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Bøger af Abel Hernández-Muñoz

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  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    527,95 kr.

    A pine forest plantation of the Pinus caribaea species was studied. The composition and structure of the forest plant formation present in the La Sabina management area, belonging to the Lomas de Banao Ecological Reserve, was determined using the standardized floristic method of sampling by census itinerary with transect bands. The physiognomic analysis of this plant formation was also carried out, using 30 species characteristic of the study area. It was found that in this anthracite plant formation the diversity is high, represented by 87 individuals of 52 species, 41 genera and 28 botanical families. The most diverse families were Bromeliaceae, Polypodiaceae, Mimosaceae, Orchidaceae and Fabaceae. The predominant tree species were Pinus caribaea, Guazuma ulmifolia, Roystonia regia and Bursera simaruba. This forest has high diversity values that demonstrate that it is a mature and structurally complex forest formation, with several vegetation strata.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    542,95 kr.

    The insular groups surrounding the island of Cuba constitute biocenters in the context of the coastal landscapes of the country. The avifauna of the Cayería Sur of Sancti Spíritus Province, central Cuba, is analyzed. This insular group is surrounded by the waters of the Caribbean Sea and belongs to the Jardines de la Reina Archipelago. It is a group of islets composed of seven islands scattered along the southern coast of the province of Sancti Spíritus, which share the same geological and evolutionary history and biodiversity. Its avifauna is made up of 88 species, forming specific assemblages for each habitat occupied. The keys with the highest species richness are: Cayo Blanco de Zaza, Cayó Blanco de Casilda and Cayó Macho de Afuera; these islands are the most heterogeneous and therefore the ones with the greatest refuge and feeding capacities for wild avifauna. The habitats most occupied by the species are: beaches and dunes (54), mangrove (48) and sandy coastal scrub (46). The trophic guilds best represented in species are: Insectivores (37) and piscivores (33). The endemic reaches eight species for 28.57 %. The area is very important.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    687,95 kr.

    Les groupes d'îles entourant l'île de Cuba constituent des biocentres dans le contexte des paysages côtiers du pays. L'avifaune de la Cayería Sur de la province de Sancti Spíritus, au centre de Cuba, est analysée. Ce groupe d'îles est entouré par les eaux de la mer des Caraïbes et appartient à l'archipel Jardines de la Reina. Il s'agit d'un groupe d'îlots composé de sept îles très dispersées le long de la côte sud de Sancti Spíritus, qui partagent la même histoire géologique et évolutive ainsi que la même biodiversité. Son avifaune se compose de 88 espèces, formant des assemblages spécifiques pour chaque habitat occupé. Les cayes les plus riches en espèces sont les suivantes: Cayo Blanco de Zaza, Cayó Blanco de Casilda et Cayó Macho de Afuera; ces îles sont les plus hétérogènes et donc celles qui offrent la plus grande capacité de refuge et d'alimentation pour les oiseaux sauvages. Les habitats les plus occupés par les espèces sont les plages et les dunes (54), la mangrove (48) et le maquis côtier sablonneux (46). Les guildes trophiques les mieux représentées dans les espèces sont: Insectivores (37) et piscivores (33). Les endémiques atteignent huit espèces pour 28,57 %. La zone est très importante.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    687,95 kr.

    I gruppi insulari che circondano l'isola di Cuba costituiscono dei biocentri nel contesto dei paesaggi costieri del Paese. Viene analizzata l'avifauna della Cayería Sur della provincia di Sancti Spíritus, nel centro di Cuba. Questo gruppo di isole è circondato dalle acque del Mar dei Caraibi e appartiene all'arcipelago dei Jardines de la Reina. Si tratta di un gruppo di isolotti composto da sette isole sparse lungo la costa meridionale di Sancti Spíritus, che condividono la stessa storia geologica ed evolutiva e la stessa biodiversità. L'avifauna è composta da 88 specie, che formano assemblaggi specifici per ogni habitat occupato. Le cale con la maggiore ricchezza di specie sono: Cayo Blanco de Zaza, Cayó Blanco de Casilda e Cayó Macho de Afuera; queste isole sono le più eterogenee e quindi quelle con maggiore capacità di rifugio e alimentazione per gli uccelli selvatici. Gli habitat maggiormente occupati dalle specie sono: spiagge e dune (54), mangrovie (48) e macchia costiera sabbiosa (46). Le classi trofiche meglio rappresentate nelle specie sono: Insettivori (37) e piscivori (33). Gli endemismi raggiungono le otto specie per il 28,57%. L'area è molto importante.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    687,95 kr.

