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  • - Lead People - Change the World
    af Alexander Bøgh P.
    56,95 kr.

    In the ever evolving world and society we live in, with new discoveries, new technologies and new companies rising everyday, we seem to focus our attention altogether on the products, the sales and the numbers, and therefore we tend to forget about the people. The people who we depend on to purchase our products or services, but even more the people selling those and working for the grander picture; the business entirely. We simply forget to forge the leaders of tomorrow. Having a company, or being a leader in a company, really is about taking care of a family. The people working for you and/or the company should be considered just that. Now, I haven’t come up with much of the material in this book on my own. You’re probably not gonna read anything that hasn’t been written before by smarter people than me.I seek to take the lessons of experts and make them everyday approachable. Dumb’ em down.

  • - Provocative Epiphanies
    af Alexander Bøgh P.
    74,95 kr.

    Up for a challenge?Consider whether the following sentences apply to you and your life;- Life is too often without purpose. It's the same day week after week.- I am shy. I'm scared of conflicts. I am unambitious, i lack confidence and i am tired most of the time.Was there any of it that you can recognize?At least that's how my life was when I was around 20 years old. Throughout my life, I have experienced many rejections.I was not ready for education after primary school, I was told by friends and family that the dreams of that time would not come true, I was almost thrown out of high school and I was diagnosed with a "severe depression" in the same period of time. No need for pity. It's not about me. It's about what i did about it. Everybody has struggles.I was Unique. Just like everyone else.Today I am the manager of a few nightclubs. I am a performance coach in northern Europe's largest nightlife company, and have daily responsibility for, among other things, over 50 employees, the full operation of the business and the development of new young people with potential.So what changed? One thing is certain; If I can change that much, so can you.

  • - Provokerende Åbenbaringer
    af Alexander Bøgh P.
    82,95 kr.

    Klar på en udfordring?Overvej om følgende sætninger passer på dig og dit liv;- Livet er for ofte uden formål. Det er samme hverdag uge efter uge. - Jeg er genert. Jeg er konfliktsky. Uambitiøs, selvtillidsløs og træt det meste af tiden.Var der bare noget af det, som du kan genkende?Det var i hvert fald sådan mit liv var, da jeg var omkring de 20 år. Igennem mit liv har jeg oplevet mange afvisninger. Jeg var ikke uddannelsesparat efter folkeskolen, fik at vide, af både venner og familie, at de daværende drømme ikke ville blive til noget, blev næsten ud af gymnasiet og fik konstateret en "svær depression" i nogenlunde samme tidsrum. Ingen grund til medlidenhed. For mange har det sikkert værre. Jeg var unik. Unik som alle andre.Den dag i dag er jeg bestyrer på op til flere natklubber. Jeg er performance coach i nordeuropas største nattelivskoncern, og har til dagligt ansvaret for blandt andet over 50 ansatte, den fulde drift af forretningerne og udviklingen af nye unge mennesker med potentiale. Så hvad ændrede sig? Én ting er sikkert. Hvis jeg kan ændre så meget, så kan du også. Læs med her hvordan :)

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