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Bøger af Andrea Camilleri

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  • af Andrea Camilleri
    162,95 kr.

    Sicily, 1880. When a stranger arrives in Vigata, the town's inhabitants immediately become unsettled. It seems the young man, Fofo, is the son of a local peasant legendary for his home-grown medicines; a man who was murdered many years before.Fofo opens his own pharmacy in Vigata and his remedies are sought by many. But he soon finds himself entangled with the local nobility: Don Filippo - a philandering marchese set on producing a new heir, his long-suffering wife Donna Matilde, his eccentric elderly father Don Federico, his son Federico and beautiful daughter Ntonto above all. But it won't be long before death visits Vigata and the town and its most noble family will never be the same again . . .Both a delightful murder mystery and a comic novel of huge brio, fired by love and obsession and filled with memorable characters, Hunting Season is a captivating novel from Andrea Camilleri, the bestselling author of the Inspector Montalbano series.'For sunny views, explosive characters and a snappy plot constructed with great farcical ingenuity, the writer you want is Andrea Camilleri' New York Times

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    165,95 kr.

    Inspector Montalbano: The first three novels in the series contains The Shape of Water, The Terracotta Dog and The Snack Thief, from Andrea Camilleri's bestselling Inspector Montalbano series. This three-book compilation features: The Shape of Water: On a waste ground in Vigata, the Sicilian town's dark underbelly flourishes: drug dealers and prostitutes plying their trade. But when the body of Silvio Luparello, one of the local movers and shakers, is discovered there, Inspector Montalbano must investigate; and despite pressure from his commissioner, a local judge and bishop - he is determined to unearth the truth . . . The Terracotta Dog: When two lovers, dead for over fifty years, are discovered in a mountain cave watched over by a life-size terracotta dog, Inspector Montalbano's investigation will take him on a journey through Sicily's past and into a family's dark heart amid the horrors of World War II. The Snack Thief: When an elderly man is stabbed to death in an elevator and a crewman on an Italian fishing trawler is machine-gunned by a Tunisian patrol boat off Sicily's coast, only Inspector Montalbano suspects a link between the two incidents . . .

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    188,95 kr.

    ';You either love Andrea Camilleri or you haven't read him yet. Each novel in this wholly addictive, entirely magical series, set in Sicily and starring a detective unlike any other in crime fiction, blasts the brain like a shot of pure oxygen. Aglow with local color, packed with flint-dry wit, as fresh and clean as Mediterranean seafood altogether transporting. Long live Camilleri, and long live Montalbano.' A.J. Finn, #1New York Timesbestselling author ofThe Woman in the WindowTwenty-one short stories spanning the beloved Inspector Montalbano's career Inspector Montalbano has charmed readers in nineteen popular novels, and now in Montalbano's First Case and Other Stories, Andrea Camilleri has selected twenty-one short stories, written with his trademark wit and humor, that follow Italy's famous detective through highlight cases of his career. From the title story, featuring a young deputy Montalbano newly assigned to Vigta, to ';Montalbano Says No,' in which the inspector makes a late-night call to Camilleri himself to refuse an outlandish case, this collection is an essential addition to any Inspector Montalbano fan's bookshelf and a wonderful way to introduce readers to the internationally bestselling series.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    107,95 kr.

    The fifth in the hit Italian crime series, Excursion to Tindari is another darkly comic detective story featuring Inspector Montalbano.Maybe a phrase, a line, a hint somewhere would reveal a reason, any reason, for the elderly couple's disappearance . . . A young Don Juan is found murdered in front of his apartment building early one morning, and an elderly couple is reported missing after an excursion to the ancient site of Tindari - two seemingly unrelated cases for Inspector Montalbano to solve amid the daily complications of life at Vigata police headquarters. But when Montalbano discovers that the couple and the murdered young man lived in the same building, his investigation stumbles onto Sicily's brutal 'New Mafia', which leads him down a path more evil and more far-reaching than any he has been down before.Excursion to Tindari is followed by the sixth novel in the Inspector Montalbano series, The Scent of the Night.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    107,95 kr.