    Os grupos insulares que rodeiam a ilha de Cuba constituem biocentros no contexto das paisagens costeiras do país. É analisada a avifauna da Cayería Sur da província de Sancti Spíritus, no centro de Cuba. Este grupo de ilhas está rodeado pelas águas do Mar das Caraíbas e pertence ao Arquipélago Jardines de la Reina. Trata-se de um grupo de ilhotas formado por sete ilhas muito dispersas ao longo da costa sul de Sancti Spíritus, que partilham a mesma história geológica e evolutiva e a mesma biodiversidade. A sua avifauna é constituída por 88 espécies, formando conjuntos específicos para cada habitat ocupado. Os ilhéus com maior riqueza de espécies são: Cayo Blanco de Zaza, Cayó Blanco de Casilda e Cayó Macho de Afuera; estas ilhas são as mais heterogéneas e, portanto, as que têm maior capacidade de refúgio e alimentação para as aves selvagens. Os habitats mais ocupados pelas espécies são: praias e dunas (54), mangais (48) e matos arenosos costeiros (46). As guildas tróficas melhor representadas em espécies são: Insetívoros (37) e piscívoros (33). O endemismo atinge oito espécies, o que representa 28,57%. A zona é muito importante.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    542,95 kr.

    Cuba's fauna is similar to that of other islands, with high levels of endemism and a low and skewed taxonomic biodiversity. The pattern of low abundance and high diversity is also evident among invertebrates, which constitute the majority of the island's fauna. In the complex and very peculiar evolutionary process of the Cuban natural fauna, several geographic-ecological factors intervene, from the more or less distant geological past, which can be affirmed to have been essential in the genesis of the general characteristics of this group of wild animals. In the present book the remarkable influence of the multiplicity of the effect of biogeographical borders in the determination of the characteristics of the wild fauna of Cuba is approached.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    687,95 kr.

    A fauna de Cuba é semelhante à de outras ilhas, com elevados níveis de endemismo e uma biodiversidade taxonómica baixa e enviesada. O padrão de baixa abundância e alta diversidade também é evidente entre os invertebrados, que constituem a maior parte da fauna da ilha. No complexo e muito peculiar processo evolutivo da fauna natural cubana, estiveram envolvidos, desde um passado geológico mais ou menos longínquo, diversos factores geográfico-ecológicos que se podem dizer essenciais na génese das características gerais deste grupo de animais selvagens. Este livro trata da notável influência da multiplicidade de efeitos de fronteira biogeográfica na determinação das características da fauna cubana.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    687,95 kr.

    Fauna Kuby, kak i drugih ostrowow, harakterizuetsq wysokim urownem ändemizma, nizkim i perekoshennym taxonomicheskim bioraznoobraziem. Zakonomernost' nizkogo obiliq i wysokogo raznoobraziq proslezhiwaetsq i sredi bespozwonochnyh, sostawlqüschih bol'shuü chast' fauny ostrowa. V slozhnom i wes'ma swoeobraznom processe äwolücii prirodnoj fauny Kuby s bolee ili menee otdalennogo geologicheskogo proshlogo uchastwowali neskol'ko geografo-äkologicheskih faktorow, kotorye, mozhno skazat', sygrali suschestwennuü rol' w genezise obschih harakteristik ätoj gruppy dikih zhiwotnyh. V dannoj knige rassmatriwaetsq udiwitel'noe wliqnie mnozhestwa biogeograficheskih pogranichnyh äffektow w opredelenii osobennostej zhiwotnogo mira Kuby.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    762,95 kr.

