibly also who the victim really was.

  • af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    It had seemed an innocent lark, a group of young friends taking a short term lease on a holdover from London's past, an elegant house full of history and genuine if shabby furnishings. But when a silly prank turns tragic and one of their number, pretending to be a ghost, is shot dead by a pistol supposedly filled with blanks, the holiday becomes a matter for the police, specifically Chief Inspector Pointer of Scotland Yard. Was the death truly just a tragic accident, or was something more sinister behind it? There are plenty of clues and presumed motives, but almost from the beginning Pointer suspects there is than meets the eye to . . . The Tall House Mystery!

  • af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    They made a handsome wedding present; two exquisite strands of pearls rumored to have belonged to Queen Charlotte. And the couple, Arthur Walsh and Violet Finch, seemed destined for happiness, despite the differences in family and background. But all was not as it seemed. One of the necklaces was to prove a fake when put up as security to cover gambling debts. Then, within hours, the bride is found brutally murdered. But by whom? There were a number of people who had disapproved of the match. Had one of them murdered the young girl? There were also those involved who found them short of cash. Had one of them substituted the fakes for the real pearls and murdered Violet to conceal their crime? And behind it all, the whiff of dark secrets and blackmail fluttered in the air. Why had Violet been murdered and where were the real pearls? Only Chief Inspector Pointer can unravel the mysteries behind . . .The Case of the Two Pearl Necklaces

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery!The four Cautley cousins, Major Howard Cautley, Lionel, Jack, and Fabian could not have been more different, a wealthy businessman, explorer, architect, and mystic respectively. But the cousins, while they might argue amongst themselves, could always be counted on to stick together. This certainly appeared to be the case when the Major is killed in a seeming accident by his own shotgun. The local police, very familiar with the family, are reluctant to suspect the surviving cousins of murder. Chief Inspector Pointer, though, when consulted over a pearl necklace that has gone missing on the same day, is less reticent. As a matter of long practice, he suspects everyone. But can even Pointer unravel the Conundrum that is the Cautley cousins?

  • - A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery
    af A E Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    A Chief Inspector Pointer Mystery!Sir Adam Youdale, K.C. was Britain's preeminent barrister, at least for the defense. If there was anyone who could get his clients off, it was Sir Adam. Yet when the lawyer is found dead at Westwood, his home in Wimbledon, it is the barrister who becomes the center of a murder investigation. When Scotland Yard's finest, Chief Inspector Pointer, takes over the case, he finds that he has plenty of clues, perhaps too many, and a plethora of suspects as well. He soon realizes, though, that one clue is missing from the crime scene, the clue that will provide the solution to The Westwood Mystery!

  • af A E Fielding
    137,95 kr.

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