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  • af Arianne Richmonde
    145,95 kr.

    Ella firmó. Ahora debe pagar el precio…Miro a los ojos de mi nuevo marido y sonrío. Es el día de nuestra boda y me siento como la mujer más afortunada del mundo. Lucas es perfecto. Me trae el desayuno a la cama por la mañana, ramos de flores por la tarde y nunca sale de la habitación sin darme antes un beso. Aun así, no puedo deshacerme de esa duda persistente que me ronda la cabeza, especialmente en lo que respecta al acuerdo prematrimonial que insistió en que firmara. ¿Acaso cree que solo me interesa su dinero? Me convenzo a mí misma de que no importa. Lo quiero, y mi amor por él es tan fuerte que ingenuamente creo que podrá superar cualquier obstáculo…Tres años después, todo ha cambiado. Ya no queda nada de la seguridad que una vez sentí junto a él. Cuando miro a Lucas hoy, no reconozco a la persona con la que me casé. Estoy atrapada con un hombre al que nunca he llegado a conocer de verdad en una casa que cada vez se parece más a una prisión.Cada día que pasa el terror que siento aumenta. Firmé el acuerdo prematrimonial y, al hacerlo, renuncié a mi libertad. Puede que no logre salir de esto con vida…---«¡¡¡Dios mío!!!! Absolutamente increíble… Me dejó sin palabras… Un ritmo increíblemente rápido… Tan intenso que lo devoré en una sola sentada… ¡Es un libro que tienes que leer!».Heidi Lynn’s Book Review«¡ESO NO ME LO ESPERABA! Justo cuando crees que la autora ha dado el último giro, ¡ocurren otros doce giros más! Me quedé despierta mucho después de mi hora de dormir para terminar el libro y después mi mente no dejaba de dar vueltas. Este libro realmente me encantó. Uno de los mejores thrillers que he leído este año».@booked_with_brandi«Una novela que no puedes dejar de leer. Me atrapó desde las primeras páginas y lo devoré de una sentada… Lleno de suspense, un impresionante thriller psicológico… Ese giro no me lo vi venir en absoluto».@tylinns.reading.corner«No sabía qué desenlace esperar, pero una cosa es segura: nunca pensé que terminaría así. ¡Sorprendente! Es una gran historia con personajes muy interesantes».B for Bookreview«La narrativa descriptiva de Richmonde crea una atmósfera de lectura perfecta desde el principio, y la trama me mantuvo pegada a las páginas… El epílogo me dejó sin palabras… ¡Bravo!».Kindle Friends Forever«La novela es rápida e intrigante. Llena de giros y sorpresas hasta el final. Es el thriller perfecto para un caluroso día de verano».Carry a Big Book«Un thriller psicológico lleno de suspense en el que nunca sabes lo que va a suceder… Me mantuvo enganchada todo el tiempo… Pero ese giro me dejó en shock, ¡una evolución de la trama impresionante!».Reseña en Goodreads

