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Bøger af Alvaro Parra Pinto

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  • - El Libro de La Selva
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 9El Libro de La SelvaIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary

  • - La Cenicienta
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 8La CenicientaIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary

  • - Blancanieves y los Siete Enanos
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 7Blancanieves y los Siete Enanos Intermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary

  • - La Bella Durmiente
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 6La Bella DurmienteIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary

  • - Peter Pan
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 4Peter Pan Intermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary

  • - Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 3Alicia en el País de las MaravillasIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    This volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for intermediate language students. Fun and easy to read, it includes a selection of pages from the following best-sellers: *THE THREE MUSKETEERS by Alexandre Dumas*FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON by Jules Verne.*TARZAN OF THE APES by Edgar Rice Burroughs*THE METAMORPHOSIS by Franz Kafka*WUTHERING HEIGHTS by Emily Brontë*FRANKENSTEIN by Mary ShelleyAll texts were translated, edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, intermediate-level vocabulary.

  • - "Sherlock Holmes 2" di Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    183,95 kr.

    DIVERTENTE E FACILE DA LEGGERE, questo libro di esercizi didattico in spagnolo e basato sul racconto "La Lega dei Capelli Rossi", il secondo dei 56 che vedono protagonista Sherlock Holmes, scritti dall'autore britannico Arthur Conan Doyle, pubblicata originariamente nel 1891 alla raccolta "Le avventure di Sherlock Holmes". Tradotto, editato e semplificato per faciltare la pratica della lettura e comprensione usando una formulazione semplice, frasi brevi, un vocabolario con livello di difficoltà moderato più esercizi brevi e interessanti. Specialmente scritti utilizzando uno spagnolo semplice per principianti esperti e studenti di livello preintermedio, ogni capitolo è seguito da un glossario di parole comuni in spagnolo ed espressioni popolari con le rispettive traduzioni in italiano, otre a semplici e divertenti esercizi disegnati per aumentare le tue capacità di lettura, comprensione e vocabolario. In poche parole, questa nuova collana di libri di esercizi pubblicati da Easy Spanish Language Center punta a fornire un allenamento di lettura semplice e promuovere lo sviluppo della comprensione della lettura offrendo testi adeguati ed esercizi disegnati specialmente per aumentare la comprensione dello spagnolo come seconda lingua, non solo aiutando gli studenti a riconoscere e comprendere nuove espressioni in un determinate testo, ma anche aiutandoli ad identificare le idee principali, relazioni e sequenze basate sulla comprensione che leggere è "un'attività complessa, che attiva processi di costruzione del significato" invece di "semplici abiità applicative".GRAZIE PER AVERCI SCELTO GODITI IL TUO ALLENAMENTO DI LETTURA!SERIE DI LIBRI DI ESERCIZI ESLC VOLUME 1: IL FARO IN CAPO AL MONDO di Giulio VerneVOLUME 2: IL PICCOLO PRINCIPE di Antoine de Saint-ExuperyVOLUME 3: DON CHISCIOTTE di Miguel de CervantesVOLUME 4: GULLIVER di Jonathan SwiftVOLUME 5: SHERLOCK HOLMES di Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 6: VENTIMILA LEGHE SOTTO I MARI di Giulio VerneVOLUME 7: DORIAN GRAY di Oscar WildeVOLUME 8: SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 di Sir Arthur Conan DoyleRomanzi brevi in spagnolo facile, libro di esercizi in Spagnolo, Spagnolo per principianti, Corsi di lingue straniere, Romanzi brevi in spagnolo facile, Romanzi in spagnolo, imparare lo spagnolo

