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  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    472,95 kr.

    Until now, the solution to the problems associated with sepsis modeling has been based on the reproduction of bacteremia or sepsis in a wide range of understandings. The adoption of a new classification of sepsis and its forms by the Chicago consensus conference in 1991 allowed us to look at the problem in a very different, more promising way to solve problems. At the same time, the modeling of sepsis according to the known methods does not provide for the stages of the pathological process development with the development of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome. To fully assess the mechanisms of sepsis manifestation, it is necessary to develop a model corresponding to the initial stage of the systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome development against the background of the forming purulent-inflammatory focus. This problem is one of the topical issues not only in the field of modern experimental medicine, but also in the field of studying the pathogenesis of sepsis in general. The information presented in this monograph will be useful both for researchers engaged in the experimental modeling of pathological processes and for students of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology as additional educational literature.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    472,95 kr.

    Jusqu'à présent, les problèmes liés à la modélisation de la septicémie étaient basés sur la reproduction de la bactériémie ou de la septicémie au sens large. L'adoption d'une nouvelle classification du sepsis et de ses formes par la conférence de consensus de Chicago de 1991 a permis d'aborder le problème de manière très différente et plus prospective. Dans le même temps, la simulation de la septicémie selon les méthodes connues ne fournit pas les étapes du développement du processus pathologique procédant au développement d'un syndrome de réponse inflammatoire systémique. Pour évaluer pleinement les mécanismes de la manifestation du sepsis, il est nécessaire de développer un modèle correspondant à la phase initiale du développement du syndrome de réaction inflammatoire systémique dans le contexte de la formation du foyer purulent-inflammatoire. Ce problème est l'une des questions d'actualité non seulement dans le domaine de la médecine expérimentale moderne, mais aussi dans celui de l'étude de la pathogenèse du sepsis en général. Les informations présentées dans cette monographie seront utiles à la fois aux chercheurs engagés dans la modélisation expérimentale des processus pathologiques et aux étudiants des facultés de médecine et de biologie en tant que documentation pédagogique supplémentaire.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    472,95 kr.

    Até agora, os problemas associados à modelização da sepsis baseavam-se na reprodução da bacteriemia ou sepsis no seu sentido mais lato. A adopção de uma nova classificação da sepsis e das suas formas pela Conferência de Consenso de Chicago de 1991 proporcionou uma forma muito diferente, mais virada para o futuro, de abordar o problema. Ao mesmo tempo, a simulação da sepsis de acordo com os métodos conhecidos não proporciona fases de desenvolvimento do processo patológico que prossegue com o desenvolvimento de uma síndrome de reacção inflamatória sistémica. Para avaliar plenamente os mecanismos de manifestação da sepsis, é necessário desenvolver um modelo correspondente à fase inicial do desenvolvimento da síndrome da reacção inflamatória sistémica contra o pano de fundo do foco purulento-inflamatório formador. Este problema é uma das questões actuais não só no campo da medicina experimental moderna, mas também no campo do estudo da patogénese da sepsis em geral. A informação apresentada nesta monografia será útil tanto para investigadores empenhados na modelação experimental de processos patológicos como para estudantes de faculdades médicas e biológicas como literatura educacional adicional.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    472,95 kr.