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    145,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Hun har underskrevet papirerne. Nu må hun betale prisen ...Dengang: Jeg lader øjnene hvile på min nye mand og smiler. Det er vores bryllupsdag, og jeg føler mig som den heldigste kvinde i verden.Lucas er perfekt. Han laver kaffe til mig om morgenen, giver mig blomster om aftenen og forlader aldrig rummet uden at give mig et kys.Så jeg prøver at ignorere den tvivl, som nager i baghovedet, den om ægtepagten, han fik mig til at underskrive. Tror han, at jeg er en golddigger?Jeg forsikrer mig selv om, at det ikke betyder noget, fordi jeg ved, at vi skal være sammen for evigt ...Nu: Tre år er gået, og Lucas har ændret sig. Jeg føler mig ikke tryg i mit eget hjem, og når jeg ser på ham, kan jeg ikke kende den mand, jeg giftede mig med.Og nu er jeg fanget i et hus med en mand, jeg begynder at indse, at jeg aldrig rigtig kendte – og jeg er bange for, at jeg måske ikke kommer ud herfra i live ...***Arianne Richmonde er USA Today-bestsellerforfatter og leverer den ene medrivende psykologiske thriller efter den anden. Hendes Pearl-serie har solgt mere end en halv million eksemplarer på verdensplan. Richmondes historier er altid spækket med fængslende karakterer og fyldt med uventede vendinger og drejninger. Når hun ikke skriver bøger om menneskehedens lidenskaber og skrøbeligheder, elsker Richmonde at tilbringe tid sammen med sin mand og deres dyr, herunder en rigtig femme fatale Husky med ét blåt og ét gyldent øje. Richmonde er chokoladeafhængig og sommetider smutter hun afsted til solrige, eksotiske steder – for at researche, naturligvis.***"OMG!!!! ... Den tog fuldstændig røven på mig! ... En absolut favorit ... Jeg var målløs ... Utroligt højt tempo – jeg slugte den af én omgang! ... Et must-read!" – Heidi Lynns Book Review"DET SÅ JEG IKKE KOMME! Lige når du tror, at forfatteren leverer det sidste plot-twist, er der yderligere 12 vanvittige overraskelser! Jeg kunne simpelthen ikke sove, før jeg havde læst den færdig, og bagefter var jeg helt oppe at køre! ... Er vild med den her bog ... Jeg var bare helt i chok ... ELSKEDE DEN! En af de bedste thrillere, jeg har læst i år!" – @booked_with_brandi"En bog, hvor siderne vender sig selv. Jeg var afhængig fra de første par sider og læste den i ét stræk ... Fyldt med spænding, virkelig en fantastisk, psykologisk thriller ... Og det plot-twist til sidst? Jeg så det slet ikke komme!" – @tylinns.reading.corner"Jeg havde ingen anelse om, hvordan bogen ville ende, men én ting er sikkert: Det var ikke sådan her. Meget chokerende! En fantastisk historie med virkelig interessante karakterer" – B for Bookreview"Richmondes fængende skrivestil skaber en fantastisk læseoplevelse fra start til slut, og den hæsblæsende handling holdt mig limet fast til siderne ... ét plot-twist eller to klarede godt nok at få mig ud af balance, men det i epilogen slog benene væk under mig ... Bravo!" – Kindle Friends Forever"Romanen er tempofyldt og dristig. Fyldt med vendinger og drejninger til det sidste er Ægtepagten den perfekte, nervepirrende ledsager til en varm sommerdag." – Carry a Big Book"Wow, et plot-twist!! En spændende, medrivende psykologisk thriller, som formår at holde dig spændt på udfaldet hele vejen igennem ... Jeg var opslugt til det sidste ... Plot-twistet kom som et chok, handlingen overraskede til det sidste!" – Goodreads-anmeldelse

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    145,95 kr.

    Jag ser in min nyblivne makes ögon och ler. Det är vår bröllopsdag och jag känner mig som den lyckligaste kvinnan på jorden. Lucas är allt jag någonsin har kunnat önska mig. Han överraskar mig med kaffe på sängen, romantiska blombuketter och lämnar aldrig rummet utan att ge mig en kyss.Ändå har jag svårt att skaka av mig det ihållande tvivlet som gnager i bakhuvudet, särskilt när det gäller äktenskapsförordet han insisterade på att jag skulle underteckna. Tror han att jag bara är ute efter hans pengar? Jag intalar mig att det inte har någon betydelse. Jag älskar honom och min kärlek för honom är så stark att jag naivt tror att den kommer att övervinna allt ...Tre år senare har allt förändrats. Den trygghet jag en gång kände är som bortblåst. När jag ser på Lucas idag känner jag inte längre igen den man jag en gång lovade att älska. Jag är fångad i ett hem som snarare liknar ett fängelse, med en man jag aldrig verkligen kände. Skräcken växer sig allt starkare. Jag skrev på och gav därmed upp min frihet. Kanske kommer jag inte att klara mig ur detta med livet i behåll...---”Herregud! Helt otrolig ... Min favorit ... Åh, jag var mållös ... Otroligt snabbt tempo... Så intensiv att jag slukade den i en sittning! Ett måste att läsa!” - Heidi Lynns bokrecension”DET DÄR SÅG JAG INTE KOMMA! Precis när du tror att författaren levererat den sista vändningen, kommer det tolv galna vändningar till! Jag höll mig vaken långt efter läggdags för att avsluta boken och efteråt gick hjärnan på högvarv! Jag älskade verkligen den här boken. En av de bästa thrillers jag har läst i år!” - @booked_with_brandi”Absolut en bok man inte kan sluta läsa. Jag var fast från första sidorna och sträckläste den i en enda sittning... Fylld av spänning, en sådan fantastisk psykologisk thriller... Den där twisten, jag anade den inte komma alls!” @tylinns.reading.corner”Jag visste inte vilket slut jag hade väntat mig, men en sak är säker: jag trodde aldrig att det skulle sluta så. Chockerande! Det här är en fantastisk berättelse med intressanta karaktärer.” — B for Bookreview”Richmondes målande berättande skapar en fantastisk läsarstämning från första början och handlingen höll fast mig vid sidorna... Även om en och annan vändning fick mig ur balans, knockade epilogen mig totalt... Bravo!” — Kindle Friends Forever”Romanen är fartfylld och nervkittlande. Full av vändningar ända till slutet. Äktenskapsförordet är den perfekta spänningsromanen för en varm sommardag.” — Carry a Big Book”Alltså, den där twisten?! En spännande, gripande psykologisk thriller där du aldrig vet vad som kommer hända... Jag var fängslad hela tiden... Men den där twisten chockade mig verkligen, en sådan gripande händelseutveckling!” — Recension på Goodreads

