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Bøger af Andy McNab

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  • af Andy McNab
    87,95 kr.

    Bestselling Andy McNab and award-winning Phil Earle join forces for the very first time, and the results are hilarious! Danny Mack's mates are brilliant: there's his best mate Giraffles (yeh, you read that right), so-called because of his unusually long neck; the MandM twins (you got it - like the chocolate) who are always finishing each other's sentences; and Lucky Success, who, well I reckon you can guess how he got his name. They're the best mates a kid could ask for, and when an epic school trip is announced, they're all properly made up about it. Because school trips are just an excuse to have a big laugh with your mates, right? Erm, WRONG. Let's just say that this is a school trip like no other, and Danny, Giraffles, Lucky and the MandMs have got a real challenge on their hands. Will they make it through? If Danny has anything to do with it, you bet they will! Brilliantly illustrated by Robin Boyden, illustrator of David Solomon's My Arch-Enemy is a Brain in a Jar, and full of laughs and a lot of heart, Get Me Out of Here! is without a doubt the book of the year.

  • af Andy McNab & Robert Rigby
    97,95 kr.

    Danny and Elena are now working for the Firm, desperately attempting to track down the vengeance-seeking Black Star before more 'Angels of Death' suicide bombers are despatched. Elena is the key to discovering the bomb-master's whereabouts as she has already made Deep Web contact. The plan is simple - locate Black Star and kill him - at whatever cost. While Fergus is forced to remain in England, confined to a wheelchair as he recovers from his injuries, the hunt takes Danny and Elena to New York on a covert mission led by Marcie Deveraux.Despite Black Star's trickery and deception, the net gradually closes. Fergus travels to the US to help, but Elena is drawn into terrible danger, and only Danny can save her. Using the skills his grandfather has taught him and his own initiative, he must stop the avenging bomb-master from wreaking further destruction . . .

  • af Andy McNab
    95,95 kr.

    A small craft skims the Thames closing in on Londons most exclusive new riverside hotel. On board is a lone assassin, his target - Britain's most powerful new politician. In a nation threatened by extremist jihadis and torn apart by civil unrest, Vernon Rolt has just been catapulted into government on an extreme anti-terror platform.

  • - (Tom Buckingham Thriller 2)
    af Andy McNab
    95,95 kr.

    angry, betrayed and out of work. But with riots and rebellion spreading like wild fire on the streets of Britain, Tom's unique skills are soon noticed by a charismatic billionaire with a questionable agenda. Buckingham finds himself thrown back into the covert world of intelligence where a play for power is underway.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 19)
    af Andy McNab
    107,95 kr.

    'Like the best action films in book form' FHM Nick Stone is back in London but if he thought he was home for a break, he's very, very wrong. In exchange for his own safety - a life for a life - Stone is charged with locating someone who doesn't want to be found, currently hiding out in the one of the remotest corners of the UK.

  • - The Good Psychopath's Guide to Bossing Your Life
    af Andy McNab & Kevin Dutton
    106,95 kr.

    Over thirty different examples of situations and ideas to show you how you can change your approach and change your life . THE GOOD PSYCHOPATH'S GUIDE TO BOSSING YOUR LIFE offers a new approach to the everyday to help you get more out of life than it gets out of you.

  • - Liam Scott Book 1
    af Andy McNab
    107,95 kr.

    What if your prank killed your best friend. you enrol in Army training, you want to make something of your life. you know you'll make a good soldier. Finally, when you're out in Afghanistan, under enemy fire, you come face-to-face with your best friend's brother. You now have more to fear than just enemy soldiers .

  • - (Tom Buckingham Thriller 1)
    af Andy McNab
    107,95 kr.

    Deep beneath the English Channel, a small army of vicious terrorists has seized control of the Eurostar to Paris, taken 400 hostages at gunpoint - and declared war on a government that has more than its own fair share of secrets to keep.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 9)
    af Andy McNab
    142,95 kr.

    Ex-special forces soldier Nick Stone is recuperating in Switzerland. When she fails to reappear, Stone begins his quest to find her. One bloody twist leads to another and Stone finds himself catapulted into the dark, brutal world he thought he's managed to leave behind.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 18)
    af Andy McNab
    77,95 - 105,95 kr.

    Out here, the cold isn't the only killer. Nick Stone is suffering. But it doesn't take long for Stone and his men to discover that the most dangerous predators in this part of the world walk on two legs, not four. The coldest war of all is just beginning and Stone needs to pick a side.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 14)
    af Andy McNab
    125,95 kr.

    He needs the one man with the know-how, the means and the guts to complete the mission: ex-SAS trouble-shooter Nick Stone...But for Nick, the mission will take him to the poorest and most violent country on the planet, Somalia - a lawless land, ripped apart by civil war and famine, fought over by drug-fuelled, gun-crazy clan fighters.

  • af Andy McNab
    97,95 kr.

