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Bøger af Belén López Peiró

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  • af Belén López Peiró
    143,95 kr.

    "A fractured account of family abuse, secrets, and the cost of pursuing the truth. In the most private spaces, the most intimate betrayals occur. Belen Lopez Peiro places us squarely in the tenderest of times--young teenagehood, in a home about to be ruptured by sexual assault. In this home, for this young woman, your assailant is your uncle, and also a police commissioner. The people who shelter you will reject you: your mother is his sister-in-law, your beloved aunt his wife and your cousin and friend his daughter. And the truth of what happened will depend entirely on you. Why Did You Come Back Every Summer is a document of uncertainty, self-doubt, and the appearance of progress when there is none. A chorus of voices interrupt and overtake each other; interviews and reports are filed. The truth will be heard but how and by whom? Loyalties will shift and slip. And certain questions have no easy answers. What do you owe to your family? What do they owe you? How far will you go to get yourself back?"--Publisher.

  • af Belén López Peiró
    288,95 kr.

    Hvorfor kom du igen hver sommer er beretningen om det seksuelle misbrug, som Belén López Peiró var udsat for i flere år, mens hun var teenager. Misbrugeren var hendes egen onkel, en magtfuld politikommissær, en bevæbnet machomand i en mindre by i Argentina, hvor hun tilbragte sine somre. Det er beretningen om at komme til en forståelse af det skete og kampen for blive anerkendt som offer for en forbrydelse, som lokalsamfundet og dele af familien foretrak at lukke øjnene for og benægte.De mange brudstykker og stemmer flettes sammen med retslige dokumenter i en bog, som udspringer af forfatterens personlige oplevelser og gennem litteraturen bliver til en politisk handling, der tvinger os til ikke at vende blikket væk fra det, vi helst vil undgå at se.

  • af Belén López Peiró
    213,95 kr.

    Después de un año sin noticias, una llamada desde la Fiscalía anuncia que, finalmente, la denuncia por abuso sexual ha sido elevada a juicio. Comienza para la narradora otro duro proceso: encontrar representación legal, tejer redes de apoyo para afrontar la causa contra su tío, un comisario poderoso, y juntar coraje para reabrir un expediente que lleva al pasado familiar.

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