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    418,95 kr.

    Hun har underskrevet papirerne. Nu må hun betale prisen ... Dengang: Jeg lader øjnene hvile på min nye mand og smiler. Det er vores bryllupsdag, og jeg føler mig som den heldigste kvinde i verden. Lucas er perfekt. Han laver kaffe til mig om morgenen, giver mig blomster om aftenen og forlader aldrig rummet uden at give mig et kys. Så jeg prøver at ignorere den tvivl, som nager i baghovedet, den om ægtepagten, han fik mig til at underskrive. Tror han, at jeg er en golddigger? Jeg forsikrer mig selv om, at det ikke betyder noget, fordi jeg ved, at vi skal være sammen for evigt ... Nu: Tre år er gået, og Lucas har ændret sig. Jeg føler mig ikke tryg i mit eget hjem, og når jeg ser på ham, kan jeg ikke kende den mand, jeg giftede mig med. Og nu er jeg fanget i et hus med en mand, jeg begynder at indse, at jeg aldrig rigtig kendte – og jeg er bange for, at jeg måske ikke kommer ud herfra i live ... Arianne Richmonde er USA Today-bestsellerforfatter og leverer den ene medrivende psykologiske thriller efter den anden. Hendes Pearl-serie har solgt mere end en halv million eksemplarer på verdensplan. Richmondes historier er altid spækket med fængslende karakterer og fyldt med uventede vendinger og drejninger. Når hun ikke skriver bøger om menneskehedens lidenskaber og skrøbeligheder, elsker Richmonde at tilbringe tid sammen med sin mand og deres dyr, herunder en rigtig femme fatale Husky med ét blåt og ét gyldent øje. Richmonde er chokoladeafhængig og sommetider smutter hun afsted til solrige, eksotiske steder – for at researche, naturligvis. "OMG!!!! ... Den tog fuldstændig røven på mig! ... En absolut favorit ... Jeg var målløs ... Utroligt højt tempo – jeg slugte den af én omgang! ... Et must-read!" – Heidi Lynns Book Review "DET SÅ JEG IKKE KOMME! Lige når du tror, at forfatteren leverer det sidste plot-twist, er der yderligere 12 vanvittige overraskelser! Jeg kunne simpelthen ikke sove, før jeg havde læst den færdig, og bagefter var jeg helt oppe at køre! ... Er vild med den her bog ... Jeg var bare helt i chok ... ELSKEDE DEN! En af de bedste thrillere, jeg har læst i år!" – @booked_with_brandi "En bog, hvor siderne vender sig selv. Jeg var afhængig fra de første par sider og læste den i ét stræk ... Fyldt med spænding, virkelig en fantastisk, psykologisk thriller ... Og det plot-twist til sidst? Jeg så det slet ikke komme!" – @tylinns.reading.corner "Jeg havde ingen anelse om, hvordan bogen ville ende, men én ting er sikkert: Det var ikke sådan her. Meget chokerende! En fantastisk historie med virkelig interessante karakterer" – B for Bookreview "Richmondes fængende skrivestil skaber en fantastisk læseoplevelse fra start til slut, og den hæsblæsende handling holdt mig limet fast til siderne ... ét plot-twist eller to klarede godt nok at få mig ud af balance, men det i epilogen slog benene væk under mig ... Bravo!" – Kindle Friends Forever "Romanen er tempofyldt og dristig. Fyldt med vendinger og drejninger til det sidste er Ægtepagten den perfekte, nervepirrende ledsager til en varm sommerdag." – Carry a Big Book "Wow, et plot-twist!! En spændende, medrivende psykologisk thriller, som formår at holde dig spændt på udfaldet hele vejen igennem ... Jeg var opslugt til det sidste ... Plot-twistet kom som et chok, handlingen overraskede til det sidste!" – Goodreads-anmeldelse

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    118,95 kr.

