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  • - A Male Tickling Novel
    af Adam Small
    98,95 kr.

    The Hottest Male Tickling and Bondage Novel Yet WrittenMeet a hot young man whose friend ties him up and tickles his bare feet and upper body to the point of ticklish tears and madness.Eighteen-year-old Michael is getting ready to go on the tickling journey of his life. His next door neighbor Jason, a 30-year-old man who wants to tie and tickle this stud, introduces him to the joys of bondage and tickle torture that leave Michael breathless and wanting more.Michael's and Jason's tickling fantasies come to an abrupt halt, however, when Michael's father threatens Jason and forces the two sexy young men to stop seeing each other.Michael, however, will not be deterred. He sneaks over to Jason's house, and the tickling lasts long into the night. Jason shows Michael all sorts of bondage positions that leave his vulnerable feet exposed for the merciless tickling Jason plans to inflict on the hot stud. And as Jason and Michael move further into their exploration of bondage, tickle torture, and male foot play, they soon find they're becoming more and more emotionally wrapped up in each other.Will Michael be able to prevent his father from stopping the two studs' hot tickle and bondage fun? Will he come to accept that his son enjoys being tied and tickled to the point of tears by an older guy?Find out in Tickled Hard.With a note from renowned male foot fetish writer JerryB at the end, Tickled Hard is sure to please."A good story is often better than a video. You can be a character in the story in your own mind. You can imagine the type of people you want in the various roles. An author like Adam Small is like a good tickler who puts you through your paces and leaves you breathless and happy. I'm always ready to go along for the ride, to see where the story takes me, and to feel like I'm with a fellow fetishist." - JerryB*** For mature readers only. While Tickled Hard contains no actual sex or nudity, it does contain graphic scenes catering to those with a male foot, bondage, and tickling fetish. All participants in graphic scenes are at least 18 years of age and are at least partially clothed. ***Scroll Up and Get Your Copy Now!

  • af Adam Small
    248,95 kr.

    Cooper has a problem.He's separated from his family and lost in a whole new world that's scary and unfamiliar.He meets Vera and Buddy. They're dogs. He's an alligator. In his quest to blend in, he proclaims "I'm a dog too" and thus begins the story of Cooper the Dog.As he grows into a full size alligator, can he keep up the charade or will his new family see him for who, or in this case, what he really is?

  • af Adam Small
    213,95 kr.

    Na veertig jaar is daar weer 'n Afrikaanse digbundel deur Adam Small. Na Oos Wes Tuis Bes Distrik Ses (1973) het hy demonstratief net in Engels begin dig, en na sy drama Krismis van Map Jacobs (1983) het sy skrywerstem stil geword. Daar was altyd die vermoede dat hierdie stilte grootliks toegeskryf kon word aan die verwerping wat hy aan die hand van taalgenote ervaar het. Verlede jaar is die Hertzogprys uiteindelik aan hom toegeken, en vanjaar verskyn nie net hierdie digbundel nie, maar ook sy Afrikaanse drama Goree, wat in 1978 in Engels geskryf is. Small gee in die titelgedig van die bundel te kenne dat Klawerjas 'n uitvloeisel is van 'n bestaanswyse, 'n uiting gee aan die gewaarwording dat hy te midde van soveel armoede en verknegting een van diegene is wat darem nog woorde het "e;wat aftas teen die mure van ons donker kamers van bestaan, al soekend na die deure, openinge na die lig"e;. Hy voeg sy stem by Van Wyk Louw en verklaar dat hy te midde van onreg nie juis anders kan nie as om te skryf, te praat en te probeer oorreed. Hy dig in di bundel: "e;Daar's di van ons wie nie sonder / posie kan leef nie. Niemand hoort sonder die ervaring van die ritmiese / golwing en osmose van die fyn-gekose / sin en woord."e; Maar wat hy vir homself toe-eien gun hy ook ander. Sy posie is dan juis ook gedigte vir ander, vir gewone mense. Hy skryf: "e;Daarom is dit vir 'n digter nodig / om telkemale 'n vers publiek / die lig te laat sien, posie toeganklik / te maak, en mense so te dien - soos / hierdie gedig-vol-dankbaarheid . . ."e;Hoewel hy in hierdie bundel in gesprek tree met mededigters, skrywers, filosowe en ander kunstenaars, skryf hy vanuit die oortuiging dat sy gedigte bestem is "e;vir gewoon-intelligente mense"e; en dat dit "e;hoegenaamd nie 'n vertoon van geleerdheid en obskure hoogdrawendheid moet wees nie"e;. Klawerjas bevat gedigte wat spreek van deurleefde ervaring, diepe oortuiging en 'n opregte meegevoel met die lot van die veronregtes. Dit is praatverse wat getuig van 'n fyn oor vir die musikaliteit van die alledaagse, die melodie wat spontaan en ongekunsteld opklink as jy die doodgewone in verwondering gade slaan.

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