    Since ancient times, human societies have made use of certain animals to solve various problems. When game was not plentiful and leftover meat could not be saved from putrefaction, it was a matter of keeping a few individuals alive and gradually adapting their habits and even their morphological characteristics to captivity. In all manifestations of social activity - food supply, protection against the cold, defense, warfare, transportation, communications, hunting, land fertilization, domestic industries, trade, religious cults - it is possible to discern the role of various animal domestication techniques. Some of them, such as the horse and the silkworm, came to constitute decisive elements in the transformation of the course of history.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    567,95 kr.

    Faz uma memória, leitor: ou seja, faz um pequeno esforço e tenta guardar na tua mente as imagens dos cães que viste e dos vários locais onde tiveste oportunidade de os ver.Em breve se lembrará que na rua, mais de uma centena de vezes, viu os cães a brincar, a correr uns atrás dos outros e a atropelarem-se sem se magoarem.Das varandas, ladra aos transeuntes que não são do seu agrado ou ladra a outro cão da casa vizinha ou que passeia na rua. Quando fica muito mimado, sobe para a cama à noite e quer dormir com as pessoas.É um aliado incontestável dos humanos desde o início dos tempos. Este animal extraordinário é o tema deste livro, que hoje colocamos à sua disposição.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    567,95 kr.

    Make memory, reader: that is to say, make a little effort and try to keep in your mind the images of the dogs you have seen and of the different places where you had the opportunity to see them.Soon you will remember that in the street, more than a hundred times, you have watched how the dogs played, chasing and running over each other without hurting each other.From balconies, he barks at passers-by who are not to his liking or barks at another dog in the neighboring house or walking down the street. When he gets very spoiled, he climbs into bed at night and wants to sleep with people.It has been an indisputable ally of human beings since the dawn of time. This extraordinary animal is the subject of the present book that we make available to you today.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    457,95 kr.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    457,95 kr.

    Mangroves are coastal forests equivalent to tropical rainforests. They are irreplaceable and unique ecosystems, home to an incredible biodiversity, and are considered to be among the most productive on the planet. The aerial roots of their trees emerge from the salt waters of coasts, estuaries, river deltas and keys, forming a network that provides shelter to a multitude of animal species (fish, mollusks, crustaceans, birds), many of them important for human food.The mangroves are parking and breeding areas for a large number of these species, they are a refuge for Germans and small growing fish, and other forms of marine life in their spawning stage. They also protect these coasts from erosion, and have for centuries provided a multitude of resources to local populations.The mangrove is characterized by not presenting a mixed structure: the labyrinthine web of trees and roots is usually in reality an ordered forest mass that grows in bands according to their different degree of resistance to periodic tidal flooding, and therefore to salt.There are many types of mangroves, but they all have one thing in common, they are very fragile and endangered "salt forests".

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    567,95 kr.

    The composition and structure of the bird assemblage present in the Sierra Las Damas forest was determined using the standardized method of sampling by census itinerary with transect bands. The bird community found in the study area consists of 52 species, 44 genera, 26 families and 13 orders of the class Aves. Of the total, nine are endemic, 18 are winter migrants, five are summer migrants and 39 breed in Cuba. Of these, 49 are common and three are rare. Regarding the trophic guilds, granivorous species predominate. The numerically dominant species were Tomeguin de la Tierra and Bien-te-veo, which show postbreeding explosions during the rainy season. The ornithocenosis associated with the Sierra Las Damas forest is stable and interesting, reaching high values for the ecological indices.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    567,95 kr.

