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  • af Ankita Gupta
    70,95 kr.

    In the heart of every struggle lies a story of resilience, much like the lotus that blooms untarnished in muddy waters. "The Lotus Life" is an ode to this resilience, a poetic journey through the trials and triumphs that shape our existence.This book is born from the interplay of shadow and light, exploring themes that resonate with the rhythm of life. The verses are symbolic to a journey meandering through the deepest recesses of human heart, mind and soul - experiencing tribulations on its way and turning them into a beautiful rhythmic melody called Life.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    764,95 kr.

    Il presente studio, intitolato "Effetto delle abitudini alimentari e dello stile di vita nell'infanzia sull'insorgenza di CVD nella mezza età (30-50 anni) in un gruppo ad alto reddito", prevedeva una tecnica di campionamento mirata. È stata utilizzata la tecnica del campionamento mirato per selezionare 100 campioni (50 del gruppo sperimentale e 50 del gruppo di controllo) e un programma di interviste per raccogliere informazioni relative al profilo socioeconomico, al modello alimentare, all'attività fisica e allo stile di vita, all'assunzione di cibo e a informazioni specifiche sulle malattie. Nel richiamo della dieta delle 24 ore, è stata riscontrata una differenza statisticamente significativa tra il consumo medio di fosforo (mg) tra i gruppi CVD e non CVD.Statisticamente, è stata osservata una differenza significativa tra il consumo medio di calcio, ferro, vitamina A, riboflavina e niacina nei maschi del gruppo di lavoratori sedentari tra la RDA e l'apporto nutrizionale del gruppo CVD.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    764,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Studie mit dem Titel "Auswirkung der Ernährungsgewohnheiten und des Lebensstils in der Kindheit auf das Auftreten von CVD im mittleren Alter (30-50 Jahre) in einer Gruppe mit hohem Einkommen" umfasste eine gezielte Stichprobenauswahl. Für die Auswahl von 100 Stichproben (50 Experimentalgruppe & 50 Kontrollgruppe) wurde das Verfahren der gezielten Stichprobenziehung angewandt, und es wurde ein Interviewplan verwendet, um Informationen über das sozioökonomische Profil, die Ernährungsgewohnheiten, die körperliche Aktivität & den Lebensstil, die Nahrungsaufnahme und spezifische Informationen über die Krankheiten zu erheben.Der Gesundheitszustand und das Auftreten von Krankheiten bei den Befragten mit und ohne Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen wurden verglichen. Bei der 24-Stunden-Erinnerung an die Ernährung wurde ein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied zwischen dem durchschnittlichen Phosphorverbrauch (mg) der CVD- und der Nicht-CVD-Gruppe festgestellt. Statistisch gesehen wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen dem durchschnittlichen Kalzium-, Eisen-, Vitamin A-, Riboflavin- und Niacinverbrauch bei Männern der Gruppe der sitzenden Arbeitnehmer zwischen der RDA und der Nahrungsaufnahme der CVD-Gruppe festgestellt.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    764,95 kr.

    Serdechno-sosudistye zabolewaniq w nashi dni qwlqütsq odnoj iz osnownyh prichin powyshennoj smertnosti kak w razwityh, tak i w razwiwaüschihsq stranah. V nastoqschem issledowanii pod nazwaniem "Vliqnie pischewyh priwychek i obraza zhizni w detstwe na wozniknowenie SSZ w srednem wozraste (30-50 let) w gruppe s wysokim urownem dohoda" ispol'zowalas' metodika celenaprawlennoj wyborki. Dlq otbora 100 obrazcow (50 - äxperimental'naq gruppa i 50 - kontrol'naq gruppa) ispol'zowalsq metod celenaprawlennoj wyborki, a dlq sbora informacii o social'no-äkonomicheskom profile, haraktere pitaniq, fizicheskoj aktiwnosti i obraze zhizni, racione pitaniq i konkretnoj informacii o zabolewaniqh primenqlsq grafik interw'ü. Bylo prowedeno srawnenie mezhdu sostoqniem zdorow'q i rasprostranennost'ü zabolewanij sredi respondentow s serdechno-sosudistymi zabolewaniqmi i bez serdechno-sosudistyh zabolewanij. Statisticheski znachimaq raznica byla obnaruzhena mezhdu srednim potrebleniem fosfora (mg) mezhdu gruppami CVD i Non-CVD. Statisticheski znachimaq raznica nablüdalas' mezhdu srednim potrebleniem kal'ciq, zheleza, witamina A, riboflawina, niacina u muzhchin iz gruppy malopodwizhnyh rabotnikow mezhdu RDA i pitaniem gruppy CVD.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    764,95 kr.