    Bislang beruhten die Probleme im Zusammenhang mit der Modellierung von Sepsis auf der Reproduktion von Bakteriämie oder Sepsis im weitesten Sinne. Die Verabschiedung einer neuen Klassifikation der Sepsis und ihrer Formen durch die Chicagoer Konsensuskonferenz von 1991 hat eine ganz andere, zukunftsorientierte Herangehensweise an das Problem ermöglicht. Gleichzeitig liefert die Simulation der Sepsis nach den bekannten Methoden keine Stadien der Entwicklung des pathologischen Prozesses, der mit der Entwicklung eines Syndroms der systemischen Entzündungsreaktion einhergeht. Um die Mechanismen der Sepsis-Manifestation vollständig zu erfassen, muss ein Modell entwickelt werden, das dem Anfangsstadium der Entwicklung des systemischen Entzündungsreaktionssyndroms vor dem Hintergrund des sich bildenden eitrig-entzündlichen Herds entspricht. Dieses Problem ist nicht nur auf dem Gebiet der modernen experimentellen Medizin, sondern auch bei der Untersuchung der Pathogenese der Sepsis im Allgemeinen ein aktuelles Thema. Die in dieser Monographie enthaltenen Informationen sind sowohl für Forscher, die sich mit der experimentellen Modellierung pathologischer Prozesse befassen, als auch für Studenten der medizinischen und biologischen Fakultäten als zusätzliche Lehrliteratur nützlich.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    472,95 kr.

    Finora, i problemi associati alla modellizzazione della sepsi si sono basati sulla riproduzione della batteriemia o della sepsi in senso lato. L'adozione di una nuova classificazione della sepsi e delle sue forme da parte della Conferenza di Consenso di Chicago del 1991 ha fornito un modo molto diverso e più lungimirante di affrontare il problema. Allo stesso tempo, la simulazione della sepsi secondo i metodi conosciuti non fornisce le fasi dello sviluppo del processo patologico che procede con lo sviluppo di una sindrome di risposta infiammatoria sistemica. Per valutare appieno i meccanismi di manifestazione della sepsi, è necessario sviluppare un modello che corrisponda alla fase iniziale dello sviluppo della sindrome da reazione infiammatoria sistemica sullo sfondo della formazione del focus purulento-infiammatorio. Questo problema è uno dei temi di attualità non solo nel campo della moderna medicina sperimentale, ma anche nel campo dello studio della patogenesi della sepsi in generale. Le informazioni presentate in questa monografia saranno utili sia per i ricercatori impegnati nella modellazione sperimentale dei processi patologici, sia per gli studenti delle facoltà di medicina e biologia come ulteriore letteratura didattica.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    227,95 kr.

    The monograph was written to reveal the practical aspects of the processes of continuing medical education based on the use of webinar technologies. It outlines the theoretical and practical aspects of continuing medical education based on the use of webinar technology as an innovative form of learning in the formation of the information society. It presents models of implementation of webinars in educational practice in order to increase the effectiveness of postgraduate education of specialists in the health care system. In the process of implementing webinar technologies the state of the problem of continuous professional development with their use was studied; the main distinctive principles and practical aspects of using distance learning technologies and webinar technologies in professional development were identified, a comparative analysis of different software for organizing webinars in the process of professional development was presented. The proposed recommendations can be used in the organization of the educational process in the system of distance learning professional development and retraining.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    397,95 kr.

    The developed algorithm of endobronchial methods of sanation of purulent-destructive foci in the lungs is presented in this monograph on the basis of the obtained clinical data. The efficacy and necessity of early inclusion of prolonged intraarterial catheter therapy into the complex of treatment measures in patients with acute purulent-destructive pulmonary diseases has been shown and substantiated. The place and possibilities of combined prolonged intraarterial and intravenous catheter therapy have been shown, the optimal scheme of infusates and methods of their administration have been developed. The developed new method of treatment of limited lung gangrene and peripherally located acute purulent lung abscesses is described in detail. The authors will be grateful to all who will consider it possible to send their comments, wishes and suggestions aimed at improving this edition. The monograph is intended for thoracic surgeons and pulmonologists, as well as additional educational literature for masters of thoracic surgery.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    497,95 kr.

    The monograph presents modern views on the nonrespiratory function of the lungs in surgical sepsis. The authors substantiate the main stages of the experimental research and reveal biological regularities of compensatory-adaptive processes of lung barrier function rearrangement in the development of surgical sepsis. This monograph is based on the results of fundamental research on the identification of new patterns of interrelationships of the organism as a whole biological object, in the process of conflict of micro and macroorganisms.

  • af Alisher Oripovich Ohunov
    292,95 kr.

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