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Bøger af Andrew Williams

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  • - The art of building a powerful and reliable Subaru ej engine
    af Andrew Williams
    416,95 kr.

    A step by step guide to repairing, building, tuning the Subaru ej turbo engines, including a breakdown of models, technical specifications and bhp capabilities in standard and modified form.

  • - BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE and Boost Your SELF-ESTEEM in 3 Days
    af Andrew Williams
    112,95 kr.

    Did you know that self-confidence is a major contributor to your overall performance in personal success and goal achievement? In our day-to-day activities, outcomes and results depend on our level of self-confidence in a particular pursuit. When you possess brimming self-confidence, you are capable of performing well at home, school, work, in inter-personal relationships, and other activities. That's why it is necessary to have healthy self-confidence, because if you have low self-confidence, achieving success in all life endeavors seems close to impossible. For instance, if a child lacks self-confidence, he/she will perform poorly or below average in class work, and physical education. At home, he or she may often be unable to maintain relationships or perform dismally in all endeavors. In most instances, poor performance comes from low self-motivation and low-inspiration, and not a lack of ability to perform. All these are closely linked to low self-confidence. As a tool, self-confidence is essential in your day-to-day life. It's one of the key tools you can use to eliminate self-doubt, manage fear, improve on the self, and overcome the insurmountable fear that may cause hindrances to overall happiness and fulfillment. However, it is important to note that self-confidence is similar to a muscle: the more you exercise and use it, the more defined it becomes and the more powerful it becomes. In fact, your self-confidence performs response to the required level of performance. If you don't utilize your self-confidence or make proper use of it, you will lose a lot in life. Fortunately, whether you're suffering from extremely low self-esteem or low self-confidence, self-confidence is something you can learn and develop. Are you curious to learn how? This book has tips to build self-confidence for kids, teens, men and women so whoever you are, your needs are catered for in this book. Here's a preview of what you'll achieve... Confidence 101 - Everything You Need To Know About Confidence How To Overcome Factors Affecting The Development Of High Self-ConfidenceConfidence In Kids: How To Cultivate ItConfidence in Teens: Confidence Tips for Teens and ParentsWomen and Confidence: Unleash the Confident Woman WithinThe Confident Male: Confidence Tips for Success in Men 4 Confidence Bonus Tips for Men!...and Much More! Build, Control, and Boost your confidence.

  • af Andrew Williams
    212,95 kr.

    A Child's Stillness: Is a true account of the hardship and suffering Mr. Andrew Williams experienced as a rare-gifted genius with peculiar abilities. Born a child prodigy, he has worked for different agencies and secret societies. He has seen other children with special abilities captured and killed before one of these secret societies turned on him. Already facing prejudice because of the color of his skin and his peculiar ability as a extremely-gifted genius to know and do all things, Andrew's childhood was violent and brutal; his elementary school a battleground. But Andrew's martial art abilities and psychic gifts would always manifest themselves to protect him and ensure his continued survival. Then when Andrew learns that this secret society wants to capture him and have him use his special abilities to kill, he refuses to work for them. Now the elementary school child at such a tender age is facing off with armed men in black who were assigned to capture and hurt him. Again his martial art abilities and psychic powers emerge to the surface as Andrew takes down hundreds of opponents. And throughout his trial, Andrew develops a peculiar relationship with his God who sends angels to watch over him and protect him from harm, and even death. A Child's Stillness tells the incredible true story of this young boy's suffering and survival.

  • - A True Love Story
    af Andrew Williams
    212,95 kr.

    From the moment he saw her, Mr. Andrew Williams realized the black southern beauty with skin that shines like gold and brown eyes that sparkle like crystal is his Soul Mate, his Twin Flame, his heart's purest desire. Their True Love Story is set in Columbia, South Carolina and begins in 1986 after Mr. Williams moves to the Bible-Belt state to take care of his mom. Confronted with prejudice and family turmoil, Andrew is ready to return to Los Angeles, California until he meets her, this Heavenly Beauty who inspires him to stay. And for the first time in twenty-four years his heart opens up to love, finding pleasure in her natural beauty, her inner purity and her humble soul. But their love for each other is severely tried as he continues to hold back the truth of his dark past, revealing very little about himself, his experiences and the shadows of strangers that always seem to be following in the distance. Forced to live in the dark about the man she loves, Shamah grows anxious, frustrated and angry until their sweet, tender relationship turns bitter and stormy. She dates other men to make him jealous and refuses to talk to him for days, all the while wanting him to chase after her and hoping he will break. And in the midst of their turmoil are her friends, telling her to leave him because his behavior was too strange, too different. And Shamah listens, using their words to punish him. Still, Andrew fights for their love and warns Shamah about the consequences of her actions. But her games cause prophetic dreams of future events between the two; and leads to his arrest for crimes he didn't commit. Much as Andrew had tried to warn her, Shamah refuses to listen. Then the man she loves dark past catches up to them and forces her to make a decision. Will she trust he's her heart's desire, sent to her by Elohim? Will she trust in their prophetic love?