    As doenças cardiovasculares são atualmente uma das principais causas de aumento da mortalidade, tanto nos países desenvolvidos como nos países em desenvolvimento. O presente estudo, intitulado "Efeito dos hábitos alimentares e do estilo de vida na infância sobre a ocorrência de doenças cardiovasculares na meia-idade (30-50 anos) no grupo de elevado rendimento", envolveu uma técnica de amostragem intencional. Foi utilizada a técnica de amostragem intencional para selecionar 100 amostras (50 do grupo experimental e 50 do grupo de controlo) e foi utilizado um programa de entrevistas para recolher informações sobre o perfil socioeconómico, o padrão alimentar, a atividade física e o estilo de vida, a ingestão alimentar e informações específicas sobre as doenças. No registo alimentar de 24 horas, foi encontrada uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o consumo médio de fósforo (mg) entre os grupos com e sem doença cardiovascular. Estatisticamente, foi observada uma diferença significativa entre o consumo médio de cálcio, ferro, vitamina A, riboflavina e niacina nos homens do grupo de trabalhadores sedentários entre a DDR e o consumo nutricional do grupo com doença cardiovascular.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    764,95 kr.

    La présente étude intitulée "Effet des habitudes alimentaires et du mode de vie de l'enfance sur l'apparition des maladies cardiovasculaires à l'âge moyen (30-50 ans) dans un groupe à revenu élevé" a fait appel à la technique de l'échantillonnage raisonné. La technique de l'échantillonnage raisonné a été utilisée pour sélectionner 100 échantillons (50 pour le groupe expérimental et 50 pour le groupe de contrôle) et un programme d'entretien a été utilisé pour recueillir des informations sur le profil socio-économique, les habitudes alimentaires, l'activité physique et le mode de vie, l'apport alimentaire et des informations spécifiques sur les maladies. Une différence statistiquement significative a été observée entre la consommation moyenne de calcium, de fer, de vitamine A, de riboflavine et de niacine chez les hommes du groupe des travailleurs sédentaires, entre l'AJR et l'apport nutritionnel du groupe des maladies cardio-vasculaires.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    208,95 kr.

    The great horses coloring book for kids.. Why do people ride horses?Because they're too heavy to carry..

  • af Ankita Gupta
    500,95 kr.

    Whey is the milk serum obtained during the manufacture of cheese, paneer, or channa after the separation of casein and fat during milk coagulation. It is a greenish translucent liquid that is highly nutritious, especially in proteins but unfortunately, it is being drained off due to a lack of economically viable methods for its utilization and high effluent treatment cost. It is also posing a problem for the environment due to its high B.O.D (biological oxygen demand ), C.O.D (chemical oxygen demand), and high biodegradability. So there is an urgent need to utilize whey primarily at the household level. In India, cold drinks are in demand for the greater part of the year and their demand is rising every year. This trend can be exploited to develop a drink that has no adverse effect on health and provide the characteristic zest, sparkle, and taste of the carbonated beverages available in the market. So black grapes have been chosen because of their similarity to Coca-Cola, likewise, pineapple, lemon, and orange have been selected because they resembled Limca and Mirinda respectively.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    673,95 kr.

    Cardio-vascular disease is now a days one of the major contributing cause of increased mortality in both developed and developing countries.The present study titled ¿Effect of dietary habits and life style of childhood on the occurrence of CVD in middle age (30-50 years) in High Income Group¿ involved purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling technique was used for selecting 100 samples (50Experimental group & 50 Control group) and an interview schedule was used to collect the information regarding socioeconomic profile, dietary pattern, physical activity & life style,dietary intake and specific information regarding the diseases.Comparison was made between the health status and occurrence of disease among the Cardio-vascular disease and Non-Cardio-vascular disease respondents. In the 24-hour diet recall,Statistically Significant difference was found between average consumption of phosphorus (mg) between CVD and Non-CVD groups.Statistically, Significant difference was observed between average calcium, iron, vitamin A,Riboflavin, Niacin consumption in males of sedentary worker group between RDA and nutritional intake of CVD group.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    123,95 kr.

    ""The country where students are aware, that country never stops growing."" The book is a poetic style of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. It explains the section in a poetry manner. This book will enhance the section with emotions, it will frame a story in your mind. It is a unique combination of a law in poetic form. The Poetic Book has set a WORLD RECORD of ""LONGEST LAW POETRY"" in International Book of Records.

  • af Ankita Gupta
    123,95 kr.

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