  • - "O Farol no Fim do Mundo" de Júlio Verne (Aprenda espanhol)
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    DIVERTIDO E DE FÁCIL LEITURA, este didático caderno de exercícios em Espanhol Fácil é baseado no célebre romance pirata de Júlio Verne, O FAROL NO FIM DO MUNDO, traduzido, editado e simplificado para facilitar a prática de leitura e compreensão, usando palavras simples, frases breves, vocabulário moderado, e mais de 60 exercícios curtos e divertidos.Especialmente escrito em Espanhol simples e fácil para estudantes iniciantes experientes e de nível baixo-intermediário, cada capítulo é seguido por um glossário de palavras espanholas populares e expressões comuns e suas respectivas traduções para o Português, bem como por exercícios simples e divertidos, projetados para expandir suas habilidades de leitura, compreensão e vocabulário. Em poucas palavras, esta nova série de cadernos de exercícios publicados pela Easy Spanish Language Center tem como objetivo proporcionar uma prática de leitura simples e impulsionar o desenvolvimento da compreensão de leitura, oferecendo textos e exercícios especialmente projetados para aumentar a compreensão do Espanhol como segunda língua, não somente ajudando os estudantes a reconhecer e compreender novas expressões em um dado texto, mas também auxiliando-os a identificar ideias principais, relações e sequências com base no entendimento de que a leitura é "um processo complexo e ativo de construção de significado" ao invéz de "mera aplicação de habilidade."CONFIRA OS OUTROS VOLUMES DESTA SÉRIE!CADERNOS DE EXERCÍCIOS DE LEITURA ESLC *1. O FAROL NO FIM DO MUNDO de Júlio Verne*2. O PRINCIPEZINHO de Antoine de Saint-Exupery*3. DOM QUIXOTE de Miguel de Cervantes*4. GULLIVER de Jonathan Swift*5. SHERLOCK HOLMES de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  • - "Gulliver" by Jonathan Swift
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    173,95 kr.

    FUN AND EASY TO READ, this didactic workbook in Easy Spanish is based on the best-selling 18th Century fiction novel GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, written by the celebrated Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). Regarded as Swift's literary masterpiece, the novel was first published in 1726 for readers of all ages and is presently considered one of the world's best satires of human nature and society.Especially translated, edited, and simplified to ease reading practice and comprehension, our text includes simple wording, brief sentences, and moderate vocabulary. Also, for your convenience, each chapter is followed by a glossary of Spanish common words and popular expressions and their respective English translations, as well as by fun and simple sets of exercises designed to boost your reading skills and comprehension.In short words, this workbook series published by the Easy Spanish Language Center provides the reading practice and drills you need to boost your reading skills and increase your vocabulary based on the understanding that reading is "a complex, active process of constructing meaning" instead of "mere skill application."Read it now! And don´t forget to check out the rest of the ESLC READING WORKBOOK SERIES!VOLUME 1: THE LIGHT AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD by Jules VerneVOLUME 2: THE CANTERVILLE GHOST by Oscar WildeVOLUME 3: DON QUIXOTE by Miguel de CervantesVOLUME 4: GULLIVER by Jonathan SwiftVOLUME 5: SHERLOCK HOLMES by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 6: 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA by Jules VerneVOLUME 7: THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY by Oscar WildeVOLUME 8: SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 9: JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH by Jules VerneGET THE WHOLE SERIES NOW AND LEARN SPANISH THE FUN AND EASY WAY!

  • - "Don Quixote" von Miguel de Cervantes
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    118,95 kr.