  • - The Allies' Submarine Fight Against Hitler's Gray Wolves of the Sea
    af Andrew Williams
    312,95 kr.

    What history calls the "Battle of the Atlantic" was really a full-scale war-within-a-war, fought from the beginning of hostilities in 1939 to the moment of cease-fire in 1945. Andrew Williams focuses on the first four years of this bitter conflict, during which time German submarines sank an astounding twelve million tons of Allied shipping. The story reaches its climax in May 1943, when the introduction of new weapons and tactics turned the tide of the battle and enabled the Allies to contain and finally defeat the dreaded German "wolf packs." Interweaving scores of first-person accounts from survivors of both sides, The Battle of the Atlantic follows the exploits of the charismatic U-boat commanders who led their crews to the hunt-and often to their deaths. It goes aboard the merchantmen and escort ships that were both victim and nemesis to the "gray wolves" of the sea. And it enters the war rooms of the German, British, and American navies, where code-breakers and strategists angled for any advantage in a race that spelled doom to its loser. This dramatic chronicle sheds new light on one of the most dangerous conflicts of the Second World War.

  • - The 10 step program to improve and accelerate reading comprehension
    af Andrew Williams
    82,95 kr.

    Improve reading comprehension Most individuals can benefit from learning to read effectively because most individuals still read the same way they were taught to read in kindergarten. If you are one of those individuals, this is the right book for you. In this book you will learn a step by-step method that helps: ... Understanding the reading process because it's easy to get lost in a sea of words. Setting your inner and outer environment Improving your reading comprehension Becoming a speed reader. Also, there are several useful tips & tricks in this book such as: Sub-vocalizing can lead you to 'mouthing' the words you read, as though reading a story to a child. So much text to get through - is skimming an option? Expanding your peripheral vision instead of reading words one at a time. Miscellaneous speed reading tricks & tips. There are many people who truly love to read and this book is perfect for them: Students often have tight study schedules. Most usually find that they have a mountain of material to cover every day, ranging from textbooks to comprehension-expanding novels as well as notes they themselves have written, and other materials they have accumulated in classes. Researchers cover copious amounts of reading material in a single day. Reading is what they do. Leisure readers who enjoy curling up on the sofa in front of the fire with a good book, or spending their summer relaxing on a blanket under a tree in the sunshine catching up with the latest novel, may often wonder how to improve their reading skills in order to be able to read any new book that catches their attention. Book reviewers/critics help avid readers to determine which books are a 'good read'. These book reviewers offer their opinions on new books on a regular basis, printing their reviews in newspapers, magazines, in blogs, and on websites for stores that sell books. Script readers who are serious about finding the next great movie to produce have to spend a lot of time reading scripts as well as books that might be suitable for adaptation into screenplays. Frequent Internet/email users are constantly reading. The Internet enables people to communicate as quickly as electrical signals can travel from one computer to the next, which often results in a flood of information that many individuals struggle to keep up with. The above groups are merely examples of individuals that may ask the question; 'why would you want to read effectively'? Take action download this now!

  • - The 10-Step Program That Develops Speed Reading Habits, Improves Concentration, And Quadruples Your Reading Speed.
    af Andrew Williams
    82,95 kr.

    Underused Speed Reading TechniquesThe 10 Step Program That Develops Speed Reading Habits, Improves Concentration and Quadruples Your Reading Speed is a simple, effective plan for dramatically improving your reading speed using traditional speed reading techniques and ground-breaking brain training exercises.One of the fundamental facts of life is that time is fleeting and you can't get back what you waste. So why waste any more time reading slowly?From the time we are small children learning to read, we begin to create and solidify bad habits that slow our reading speeds and hamper comprehension for the rest of our lives. These powerful, yet deceptively simple, techniques will give you the tools to change those bad reading habits forever in just 20 minutes a day for one month.We will discuss what materials are appropriate for speed reading and which are not;The proper environment for effective speed reading;Ways to trick your mind into reading chunks rather than words;How to change your computer and tablet to get the most out of your reading;How to test your reading speed;The worst mistakes we make in reading and many more tips and techniques that will help you double, triple, or even quadruple your reading speedThis is the perfect program for business professionals, high school or college students, or stay at home moms - anyone who wants to read faster and more efficiently.TAKE ACTION download this nowTAGS: Speed reading, Improve memory, study skills, critical thinking

  • - The Complete Guide Of Knots- indoor knots, outdoor knots and sail knots
    af Andrew Williams
    167,95 kr.