    The Raiders are a talented young skydiving team - with a secret. They are also a highly trained group of covert operatives, carrying out deniable missions for Britain's intelligence services. Under the demanding guidance of their ice-cold leader, an ex SAS explosives expert, the Raiders are developing into an impressive unit. This time, the mission lands Ethan and the team in the most perilous adventure of their careers. The bodies of homeless teenagers are turning up dumped on the street, having been beaten to death. At first no one really seems to care, but then one survives long enough to talk of being forced to fight in a cage, and the authorities suspect organised crime. But they have no luck cracking the impenetrable wall of silence surrounding the organisation. Somebody suitable, trained in hand-to-hand combat needs to go undercover. Ethan's life just got very, very dangerous . . .

  • - Liam Scott Book 2
    af Andy McNab
    107,95 kr.

    KNOW YOUR ENEMYLiam Scott is back in Afghanistan, this time with 4 Rifles. No longer the new guy, it s his chance to prove himself and take the lead. But the warzone has changed dramatically, and so have the rules.Working alongside the Afghan National Army, Liam and his new patrol face daily attacks from Taliban insurgents. But the real threat seems to be coming from within his unit. It looks like there s a traitor in their midst.

  • - Liam Scott Book 3
    af Andy McNab
    107,95 kr.

    IT S A DEADLY GAME OF HIDE AND SEEKLiam Scott has joined Recce Platoon. And it looks like he will be heading for Somalia. His mission is to gather intelligence from behind enemy lines, carrying out top-secret surveillance and dead letter drops. But he s new to the game and there s a lot to learn. Soon Liam is monitoring a den of Al-Shabaab militants and hunting a key terrorist target. Can Recce Platoon find their man and get out undiscovered? If the militants find them first, it s game over . . .

  • - A Nick Stone Mission
    af Andy McNab
    247,95 kr.

    "e;The best suspense writer to put pen to paper since Alistair MacLean"e; (Stephen Coonts) follows up the international bestselling Firewall with the most gripping and timely Nick Stone mission yet. LAST LIGHT Top-secret operative Nick Stone has just aborted an officially sanctioned assassination attempt at the Houses of Parliament. Once he saw who his intended target was, he instinctively pulled out. Now Stone is in a world of trouble. His bosses have handed him a chilling ultimatum: fly to Panama and finish the job he just botched, or Kelly, the young orphan in his guardianship, will be killed. Deep in the sweltering jungle of Central America on an assignment that makes little sense to him, Stone quickly finds himself up to his neck in high-stakes action as he closes in on the key players in a lethal conspiracy involving Colombian guerrillas, the U.S. government, and Chinese big business. Only Stone can stop an international crisis and salvage Western interests, but first there is a critically injured friend to rescue, as well as miles of dense rainforest to navigate. In the explosive finale at the Panama Canal, with countless innocent lives hanging in the balance, Stone is forced to make the toughest decision of his life. Drawing on his experiences as a member of Britain's legendary Special Air Service, world-renowned thriller writer Andy McNab "e;delivers authenticity in spades"e; (Publishers Weekly). "e;McNab's greatest asset,"e; according to London's Sunday Times, "e;is that the heart of his fiction is not fiction: other thriller writers do their research, but he has actually been there."e;

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 - 119,95 kr.

    Nick Stones fremtid har aldrig set mere sort ud. Hans plejedatter er blevet slået ihjel, og han kan ikke se nogen god grund til ikke at følge hende i døden. Men så bliver han kontaktet af en mand, som han reddede 10 år tidligere. Fotografen Jerry vil have Nick til at hjælpe sig med at opspore en muslimsk leder.Nu går turen til det okkuperede og sønderskudte Baghdad, hvor de udsættes for et attentatforsøg og bliver nødt til at flygte videre til Bosnien. Her kommer Nick og Jerry efter megen dramatik endelig i kontakt med den mand, som de søger.Andy McNab slog sit navn fast med bogen Bravo to nul om sine oplevelser i elitestyrken SAS under Golfkrigen. Efterfølgende har han skrevet en række spændingsromaner baseret på sine oplevelser i elitestyrken, som alle er strøget til tops på bestseller-listerne i England.

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    November 2001. En Zodiac gummibåd sættes uset i vandet fra en ubåd ud for den nordafrikanske kyst. Nick Stone er på vej til et job for CIA. Det er ikke et job, han ville have taget under normale omstændigheder, men han har hårdt brug for det, han er blevet lovet til gengæld: Et amerikansk statsborgerskab og en ny tilværelse i USA sammen med Carrie, kvinden han elsker. Jobbet synes enkelt nok for en mand med Nick Stones kvalifikationer. Han skal infiltrere det fjendtlige og voldsprægede Algeriet og likvidere en lokal forretningsmand, der hvidvasker penge – og bringe hans hoved til Vesten. Han får ikke at vide, hvorfor manden skal dø på denne måde, og han ønsker ikke at vide det. Han gætter på, at det har noget at gøre med krigen mod terrorisme, som blev indledt efter den 11. september. Men da begivenhederne udvikler sig med foruroligende fart, går det op for Nick, at han ikke har fået den rigtige historie – og at det først er nu, historien begynder. Jobbet fører ham til den farlige underverden i Sydfrankrig, hvor Al-Qaeda er i gang med en hektisk indsamling af penge gennem det ældgamle hawalla banksystem. Nick er ude på dybt vand i en meget beskidt krig.

