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  • af Abane Madi
    614,95 kr.

    Os textos reunidos neste livro estão ligados às diferentes problemáticas do sujeito humano. Apesar dos seus diferentes centros epistemológicos, respondem a preocupações simultaneamente menores e fundamentais. Menores, porque são vividas como percepções do Real. Fundamentais, porque tocam o mais sagrado da vida humana. Estes textos estão livres da visão reacionária de certos agentes científicos.

  • af Abane Madi
    613,95 kr.

    I testi raccolti in questo libro sono legati alle varie problematiche del soggetto umano. Nonostante i loro diversi centri epistemologici, rispondono a preoccupazioni sia minori che fondamentali. Minori, perché sono vissute come percezioni del Reale. Fondamentali, perché toccano l'aspetto più sacro della vita umana. Questi testi sono liberi dalla visione reazionaria di alcuni agenti scientifici.

  • af Abane Madi
    615,95 kr.

    Die in diesem Buch versammelten Texte sind mit den verschiedenen Problemen verbunden, die das menschliche Subjekt durchlebt. Trotz der unterschiedlichen epistemologischen Zentren der einen und der anderen antworten sie auf Sorgen, die sowohl geringfügig als auch grundlegend sind. Geringfügig, weil sie als Wahrnehmung des Realen erlebt werden. Grundlegend, weil sie das Heiligste des menschlichen Lebens berühren. Diese Texte sind frei von der reaktionären Sichtweise, die von einigen wissenschaftlichen Agenten genährt wird.

  • af Abane Madi
    614,95 kr.

    Texty, sobrannye w ätoj knige, swqzany s razlichnymi woprosami, stoqschimi pered chelowecheskim sub#ektom. Nesmotrq na raznye äpistemologicheskie centry, oni otwechaüt na problemy kak wtorostepennye, tak i fundamental'nye. Neznachitel'nye, potomu chto oni perezhiwaütsq kak wospriqtie Real'nogo. Fundamental'nye - potomu chto zatragiwaüt samye swqschennye aspekty chelowecheskoj zhizni. Jeti texty swobodny ot reakcionnogo wideniq, prisuschego nekotorym nauchnym agentam.

  • af Abane Madi
    758,95 kr.

    The texts collected in this book are linked to the various issues facing the human subject. Despite their different epistemological centres, they respond to concerns that are both minor and fundamental. Minor, because they are experienced as perceptions of the Real. Fundamental, because they touch on the most sacred aspect of human life. These texts are free of the reactionary vision held by certain scientific agents.

  • af Abane Madi
    623,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of lectures I gave to my third-year undergraduate students (French language). Attempting to connect literature to various scientific and disciplinary fields, we gave this course the possibility to be treated in various ways. The conceptual contents are designed according to the expectations of the teaching audience. The students were able to follow despite the difficulty of the tasks.

  • af Abane Madi
    1.253,95 kr.

  • af Abane Madi
    1.033,95 kr.

  • af Abane Madi
    623,95 kr.

  • af Abane Madi
    1.033,95 kr.

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