    The Scent of the Night is the sixth comic detective novel in the Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri.Montalbano learned how hard it was to put on a wetsuit while in a dinghy speeding over a sea that wasn't exactly calm. Mimi, at the helm, looked tense and worried. "e;Getting seasick?"e; the inspector asked him at one point. "e;No. Just sick of myself."e; "e;Why?"e; "e;Because every now and then I realize what a stupid shit I am to go along with some of your brilliant ideas."e; When an angry octogenarian holds a terrified and lovelorn secretary at gunpoint, Inspector Montalbano is reluctantly drawn into the case. The secretary's boss, a financial advisor, has vanished along with several billion lire entrusted to him by the good citizens of Vigata. Also missing is the advisor's young colleague, whose uncle just happens to be building a house on the site of Inspector Montalbano's very favourite olive tree . . . Ably abetted by his loyal and eccentric team, Montalbano, the food-loving, commitment-phobic inspector, returns for another delicious investigation served up in vintage Camilleri style.The Scent of the Night is followed by the seventh book in the series, Rounding the Mark.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    117,95 kr.

    The Voice of the Violin by Andrea Camilleri is the fourth in the bestselling Inspector Montalbano series.The commissioner kept looking at him with an expression that combined contempt and commiseration, apparently discerning unmistakable signs of senile dementia in the inspector. "e;I'm going to speak very frankly, Montalbano. I don't have a very high opinion of you."e; "e;Nor I of you,"e; the inspector replied bluntly. Montalbano's gruesome discovery of a naked young woman suffocated in her bed immediately sets him on a search for her killer. Among the suspects are her aging husband, a famous doctor; a shy admirer, now disappeared; an antiques-dealing lover from Bologna; and the victim's friend Anna, whose charms Montalbano cannot help but appreciate. But it is a mysterious, reclusive violinist who holds the key to this murder . . .The Voice of the Violin is followed by the fifth novel in this compelling mystery series, Excursion to Tindari.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    95,95 kr.

    The Terracotta Dog, the second book in Andrea Camilleri's Inspector Montalbano series, opens with a mysterious tete-a-tete with a Mafioso, some inexplicably abandoned loot from a supermarket heist, and some dying words that lead Inspector Montalbano to a secret grotto in a mountain cave where two young lovers dead fifty years and still embracing are watched over by a life-size terracotta dog. Montalbano's passion to solve this old crime takes him, heedless of personal danger, on a journey through the island's past and into a family's dark heart amid the horrors of World War II. Andrea Camilleri's Inspector Salvo Montalbano has garnered millions of fans worldwide with his sardonic, engaging take on Sicilian small-town life and his genius for deciphering the most enigmatic of crimes.The Terracotta Dog is followed by the third title in this satirical and humorous series, The Snack Thief.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    117,95 kr.

    Never has Inspector Montalbano's character - a unique blend of humor, cynicism, compassion, earthiness, and love of good food - been more compelling than in Andrea Camilleri's third Montalbano novel, The Snack Thief. When an elderly man is stabbed to death in an elevator and a crewman on an Italian fishing trawler is machine-gunned by a Tunisian patrol boat off Sicily's coast, only Inspector Montalbano suspects a link between the two incidents. His investigation leads to the beautiful Karima, an impoverished house cleaner and sometime prostitute, whose young son steals other school children's mid-morning snacks. But Karima disappears, and the young snack thief's life - as well as Montalbano's - is endangered when the inspector exposes a viper's nest of government corruption and international intrigue.The Snack Thief is followed by the fourth Inspector Montalbano novel, The Voice of the Violin.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    246,95 kr.

    Fundet af liget af en mand er bemærkelsesværdigt på flere måder: Liget er findelt i 30 dele, og det bliver fundet på en lermark. Tanken ledes hen på beretningen om Judas og de 30 sølvpenge. Mafiaen er kendt for at benytte symboler i forbindelse med likvideringer, men kunne det være camouflage? Vicekommissær Augello bliver mere og mere uomgængelig. Montalbano løser begge problemer.Pottemagermarken er den trettende Montalbano-krimi.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    227,95 kr.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    227,95 kr.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    227,95 kr.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    246,95 kr.

    Fundet af et skamferet hestekadaver på stranden ud for Montalbanos hus udvikler sig til en sag, der udsætter ham for prøvelser, både kulinariske og af den intime slags, og afslører en for ham ukendt verden: hestevæddeløb. Sporet i sandet er den tolvte Montalbano-krimi.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    147,95 kr.

    Montalbano affronta una realtà quotidiana fatta di ambizioni e mafia, d’amore ed inganni, di sangue e sparizioni: la sua umanità così ironica e brusca ricerca una difficile giustizia servendosi di una logica che nasce dalla sua normalità d’esistenza, dai sensi positivi del bere, mangiare, amare una fidanzata ta lontana. Nell’inquieto e imprendibile universo siciliano il Commissario, aiutato dal suo gruppo di lavoro, esprime una misura costante di ordine e realismo, sempre guidato da una sorprendente carica di pietà ed umorismo. Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    157,95 kr.

