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  • af Albert Espinosa
    188,95 kr.

    Ama tu caos. Ama tu diferencia. Ama lo que te hace único. Lo más difícil en este mundo es amar tu caos, amar tu diferencia, amar lo que te hace único. Si lo logras, aún te faltará lo más complicado: amar tu caos a pesar del roce de la vida. Y es que el roce de la vida puede hacerte olvidar quién eres y por qué eres así. La nueva novela de Albert Espinosa huele a caos, a roce de la vida, a felicidad. Todo ello con mucho humor, al ritmo de cuatro bailes y con unos personajes que están perdidos en este Mundo pero desean encontrar su Universo. ¿Estás dispuesto a amar tu caos a pesar del roce de la vida? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Love your chaos. Love your differences. Love what makes you unique. The hardest thing in the world is loving your chaos, loving that which makes you different, what makes you unique. If you manage to do so, your will still need to do the trickiest part: loving your chaos despite the touch of life. Because life's touch can make you forget who you are and why you are that way. Albert Espinosa's latest novel smells of chaos, of life happening, of happiness. All this with much humor, to the beat of four dances, and with a few characters lost in this World, but hoping to find their own Universe. Are you willing to love your chaos regardless of the touch of life?

  • af Albert Espinosa
    283,95 kr.

    Que bien me haces cuando me haces bien es mi tercer libro de relatos cortos tras Finales que merecen una historia (2018) y Si nos enseänaran a perder, ganarâiamos siempre (2020). Es el final de esta trilogâia de relatos que no dejan de ser cuentos para curar el alma. Mi objetivo al escribirlos es entretener y que gocâeis con unas historias que, por una razâon u otra, han preferido residir en pocas pâaginas Albert Espinosa.

  • af Albert Espinosa
    243,95 kr.

    EN ESTE MUNDO DE CODAZOS, RECUERDA QUE SOMOS VOCES, JAMÁS ECOS. DISFRUTA DE ESTA NOVELA LUMINOSA QUE TE AYUDARÁ A LUCHAR. Albert Espinosa regresa con una novela repleta de acción y emoción sobre segundas oportunidades y sobre el equilibrio entre los sueños y las promesas. Su historia más personal desde Pulseras rojas. Disfruta de la aventura de estos dos hermanos que se enfrentan juntos a su destino y aman su caos. Es importante que nos «llevemos bien' con el planeta; en esta lucha absurda los perdedores seremos siempre nosotros. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION IN THIS WORLD OF NUDGES, REMEMBER THAT WE ARE VOICES, NEVER ECHOES. ENJOY THIS LUMINOUS NOVEL THAT WILL HELP YOU TO FIGHT. Albert Espinosa returns with a novel filled with action and emotion, one about second chances and about the balance between dreams and promises. His most personal story since Red Bracelets. Enjoy the adventure of two brothers who face their destiny together and love their chaos. It is important that we "get along" with the planet; in this absurd fight, we will always be the losers.

  • af Albert Espinosa
    193,95 kr.

    Hay un día en la vida en que debes decidir si deseas tener la razón o la tranquilidad. Albert Espinosa vuelve con una bella historia sobre los recuerdos, el perdón y el amor que transcurre el 23 de abril, el día del libro y las rosas, entre la ciudad de Barcelona y las islas de Ischia y Menorca. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION At some point in your life, you must decide if you want to be right or have peace. Albert Espinosa returns with a beautiful story of memories, forgiveness, and love that takes place on April 23, the holiday of books and roses, between the city of Barcelona and the islands of Ischia and Minorca.

  • af Albert Espinosa
    238,95 kr.

    Lo importante en esta vida no lo enseñan, pero cuando lo aprendes, no lo olvidas. Siempre he creído que las palabras son necesarias para sanarte. En este libro he intentado depositar toda mi experiencia y lo que he aprendido de mucha gente que ha decidido contarme su sabiduría: los secretos y la energía que se desprende de los amarillos con los que he coincidido en mi vida. Quisiera que este libro fuera un botiquín de soplos energéticos para muchos males y, sobre todo, para el alma. Lo he escrito con la esperanza de que alguno de estos soplos os active la ilusión, os aleje de ese problema que ahora tenéis y os devuelva a la senda de la alegría si os encontráis en ese duro instante vital. También tengo claro que quiero que este libro esté ilustrado, tenga bellos dibujos que os lleven de un soplo a otro. Soplad y disfrutad. Albert Espinosa ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The important thing in this life is not taught, but once you learn it, you never forget it. I have always believed that words are necessary to heal. In this book, I've tried to depict all of my experiences and what I've learned from the many people who've decided to entrust me with their wisdom: the secrets and energy that come from the yellows with whom I have run into in my life. I would like this book to be a first aid kit of energetic breaths for many ills and, above all, for the soul. I have written it with the hope that some of these breaths will activate your wishful thinking, take you away from a problem that you have, and return you to a path of joy if you find yourself in that difficult, vital moment. It's also clear to me that I want this book to be illustrated, to have beautiful drawings that take you from one breath to another. Inhale and enjoy. Albert Espinosa

  • - Trust Your Dreams and They'll Come True
    af Albert Espinosa
    106,95 kr.

    Albert Espinosa never wanted to write a book about surviving cancer, so he didn't. He wrote a book instead about the Yellow World. What is the yellow world? The yellow world is a world that's within everyone's reach, a world the colour of the sun. It is the name of a way of living, of seeing life, of nourishing yourself with the lessons that you learn from good moments as well as bad ones. It is the world that makes you happy, the world you like living in. The yellow world has no rules; it is made of discoveries.In these 23 Discoveries Albert shows us how to connect daily reality with our most distant dreams. He tells us that 'losses are positive', 'the word "e;pain"e; doesn't exist', and 'what you hide the most reveals the most about you'.Albert Espinosa has won several battles with death, which is why his stories are so full of life. He is powerful because he never gives up. And as a last resort he bargains: he swapped a leg and a lung for his life. He has learnt how to lose in order to win. He's hyperactive and prefers losing sleep to losing experiences. If you want to tell him something it has to be very good or told very fast. He loves to provoke people but he does it to make provocations seem normal. His greatest hope is that after you have read this book you will go off in search of your yellow world.Albert Espinosa is a bestselling author. At the age of thirteen, Albert was diagnosed with cancer, an event that changed his life forever. When he was fourteen, his left leg had to be amputated. At sixteen his left lung was removed, and when he was eighteen part of his liver was taken out. After ten years in and out of hospitals, when he was finally told that he had been cured of the disease, he realised that his illness had taught him that what is sad is not dying, but rather not knowing how to live.

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