    UNTERHALTSAM UND LEICHT ZU LESEN, basiert dieses didaktische Übungsbuch in einfachem Spanisch auf "DON QUIXOTE"von Miguel de Cervantes. Die Geschichte wurde übersetzt, editiert und verkürzt für eine einfache Leseübung. Zum besseren Verständnis wird ein einfaches Vokabular benutzt mit kurzen Sätzen und mit unterhaltsamen Übungen.Geschrieben in einfachem und leicht verständlichem Spanisch sowohl für den Anfänger als auch für Studenten mit etwas weiteren Fortschritten in der spanischen Sprache.Jedem Kapitel folgt ein Vokabular mit spanischen Wörtern der Umgangssprache und deren deutsche Uebersetzung. So ist garantiert, dass Dein Verständnis und Dein Vokabular der spanischen Sprache aufgebaut und verbessert wird.Kurz geagt, diese neue Serie von Übungsbüchern, publiziert vom Easy Spanish Language Center, zielen darauf ab eine einfache Lesepraxis für Spanisch als zweite Fremdsprache und deren Weiterentwicklung zu fördern, nicht nur um den Studierenden zu helfen neue Ausdrücke in einem zusammenhängenden Text zu erkennen und zu verstehen sondern auch um den Studierenden anzuleiten die wesentlichen Ideen, Verhältnisse und Sequenzen von zusammenhängenden Texten zu erkennen zu lassen.Auch ist beabsichtigt den Studenten verstehen zu geben, dass Lesen ein komplexer, aktiver Prozess ist um Zusammenhänge konstruktiv zu erfassen und so weit darüber hinausgeht nur Kenntnisse einer weiteren Fremdsprache zu erlernen.E S L C Ü B U N G S B Ü C H E R S E R I E *B A N D 1"DAS LICHT AM ENDE DER WELT" von Jules Verne *B A N D 2"DER KLEINE PRINZ" von Antoine de Saint-Exupery*B A N D 3"DON QUIJOTE" von Miguel de Cervantes*B A N D 4"GULLIVER" von Jonathan Swift*B A N D 5"SHERLOCK HOLMES" von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  • - "20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer" von Jules Verne
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    153,95 kr.

    UNTERHALTUNG UND EINFACH ZU LESEN, dieses didaktische Heft basiert auf dem berühmten Roman in einfachem Spanisch "20.000 MEILEN UNTER DEM MEER", von dem französischen Schriftsteller Jules Verne. Die Geschichte wurde übersetzt, editiert und verkürzt für eine einfache Leseübung. Zum besseren Verständnis wird ein einfaches Vokabular benutzt mit kurzen Sätzen und mit unterhaltsamen Übungen.Geschrieben in einfachem und leicht verständlichem Spanisch sowohl für den Anfänger als auch für Studenten mit etwas weiteren Fortschritten in der spanischen Sprache.Jedem Kapitel folgt ein Vokabular mit spanischen Wörtern der Umgangssprache und deren deutsche Uebersetzung. So ist garantiert, dass Dein Verständnis und Dein Vokabular der spanischen Sprache aufgebaut und verbessert wird.Kurz geagt, diese neue Serie von Übungsbüchern, publiziert vom Easy Spanish Language Center (ESLC), zielen darauf ab eine einfache Lesepraxis für Spanisch als zweite Fremdsprache und deren Weiterentwicklung zu fördern, nicht nur um den Studierenden zu helfen neue Ausdrücke in einem zusammenhängenden Text zu erkennen und zu verstehen sondern auch um den Studierenden anzuleiten die wesentlichen Ideen, Verhältnisse und Sequenzen von zusammenhängenden Texten zu erkennen zu lassen.Auch ist beabsichtigt den Studenten verstehen zu geben, dass Lesen ein komplexer, aktiver Prozess ist um Zusammenhänge konstruktiv zu erfassen und so weit darüber hinausgeht nur Kenntnisse einer weiteren Fremdsprache zu erlernen.ESLC ÜBUNGSBÜCHER SERIE: KURZROMANE IN EINFACHE SPANISCHE FÜR ANFÄNGERB A N D 1: "DAS LICHT AM ENDE DER WELT" von Jules Verne B A N D 2"DER KLEINE PRINZ" von Antoine de Saint-ExuperyB A N D 3"DON QUIJOTE" von Miguel de CervantesB A N D 4"GULLIVER" von Jonathan SwiftB A N D 5"SHERLOCK HOLMES" von Sir Arthur Conan DoyleB A N D 6"20.000 MEILEN UNTER DEM MEER" von Jules VerneB A N D 7"DAS BILDNIS DES DORIAN GRAY" von Oscar WildeB A N D 8"SHERLOCK HOLMES 2" von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  • - Easy Spanish Short Novels for Beginners: With 60+ Exercises & 200-Word Vocabulary (Learn Spanish)
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    143,95 kr.

