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Bøger af Alexander Lowen

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  • Spar 17%
    - Den verdensberømte terapi hvor kroppens sprog løser sindets problemer
    af Alexander Lowen
    44,50 - 288,95 kr.

    Bioenergetik er en terapiform, der tager udgangspunkt i kropssproget for at helbrede sindet. Personligheden ses som en kombination af krop og bevidsthed. Kroppen er medbestemmende for, hvad man tænker, føler og gør. Mangel på energi skyldes kroniske muskelspændinger, som atter skyldes undertrykkelse af følelserne. Disse spændinger kan løses op gennem Alexander Lowens (1910-2008) banebrydende kropsøvelser, som bygger på Wilhelm Reichs teorier. Alexander Lowen tager i sin bog fat i hverdagslidelser som hovedpine, lændesmerter, angst for at falde, nærsynethed, forskellige karakterforstyrrelser m.m.Bogen udkom på dansk første gang i 1988 på forlaget Borgen.

  • Spar 17%
    af Alexander Lowen
    44,50 - 223,95 kr.

    I Den guddommelige krop har bioenergetikkens skaber, Alexander Lowen, udvidet sine banebrydende teorier om kroppens og psykens forbundenhed til også at omfatte den åndelige dimension, som er af vital betydning for vores sundhed. Vi mærker den, når vi oplever og genkender kærligheden, og når vi i salige øjeblikke lader os overvælde af den frit strømmende energi og erkender, at vi alle er forbundet med hinanden og med universet. Modsat medfører smerte og angst, at vi blokerer for denne energi og lukker af for omverdenen, pansrer kroppen og skaber grobund for fysiske og psykiske sygdomme - og at vi taber den yndefuldhed, som er det harmoniske livs naturlige varemærke.Ifølge Lowen er vi nemlig alle født i en tilstand af ynde, som gennem barndommen er blevet overskygget af især vores forældres krav og forventninger. Og det er tilbagekomsten til den yndefulde krop, til harmonien, der er hans vigtigste ærinde. Dette gøres bl. a. ved at arbejde med kropslige spændinger, som under afspænding kan frigøre psykiske hæmninger og blokerede følelser.Bogen indeholder enkle tests og øvelser, som er lette at udføre, og som giver dig mulighed for at arbejde dig hen imod den harmoni mellem krop, sind og følelser, som er afgørende for fysisk, psykisk og spirituel sundhed, glæde og nydelse.

  • - The Revolutionary Therapy That Uses the Language of the Body to Heal the Problems of the Mind
    af Alexander Lowen
    198,95 kr.

    Analyzes common complaints such as headaches and lower-back pain and shows how they can be overcome by releasing the muscular tension that creates them. Through bioenergetic exercise, physical pain can be dissolved and emotion released, leading to a new sense of confidence and well-being.

  • - Denial of the True Self
    af Alexander Lowen
    116,95 kr.

    A fully revised and updated re-issue of this groundbreaking study that will relieve hidden anxieties and heal the tension between mind, body and feelings.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    528,95 kr.

    Neste livro, Alexander Lowen mostra como recuperar a vitalidade do corpo e liberar a energia de sentimentos suprimidos. Partindo de exemplos de sua atuação clínica, ele mostra que as experiências emocionais dolorosas ¿ de abuso sexual ao medo de morrer, passando pela raiva e pelo coração partido ¿ são manifestados em sintomas corporais. Partindo desse conhecimento, o autor ajuda os leitores a identificar esses sinais inequívocos do corpo que clamam por liberdade. A saúde vibrante que resulta desse processo tem benefícios inegáveis para a totalidade do ser, como o aumento do prazer sexual e o aprofundamento da espiritualidade. Este livro, ápice do trabalho de Lowen, é um guia certeiro para a transformação pessoal.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    268,95 kr.

    Love, Sex, and Your Heart elucidates how emotional life and physical being are one, mutually reflective as two sides of a coin.Emotional life is tied to physical being and physical health is dependent on emotional well-being. Alexander Lowen's insight into these powerful connections offers an innovative approach to cardiovascular health and the treatment of heart disease. Lowen examines the feeling of love as a physiological process in the body. When this process is frustrated, as in the case of heartbreak or isolation, especially during childhood, people suppress their pain by unconsciously rigidifying their chest muscles. This results in a chronic restriction of breathing, movement, and feeling. It is this tension that limits pleasure, and predisposes so many to heart disease. This book features the principles and therapeutic techniques to help people understand their fear of love, release chronic muscular tension, and become more loving. It is essential reading for health professionals and anyone interested in the health of the heart.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    268,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    268,95 kr.

