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  • af Ana Cruz
    2.737,95 kr.

    Fundamentals of Taxation 2024 Edition emphasizes a hands-on approach to tax education. It's a Taxation textbook designed to expose beginning tax students to tax law, but to also teach the practical intricacies involved in the preparation of tax forms and tax returns. To train tomorrow's tax preparers to handle the complex U.S. tax law, the Fundamentals of Taxation author team has devised four primary teaching advantages: . Organized to closely follow the IRS tax forms. Actual tax forms are incorporated throughout the text, giving students the opportunity to understand the principles behind tax law while they learn how to work with clients to obtain the information, they will need to complete tax forms. . Proper reporting of tax issues are illustrated. The authors present a tax issue, discuss the legal requirements, illustrate the proper tax form placement, and show the completed form in the text, mixing practical and legal implications of tax preparation. . Integration of an individual income tax software package (TaxACT). The authors supplement the text with citations of relevant tax authorities, such as the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, and court cases.

  • af Ana Cruz
    279,95 - 291,95 kr.

  • af Ana Cruz
    767,95 kr.

    Fundamentals of Taxation emphasizes a hands-on approach to tax education. It's a Taxation textbook designed to expose beginning tax students to tax law, but to also teach the practical intricacies involved in the preparation of tax forms and tax returns.To train tomorrow's tax preparers to handle the complex U.S. tax law, the Fundamentals of Taxation author team has devised four primary teaching advantages:1. Organized to closely follow the IRS tax forms. Actual tax forms are incorporated throughout the text, giving studentsthe opportunity to understand the principles behind tax law while they learn how to work with clients to obtain theinformation they will need to complete tax forms.2. Proper reporting of tax issues are illustrated. The authors present a tax issue, discuss the legal requirements, illustratethe proper tax form placement, and show the completed form in the text, mixing practical and legal implications oftax preparation.3. Integration of an individual income tax software package (TaxACT).4. The authors supplement the text with citations of relevant tax authorities, such as the Internal Revenue Code,Treasury Regulations, Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures, and court cases.>

  • af Ana Cruz, Ana Estima & Elisabete Vieira
    447,95 kr.

    Esta obra apresenta os resultados de um estudo do Consumo Infantil, onde foi feita uma análise ao impacto que as mascotes publicitárias exercem na escolha de alguns produtos de consumo. Para validar esta análise, foi elaborada uma pesquisa qualitativa, em forma de entrevista, junto de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 10 anos de idade em escolas do ensino básico da Região Centro de Portugal. As crianças foram confrontadas com produtos, alguns com marca de distribuição, outros com marcas conhecidas sem mascote e outros contendo as respetivas mascotes associadas e foi-lhes pedido que optassem por um deles. Resultou daqui uma aferição de até que ponto é que as mascotes utilizadas por algumas das marcas presentes no nosso mercado potencializam ou não a escolha dos seus produtos por parte das crianças e consequentemente dos potenciais compradores: os progenitores, avós, entre outros. Os resultados obtidos revelam uma influência significativa das mascotes no consumo infantil. Este estudo revelou ainda uma preocupação crescente das crianças em manter hábitos de alimentação saudável, resultado das muitas campanhas levadas a cabo pelas escolas e/ou educação familiar.

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