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  • af Adama Coulibaly
    737,95 kr.

    Prayer camps are booming with the advent of HIV/AIDS, with Africa becoming the epicentre since its discovery in 1981 in the United States. The inaccessibility of ARVs due to impoverishment, accentuated by conflicts of all kinds, has paved the way for a new type of therapy that is less expensive and very accessible: miraculous healings in the Name of Jesus. This therapy, which defies science, led us to ask the following question: do the knowledge and practices of prayer camp staff contribute to the fight against HIV/AIDS?We set out to conduct a descriptive cross-sectional study, the general aim of which was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of prayer camp staff in the Aboisso Department in relation to HIV/AIDS. The study was based on a random selection of 10 prayer camps out of a total of 15 identified. The DE LAROCHE sampling method was used and the sample consisted of 100 staff members.

  • af Adama Coulibaly
    897,95 kr.

    Os campos de oração estão em plena expansão com o advento do VIH/SIDA, com a África a tornar-se o epicentro desde a sua descoberta em 1981 nos Estados Unidos. A inacessibilidade dos ARV devido ao empobrecimento, acentuado por conflitos de todo o género, abriu caminho a um novo tipo de terapia menos dispendiosa e muito acessível: as curas milagrosas em Nome de Jesus. Esta terapia, que desafia a ciência, levou-nos a colocar a seguinte questão: será que os conhecimentos e as práticas do pessoal dos campos de oração contribuem para a luta contra o VIH/SIDA?Partimos para um estudo transversal descritivo, cujo objetivo geral era investigar os conhecimentos, as atitudes e as práticas do pessoal dos campos de oração do Departamento de Aboisso em relação ao VIH/SIDA. O estudo baseou-se numa seleção aleatória de 10 campos de oração de um total de 15 identificados. Foi utilizado o método de amostragem DE LAROCHE e a amostra era constituída por 100 membros do pessoal.

  • af Adama Coulibaly
    592,95 kr.

    The quality of food is essential for the health of the consumer. At the large Aboisso market, vendors handle food in precarious hygienic conditions that expose the consumer to all kinds of food poisoning (TIA). Thus, this study proposes to contribute to the transformation of the hygiene habits of food sellers in order to prevent any health threat related to TIA.The methodological approach is based on a survey that is both qualitative and quantitative. Using a triangulation approach, several tools were used: documentary review, observation, questionnaire and direct interview. A sample of 50 individuals, all salespeople working under the large hangar, were interviewed.The results showed that the well water used by the vendors contains anaerobic bacteria, proof that the water is contaminated with feces. Consumers are therefore not immune to an epidemic of cholera or typhoid fever, etc.

  • af Adama Coulibaly
    787,95 kr.

    The notion of identity is a polysemic notion whose understanding is hermetic. Identity represents the mirror in which the history of an individual can be read. It is through this history that he becomes aware of his difference. It is the memory in which he draws his substance from the social data which are understood as the whole of the actions, the legends, the tales which furnish his primary and secondary socialization.

  • af Adama Coulibaly
    787,95 kr.

    Der Begriff Identität ist ein polysemerer Begriff, dessen Verständnis hermetisch ist. Die Identität stellt den Spiegel dar, in dem die Geschichte eines Individuums gelesen werden kann. Durch diese Geschichte wird er sich seiner Andersartigkeit bewusst. Sie ist das Gedächtnis, aus dem er seine Substanz aus den sozialen Daten bezieht, die als die Gesamtheit der Handlungen, Legenden und Märchen verstanden werden, die seine primäre und sekundäre Sozialisation möblieren.

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