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  • af Arpit Sikri
    634,95 kr.

    Okklüziq - osnowa klinicheskogo uspeha pri nes#emnom, s#emnom i implantacionnom protezirowanii. Ponimanie ätih principow imeet reshaüschee znachenie pri wosstanowlenii okklüzii pacienta. Mnogie filosofii, ustrojstwa i teorii okklüzii byli razrabotany na osnowe anekdoticheskih klinicheskih nablüdenij i prikladnyh geometricheskih predstawlenij. V literature opisany äti klassicheskie i sowremennye okklüzionnye koncepcii. S wozniknoweniem dokazatel'noj stomatologii, ona sposobstwowala prowerke ranee suschestwowawshih ubezhdenij, chto priwelo k otkazu ot mnogih pragmatichnyh, no poleznyh okklüzionnyh procedur. Poryw k nauchnym otkrytiqm, blagodarq kotorym fakticheskaq informaciq mozhet byt' uniwersal'no primenena w stomatologicheskom obrazowanii i klinicheskoj praktike, wozrodil interes k okklüzionnym issledowaniqm.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    633,95 kr.

    L'occlusion est le fondement de la réussite clinique des traitements de prothèse fixe, amovible et implantaire. Il est essentiel de comprendre ces principes pour restaurer l'occlusion d'un patient. De nombreuses philosophies, dispositifs et théories de l'occlusion ont évolué sur la base d'observations cliniques anecdotiques et de perceptions géométriques appliquées. La littérature a fait état de ces concepts occlusaux classiques et contemporains. L'émergence d'une dentisterie fondée sur des preuves a permis de remettre en question les croyances antérieures, ce qui a entraîné l'abandon de nombreuses procédures occlusales pragmatiques et pourtant bénéfiques. L'élan vers la découverte scientifique, qui permet d'appliquer universellement des informations factuelles dans l'enseignement dentaire et la pratique clinique, a ravivé l'intérêt pour les études occlusales.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    571,95 kr.

    Depuis l'introduction du titane et de ses alliages au début des années 1950, ces matériaux sont devenus en relativement peu de temps des matériaux de base pour l'aérospatiale, l'énergie et les industries chimiques. Le titane et ses alliages sont utilisés en dentisterie comme appareils prothétiques en raison de leur combinaison unique de propriétés chimiques, physiques et biologiques. Les formes coulées et corroyées du titane sont utilisées en dentisterie. Les propriétés de base du titane telles que la biocompatibilité, la corrosion, la résistance, la mémoire de forme, etc. sont discutées en détail dans ce livre. Ces propriétés du titane en font le métal miracle de la dentisterie.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    571,95 kr.

    S momenta poqwleniq titana i titanowyh splawow w nachale 1950-h godow äti materialy za otnositel'no korotkoe wremq stali osnowoj aärokosmicheskoj, änergeticheskoj i himicheskoj promyshlennosti. Titan i ego splawy ispol'zuütsq w stomatologii w kachestwe protezow blagodarq unikal'nomu sochetaniü himicheskih, fizicheskih i biologicheskih swojstw. V stomatologii ispol'zuütsq litye i kowanye formy titana. V knige podrobno rassmatriwaütsq osnownye swojstwa titana, takie kak biosowmestimost', korroziq, prochnost', pamqt' formy i dr. Jeti swojstwa titana delaüt ego chudo-metallom w stomatologii.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    477,95 kr.

    La perdita di un dente nell'area estetica è spesso un'esperienza traumatica per il paziente. I pazienti possono subire effetti dannosi reali o percepiti in seguito alla perdita di uno o più denti. L'impianto dentale offre la soluzione più economica e a lungo termine per la sostituzione dei denti mancanti, con un'elevata aspettativa di vita media, fornendo al paziente il miglior senso di sicurezza e benessere. Recentemente è diventato più comune l'inserimento immediato di un impianto dopo l'estrazione del dente con carico precoce. I vantaggi di questa procedura includono un minor numero di interventi chirurgici, la riduzione del tempo complessivo di trattamento, la riduzione della perdita di tessuti molli e duri e la soddisfazione psicologica del paziente. Ci sono state varie controversie tra i protocolli di carico immediato e ritardato ed entrambi sono ben menzionati nel testo, dando maggiore importanza ai protocolli di carico immediato.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    267,95 kr.

