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Bøger af Alexander Belyaev

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  • af Alexander Belyaev
    142,95 kr.

    Aleksandr Romanovich Beljaev (4 (1884 - 1942) - russkij i sovetskij pisatel'-fantast, odin iz osnovopolozhnikov sovetskoj nauchno-fantasticheskoj literatury, pervyj iz sovetskih pisatelej, celikom posvjativshij sebja jetomu zhanru. Sredi naibolee izvestnyh ego romanov: Golova professora Doujelja, Chelovek-amfibija, Arijel', Zvezda KJeC i mnogie drugie (vsego bolee 70 nauchno-fantasticheskih proizvedenij, v tom chisle 17 romanov). Za znachitel'nyj vklad v russkuju fantastiku i providcheskie idei Beljaeva nazyvajut russkim Zhjulem Vernom. V romane Podvodnye zemledel'cy Beljaev opisyvaet gorod pod vodoj, v kotorom vyrashhivajutsja vodorosli. Ogromnye plantacii davali produkty pitanija i cennejshee tehnicheskoe syr'jo. Ne skazochnyj poluchelovek-poluryba Ihtiandr, a obychnye ljudi zhivut v ujutnom, svetlom podzemnom domike pod vodoj i zanimajutsja ne volshebnoj, a obychnoj rabotoj, hotja i v prichudlivoj obstanovke, polnoj interesnyh prikljuchenij. S illjustracichmi!

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    142,95 kr.

    Aleksandr Romanovich Beljaev (4 (1884 - 1942) - russkij i sovetskij pisatel'-fantast, odin iz osnovopolozhnikov sovetskoj nauchno-fantasticheskoj literatury, pervyj iz sovetskih pisatelej, celikom posvjativshij sebja jetomu zhanru. Sredi naibolee izvestnyh ego romanov: Golova professora Doujelja, Chelovek-amfibija, Arijel', Zvezda KJeC i mnogie drugie (vsego bolee 70 nauchno-fantasticheskih proizvedenij, v tom chisle 17 romanov). Za znachitel'nyj vklad v russkuju fantastiku i providcheskie idei Beljaeva nazyvajut russkim Zhjulem Vernom. Vozmozhna li zhizn' chelovecheskogo razuma vne tela? I, esli da, to, chto zhdjot jetot razum pod vlast'ju moral'no nechistoplotnogo cheloveka? Stavja svoi derzkie jeksperimenty, professor Doujel' i ne predpolagal, chto odnazhdy v roli podopytnogo zhivotnogo okazhetsja on sam, a ego byvshij uchenik poluchit v polnuju sobstvennost' golovu svoego uchitelja, chtoby beznakazanno rasporjazhat'sja ego genial'nymi mysljami. S illjustracijami!

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    87,95 kr.

    This book presents two fantastic stories of the outstanding Soviet writer Alexander Belyaev translated into English by Victor Voloshchuk. The first story will acquaint the reader with Abominable Snowman who happened to be in Paris, surrounded by people of high society. Whether he was able to adapt and integrate himself into that society, the reader will learn from this story.The second story is dedicated to the problem of mind-reading. There is a situation that without this it is impossible to find the criminal who tried to kill the prime minister. Whether eventually the culprit will be found with the help of an invention, it will be known at the end of this story.

  • - Chelovek-Amphibiya
    af Alexander Belyaev
    122,95 kr.

    Amphibian Man is a science fiction adventure novel by the Soviet Russian writer Alexander Belyaev, first published in 1928. Argentinian doctor Salvator, a scientist and a maverick surgeon, performs a life saving transplant on his son, Ichthyander. The experiment was a success but it limited the young man's ability to interact with the world outside his ocean environment. He has to spend much of his time in water. Pedro Surita, local pearl gatherer, learns about Ichthyander and tries to exploit boy's superhuman diving abilities. Similar to other works by Beliaev, the book investigates the possibilities of physical survival under extreme conditions, as well as the moral integrity of scientific experiments. It also touches on socialist ideas of improving living conditions for the world's poor.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    127,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Aleksandr Romanovich Beljaev (4 (1884 - 1942) - russkij i sovetskij pisatel'-fantast, odin iz osnovopolozhnikov sovetskoj nauchno-fantasticheskoj literatury, pervyj iz sovetskih pisatelej, celikom posvjativshij sebja jetomu zhanru. Sredi naibolee izvestnyh ego romanov: Golova professora Doujelja, Chelovek-amfibija, Arijel', Zvezda KJeC i mnogie drugie (vsego bolee 70 nauchno-fantasticheskih proizvedenij, v tom chisle 17 romanov). Za znachitel'nyj vklad v russkuju fantastiku i providcheskie idei Beljaeva nazyvajut russkim Zhjulem Vernom. A.Beljaev v svoej fantasticheskoj povesti izobrazhaet poiski zatonuvshego kontinenta, kotorye posle dolgih trudov uvenchalis' uspehom. Na dne okeana byli najdeny mnogochislennye ostatki material'noj kul'tury atlantov. Ni osnove najdennyh materialov odin iz geroev povesti, professor Larison, otpravivshijsja na poiski Atlantidy, sozdal svej trud o poslednih dnjah ischeznuvshego materika. Odnako on byl ne tol'ko uchenym, no i romantikom, jentuziastom Atlantidy, posvjativshim mnogo let zhizni izucheniju tajny, razgadku kotoroj v konce koncov udalos' obnaruzhit' pod tolshhej okeanskih vod. S illjustracijami!

  • - Science Fiction
    af Alexander Belyaev
    117,95 kr.