    Fear of Life is an in-depth study of the human condition within modern culture.Alexander Lowen challenges conventional thinking and contends that neurotic behavior stems from a fear of life, and represents the individual's unconscious effort to overcome that fear. But one cannot do so. One can only suppress or deny it, at the cost of spontaneity and being at ease. Lowen explains that being a person requires that one stop their frantic doing, and take time out to breathe and to feel. If one has the courage to accept and feel the pain and hurt, despair and sadness, and inner emptiness or anxiety in one's life, one can heal trauma and gain pleasure, fulfillment, and joy....the object of Bioenergetic Analysis.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    208,95 kr.

    The Voice of the Body is the first publication in a single volume of Alexander Lowen's public lectures known as The Lowen Monographs.This historical collection of twenty-two lectures by one of the founders of contemporary body psychotherapy embodies the groundbreaking principles of Bioenergetics and Bioenergetic Analysis. Presented between 1962 and 1982, these lectures document the depth and breadth of Lowen's work not otherwise detailed in his published work. Poignant and relevant to the challenges of today's world, the topics include: Stress and Illness: A Bioenergetic View; Breathing, Movement and Feeling; Thinking and Feeling: The Bioenergetic Analysis of Thought; Sex and Personality; Self Expression vs. Survival; Aggression and Violence in the Individual; and Psychopathic Behavior and the Psychopathic Personality.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    437,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Film und Fernsehen, Note: 2,5, Universität Bayreuth, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Michael Haneke gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Filmemacher unserer Zeit. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit seiner praktischen Regiearbeit und den theoretischen Denkmodellen, die als Hintergrund für sein Schaffen dienen. In den Kontext des filmwissenschaftlich-historischen Modells "Autorenfilm" gesetzt und mit einschlägigen Beispielen ergänzt, ergibt die Arbeit eine bisher einmalige Auseinandersetzung mit Michael Haneke und seinem Werk.Neben Lob zur Erfassung und Gestaltung des Themas, war die Hauptkritik meiner Dozenten, dass die Arbeit z.T. einer Festschrift für den Regisseur Haneke gleicht. Ich empfehle der Leserin und dem Leser selbst herauszufinden und eigenständig zu beurteilen, ob dem tatsächlich so ist.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    268,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    348,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    263,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    258,95 kr.

    The depressed person, says Dr. Alexander Lowen, is out of touch with reality - and especially with the reality of his or her own body. This inspiring, pioneering book explores the cultural and psychological forces that contribute to this condition and shows how we can overcome depression, first by reestablishing the connection to our physical selves and learning to recognize the physical manifestations of our emotions. Drawing on his vast experience with depressed patients, Dr. Lowen outlines a series of simple but remarkably effective exercises that help us reawaken to our own inherent energies, enable us to express our love and uniqueness, and recover our spirituality and faith in living. "[Dr. Lowen's] book is both important and, for the serious lay reader, engrossing. He is an unusually lucid writer, unburdened by jargon, candidly personal." - Publishers Weekly

  • af Alexander Lowen
    293,95 kr.

    Nesta obra, Alexander Lowen explica como a experiência de prazer ou de dor determina nossas emoções, nossos pensamentos e nosso comportamento. Examinando a psicologia e a biologia do prazer, ele analisa suas raízes na natureza do corpo e mostra que só há saúde emocional quando estamos num estado de prazer ¿ ou seja, quando nos sentimos bem com o nosso corpo. O autor descreve o prazer como uma força criativa ¿ a única forte o bastante para fazer oposição ao potencial destrutivo do poder. Na maioria dos adultos, a luta por poder rivaliza com a busca de prazer, provocando tensões musculares crônicas e minando nossa criatividade. Baseando-se em estudos de caso que ilustram o funcionamento da bioenergética, Lowen mostra que todos podemos nos reconectar com nosso corpo e recuperar o equilíbrio corpo-mente, recobrando nossa espontaneidade natural e a capacidade de sentir prazer e de levar uma vida mais criativa e plena.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    408,95 kr.

    Para Alexander Lowen, a pessoa deprimida perdeu o contato com a realidade ¿ sobretudo com a realidade do próprio corpo. Este livro, pioneiro no estudo da depressão e de suas consequências físicas e mentais, analisa, de forma clara e direta, as forças culturais e psicológicas que contribuem para a instalação do transtorno e mostra caminhos para que possamos superá-lo. O primeiro passo para isso é, segundo o autor, reestabelecer a conexão com nosso eu interior e aprender a reconhecer as manifestações físicas de nossas emoções. Baseado em sua vasta experiência com pacientes deprimidos, Lowen apresenta uma série de exercícios bioenergéticos que nos ajudam a despertar para nossa energia interna e permitem-nos expressar nossa singularidade e recuperar a espiritualidade e a fé na vida.

  • af Alexander Lowen
    408,95 kr.

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