    Poterq zuba w ästeticheskoj oblasti chasto qwlqetsq trawmaticheskim opytom dlq pacienta. Pacienty mogut ispytywat' real'nye ili predpolagaemye negatiwnye posledstwiq posle poteri odnogo ili neskol'kih zubow. Dental'naq implantaciq predlagaet naibolee äkonomichnoe i dolgosrochnoe reshenie dlq zamescheniq otsutstwuüschih zubow s wysokoj srednej prodolzhitel'nost'ü zhizni, obespechiwaq pacientu nailuchshee chuwstwo bezopasnosti i blagopoluchiq. V poslednee wremq wse bol'shee rasprostranenie poluchaet nemedlennaq ustanowka implantatow posle udaleniq zuba s rannej nagruzkoj. Preimuschestwa ätoj procedury zaklüchaütsq w men'shem kolichestwe hirurgicheskih wmeshatel'stw, sokraschenii obschego wremeni lecheniq, umen'shenii poteri mqgkih i twerdyh tkanej, a takzhe psihologicheskom udowletworenii pacienta. Suschestwuüt razlichnye spory mezhdu protokolami nemedlennoj i otsrochennoj nagruzki, i oba oni ochen' horosho opisany w texte, prichem bol'shee znachenie pridaetsq protokolam nemedlennoj nagruzki.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    477,95 kr.

    A perda de um dente na área estética é frequentemente uma experiência traumática para o paciente. Os pacientes podem sofrer efeitos prejudiciais reais ou perceptíveis após a perda de um ou mais dentes. Os implantes dentários oferecem a solução mais económica e a longo prazo para a substituição de dentes perdidos, com uma esperança média de vida elevada, proporcionando ao paciente a melhor sensação de segurança e bem-estar. Recentemente, a colocação imediata de implantes após a extração do dente com carga precoce tornou-se mais comum. As vantagens deste procedimento incluem menos intervenções cirúrgicas, redução do tempo total de tratamento, menor perda de tecidos moles e duros e satisfação psicológica para o paciente. Tem havido várias controvérsias entre os protocolos de carga imediata e tardia e ambos são muito bem mencionados no texto, dando mais importância aos protocolos de carga imediata.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    477,95 kr.

    La perte d'une dent dans la zone esthétique est souvent une expérience traumatisante pour le patient. Les patients peuvent souffrir d'effets néfastes, réels ou perçus, à la suite de la perte d'une ou de plusieurs dents. Les implants dentaires offrent la solution la plus rentable et la plus durable pour le remplacement des dents manquantes, avec une espérance de vie moyenne élevée, procurant au patient le meilleur sentiment de sécurité et de bien-être. Récemment, la pose immédiate d'un implant après l'extraction d'une dent avec mise en charge précoce est devenue plus courante. Les avantages de cette procédure sont les suivants : moins d'interventions chirurgicales, réduction de la durée totale du traitement, réduction de la perte de tissus mous et durs et satisfaction psychologique du patient. Il y a eu plusieurs controverses entre les protocoles de mise en charge immédiate et différée et les deux sont très bien mentionnés dans le texte, en donnant plus d'importance aux protocoles de mise en charge immédiate.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    581,95 kr.

    Die Extraktion der letzten verbliebenen Zähne und der Ersatz durch Vollprothesen hat viele Konsequenzen. Der Patient muss sich auf eine neue Situation in Bezug auf Sprache, Kauen, Schlucken usw. einstellen. Der Patient muss auch seine Zahnlosigkeit akzeptieren, was zu psychischen Problemen und sozialer Isolation führen kann. Darüber hinaus führt die Extraktion von Zähnen zu einer Verringerung des Alveolarkamms, was Veränderungen in der Anpassung der Prothesenbasis, der vertikalen Dimension der Okklusion und der okklusalen Kontakte zur Folge hat. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die Beibehaltung von Wurzeln zur Abstützung einer Deckprothese die Resorption des Kieferkamms verringert, die Stabilität verbessert und die Propriozeption erhält. Es ist also immer wichtig, die präventiven Aspekte der Prothetik zu betonen.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    897,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    897,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    897,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    897,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    327,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    967,95 kr.

