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Bøger af Anders Oehlenschlæger

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  • af Anders Oehlenschlæger
    286,95 kr.

    We are in 1998, during the three weeks leading up to one of this year‘s worst terrorist acts, namely the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar, Tanzania.The Danish former ranger Stig Jansen, is located in the country in civilian affairs and soon he’s unwittingly whirled into what’s going to prove to be the precursor to one of the Worlds’ largest conspiracies involving the corrupt local government power, the CIA, sinister parts of the German government, Saddam Hussein‘s regime in Iraq and a Danish colonel in the Defense Intelligence Agency.He’s pulled around in the strange circus and his reactions and actions will be crucial for all the people he comes into contact with during his stay.Through his escape from the Kenyan military, who accuses him of terrorism and murder, he is driven, along with the beautiful Scottish Red Cross employee Jane, into the wilderness, where his abilities and skills as former elite soldier, come into their own, and the flight progresses then into a nightmare where the difference between friend and foe is subtle.

  • - Handlingens konsekvens
    af Anders Oehlenschlæger
    320,95 - 738,95 kr.

    Vi befinder os i 1998, i de sidste tre uger op til en af dette års værste terroristhandlinger, nemlig bombningerne af de to amerikanske ambassader i Nairobi, Kenya og Dar, Tanzania.Den danske tidligere jægersoldat Stig Jansen, befinder sig i civilt anliggende i landet og snart hvirvles han uforvarende ind i det, der skal gå hen og vise sig at være forløberen til en af verdens største konspirationer, med deltagelse af den korrupte lokale regeringsmagt, CIA, dele af den tyske regering, Saddam Husseins regime i Irak og en dansk oberst i Forsvarets efterretningstjeneste. Han trækkes rundt i den fremmedartede manege og hans reaktioner og handlinger får afgørende betydning for alle de mennesker han kommer i berøring med under sit ophold. Under hans flugt fra det kenyanske militær, som anklager ham for terrorisme og mord, drives han sammen med den smukke skotske Røde Kors medarbejder Jane, ud i vildmarken, hvor hans evner og færdigheder som tidligere elitesoldat, kommer til deres ret, og flugten udvikler sig herefter til et mareridt hvor forskellen mellem ven og fjende er hårfin.

  • af Anders Oehlenschlæger
    228,95 kr.

    We are in 1998, during the three weeks leading up to one of this year‘s worst terrorist acts, namely the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar, Tanzania.The Danish former ranger Stig Jansen, is located in the country in civilian affairs and soon he’s unwittingly whirled into what’s going to prove to be the precursor to one of the Worlds’ largest conspiracies involving the corrupt local government power, the CIA, sinister parts of the German government, Saddam Hussein‘s regime in Iraq and a Danish colonel in the Defense Intelligence Agency.He’s pulled around in the strange circus and his reactions and actions will be crucial for all the people he comes into contact with during his stay.Through his escape from the Kenyan military, who accuses him of terrorism and murder, he is driven, along with the beautiful Scottish Red Cross employee Jane, into the wilderness, where his abilities and skills as former elite soldier, come into their own, and the flight progresses then into a nightmare where the difference between friend and foe is subtle.

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