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  • af Bertold Ulsamer
    198,95 kr.

  • - The 7 Steps to Reconciliation
    af Bertold Ulsamer
    173,95 kr.

    This book takes you on an intense personal journey that will lead you deeper into yourself and closer to the connections with your parents. You do not need the involvement of your parents to do this. Yes, father or mother may even have passed away already. The result of the journey: more inner peace, more self-confidence, more strength and more joy of life. And actual encounters with parents become more relaxed and friendly.Would you like to improve your relationship with your parents? Maybe you feel an inner distance, maybe you have withdrawn from them a bit or have completely broken off contact. Perhaps you are also angry or hurt and never want to have anything to do with them again. If this is the case, the first step is important for you: you do not have to forgive your parents in order to come to peace with them. You have a right to your reproaches. But all further steps will help you to find new perspectives. Reconciliation then sometimes falls into your lap as a fruit that has ripened by itself. It is worth it! The relationship with father and mother shapes one's own life and has a deep influence on the success of one's own partnership, on the relationship with one's own children and the satisfaction with one's own life.In my more than 25 years of work on reconciliation between children and parents, 7 steps have emerged which are useful to come to peace with the parents in depth. In addition, I talk about further blockades which come from the family system and which sometimes have to be dissolved. These steps and other important insights are conveyed practically in this book. You will experience the essence of my seminars and will be specifically instructed to take important steps inwardly.

  • - Where Leadership, but also Self-Sabotage and Burnout have their Origin. Insights through Family Constellations
    af Bertold Ulsamer
    253,95 kr.

    Success at work and the family of origin are interwoven. Whoever repeatedly encounters inner barriers in his or her job that stand in the way and/or prevent satisfaction will immediately benefit from the following book.It shows you new ways - if you feel that you are sabotaging your own professional success - if you are not able to live up to your full potential as a leader - if you are always having difficulties with superiors and authorities- if you are compulsively exhausted at work and constantly under stress (burnout!)- if you are very professionally involved, but feel strangely empty and unfulfilled- if you are threatening to go under in your family business It also gives you an overview of the constellation method, how it can be used in families and also organizations.Realize how early experiences and hidden loyalties bind and inhibit you. Break down barriers of childhood and family history! This book is the fruit of 25 years of seminars on family dynamics using the method of family constellations, which I have held in Germany and all over the world (including China, the USA, Russia, South Africa).You are successful if you only really want to be? But willpower and effort are not everything. Some people make huge efforts, fight hard, but somehow they sabotage themselves.Stop trying even harder. Instead, understand the deeper reasons for failure - and find the way to release your energy and your full potential. Does this also apply if you have separated or renounced your family?Even if you distance yourself geographically or inwardly from the family from which you came, you and your family remain much more influenced by your roots than you realize. There is a deep unconscious loyalty of children to their family. This loyalty influences all important decisions in life and determines much of how they live their lives and how satisfied they are with them.

  • - Wie Uns Kindliche Perspektiven Gelassener, Glucklicher Und Erfolgreicher Machen
    af Frank Behrendt & Bertold Ulsamer
    188,95 kr.

  • - 7 Grunde, warum es vernunftiger ist, unglucklich zu bleiben
    af Bertold Ulsamer
    178,95 kr.

  • - Fuhrungskunst durch emotionale Intelligenz
    af Bertold Ulsamer
    363,95 kr.

    Warum ist es leichter, jemand ein Auto zu verkaufen als ihn von Ihrer Meinung zu überzeugen? Die Antwort darauf und noch vieles mehr finden Sie bei der Lektüre dieses Buches. Es enthält knapp zusammen gefasst ein Kompendium, was erfolgreiche Kommunikation für Führungskräfte ausmacht, angefangen vom alltäglichen Ärger am Arbeitsplatz über die subtile Wirkung einzelner Worte bis hin zum Coaching von Mitarbeitern. sindDie Ausgangspunkte einfache, leicht nachvollziehbare emotionale Grundwahrheiten, die in die Praxis umgesetzt werden. Lebensnahe Beispiele führen die Theorie konkret vor Augen. Gleichzeitig fördern Fragen und kleine Übungen die Auseinandersetzung mit sich selbst und dem eigenen Kommunikationsstil..Der Coach Dr. Bertold Ulsamer greift dabei auf seine langjährigen Trainingserfahrungen zurück und zeigt, wie jeder einzelnen diese Fähigkeiten verstehen, erlernen und für sich erfolgreich einsetzen kann. Dieses Buch ist auch auf Holländisch und Koreanisch erschienen.

  • - Mit NLP und Mentalem Training zu beruflichem Erfolg und inner Zufriedenheit
    af Bertold Ulsamer
    443,95 kr.

    Stefans Mutter liegt nach einem Unfall im Krankenhaus. So wird der Junge bei seiner ihm fast unbekannten Großtante Hilde untergebracht, die als Hausmeisterin in einem Schloss lebt. Schon bald bemerkt Stefan sonderbare Dinge. Nächtliche Schritte und viele verbotene Türen wecken die Neugier des Jungen."Tante Hilde, dort oben schaut jemand aus dem Fenster!" Zu seiner Verwunderung blickte sie nicht einmal dorthin. Sie legte nur den Arm um ihn und zog seinen Kopf zu sich. Mit der Handfläche bedeckte sie seine Augen. "Stefan, glaube mir, da oben ist niemand. Wahrscheinlich hat sich die Abendsonne in den Fensterscheiben gespiegelt. Deine Fantasie hat daraus ein Gesicht gemacht."Tante Hilde weicht Stefans Fragen aus. Doch Schritt für Schritt versucht der Junge das Geheimnis zu lösen. Es dauert aber eine ganze Weile, bis sich die Puzzleteile zu einem Ganzen zusammen fügen.

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