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World famous boxer Mary Kom needs no introduction. Her life and her struggle to reach to her present position is an inspiration for all young enthusiasts, who would like to follow her footsteps. This biography highlights all the events of her life - the good and the bad, the defeats and successes that she underwent to reach where she is now. Her life is an inspiration for all young girls. It shows that nothing can deter a person if one has made one's mind. The book gives a true picture of this undefeatable person's life and times.
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Malala Yousafzai is a very young, she has gone on to attain the zeniths that few are fortunate to scale at such a young age. Generally, common women, like you and me, are scared of the goons and loafers on the roads and suffer their uncivilized behaviour thinking that they are destined to suffer.
V & S Publishers ne hindi bhashi pathko kh jarurat ko mahsus kar prayayvachi shabdkosh ka sankalan kiya hai. Prastut prayayvachi shabdkosh ko sarvsadhanran ke liye aur bhi adhik upyogi banane hetu isme sankalan mul ke de samanarthak aur tadbhav shabdo ke sath arbi, Farsi, purtgali, ditch, French aadi bhashao ks un shabdo ko bhi sammilit kiya hai, jo hindi shabdo ke prayay ban chuke hai. Yah shabdkosh hindi aur ahindi bhasha dono pathko ke liye saman rup se upyogi hai. Iske sath sanchipt vilom shabdkosh ko bhi prakashit kiya gya hai.Yah shabdkosh vibbhin pratiyogi pariksha me sammilit hone wale pratiyogiyo ke sath school va colleges me adhayayan karne wale sabhi chhatra/chhatraon ke liye bhi saman rup se upyogi hai.Prastut prayayvachi shabdkosh ke ant me pathko ki jankari ke liye kuch parishist bhi jode gye hai, jinme muhavre vilom shabdo par vadharit padbandh, bhinnarthak shabd sammocharit shabd, sahchar shabd tatha anek shabdo ks liye ek shabdo ke parishisat shamil hai. Jinka prayog pathak rotmarra ki jindgi me karte hai. #v&spublishers
Bhaarateey saahityakaaroon meen saahityakaar dhy raveendranaath taigoorr sharat candr aur vibhuutibhuushan bandyoopaadhyaay tatha hindee saahityakaaroon meen candradhr sharma guleeree, jayashankaraprasaad aur preemacand kahaaneeleekhan kee ksheetra meen anany hain. In saahityakaaroon kee prasi (shreeshth kahaaniyaan is pustak mee sankalit hain, joo maanav man kee bhaavanaoon koo udveelit karanee vaalee hain.Prakaashan kee ksheetra meen pratham baar bangala aur hindee kahaaneekaaroon kee kahaaniyoon ka sangam aur sankalan hai, yah pustak sabhee kee liee pathaneey aur sangrahaneey pustak hain, hindee saahityakaaroon kee paanc shreeshth kahaaniyaan aap bhee padhan¿ee, parivaar koo bhee parhanee koo deen.(Classical Indian literature revolves aroud Rabindranath Tagore, Sharat Chandra, Chandradhar Sharma Guleri, Jaishankar Prasad and Premchand and other prolific writers. They have attained immortality on account of their sensitivityfilled writing power. The book consists of their stories in condensed forms that lend a great impact on human mind. The stories reflect rural setting and the kind of life people lived a century ago. ) #v&spublishers
Mahaapandit chaanakya ek rachanaatmak vichaarak the. Vah sarvashreeshth arthashaastree hone ke saathsaath mahaan raajaneetijn evam kuutaneetijn the. Vah saamarajya vinaashak tatha saamarajy nirmaata dono the. Chankya niti pustak ek neeti granth hai. Isme jeevan ko safal evm sukhmay banaane ke liye anek upyogi sujhao diye gaye hain. Is pustak ko prakashit karne ke peechhe hamaara uddeshya manav jivan ke pratek aayam ki shiksha dena hai. Prastut pustak ko satrah chhote chhote addhaya mein bantaa gaya hai taaki pathakon ko ise samjhane mein aasanee ho. Pustak ke sabhi addhayayon mein mukhaya ruup se dharma, sanskriti, nanaya, shanti shiksha evam manav jeevan ke pragati kee jhanki prastut ki gai hai .Unakee teen anupam kritiyaan chaanakya neeti, chaanakya suutra tatha kautilya arthashaastra hain. Chaanakya ka jeevan, chaanakya ke praarthanayen, vaidik praarthanayen, chaanakya ke amarata, kavita ke ruup mein dee gaee hai. Pustak mein chaanaky ke jeevan, eevan upalabdhyioon ka varnan kiya gaya hai. Yah pustak chintak, lekhak, prabandhk, sevak, shaasak, prashaasak, raajaneetijn se lekar saamaany jan sab he ke liye laabhadaayee va upayukt hai.(Chanakya wrote two books, the treatise called the "Arthasastra" or the Science of Economics, and the "Chanakya Niti Shastra," or the science of public policy and governance, which laid a strong foundation 2300 years ago for the founding of one of history's greatest empires, the Mauryan Empire. Chanakya Niti is a selection of sutras and verses that convey much about the ideal way of life and expert knowledge regarding espionage, maintenance and mobilization of army, general administration, diplomacy etc. ) #v&spublishers
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