    Roman Chelovek-amfibiya chitaetsya s nemalym udivleniem. Rech' ne stol'ko ob obstoyatel'stvakh, skol'ko o geroyakh: na stranitsakh romana vy ne naydete blagorodnogo, nemnogo naivnogo doktora Sal'vatora, mechtayushchego sozdat' podvodnuyu utopiyu, ne vstretite voploshchennyy obraz tragichnoy krasavitsy Guttiere i ee neputevogo, alchnogo, no sokhranivshego ostatki doblesti ottsa. I naivnogo blagorodnogo yunoshu Ikhtiandra vy ne vstretite - on sovsem drugoy blagodarya osobennostyam vospitaniya svoego priemnogo ottsa. Doktor Sal'vator sovsem ne dobryy doktor Aybolit, a kholodnyy, raschetlivyy i poistine besserdechnyy uchenyy-estestvoispytatel'. Da, tseli ego blagorodny - lechit' bolezni, razvivat' potentsial cheloveka, issledovat' morskie glubiny. No svoi khirurgicheskie opyty nad zhivymi sushchestvami on stavit prevyshe eticheskikh tsennostey. Ikhtiandr dlya nego skoree domashnyaya zverushka - udachnyy eksperiment, nezheli priemnyy syn. On rastit ego sotsial'no neprisposoblennym, yavno ne planiruya vypuskat' v svet, k lyudyam. K slovu, u professora est' obez'yana-amfibiya, kuda bolee udachnyy eksperiment, po ego sobstvennomu priznaniyu. Gde eto vidano, chtoby uchennyy stavil eksperiment na cheloveke prezhde, chem na obez'yane? Imenno takov on - Sal'vator. O poyavlenii Ikhtiandra v dome doktora voobshche otdel'nyy razgovor. Formennoe pokhishchenie - kidnepping! Neudivitel'no. Ved' odnim iz tolchkov k napisaniyu romana posluzhila nekaya zametka v gazete pro sud nad argentinskim doktorom, provodyashchim svyatotatstvennye opyty. Sleduyushchaya sostavlyayushchaya, dobavlyayushchaya v syuzhet romana ne lozhku, a polnyy bochonok besprosvetnosti - klerikal'naya. Doktor Sal'vator i kapitan Zurita prosto deti nevinnye po sravneniyu s episkopom Khuanom de Garsilasso, vozveshchayushchim ot imeni Boga o bogoprotivnosti sushchestv, izmenennykh khirurgicheski, i prizyvayushchim k ikh total'nomu unichtozheniyu. Vot takaya, filosofskaya kniga pro cheloveka-amfibiyu. Chto razbavlyaet mrak, tak eto neveroyatno yarkie i obraznye opisaniya okeana, so vsemi ego kraskami i igroy sveta, bystrymi techeniyami i podvodnymi obitatelyami. Deystvitel'no, polnoe pogruzhenie - chuvstvuesh' zhivoe prikosnovenie struy techeniya, shelkovuyu kozhu del'fina i teplo solnechnykh luchey v tolshche okeanskikh voln. Tem sil'nee shokiruet zavershayushchiy i porazitel'nyy povorot syuzheta - absolyutnoe otsutstvie zasluzhennogo nakazaniya dlya zlodeev i vozdayaniya dlya polozhitel'nykh geroev. Eto bolee zhiznenno v real'nom mire, no tak nespravedlivo i nepravil'no v mire knizhnom, gde dobro obyazano vostorzhestvovat', gde zlo dolzhno byt' nakazano!

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    87,95 kr.

    Alexander Belyaev was the outstanding Soviet science fiction writer of the first half of the twentieth century. He had written many science fiction novels and short stories. The most famous of them: 'The Amphibian Man', 'Professor Dowell's Head', 'Seller of Air', 'Lord of the World'. Many of his works had been translated into foreign languages and filmed.This book presents a little-known short story by Alexander Belyaev: 'Neither alive nor dead'. It tells the story of how schemer named Carlson decided to use the achievements of science in the study of suspended animation of living organisms and to freeze the unemployed at a time of economic crisis. What came out of it, the reader can learn from this book.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    162,95 kr.

    It is Paris in the 1920s, that frothy heyday between the World Wars. Hidden among the opulent cabarets, cafes, and theaters, a mad scientist toils away in his own private hospital, illegally performing grotesque experimental head transplants and reanimations on bodies stolen from the morgue. Under the tutelage of the disembodied head of a former colleague, the madman is well on his way to presenting the first-ever human head transplant to the scientific community, thereby achieving professional glory and securing his legacy as the greatest scientific mind of his generation. However, when one of his test subjects escapes, he risks being exposed to the authorities as a deranged criminal, before he has a chance to prove that he is exceptional and above the law. Can he find her before she alerts the police? Can he replicate the experiment before his illegal laboratory of living heads is discovered? Will his staff remain loyal as the pressure to save themselves builds? For nearly a century, the answers to these questions have captured the imaginations of countless readers in author Alexander Belyaev's native Russia, where this bestselling novel has sold millions of copies, has been adapted into film, and has influenced a generation of science-fiction writers. This captivating story is now brought to readers of English in this smart new translation of Professor Dowell's Head from writer Carl Engel. Alexander Belyaev (1884-1942), known in his native country as "the Russian Jules Verne," stands as one of the giants of horror and science-fiction literature of the early Soviet era. He is the author of seventeen novels, of which Professor Dowell's Head is both his first and most famous, and scores of short stories.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    137,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    152,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    157,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    147,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    167,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Belyaev
    652,95 kr.

    This undergraduate textbook breaks down the basics of Nuclear Structure and modern Particle Physics. Based on a comprehensive set of course notes, it covers all the introductory material and latest research developments required by third- and fourth-year physics students. The textbook is divided into two parts.

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