    Dental implant is commonly known as the 3rd Dentition and is a widely used treatment modality for prosthetic rehabilitation of partially and fully edentulous patients. This primarily involves the installation of the fixtures that serve to replace the root of a natural missing tooth. It is rightly said ¿The First Impression Is The Last Impression¿. This holds truly well in terms of impressions in implant dentistry that form the foundation for the success of implant prosthesis. The main objective of impression making is to record the most accurate copy of the implant analogues, implant abutments and the surrounding oral tissues thereby avoiding any kind of instabilities in the prosthetic device. Proper impressions ensure a precise fit between dental implants and the superstructure well required for the long-term success of implant-supported prostheses. This book will demystify the basic components, material science i.e. commonly used materials like polyether and vinyl polysiloxane impression materials, technique concepts and stepwise instructions, required for the utmost success of the implant prosthesis.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    287,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    497,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    389,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    389,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    389,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    389,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    432,95 kr.

    Occlusion is the foundation for clinical success in fixed, removable, and implant prosthodontic treatment. Understanding those principles is critical when restoring a patient¿s occlusion. Many philosophies, devices, and theories of occlusion have evolved based on anecdotal clinical observations and applied geometric perceptions. The literature has reported these classic and contemporary occlusal concepts. As evidence-based dentistry emerged, it championed scrutiny of previously held beliefs, resulting in the abandonment of many pragmatic, yet beneficial occlusal procedures. The impetus toward scientific discovery, whereby factual information might be universally applied in dental education and clinical practice, has renewed interest in occlusal studies.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    497,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    389,95 kr.

    To achieve a successful prosthesis it is important to achieve harmony between the maxillomandibular relationship and anatomy of patient. This relationship is not simple opening or closing, but a complex relationship which exists in 3 dimensions. Variations may occur in any direction ¿ vertical, anteroposterior, or mediolateral. Thus, it is essential to record this relationship with the least possible error to obtain a successful prosthesis. However when relating the maxillary and mandibular dental casts, the ultimate accuracy depends on accuracy and dimensional stability of the material and the technique used to record the maxillomandibular relationship. To properly evaluate a patient's occlusion and to build up an artificial dynamic occlusal scheme, it is mandatory that the diagnostic casts and the final casts are placed in an articulator in approximately the same relationship to the temporomandibular joint as it exists in the patient. The ideal material-technique combination for making interocclusal records would allow the placement of indirectly fabricated prostheses in the patient's mouth with no occlusal adjustment and hence play a major role in the successful rehabilitation.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    534,95 kr.

    Successful restoration of the dentition requires plenty of contemporary and conventional treatment techniques and planning and attachment retained partial dentures are one such kind of treatment modality in prosthodontics. Limited space for extracoronal attachments is a serious gap in the design and the fabrication of a precision attachment Removable Partial Denture (RPD). A custom semi-precision attachment with a partial denture offers strength and improved aesthetics in cases with minimal space. This book presents a method of fabrication of semi-precision attachment to eliminate metal display and enhance aestheticity. A comprehensive evaluation, multi-disciplinary approach and a sequential treatment plan, worked out in harmony with the patient¿s aesthetic demand and perceptions are important for a long-term successful outcome. The CPA is the most conservative treatment option and offers excellent patient acceptance. Its versatility in clinical applications makes it one of the successful designs for RPD. It does not limit the patient¿s choice to have an implant-supported prosthesis, whenever they are psychologically and financially prepared.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    389,95 kr.

    The idea of hinge rotation as related to functional jaw movements has become a bitterly contested tenet in dental literature. Indeed, the validity of rotational axes is still being contemplated in various articles published recently. The first actual kinematic location was done under the leadership of Dr. B.B.Mc Collum through the California Gnathological Society and its credit for the idea was given to Dr. Robert Harlan. Various schools of thought exists on the existence and the necessity to locate hinge axis especially in the field of dental practice when restoring lost natural teeth. So let¿s explore and identify the significance of hinge or the transverse axis and the various methods to locate the same.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    389,95 kr.

  • af Arpit Sikri
    287,95 kr.

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