    FUN AND EASY TO READ, this didactic workbook in Easy Spanish is based on Oscar Wilde's "THE CANTERVILLE GHOST" ("EL FANTASMA DE CANTERVILLE"), first published in 1887.For your convenience, the original text has been translated, edited and simplified to ease your reading practice and comprehension. Using simple wording, short sentences, and moderate vocabulary, it is highly recommended for experienced beginning and intermediate Spanish language students interested in boosting their reading skills and comprehension. Also, after each chapter, you will find a list of Spanish words and typical expressions used in the text and their corresponding translations in English language as well as a series of fun and simple exercises not only with the object of helping you recognize and understand new words but also to help you identify main ideas, relationships, and sequencing, based on the understanding that reading is "a complex, active process of constructing meaning" instead of "mere skill application."Read it now! And don´t forget to check out the rest of the ESLC Reading Workbook Series! VOLUME 1: THE LIGHT AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD by Jules VerneVOLUME 2: THE CANTERVILLE GHOST by Oscar WildeVOLUME 3: DON QUIXOTE by Miguel de CervantesVOLUME 4: GULLIVER by Jonathan SwiftVOLUME 5: SHERLOCK HOLMES by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 6: 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA by Jules VerneVOLUME 7: THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY by Oscar WildeVOLUME 8: SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 9: JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH by Jules Verne

  • - Il Faro in Capo al Mondo di Giulio Verne (Imparare lo spagnolo)
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    173,95 kr.

    DIVERTENTE E FACILE DA LEGGERE, questo libro di esercizi didattico in Spagnolo Semplice e' basato sulla celebre storia di pirati di Giulio Verne "Il Faro in Capo al Mondo", tradotto, editato e semplificato per faciltare la pratica della lettura e comprensione usando una formulazione semplice, frasi brevi, un vocabolario con livello di difficoltà moderato più esercizi brevi e interessanti. Specialmente scritti utilizzando uno spagnolo semplice per principianti esperti e studenti di livello preintermedio, ogni capitolo è seguito da un glossario di parole comuni in spagnolo ed espressioni popolari con le rispettive traduzioni in italiano, otre a semplici e divertenti esercizi disegnati per aumentare le tue capacità di lettura, comprensione e vocabolario. In poche parole, questa nuova collana di libri di esercizi pubblicati da Easy Spanish Language Center punta a fornire un allenamento di lettura semplice e promuovere lo sviluppo della comprensione della lettura offrendo testi adeguati ed esercizi disegnati specialmente per aumentare la comprensione dello spagnolo come seconda lingua, non solo aiutando gli studenti a riconoscere e comprendere nuove espressioni in un determinate testo, ma anche aiutandoli ad identificare le idee principali, relazioni e sequenze basate sulla comprensione che leggere è "un'attività complessa, che attiva processi di costruzione del significato" invece di "semplici abiità applicative.SERIE DI LIBRI DI ESERCIZI ESLC VOLUME 1: IL FARO IN CAPO AL MONDO di Giulio VerneVOLUME 2: IL PICCOLO PRINCIPE di Antoine de Saint-ExuperyVOLUME 3: DON CHISCIOTTE di Miguel de CervantesVOLUME 4: GULLIVER di Jonathan SwiftVOLUME 5: SHERLOCK HOLMES di Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 6: VENTIMILA LEGHE SOTTO I MARI di Giulio VerneVOLUME 7: DORIAN GRAY di Oscar WildeVOLUME 8: SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 di Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTags: Romanzi brevi in spagnolo facile, libro di esercizi in Spagnolo, Spagnolo per principianti, Corsi di lingue straniere, Romanzi brevi in spagnolo facile, Romanzi in spagnolo, imparare lo spagnolo

  • - "The Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston Leroux
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    153,95 kr.

    THIS HORROR READING WORKBOOK IN EASY SPANISH is based on Gaston Leroux's horror novel "The Phantom of The Opera" ("El fantasma de la ópera"), first published in 1910.Fun and easy to read, it has been especially translated, edited, and simplified to ease your reading practice and comprehension, this first volume uses simple wording, brief sentences, and moderate vocabulary. Furthermore, each chapter is followed by a vocabulary list of Spanish words and phrases with their respective English translations, as well as by fun and simple exercises designed to boost your reading skill and comprehension. Get it now and don´t forget to check out the rest of the series!HORROR READING WORKBOOKS SERIES: Volume 1: THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA by Gaston LerouxVolume 2: FRANKENSTEIN by Mary ShalleyVolume 3: DRÁCULA by Bram Stoker

  • - "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    153,95 kr.

