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Bøger af Betty Smith

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  • Spar 18%
    af Betty Smith
    73,95 - 228,95 kr.

    "Barndommens gade i Brooklyn" kan man kalde klassikeren fra 1943 Der vokser et træ i Brooklyn, der nu nyoversættes. Nogle bøger bliver bedre og bedre med årene. Den amerikanske klassiker DER VOKSER ET TRÆ I BROOKLYN er en af dem. Romanen, der er baseret på forfatteren Betty Smiths egen historie, handler om pigen Francies hårde opvækst i Brooklyn, om mod og kærlighed og kampen for et godt liv. Om en barndom fuld af fortvivlelse og håb, kærlighed og knuste drømme - modgang og triumf – og spandevis af X-faktor. Gennem atten år – frem til 1918 – følger vi den fattige familie Nolan i Brooklyns Williamsburg, New York. Hovedpersonen er den unge, standhaftige Francie. Francie er andengenerations-amerikaner. Hendes far; Johnny Nolan, er af irsk afstamning, mens hendes mors er østrigsk. Kvarteret hun vokser op i er i det hele i taget befolket af en skøn blanding af ludfattige immigranter fra de to store immigrationsbølger; irerne og tyskerne fra midten af 1800-tallet og de østeuropæiske jøder og italienerne, som fulgte efter. Francie er omgivet af et menageri af dydige (samt en del frivole) - kvinder og stoute (og drikfældige) mænd. Mennesker, som trods fattigdom er stolte og som nægter at lade sig kue. Francie, broren Neely og moren Katie kæmper en daglig kamp for at tjene penge nok til mad og husleje – men de vil mere end blot at overleve. De vil lykkes. Der vokser et træ i Brooklyn er simpelthen en af forrige århundredes smukkeste opvækstromaner. I fortællingen om den streetwise Francie Nolan og hendes arbejderklassefamilie, portrætteres et håbets og drømmenes New York – med observant humor og ægte følt smerte.

  • af Betty Smith
    96,95 kr.

    The sprawling tale of an immigrant family in early 20th-century Brooklyn, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is one of the great distinctively American novels. The Nolan family are first-generation immigrants to the United States.

  • af Betty Smith
    186,95 kr.

    A PBS Great American Read Top 100 PickA special 75th anniversary edition of the beloved American classic about a young girl''s coming-of-age at the turn of the twentieth century. From the moment she entered the world, Francie Nolan needed to be made of stern stuff, for growing up in the Williamsburg slums of Brooklyn, New York demanded fortitude, precocity, and strength of spirit. Often scorned by neighbors for her family’s erratic and eccentric behavior—such as her father Johnny’s taste for alcohol and Aunt Sissy’s habit of marrying serially without the formality of divorce—no one, least of all Francie, could say that the Nolans’ life lacked drama. By turns overwhelming, sublime, heartbreaking, and uplifting, the Nolans’ daily experiences are raw with honestly and tenderly threaded with family connectedness. Betty Smith has, in the pages of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, captured the joys of humble Williamsburg life—from “junk day” on Saturdays, when the children of Francie’s neighborhood traded their weekly take for pennies, to the special excitement of holidays, bringing cause for celebration and revelry. Smith has created a work of literary art that brilliantly captures a unique time and place as well as deeply resonant moments of universal experience. Here is an American classic that "cuts right to the heart of life," hails the New York Times. "If you miss A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, you will deny yourself a rich experience."

  • - A Child Shall Lead Them
    af Betty Smith
    253,95 kr.

    This is a new release of the original 1932 edition.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Help You Get Healthier New You with Balanced Meals: Weight Loss Guaranteed
    af Betty Smith
    98,95 kr.