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    183,95 kr.

    A secret is destroying us. A secret I am unable to share with her.It isn't just myself I am protecting, but someone I love.Wherever I turn . . . in whichever direction . . . I face a wall. I'm lost for an answer. Our happiness so close I can touch it, so far it's eating at my soul. If SHE wins, Pearl and I are doomed. I don't know who Alexandre is anymore. Everything I thought we had was a lie. He says he still wants me. Still needs me. But at a price. The price of his silence . . . I am not willing to negotiate. My heart has been broken, but I have no choice but to stay strong . . .Because it's not just myself I need to protect, but the life I carry inside me.I am fighting for two. Hooked Up #3 is the heart-pounding conclusion to this steamy, reverse age gap romance.

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    183,95 kr.

    Sex.Lies.Two "reformed" Hollywood stars.And one hell of a war of wills.Movie director Jake Wild lives up to his name. A dangerously sexy playboy, he's used to getting any woman he wants when he wants. Until he meets his nemesis: the beautiful, equally notorious Star Davis.Ready to leave behind her party-girl ways and set to play the lead in his new film, Star doesn't expect to fall for the charms of her director. And the last thing Jake wants-or needs-is for his life to spiral out of control.Two beautiful misfits have met their match.A match that lights a bonfire...From the Hollywood Hills to the grasslands of Africa, the epic Star Trilogy takes you on a thrilling journey shrouded in secrets, masked by betrayal, and with unforeseen twists and turns that will make you question whose side you're on.Lights . . .Camera . . .Action . . . Fasten your seat belt . . . you're in for a Wild ride.What people are saying about THE STAR TRILOGY: "I loved every page of this steamy and suspenseful Hollywood Romance. Jake Wild is hot! Arianne gives us another winner!" --New York Times bestselling author Nelle l'AmourA HOT HOT read filled with sexual tension, uncertainty, and suspense!!"--Kawehi Book Reviews"Holy hotness. Move over Gideon and Eva. The shower scene in this book is the sexiest I've ever read" - Hot Heroes Books."These two have some SERIOUS chemistry going on. True to Arianne style, this book is full of unexpected twists. Just when you think that maybe the muddled waters will clear, another handful of mud is thrown in. You just don't know what is going to happen. Events will surprise the hell out of you and will leave you shaking your head."--Cover To Cover Book Reviews"I HIGHLY recommend any of Arianne Richmonde's books. She is a FANTASTIC author. So, if you have not read any of her books, grab one, read it, and find out for yourselves just why I'm such a HUGE FAN!"--Swept Away By Romance"The sexual tension in this book is scorching."--Fairest Of All Book Reviews"Sexy, thrilling, and nail-bitingly suspenseful. Shrouded in secrets, masked by betrayal, and with unforeseen twists and turns that will make you question whose side you're on. Loved every word."-- Layla's Book ReviewsThis is a standalone series with NO CLIFFHANGER.. .

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    118,95 kr.

    Book #3 of The Glass Trilogy (not standalone - you need to read #1 Shards of Glass and #2 Broken Glass first). While Daniel lies in a coma in the hospital in Las Vegas, Janie is told that the love of her life is married to his late wife's sister, Kristin Jurgen, the respected neurosurgeon who is treating him. Panicked and devastated, Janie doesn't know who, or what to believe. Too skeptical to go to the police, because of Kristen's stainless reputation as an award-winning doctor, Janie decides to take matters into her own hands . . . Janie. My mind was spinning. I could hardly breathe. Standing inside Daniel's hotel, where I'd been living so happily for the last few days, I tried to evaluate what was happening. My mouth was a gaping hole as I painfully swallowed the concierge's words: "Her first name is Kristin. I believe her name, before she married, was Jürgen." "Daniel's wife?" I asked again, as I leaned against Ethan's front desk to support my Jell-O legs. His eyes softened. "Look, I'm sorry. But . . . I'll bet you're not the first." Daniel: The horror of what is happening to me is beneath my fingertips, but I cannot move them. It is on my breath but I cannot speak. It is before my eyes yet I cannot even blink. I am immobile. But my brain is alive. Very much alive. I want to jump up and grab them by the throats-these gatekeepers who are forcing me to be imprisoned in my own body. I was awake. I was well. Janie was with me and it was a matter of hours-yes, hours-before I knew I'd be up and running again. I could taste recovery. But then they medicated me. Medicated me back to oblivion. "Hearts of Glass will break your heart and put it back together again. A love story with twists and turns you won't see coming. I loved every beautifully written word." Hot Heroes Books Reading order: #1 Shards of Glass #2 Broken Glass #3 Hearts of Glass

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    228,95 kr.