  • af Andy McNab & Robert Rigby
    73,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Danny Watts' højeste ønske er at blive soldat. Men hæren nægter at optage Danny, for hans bedstefar, Fergus, var en forræder af værste slags. En SAS bombeekspert, som forrådte sit land og regiment for penge – narkopenge. Bedstefaren blev arresteret og efterladt i et colombiansk fængsel for at dø. Eller det er i det mindste, hvad den 17-årige Danny får som forklaring.Men Danny ved noget, som SAS ikke ved. Fergus Watts lever i bedste velgående i skjul under et andet navn. Spørgsmålet er hvor! Fergus er Dannys eneste levende slægtning, og fyldt af raseri og ønske om hævn begiver Danny sig ud for at opspore og afsløre ham...

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Terrorister fra Sydøstasien er i besiddelse af en farlig bakterie, som medfører en meget smitsom lungepest. Bakterien har fået kodenavnet MØRK VINTER, og hvis den spredes gennem luften i Londons undergrundbane, vil det få uoverskuelige konsekvenser.Nick og den britiske agent, Suzy, får til opgave at finde seks flasker med MØRK VINTER uanset omkostningerne.Men deres meddeler viser sig at være upålidelig. Han har hele tiden haft sine egne planer om gennemførelse af en terroraktion, og truer Nick til at hente flere flasker med den farlige bakterie. Nick føler ikke, han har noget valg, og sammen med Suzy begiver han sig ud på endnu en nervepirrende aktion, som går helt galt...

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 - 119,95 kr.

    Som bodyguard for et Tv-hold i Basras krigshærgede gader er Nick Stone næsten sikker på at dø, da de bliver fanget i et baghold. Kun journalisternes hurtige reaktion redder hans liv.Da den ene journalist pludselig forsvinder og formodes kidnappet, beder efterretningstjenesten Nick Stone om at finde ham. Sporet fører fra Irak til London, Dublin og endelig Kabul – den skumle og brutale by, hvor regeringer, terrorisme og big business konstant kolliderer.Fanget i en krydsild hvor jageren pludselig bliver den jagede i et hæsblæsende kapløb mod tiden, er Nick Stones mareridt kun lige begyndt...

  • af Andy McNab
    87,95 kr.

    When Danny and his friends win a prize of an all-expenses-paid trip to a fancy resort in Norway, the kids can't believe their luck. Their flight, the resort and all of the amazing things they get to do and see - it all seems too good to be true. Which is exactly what makes Danny suspicious...

  • - War Torn 2
    af Andy McNab
    207,95 kr.

    Coming back from war is never easy, as Sergeant Dave Henley's platoon discovers all too quickly when they return from Afghanistan. Home can be an equally searing battlefield.

  • af Andy McNab
    97,95 kr.

    Young men with tans, scruffy beards, peeling noses and lips burnt raw by the Afghan sun. is the story of four of the young men in this Rifle section, partly told from the point of view of eighteen-year-old squaddie, David 'Briggsy' Briggs.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 10)
    af Andy McNab
    107,95 kr.

    The trail leads from Iraq to London, Dublin, and Kabul - the brutal city where governments, terrorism and big business collide. Caught in the crossfire, Stone's nightmare is only just beginning - for the hunter has suddenly become the hunter...

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 4)
    af Andy McNab
    95,95 kr.

    Nick Stone - deniable operator for British Intelligence - has been assigned to carry out an officially-sanctioned assassination. But he has a critically injured friend to rescue, miles of dense rainforest to navigate and the toughest decision of his life to make...

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 3)
    af Andy McNab
    125,95 kr.

    Tough, resourceful and ruthless, ex-SAS trooper Nick Stone is now working for British Intelligence on deniable operations. All he needs to do is kidnap a Russian mafia warlord. And so Stone is thrust into the grim underworld of Estonia, with unknown aggressors stalking the Arctic landscape.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 1): The explosive, bestselling first book in the series
    af Andy McNab
    105,95 kr.

    Tough, resourceful, ruthless - as an SAS trooper, Nick Stone was one of the best. Now he's back on the streets. After a botched mission, the Regiment no longer want his services. But British Intelligence does - as a deniable operator. It's the dirtiest job in a very, very dirty world. In Washington DC, it's about to get dirtier still.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 2)
    af Andy McNab
    115,95 kr.

    Sarah Greenwood is beautiful, intelligent and cunning - and the only woman Stone has ever truly opened up to. But now he has been ordered to hunt her down. Hotly pursued through the American wilderness, Stone finds himself at the centre of a deadly game of cat and mouse.

  • af Andy McNab
    125,95 kr.

    Their convoy is ambushed on the way to the FOB, leaving two men grievously wounded - before they've fired a shot. Back at home, Dave's wife, Jenny, seven months pregnant, must try to hold together the fragile lives of the families left behind, who all wait for the knock on the door and the arrival of bad news...

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 13)
    af Andy McNab
    107,95 kr.

    ONE MANWhen the beautiful twenty-year-old daughter of a Moldovan businessman goes missing from her university, British Intelligence are unusually interested in her safe return.

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