    EVER WANTED TO KNOW HOW TO TIE SPECIAL KNOTS? Read this book for FREE on Kindle Unlimited - Download Now! Do you love the outdoors; do you love sailing? Are you well prepared for any situation that may come? When you Buy The Complete Guide Of Knot Making Indoor, Outdoor And Sailing Knots, your skills will improve steadily each day! You will discover everything you need to know about tying knots Would you like to know more about: ? Basic Knots and How To Tye Them Scouting Knots Boating Knot Fishing Knots Rescue Knots That You Can't Afford To Not Know Create decorative knots for clothing and accessories Packed with easy-to-follow instructions and clear illustrations, The Everything Knots Book makes learning this useful skill fun and easy. Buy The Complete Guide Of Knot Making Indoor, Outdoor And Sailing Knots now, and start practicing! Scroll to the top and select the "BUY" button for instant download. You'll be happy you did!

  • af Andrew Williams
    217,95 kr.

    Since the advent of the internet, it has become increasingly obvious that our society suffers from a pornography problem-and Orthodox Christians are no exception. While many practical resources are available to help those who struggle with pornography use, these fail to address the problem at its deeper, spiritual root. From Object to Icon offers a solution by showing all of us how to change the way we see-how to see iconographically rather than pornographically. Whether or not we struggle with pornography use, this book shows us how to stop objectifying others and instead see the spiritual reality in everyone we encounter.

  • af Andrew Williams
    212,95 kr.

    Who are we? Why are we here? What happens next-and when? For at least five thousand years, humanity has been looking to the stars, the sea, the forests, and the mountains for answers to these three fundamental questions. In modern day, with all the threatening forces of war, pandemic, and political upheaval, people are still turning to these age-old questions seeking comfort and purpose. But between internet misinformation and hostile powers, there are plenty of influences to sway the naïve and unassuming into thinking all is lost. Since the beginning of recorded time, however, mankind has faced challenges that have forced us to socially evolve, adapt to changing circumstances, and recover to greater success. Writer, educator, and US Navy veteran Drew Williams captures several thousand years' worth of signs of the times and presents them as learning opportunities that can help us now as we prepare for the Second Coming of Christ. Because the question we're asking shouldn't be When will He return? but will we be ready?

  • af Andrew Williams
    168,95 - 294,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Williams
    112,95 kr.

    Das »Grammatische Lernlexikon Englisch« ist ein handliches Nachschlage- und Übungsbuch für jeden Englischlerner. Es dient dazu, Informationen über Grundlagen der englischen Grammatik rasch zu finden und sich mit Kurztests zu vergewissern, ob man den entsprechenden Überblick erlangt hat. Eine Besonderheit ist hier ein Anhang mit den knapp einhundert wichtigsten unregelmäßigen englischen Verben, die zusätzlich in Lerngruppen präsentiert werden, wodurch das Einprägen des Stammformwechsels (sleep - slept - slept) erleichtert wird.Niveau B1-B2 (GER)Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch

  • af Andrew Williams
    92,95 kr.

    Geschenke gibt es an Weihnachten überall. Aber wer bringt sie in England oder in den USA - und wann werden sie ausgepackt? Was wird gegessen und gesungen während der Festtage? Ein Buch für alle, die auf Englisch mitfeiern möchten, mit stimmungsvollen Gedichten, Liedern, Rezepten und Erklärungen zum weihnachtlichen Brauchtum. Auch die Weihnachtsgeschichte zum Vorlesen darf nicht fehlen. Natürlich ist jeder Band mit den aus der Roten Reihe gewohnten Übersetzungshilfen ausgestattet, damit Missverständnisse gar nicht erst aufkommen.Englische Lektüre: Niveau B1-B2 (GER)

  • - The Portman Clinic Approach
    af Andrew Williams
    449,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • - How To Learn And Master Tough Subject Areas In Weeks Even Days
    af Andrew Williams
    77,95 kr.

  • - $50,000+ in my first year and more in the second!
    af Andrew Williams
    144,95 kr.

  • - Effective and unknown methods to improve memory, learn faster and develop critical thinking in 4 weeks or less
    af Andrew Williams
    122,95 kr.

  • - Our Church's Story of Mission and Growth in the Holy Spirit
    af Andrew Williams & Mark Stibbe
    232,95 kr.

  • - Create beautiful, platform-agnostic graphical applications using Fyne and the Go programming language
    af Andrew Williams
    442,95 kr.

    The Fyne GUI toolkit solves many of the challenges relating to traditional technologies and older programming languages. This book introduces the key APIs and techniques behind Fyne applications that make them easy to build. From the basics through to building five completed applications, you'll get up to speed with every stage of app development.