    She lied to me. But I couldn't keep away from her.We had a bond that was far stronger than just great sex.Two damaged souls destined to be together . . . If Pearl Robinson was my nemesis, I didn't care.I had to make her mine. Alexandre was my rock, my addiction, my soul mate. And when we re-united, my life was balancing on the brink of perfection. But the shadows of my past came back to haunt me, driving an abyss between us. And outside forces were crashing at our gateway . . . Determined to break us apart. THE HOOKED UP series is a steamy, reverse age gap romance featuring a powerful, sexy French billionaire and a 40-year-old American woman who, so far, has been unlucky in love. HOOKED UP #3 paperback released and available.

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    218,95 kr.

    Belle Pearl #1 Best Seller in the USA TODAY Bestselling Steamy Romance Series. "I have to say that as the conclusion for this series, it was definitely a roller coaster ride! I was shocked, I was surprised, and I was ultimately floored with the turn of events! It was that interesting and unexpected!! I absolutely LOVED this book and devoured every minute." --Kawehi Book Reviews "My emotions were all over the place. Arianne had me laughing, cursing and sobbing my eyes out at the end...I'm talking gasping ugly cry but my heart was overflowing. I will miss Alexandre and Pearl, their story is so beautiful and I am so lucky to have experienced their journey! I highly recommend this series." --Two Crazy Girls and a Passion For Books Pearl and Belle Pearl follow Arianne Richmonde's bestselling books in The Pearl Trilogy: Shades of Pearl, Shadows of Pearl and Shimmers of Pearl; the tumultuous and heart-rending love story between forty-year-old documentary producer, Pearl Robinson, and French Internet billionaire, Alexandre Chevalier, fifteen years her junior. Pearl and Belle Pearl are written from Alexandre's point of view, from the moment he and Pearl first meet on a rainy summer's day in a coffee shop in New York City, and the story continues beyond Shimmers of Pearl, with a completely different ending than the trilogy. At only twenty-five, Alexandre Chevalier is a billionaire. His social media site, HookedUp, is more popular than Twitter, more global than Facebook. With his devastating looks, alluring charm, and his immense wealth, he has women falling at his feet, and ex girlfriends and an ex-fiancée who simply cannot let him go. Alexandre's dark and dysfunctional past makes him crave a normal relationship with Pearl but she tests him to his limits and proves that she is even more damaged than he first believed. His loyalties are split, his patience torn. After many trials, misunderstandings, and revelations of dark secrets, finally their wedding ensues and it looks as if their happily ever after is sealed. Until something unforeseen rips their world apart.

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    108,95 kr.

    Book 3 in The Beautiful Chaos Trilogy (You need to read Shooting Star and Falling Star first). The story continues . . . In a terrifying turn of events Star discovers the truth about who her kidnapper is. She can trust no one. But before she has a chance to process her revelations, something happens that changes her life forever. But is she in love with the wrong man? And just how far will she go to protect him? This is the third and last part of the Beautiful Chaos Trilogy. #1 Shooting Star #2 Falling Star #3 Shining Star New Adult Contemporary Romance *Sexy strong language and situations*

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    113,95 kr.

    Book 2 of The Glass Trilogy (You need to read Shards of Glass first). Daniel Glass is back. Not only as Janie's director, but as her leading man in the BDSM-themed movie, The Dark Edge of Love, the sexiest romance since Fifty Shades of Grey. But Janie can't shake off her obsession that Daniel is still in love with his late wife, the invincible blonde bombshell, Natasha Jürgen. Not only that, but rumor has it he's sleeping with half of Hollywood. Janie is determined to keep Daniel at a comfortable distance, but his insistence, charm, and the power he has over her psyche, wins her over. She simply can't resist. Because of family commitments Janie sets off to Vegas, with Daniel in pursuit. And just when she finds out that he is not the man she feared he was, a calamity befalls the couple. Daniel Glass is broken . . . And everything Janie has come to believe . . . Is worse than just a lie.