    "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live" - Jim Rohn. Are you confused by all the conflicting studies and advice on weight loss and health? Are you tired of dieting, getting off track and dieting again with no long-term results? Do you get easily discouraged by grueling workout routines recommended by experts? If so - you are not alone! In this no-nonsense guide I've shared my experience, easy to follow plan, tips, as well as really easy and quick recipes (satisfying and delicious - no cooking experience required!) Take it from a busy woman with a family of four, who found a way to manage stress of overeating and packing on unwanted pounds. Get back on track once and for all. I did it and so can you! Remember, it's not as much about how much you eat but what you eat! Join me on this exciting, life-changing journey Want to learn more? Just scroll to the top of the page and click the "Buy Now" button!

  • - A Child Shall Lead Them
    af Betty Smith
    227,95 - 369,95 kr.

    Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!

  • af Betty Smith
    1.153,95 kr.

    "Erivale: The Lost Princess" is an enchanting tale of a young princess who goes on a journey of self-discovery to reclaim her rightful place in the kingdom. With twists and turns at every step, the story takes the reader on a magical adventure filled with mystery, romance, and action. This captivating book will transport you to a world of fantasy, where courage and determination are the keys to unlocking the secrets of the past and shaping the future. Whether you're a fan of fantasy novels or simply looking for an exciting and engaging read, "Erivale: The Lost Princess" is a must-read that will leave you spellbound till the very last page.

  • af Betty Smith
    363,95 kr.

  • af Betty Smith
    188,95 kr.

  • af Betty Smith
    298,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Betty Smith
    157,95 kr.

    A timeless classic is reborn! First published in1948, and long out of print,Tomorrow Will Be Betterisa heartwarming story of young love, marriage, and hope from Betty Smith, the beloved author ofA Tree Grows in Brooklyn.Set in the Williamsburg and Bushwick sections of Brooklyn, New York, in the 1920s,Tomorrow Will Be Betteris the story of Margy Shannonshy, eager, joyfully optimisticand her search for something better from life than the hard misery of poverty in which she lives.All Margy's parents have ever known is an unrewarding life of poverty, pain, and hard worka life that has ultimately worn them down.ButMargy, young and just out of school,still holds steadfast to an unshakable hopefulness andbelieves a better life is possible. Hergoals are simpleto find a husband she loves, have children, and live in a nice homeone where her children will never know the terror of want or the need to hide from quarreling parents. And when she meets Frankie Malone, she thinks at last her dreams might be fulfilled.But a devastating tragedy rattles her unshakable hopefulness and forces Margy to finally stand up for what she needs.Rich with the flavor of its Brooklyn background, and the joys and heartbreak of family life,Tomorrow Will Be Betteris told witha simplicity, tenderness, and humor that only Betty Smith could write.

  • af Betty Smith
    186,95 kr.

    A PBS Great American Read Top 100 PickThe beloved American classic about a young girl's coming-of-age at the turn of the twentieth century. From the moment she entered the world, Francie Nolan needed to be made of stern stuff, for the often harsh life of Williamsburg demanded fortitude, precocity, and strength of spirit. Often scorned by neighbors for her familys erratic and eccentric behaviorsuch as her father Johnnys taste for alcohol and Aunt Sissys habit of marrying serially without the formality of divorceno one, least of all Francie, could say that the Nolans life lacked drama. By turns overwhelming, sublime, heartbreaking, and uplifting, the Nolans daily experiences are tenderly threaded with family connectedness and raw with honesty. Betty Smith has, in the pages of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, captured the joys of humble Williamsburg life-from junk day on Saturdays, when the children of Francies neighborhood traded their weekly take for pennies, to the special excitement of holidays, bringing cause for celebration and revelry. Betty Smith has artfully caught this sense of exciting life in a novel of childhood, replete with incredibly rich moments of universal experiencesa truly remarkable achievement for any writer.

  • af Betty Smith, Cleo Erickson & Elizabeth Theiss Smith
    343,95 kr.

  • af Betty Smith
    138,95 kr.

    Betty T. Smith thought that she had received her "Happy Ending" when her marriage was miraculously restored -- but God had much more in store for her life!

  • af Betty Smith & Wendy Smith
    201,95 kr.

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