    "Si può essere sbirri di nascita, avere nel sangue l’istinto della caccia e contemporaneamente coltivare buone, talvolta raffinate letture? Salvo Montalbano lo era." Otto racconti polizieschi tratti dal libro Un Mese con Montalbano, che si svolgono nella piccola città immaginaria di Vigàta, nel cuore della Sicilia.Il commisario Montalbano deve affrontare un mondo pieno di violenze, delitti d’amore d’interesse, di mafia alla ricerca di una possibile quistizia, cosa che fa con grande intelligenza e logica ma anche con una grande carica dii umorismo e umanità. Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    277,95 kr.

    Kommissær Montalbanos kæreste Livia har givet ham besked på at leje et hus til hendes venner. Ud over at han opdager en ulovligt bygget etage, finder han også et lig. Fundet tørrer han behændigt af på udlejeren. Livia fortrækker, Montalbano døjer med varmen og med erkendelse af, at han har passeret de 50. Ikke mindst i nærheden af en ung, impulsiv kvinde, som bidrager til opklaringen.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    277,95 kr.

    Montalbano er deprimeret over den politiske situation, over politiets fremfærd i forbindelse med det nyligt afholdte G8 møde i Genova. Og i særdeleshed over holdningen til de mange illegale indvandrere. Han overvejer seriøst at sige sin stilling op. På sin morgensvømmetur gør han en uhyggelig opdagelse, og da han senere overværer landsætningen af en båd fyldt med illegale indvandrere, bliver han opmærksom på en dreng, som opfører sig besynderligt. Det skal vise sig, at de to episoder hænger sammen. Inden da har Montalbano for længst droppet tanken om at sige op.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    277,95 kr.

    En ung mand dræbes, da han er på vej ind i sin opgang. Næppe er Montalbano gået i gang med efterforskningen, før en mand dukker op på politistationen. Han er bekymret over, at hans gamle forældre ikke besvarer hans telefonopkald. Tilsyneladende har ingen set dem siden de for to dage siden var på bustur til Tindari. Den myrdede og de gamle bor i samme opgang. Montalbano ved instinktivt, at der er en forbindelse mellem dem - men hvilken?Samtidig med opklaringen forsøger Montalbano af al magt at hindre sin vicekommissær Augello i at søge om forflyttelse. Og på det private plan holder Montalbano linjen varm til kæresten Livia.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    257,95 kr.

    Da sicilianske kommisær Montalbano præsenteres for en sag om en madpakketyv, anser han den for en bagatel. Det viser sig, at sagen hænger sammen med et par mord, og Montalbano bliver involveret personligt, ikke mindst på grund af kæresten Livia. Montalbanos bekvemme ungkarleliv står på spil. Samtidig truer en forfremmelse...

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    237,95 kr.

    Kommissær Montalbano ved med det samme, da han åbner vinduesskodderne og kigger ud, at det bliver en dårlig dag. Aftenen før er hans indtagelse af friskfangede ansjoser med en dressing af olivenolie, masser af citronsaft og friskkværnet peber blevet spoleret af en telefonopringning med en besked om en begravelse næste dag, som Montalbano bliver nødt til at overvære. Kollegerne på politistationen er vant til kommissærens lunefulde humør. Det bliver just ikke bedre af mudder i opklaringsarbejdet og problemer med kæresten, Livia, på hjemmefronten. Montalbano-krimi 4

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    277,95 kr.

    Tonen er skarp, sarkasmen tommetyk, Montalbano er med andre ord tilbage efter den hårde medfart, han fik i slutningen af Rundtom bøjen. En ung pige på scooter er tilsyneladende blevet bortført.Som altid forlader Montalbano sig på sin intuition i opklaringsarbejdet, i dette tilfælde da han får øje på en edderkop i et spindelvæv.Det er op til Montalbano at finde den lille fejl i det sindrige net af had og hemmeligheder, som bortførelsessagen er spundet ind i.

  • af Andrea Camilleri
    277,95 kr.

    Direktøren for Midas Invest er forsvundet med de mange penge, som de lokale småsparere har betroet ham i forventning om et afkast. Den generelle opfattelse er, at manden enten er stukket af til et tropiskparadis eller har haft uforsigtig omgang med en mafiosos penge og derfor er endt som fiskeføde.Som sædvanlig går Montalbano sine egne veje for at opklare sagen, hjulpet af altid loyale Fazio og af Mimì Augello, som skal giftes, men har fået kolde fødder. Og så er der kæresten Livia, som dukker op på det helt rigtige tidspunkt.

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