    This study reports on bat species recorded in two mangrove areas in Caguanes National Park, Cuba. Bat captures were made during the rainy season of 2016 and in the rainy and dry seasons of 2017. The objective of the study was to characterize the chiropteran fauna in the mangroves to estimate the role that these animals play in that type of forest. Bats were captured using 2.5 m high by 12 m long mist nets. A total of 594 individuals were captured, belonging to 19 species. The most abundant species were Artibeus jamaicensis, Brachyphylla nana and Nyctiellus lápidas, which comprised 80.33% of the captures.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    The composition, structure and functional diversity of the bird assemblage found in shade coffee plantations of the Grones IV camp, El Aguacate locality, were determined using the standardized method of sampling by census itinerary with transect bands. The community present in the study area is made up of 57 species, 48 genera, 25 families and 12 orders of the class Aves. Of the total: 12 species are endemic, 20 are migratory and 43 breed in Cuba. Of these, 46 are common, seven are very common and four are uncommon. Regarding trophic guilds, granivorous species predominate (17). The ornithocenosis present in shaded coffee forest areas of Grones IV is stable and interesting, as it shows high values for the different ecological indexes.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    Forest Typology is an essential subject in the curricular design of forestry engineering students in the current curriculum. This scientific discipline has a high practical component, however, the students of our high house of studies lack a manual on the subject, which allows them to acquire practical knowledge and develop skills in field work. If this book fills this knowledge gap, the objectives of the authors will be fulfilled.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    The composition, structure and functional dynamics of the onitocenosis present in the evergreen forest of the Pico San Juan Ecological Reserve were determined using the standardized method of sampling by census itinerary with transect bands. The bird assemblage found in the study area is made up of 71 species, 56 genera, 27 families and 12 orders of the class Aves. Of the total: 14 species are endemic, 25 are migratory and 51 breed in Cuba. Of these, eight are very common, 50 are common, 10 are uncommon, three are rare and five are threatened. Regarding trophic guilds, granivorous species predominate. The numerically dominant species were: Priotelus ternuras and Vireo altiloquus. The bird community present in wooded areas of the Pico is stable and interesting, as it shows high values for the calculated ecological indices.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    In this book you will find answers to all the questions you may have asked yourself about bats, those restless goblins of the night.One of the zoological groups in which the role of biological indicator is most spectacularly appreciated is that of bats. Animals that in full evolutionary expansion have conquered all habitats, showing with their polychromatic fur and varied forms a variegated multicolored and polymorphic panorama that has captivated man, for its mysterious and almost unknown existence.They will contribute to erase myths, to know the importance of their existence for man, and the conservation of the already fragile ecological balance.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    In questo libro troverete le risposte a tutte le domande che probabilmente vi siete posti sui pipistrelli, gli inquieti folletti della notte.Uno dei gruppi zoologici in cui il ruolo di indicatore biologico è più spettacolarmente apprezzato è quello dei pipistrelli. Animali che in piena espansione evolutiva hanno conquistato tutti gli habitat, mostrando con la loro pelliccia policroma e le loro forme variegate un panorama variegato, multicolore e polimorfo che ha affascinato l'uomo, a causa della loro esistenza misteriosa e quasi sconosciuta.I loro studi contribuiranno a sfatare i miti, a comprendere l'importanza della loro esistenza per l'uomo e a preservare il già fragile equilibrio ecologico.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    567,95 kr.

    Forests are very important because of the great ecosystem services they provide to the planet in the form of carbon sequestration, production of oxygen released into the atmosphere, protection of watersheds, wood supply, shelter, food and sites for wildlife reproduction.The same is true in Cuba, where we have numerous forest vegetation formations of great importance, which is why it is necessary to inventory and systematically study them. For this purpose, our Island has a tradition in this discipline, considered a branch of Geobotany; since the times of the brothers Leon and Alain, passing through Samek and reaching the transfer of knowledge of the Ukrainian Tipology, who taught us so much.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    552,95 kr.

    The world of prehistoric animals is fascinating and is the domain of a science called Paleontology, which is dedicated to the study of these animals extinct millions of years ago, from their remains that are embedded in rocks all over the world and are called fossils. Thus we have been able to learn about the megafauna that lived on the planet in the past, the plants and ecosystems in which they developed their life cycle through the discovery of their bones, teeth, scales, claws, footprints and insects trapped in amber. You will also learn about the rocks, the strata, the geochronological history of the Earth, how these animals evolved and about the historical development of this science.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    457,95 kr.

    En este libro hallarás respuestas a todas las preguntas que seguro te habrás hecho sobre los murciélagos, esos inquietos duendes de la noche.Uno de los grupos zoológicos en el que se aprecia de manera más espectacular el papel de indicador biológico, es el de los murciélagos. Animales que en plena expansión evolutiva han conquistado todos los hábitats, mostrando con sus polícromos pelages y variadas formas un abigarrado panorama multicolor y polimórfico que ha cautivado al hombre, por su existencia misteriosa y casi desconocida. Ellas contribuirán a borrar mitos, conocer la importancia de su existencia para el hombre, y la conservación del ya frágil equilibrio ecológico.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    457,95 kr.