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    128,95 kr.

    She signed the papers. And now her life is in danger... Then: I gaze at my new husband and smile. It's our wedding day and I feel like the luckiest woman alive. Lucas is perfect. He brings me coffee in the morning, flowers in the evening, and never leaves the room without a kiss. So I try to ignore the niggling doubt in the back of my mind about the prenup he made me sign. Does he think I'm a gold digger? I reassure myself that it doesn't matter, because I know we'll be together forever... Now: Three years in, Lucas has changed. I don't feel safe in my own house, and when I look at my husband, I don't recognize the man I married. And now I'm trapped in this house with a man I'm beginning to realize I never really knew at all-and I'm terrified I might not make it out alive... An absolutely gripping psychological thriller. Impossible to put down and packed with whiplash-inducing twists, perfect for fans of The Couple Next Door, The Silent Wife and The Marriage. What readers are saying about Arianne Richmonde: "5 stars! Wow!... Filled with twists and turns... I was not expecting that ending! You think it is going one way then you are thrown another twist... So good! I loved that it kept me guessing and on my toes... Excellent... Highly recommend!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "A total WOW read with twist after twist... Will keep anyone on the edge of their seat... An easy five stars from me." NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "I did not see that coming!!?? Best psychological thriller I've read in a long time! My mind is spinning... Wow, so many twists and turns... Had me on edge... So many twists that I did not even see coming! This book is perfect!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Omg what a thrill... Twisty and full of suspense. I was on the edge of my seat. Gripped from start to finish. Read in one sitting. Couldn't put it down. Definitely recommend." Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Umm, that twist?! A suspenseful, gripping psychological thriller that keeps you guessing throughout... I was captivated throughout... But that twist had me shocked, such a gripping turn of events!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    178,95 kr.

    A USA TODAY BESTSELLING THRILLER and #1 Amazon bestseller in women's fiction, kidnapping thrillers, and mystery, thriller & suspense novels. Five-year-old, adoptive Grace lives with her parents, Sylvia and Tommy, in the Wyoming countryside. Smart, loving, and bright for her age, she is everything her parents dreamed of.But when Sylvia's friend Ruth comes to stay and a family tragedy forces Sylvia and Tommy to leave Ruth in charge of little Grace for just one day, Grace and Ruth disappear without a trace. Praise for STOLEN GRACE: "Unputdownable, I relished every word." Amazon reviewer""I was hooked from the very first page and couldn't put it down." Goodreads reviewer""On the edge of my seat." Amazon reviewer""This is a kidnapping novel unlike no other. Riveting. Addictive!" Amazon reviewer"Stolen Grace will make your heart pound and your breath catch." The Book Enthusiast"A roller coaster of emotions, I stayed up all night reading." Netgalley reviewer"STOLEN GRACE is a literary gem. Not since Emma Donoghue's novel ROOM have I felt so close to a fictional child"--- Smart Books Reviews"Emotional, evocative, and richly atmospheric - STOLEN GRACE is a novel that will touch your heart. A must read for any mother"-- Hot off The Press"Arianne Richmonde's powerful story of love, loss, redemption, and against-all-odds triumph will leave you . . . breathless." -- The Literary Lovers""STOLEN GRACE is a roller coaster of emotions with twists and turns, a tale of lies and deception, of redemption and forgiveness. A nail-biting edge of your seat thriller - at times dark and disturbing - that will keep you turning pages well into the night." -- Reader's Delight"I was literally biting my nails while reading this book. As always, Arianne Richmonde's writing is in a league of its own. Lyrical, beautiful, intelligent, and with perfectly drawn, complex characters. It was a joy to read every word."--New York Times bestselling author, Nelle L'Amour"Dramatic and spell binding. I LOVED every minute of it!!"--Kawehi Book Reviews STOLEN GRACE is an emotionally-charged suspense novel about the terrifying consequences of a mother's split-second decision.A brilliant balancing act of human drama and psychological thriller, this USA TODAY bestselling novel is the gut-wrenching story of a family caught in a web of deceit.A gripping tale about every parent's nightmare.- A Page Turning and Emotional Family Drama Psychological Suspense- Psychological Crime Thriller- Family Drama- Crime Fiction novels- Kidnapping thrillers- Psychological thrillers - Mystery, Thriller & Suspense - Suspense - Mystery & Suspense - Psychological Thrillers 100 Must Reads

  • af Arianne Richmonde
    333,95 kr.