    THIS HORROR READING WORKBOOK IN EASY SPANISH is based on the Victorian horror novel "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus" ("Frankenstein o El moderno Prometeo"), originally written by the celebrated English author Mary Shelley (1797-1851), first published in London in 1818.Easy to read, the volumes of the "Horror Reading Workbooks Series" have been especially translated, condensed, and simplified to ease your reading practice and comprehension, using simple wording, brief sentences and moderate vocabulary. Plus, each chapter is followed by a vocabulary list of Spanish words and phrases with their respective English translations, as well as by fun and simple exercises designed to boost your reading skill and comprehension. In short words, this series published by the Easy Spanish Language Center aims to provide simple reading practice and boost the development of reading comprehension by offering adequate texts and exercises especially designed to increase the understanding of Spanish as a second language, not only helping students recognize and understand new expressions in a given text, but also to help them identify main ideas, relationships and sequencing based on the understanding that reading is "a complex, active process of constructing meaning" instead of "mere skill application."Get it now and don´t forget to check out the rest of the series!HORROR READING WORKBOOKS SERIES: Volume 1: THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA by Gaston LerouxVolume 2: FRANKENSTEIN by Mary ShalleyVolume 3: DRÁCULA by Bram Stoker

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    88,95 kr.

    SPANISCH LEICHTE REIHE Ausgewählte Lesungen in Einfachem Spanisch Band. 11: Robin HoodMittelstufeDieser Band wurde in einfachem, leichtem Spanisch für fortgeschrittene Sprachschüler geschrieben. Leicht verständlich und mit Spaß zu lesen, enthält es eine Auswahl an Kurzfassungen der folgenden Bestseller: *ROBIN HOOD (Anonimous)Alle Texte wurden übersetzt, editiert und vereinfacht, um das Sprachverständnis zu erhöhen und Leseübungen mit einfachen Formulierungen, kurzen Sätzen und moderatem Vokabular auf mittlerem Niveau zu verbessern.

  • - Children's Books in Easy Spanish
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    198,95 kr.

    FUN AND EASY TO READ, the three volumes of Readers for Children in Easy Spanish presented in this special Bundle are based on the famous stories: *PINOCCHIO by Carlo Collodi, *JACK AND THE BEANSTALK by Hans Christian Andersen.*ALICE IN WONDERLAND by Lewis Carrol. Translated, edited and simplified to ease reading practice and comprehension, they contain simple wording, brief sentences and moderate, intermediate-level vocabulary.Especially written in simple, easy Spanish for experienced beginning and low-intermediate students.In short words, these 3 Readers published by "Ediciones de La Parra" aim to provide simple reading practice and boost the development of reading comprehension by offering adequate texts especially designed to increase the understanding of Spanish as a second language using simple wording, brief sentences and moderate, intermediate-level vocabulary!THANKS FOR CHOOSING US AND ENJOY YOUR READING PRACTICE! AND DON´T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE REST OF THE SERIES! CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH: VOL. 1: PINOCHOVOL. 2: JUANITO Y LAS HABICHUELAS MÁGICASVOL. 3: ALICIA EN EL PAÍS DE LAS MARAVILLASVOL. 4: PETER PANVOL 5: LA SIRENITAVOL. 6: LA BELLA DURMIENTEVOL. 7: BLANCANIEVES Y LOS SIETE ENANOSVOL. 8: LA CENICIENTAVOL. 9: EL LIBRO DE LA SELVAVOL 10: EL JOROBADO DE NOTRE DAMEVOL 11: HANSEL Y GRETEL ¡y más!VOL 12 GULLIVERVOL 13: RAPUNZELVOL 14: LA REINA DE LAS NIEVES VOL 15: BAMBIVOL 16: LA BELLA Y LA BESTIAVOL 17: HÉRCULES

  • - Easy Spanish Short Novels for Beginners: Journey to the Center of the Earth
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    173,95 kr.