  • - Re-envisioning Politics, Subjectivity and Ethics
    af Andrew Williams, Christopher Baker, Paul Cloke & mfl.
    545,95 - 1.955,95 kr.

  • - the ultimate Cold War spy story
    af Andrew Williams
    117,95 kr.

    A brilliant novel of espionage and betrayal from 'one of Britain's most accomplished thriller writers' (Daily Mail)

  • - A Relational Approach
    af Andrew Williams, Heather Wood & Stephen Blumenthal
    507,95 - 1.668,95 kr.

  • - Developments in Art, Design and Interaction
    af Andrew Williams
    632,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Williams & Roger Macginty
    710,95 - 2.146,95 kr.

    Revised edition of the authors' Conflict and development, 2009.

  • - A Reappraisal
    af Andrew Williams
    827,95 - 1.540,95 kr.

    Why is France so often relegated to the background in studies of international relations? This book seeks to redress this balance, exploring the relationship between the United States, United Kingdom and France, and its wider impact on the theory and practice of international relations.

  • af Andrew Williams
    717,95 kr.

    The text provides an invaluable source of information to senior undergraduates, postgraduates and to industrial researchers with an interest in mechanistic studies.

  • af Andrew Williams
    1.759,95 - 2.137,95 kr.

    This practical guide explains how to undertake a domestic building survey. The text describes the practical aspects of surveying with a full description of the author's own experience, at the same time drawing out the important principles involved.

  • af Andrew Williams
    127,95 kr.

    For all readers of Robert Harris, William Boyd and John le Carre, The Suicide Club is a First World War spy thriller set in Occupied Belgium in 1917, and tells the dark, disturbing and untold story of the shadow espionage battle fought behind the lines. Andrew Williams is 'in the front rank of English thriller writers' (Daily Mail) and his novels possess 'a richness of characterisation and intelligence that few thrillers can match' (Sunday Times). August 1917. Britain is mired in bloody stalemate on the Western Front and questions are being asked in government about the leadership of the army. Soldier spy Sandy Innes is summoned from his undercover work in Belgium by the new Secret Service to investigate. Officially transferred to Field Marshal Haig's headquarters in France to prepare agents for the next big push, his secret mission is to spy on Haig's intelligence chiefs. At GHQ, no one is interested in Innes's inside knowledge. Instead, he is attached to an advance assault group dubbed 'The Suicide Club'. His fellow intelligence officers have little faith in the top secret information being fed to Haig by their superior, and as Innes digs deeper he begins to suspect treachery. The stakes could not be higher: the fate of hundreds of thousands of British soldiers.In a tense race against time, against the background of political machinations in government and at GHQ, Innes must survive membership of The Suicide Club, and then risk all by going back behind enemy lines to uncover the truth.

  • af Andrew Williams
    127,95 kr.

    1915. German guns are on their way to Ireland. The British government faces its worst nightmare; insurrection at home while it struggles with bloody stalemate on the Western Front. A British spy, Sebastian Wolff of the new Secret Service Bureau, is given the task of hunting down its enemies: one a traitor reviled by the society that honoured him as a national hero; the other a German-American doctor who, instead of healing the sick, is developing a terrifying new weapon that he will use in the country of his birth. Wolff's mission will take him undercover into the corridors of power in Berlin, then across the Atlantic in a race against time to prevent the destruction of the ships and supplies Britain so desperately needs to stave off defeat.

  • af Andrew Williams
    113,95 kr.

    This tense, gripping novel set in 19C St Petersburg amid desperate revolutionaries bent on the overthrow of the Tsar 'confirms Andrew William's place in the front ranks of English thriller writers' (Daily Mail). Shortlisted for the CWA Ellis Peters and the Walter Scott Awards, To Kill a Tsar will appeal to readers of John le Carre, Robert Harris and Alan Furst.St Petersburg, 1879. A shot rings out in Palace Square. Cossack guards tackle the would-be assassin to the ground. In the m l e no one notices a striking dark haired young woman in a heavy coat slip away from the scene. Russia is alive with revolutionaries. While Tsar Alexander II remains a virtual prisoner in his own palaces, his ruthless secret police will stop at nothing to unmask those who plot his assassination and the overthrow of the Imperial regime. For Dr Frederick Hadfield, whose medical practice is dependent on the Anglo-Russian gentry, these are dangerous times. Drawn into a desperate cat-and-mouse game of undercover assignations, plot and counter-plot, he risks all in a perilous double life.From glittering ballrooms to the cruel cells of the House of Preliminary Detention, from the grandeur of the British Embassy to the underground presses of the young revolutionaries, To Kill a Tsar is a gripping thriller set in a world of brutal contrasts in which treachery is everywhere and nothing is what it seems.

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