    All 3 full-length novels in the USA TODAY bestselling trilogy, available in s doorstep-sized paperback!. NO cliffhanger. Over 800 pages of addictive, thrilling romance. More than 1000 5-star reviews across the series.>"If you enjoy Maya Banks and Sylvia Day, you will LOVE this. The characters are realistic & lovable. You will be hooked on this series." --LoveBooks "'Finally a sexy billionaire romance about a woman who isn't in her twenties. My favorite series to date. Captivating, beautifully written, and so hot your kindle will melt."--Fictional Heroes Reviews "'THANK YOU Arianne Richmonde for this EXCELLENT series. I have found myself another must read author!'--- Swept Away by Romance "I was hooked from the very first page. I had many mouth hanging on the floor moments because I was just so surprised as to what I was reading. I swear you won't see it coming."---The Book Enthusiast "Loved, loved, loved this. Better written than other romances. How could you not want a Frenchman after reading the book."---Susan, Amazon reviewer. "I can't wait to read more from this author, she is truly a writing genius, she will have you hooked, Highly recommended to all my friends."---Confessions of a Bookaholic "Pearl is easy to love. If you enjoy sexy romance, this has a great story line with many twists. I highly recommend this book."---Amazon reviewer Documentary producer Pearl Robinson is a beautiful and smart 40-year-old divorcee but has not had a date for over two years. When she meets Alexandre Chevalier, a young, French, Internet success story, she's stunned by his charm, beauty and sophistication, and startled by her strong feelings and desire for a man fifteen years her junior. His looks, wealth and worldwide triumph with his social media site, HookedUp, means this powerful billionaire can get any woman he chooses, but there is something about Pearl he finds irresistible... The couple begins a passionate affair and Pearl' is consumed by him and his magical touch. But jealous family members and other external forces are threatening to pull them apart. The Pearl Trilogy has a happily ever after. However, if you love Alexandre, the matching paperback in the series is Pearl & Belle Pearl, told from Alexandre's point of view, follows this book. If you liked GREY (as told by Christian), you'll love Pearl & Belle Pearl. Plus, there are extra scenes and characters that do not feature in The Pearl Trilogy.

  • - An absolutely nail-biting psychological thriller with a shocking twist
    af Arianne Richmonde
    128,95 kr.

    My sister is missing. And the police think I'm to blame. We haven't always seen eye to eye, but I do love my sister Cece. She's confident and free-spirited in a way I never am. And while she's living her life to the full and posting it all over social media, I'm having early nights in my tiny New York apartment. I didn't mean to keep her a secret from my boyfriend, Bradley. But when he found out about her and I caught him scrolling through her pictures online, I knew I had to act before she ruined my life once again. When the police come knocking at my door, I instantly regret wishing Cece would leave my life for good. I didn't want her to vanish forever,did I? If you enjoy gripping psychological thrillers like The Girl on the Train, Gone Girl and The Wife Between Us, you will love this totally addictive novel from a USA Today bestselling author. What readers are saying about One Happy Family:"Wow... Grabbed my interest from the first few pages and did not let go. What a thrilling and exciting read!" Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "Absolutely amazing thriller." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars "A wild ride... Hooked from the first page and kept me on my toes... Amazing." Goodreads reviewer "Addictive... Hands down a must-read." Oh.happy.reading "Full of surprising twists and turns.. It had me consumed from the start." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "I loved this book." Wowhats Blog, 5 stars "An easy read and hard to put down." @Lindasversion, 5 stars "A twisting suspense to keep readers on their toes." NetGalley reviewer What readers are saying about Arianne Richmonde:"Woah! What a ride! I read this book straight through cover to cover. Full of twists I never saw coming." Meandering and Muses, 5 stars "Gripping, heart-pounding and completely unpredictable." Little Miss Book Lover 87, 5 stars "A psychological thrill ride you won't be able to look away from. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. 6 stars!" Alessandra Torre, New York Times bestselling author "Had me up all night to finish it. I just had to know how it ended!!!" The Shelves of a Bibliophile, 5 stars "I was hooked from the very first page. This one blew me away. I couldn't put it down. Keeps you on the edge of your seat." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

  • - An absolutely unputdownable psychological thriller
    af Arianne Richmonde
    137,95 kr.

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