    FUN AND EASY TO READ, this didactic workbook in Easy Spanish is based on the celebrated Jules Verne novel: "JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH" ("VIAJE AL CENTRO DE LA TIERRA"), first published in 1864.Especially translated, edited, and simplified to ease reading practice and comprehension, our text includes simple wording, brief sentences, and moderate vocabulary. Also, for your convenience, each chapter is followed by a glossary of Spanish common words and popular expressions and their respective English translations, as well as by fun and simple sets of exercises designed to boost your reading skills and comprehension.In short words, this workbook series published by the Easy Spanish Language Center provides the reading practice and drills you need to boost your reading skills and increase your vocabulary based on the understanding that reading is "a complex, active process of constructing meaning" instead of "mere skill application."Read it now! And don´t forget to check out the rest of the ESLC READING WORKBOOK SERIES!VOLUME 1: THE LIGHT AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD by Jules VerneVOLUME 2: THE CANTERVILLE GHOST by Oscar WildeVOLUME 3: DON QUIXOTE by Miguel de CervantesVOLUME 4: GULLIVER by Jonathan SwiftVOLUME 5: SHERLOCK HOLMES by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 6: 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA by Jules VerneVOLUME 7: THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY by Oscar WildeVOLUME 8: SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 9: JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH by Jules VerneGET THE WHOLE SERIES NOW AND LEARN SPANISH THE FUN AND EASY WAY!

  • - "Das Licht am Ende Der Welt" von Jules Verne
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    178,95 kr.

    UNTERHALTSAM UND LEICHT ZU LESEN, basiert dieses didaktische Übungsbuch in einfachem Spanisch auf Jule Verne`s bekannter Piratengeschichte: DAS LICHT AM ENDE DER WELT. Die Geschichte wurde übersetzt, editiert und verkürzt für eine einfache Leseübung. Zum besseren Verständnis wird ein einfaches Vokabular benutzt mit kurzen Sätzen und mit unterhaltsamen Übungen.Geschrieben in einfachem und leicht verständlichem Spanisch sowohl für den Anfänger als auch für Studenten mit etwas weiteren Fortschritten in der spanischen Sprache.Jedem Kapitel folgt ein Vokabular mit spanischen Wörtern der Umgangssprache und deren deutsche Uebersetzung. So ist garantiert, dass Dein Verständnis und Dein Vokabular der spanischen Sprache aufgebaut und verbessert wird.Kurz geagt, diese neue Serie von Übungsbüchern, publiziert vom Easy Spanish Language Center, zielen darauf ab eine einfache Lesepraxis für Spanisch als zweite Fremdsprache und deren Weiterentwicklung zu fördern, nicht nur um den Studierenden zu helfen neue Ausdrücke in einem zusammenhängenden Text zu erkennen und zu verstehen sondern auch um den Studierenden anzuleiten die wesentlichen Ideen, Verhältnisse und Sequenzen von zusammenhängenden Texten zu erkennen zu lassen.Auch ist beabsichtigt den Studenten verstehen zu geben, dass Lesen ein komplexer, aktiver Prozess ist um Zusammenhänge konstruktiv zu erfassen und so weit darüber hinausgeht nur Kenntnisse einer weiteren Fremdsprache zu erlernen.E S L C Ü B U N G S B Ü C H E R S E R I E *B A N D 1"DAS LICHT AM ENDE DER WELT" von Jules Verne *B A N D 2"DER KLEINE PRINZ" von Antoine de Saint-Exupery*B A N D 3"DON QUIJOTE" von Miguel de Cervantes*B A N D 4"GULLIVER" von Jonathan Swift*B A N D 5"SHERLOCK HOLMES" von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    99,95 kr.

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    99,95 kr.

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    99,95 kr.

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    99,95 kr.

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    99,95 kr.

    88,95 kr.

    133,95 - 143,95 kr.

  • - La Bella Durmiente
    af Alvaro Parra Pinto & Alejandro Parra Pinto
    88,95 kr.

    88,95 kr.

  • af Alvaro Parra Pinto
    88,95 kr.

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