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Bøger af Alexander Sturm

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  • af Alexander Sturm
    267,95 kr.

    This is the story of Bob "Rocket" Sturm. Everyone called him Rocket. He flew jets for 35 years for Transworld Airlines (TWA).By the 1970's, the advent of the commercial jet has made the world much smaller. Tribes in the Amazon and other remote countries were discovered, foreign relations were made and broken, and pilots and flight attendants were at the forefront of the Sexual Revolution. The advent of "The Pill" has given men and women the power to have one-night stands. The frivolousness and liberty of the jet age was the perfect catalyst. Captains were the pinnacle of professionalism and manliness. The Captain was next to God. Were all the stories about cockpits and layovers true? Well, I don't know. But the ones that I will tell you are.

  • af Alexander Sturm
    618,95 kr.

    abzuklaren oder nicht sofort effektiv zu behandeln bzw. sorgfaltig zu iiberwachen. Fiir das Schicksal des Hypertonikers sind Friihdiagnose und Friihbehandlung seines Leidens von eminen­ ter Bedeutung.

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