    El mundo de los animales prehistóricos es fascinante y es el dominio de una ciencia llamada Paleontología, que se dedica al estudio de estos animales extinguidos hace millones de años, a partir de sus restos que se encuentran empotrados en las rocas por todas partes del mundo y reciben el nombre de fósiles. Así hemos podido conocer mediante el descubrimiento de sus huesos, dientes, canchas, escamas, garras, huellas e insectos atrapados en ámbar, la megafauna que vivió en el planeta en el pasado, las plantas y ecosistemas en que ellos desarrollaron su ciclo vital. También conocerás las rocas, los estratos, la historia geocronológica de la Tierra, cómo estos animales evolucionaron y sobre el devenir histórico de esta ciencia.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    Naturalism is a healthy way of using free time, it is an excellent pastime for children to recreate and at the same time learn to move in the open air. In the present very abbreviated work the basic principles to be followed by the beginner are contributed to make more fruitful their excursions to the nature; by fields, forests and lagoons. It deals with: the naturalist's wardrobe, the clothing to obtain, how to collect and create simple collections from nature, how to improve your garden, bird and mammal observation. Emphasis is also placed on the ethical principles that must be followed in order not to harm natural populations.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    Le naturalisme est une manière saine d'utiliser le temps libre, un excellent passe-temps pour les enfants qui peuvent ainsi s'amuser tout en apprenant à bouger en plein air. Ce livre très abrégé fournit les principes de base à suivre par les débutants afin de rendre plus fructueuses leurs excursions dans la nature, à travers champs, forêts et lacs. Il aborde : la garde-robe du naturaliste, les vêtements à se procurer, comment collecter et créer des collections simples dans la nature, comment améliorer son jardin, l'observation des oiseaux et des mammifères. L'accent est également mis sur les principes éthiques à respecter afin de ne pas nuire aux populations naturelles.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    O naturalismo é uma forma saudável de passar o tempo livre, um excelente passatempo para as crianças se divertirem e ao mesmo tempo aprenderem a mover-se ao ar livre. Este livro, muito abreviado, fornece os princípios básicos a serem seguidos pelos principiantes a fim de tornar as suas excursões pela natureza, através dos campos, florestas e lagos, mais frutuosas. Trata de: o guarda-roupa do naturalista, o vestuário a obter, como recolher e criar colecções simples da natureza, como melhorar a observação do seu jardim, pássaros e mamíferos. Também é dada ênfase aos princípios éticos que devem ser observados a fim de não prejudicar as populações naturais.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    Il naturalismo è un modo sano di trascorrere il tempo libero, un ottimo passatempo per i bambini che possono divertirsi e allo stesso tempo imparare a muoversi all'aria aperta. Questo libro molto sintetico fornisce i principi di base che i principianti devono seguire per rendere più fruttuose le loro escursioni nella natura, attraverso campi, foreste e laghi. Tratta: il guardaroba del naturalista, l'abbigliamento da procurarsi, come raccogliere e creare semplici collezioni dalla natura, come migliorare il proprio giardino, l'osservazione di uccelli e mammiferi. Si pone inoltre l'accento sui principi etici da osservare per non danneggiare le popolazioni naturali.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    577,95 kr.

    Der Naturalismus ist eine gesunde Art der Freizeitgestaltung, ein hervorragender Zeitvertreib für Kinder, um sich zu vergnügen und gleichzeitig zu lernen, sich an der frischen Luft zu bewegen. Dieses sehr kurz gehaltene Buch enthält die Grundprinzipien, die Anfänger befolgen sollten, um ihre Ausflüge in die Natur, durch Felder, Wälder und Seen, fruchtbarer zu machen. Es behandelt: die Garderobe des Naturforschers, die zu beschaffende Kleidung, das Sammeln und Anlegen einfacher Sammlungen aus der Natur, die Verschönerung des eigenen Gartens, die Beobachtung von Vögeln und Säugetieren. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auch auf den ethischen Grundsätzen, die eingehalten werden müssen, um die natürlichen Populationen nicht zu schädigen.

  • af Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    457,95 kr.

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