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The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative AI, pose a challenge for academic scholars. Staying current with the latest techniques and applications in these fields is difficult due to their dynamic nature, while the lack of comprehensive resources hinders scholars' ability to effectively utilize these technologies. Advanced Applications of Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Models offers an effective solution to address these challenges. This comprehensive book delves into cutting-edge developments in NLP and Generative AI. It provides insights into the functioning of these technologies, their benefits, and associated challenges. Targeting students, researchers, and professionals in AI, NLP, and computer science, this book serves as a vital reference for deepening knowledge of advanced NLP techniques and staying updated on the latest advancements in generative AI. By providing real-world examples and practical applications, scholars can apply their learnings to solve complex problems across various domains. Embracing Advanced Applications of Generative AI and Natural Language Processing Models equips academic scholars with the necessary knowledge and insights to explore innovative applications and unleash the full potential of generative AI and NLP models for effective problem-solving.
One of the most essential aims in sports and fitness is to enhance balance control. Better performance results from better balance. Ankle proprioception, which is likely the most crucial, plays a significant part in balance regulation. Basketball and volleyball are an evolving sport and it the ankle-foot complex in the only part that comes in contact with the ground which further leads to ankle injuries Sport-related injuries or exhaustion can impair ankle proprioception, which can then change balance and mobility. Ankle injuries frequently cause damage to muscles, tendons, and intrinsic mechanoreceptors, which negatively affects the proprioceptive information needed for balance regulation.
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The goal of this book is to explore various security paradigms such as Machine Learning, Big data, Cyber Physical Systems, and Blockchain to address both intelligence and reconfigurability in various IoT devices. The book further aims to address and analyze the state of the art of blockchain-based intelligent networks in IoT systems and related technologies including healthcare sector. AI can ease, optimize, and automate the blockchain-based decision-making process for better governance and higher performance in IoT systems. Considering the incredible progress made by AI models, a blockchain system powered by intelligent AI algorithms can detect the existence of any kind of attack and automatically invoke the required defense mechanisms. In case of unavoidable damage, AI models can help to isolate the compromised component from the blockchain platform and safeguard the overall system from crashing. Furthermore, AI models can also contribute toward the robustness and scalability of blockchain-based intelligent IoT networks. The book is designed to be the first-choice reference at university libraries, academic institutions, research and development centers, information technology centers, and any institutions interested in integration of AI and IoT. The intended audience of this book include UG/PG students, Ph.D. scholars of this fields, industry technologists, young entrepreneurs, professionals, network designers, data scientists, technology specialists, practitioners, and people who are interested in exploring the role of AI and blockchain technology in IoT systems.
The second edition of this exhaustive work provides a genuinely international, comprehensive and multi-disciplinary reference encompassing the many diverse topics surrounding the field of nanotechnology. Each entry in the 6-volume set offers a short, self-contained review of the subject matter, written at a level suitable for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners. The first edition of the Encyclopedia introduced a large number of terms, devices and processes related to the multi-disciplinary field of nanotechnology. For the revised 2nd edition, existing entries have been updated to reflect developments in the field, and more than 110 completely new entries have been added to cover emerging materials, technologies and areas of application. Major developments for the 2nd edition include the following: Expanded section on nanostructures including new chapters on structures, characteristics and applications of graphene and graphene oxides; new entries on formation of nanoceramics and diamond by spark plasma sintering; new chapters on the synthesis and use of nanoparticles and functional nanomaterials in biomedical applications; significantly expanded section on molecular modeling and simulation; several new entries on MEMS and NEMS technologies including graphene and CNT NEMS; expanded coverage of microfluidics and nanofluidics, and applications of nanotechnology to biomedicine and biomedical imaging; further material on environmental, health and safety issues concerning nanomaterials; expanded section on nanomanufacturing, now including multiple entries on self-assembly.The diverse international authorship of the work is a reflection of the global research effort in this field, with contributions from leading academic researchers and industrial experts alike.
Blockchain Technology Solutions for the Security of IoT-Based Healthcare Systems explores the various benefits and challenges associated with the integration of blockchain with IoT healthcare systems, focusing on designing cognitive-embedded data technologies to aid better decision-making, processing and analysis of large amounts of data collected through IoT. This book series targets the adaptation of decision-making approaches under cognitive computing paradigms to demonstrate how the proposed procedures, as well as big data and Internet of Things (IoT) problems can be handled in practice. Current Internet of Things (IoT) based healthcare systems are incapable of sharing data between platforms in an efficient manner and holding them securely at the logical and physical level. To this end, blockchain technology guarantees a fully autonomous and secure ecosystem by exploiting the combined advantages of smart contracts and global consensus. However, incorporating blockchain technology in IoT healthcare systems is not easy. Centralized networks in their current capacity will be incapable to meet the data storage demands of the incoming surge of IoT based healthcare wearables.
The scanning probe microscopy ?eld has been rapidly expanding. It is a demanding task to collect a timely overview of this ?eld with an emphasis on technical dev- opments and industrial applications. It became evident while editing Vols. I-IV that a large number of technical and applicational aspects are present and rapidly - veloping worldwide. Considering the success of Vols. I-IV and the fact that further colleagues from leading laboratories were ready to contribute their latest achie- ments, we decided to expand the series with articles touching ?elds not covered in the previous volumes. The response and support of our colleagues were excellent, making it possible to edit another three volumes of the series. In contrast to to- cal conference proceedings, the applied scanning probe methods intend to give an overview of recent developments as a compendium for both practical applications and recent basic research results, and novel technical developments with respect to instrumentation and probes. The present volumes cover three main areas: novel probes and techniques (Vol. V), charactarization (Vol. VI), and biomimetics and industrial applications (Vol. VII). Volume V includes an overview of probe and sensor technologies including integrated cantilever concepts, electrostatic microscanners, low-noise methods and improved dynamic force microscopy techniques, high-resonance dynamic force - croscopy and the torsional resonance method, modelling of tip cantilever systems, scanning probe methods, approaches for elasticity and adhesion measurements on the nanometer scale as well as optical applications of scanning probe techniques based on near?eld Raman spectroscopy and imaging.
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is already about a billion dollars a year industry and is growing rapidly. So far major emphasis has been placed on the fabrication processes for various devices. There are serious issues related to tribology, mechanics, surfacechemistry and materials science in the operationand manufacturingof many MEMS devices and these issues are preventing an even faster commercialization. Very little is understood about tribology and mechanical properties on micro- to nanoscales of the materials used in the construction of MEMS devices. The MEMS community needs to be exposed to the state-of-the-artoftribology and vice versa. Fundamental understanding of friction/stiction, wear and the role of surface contamination and environmental debris in micro devices is required. There are significantadhesion, friction and wear issues in manufacturing and actual use, facing the MEMS industry. Very little is understood about the tribology of bulk silicon and polysilicon films used in the construction ofthese microdevices. These issues are based on surface phenomenaand cannotbe scaled down linearly and these become increasingly important with the small size of the devices. Continuum theory breaks down in the analyses, e. g. in fluid flow of micro-scale devices. Mechanical properties ofpolysilicon and other films are not well characterized. Roughness optimization can help in tribological improvements. Monolayers of lubricants and other materials need to be developed for ultra-low friction and near zero wear. Hard coatings and ion implantation techniques hold promise.
Micro/nanotribology as a field is concerned with experimental and theoretical investigations of processes ranging from atomic and molecular scales to the microscale, occurring during adhesion, friction, wear, and thin-film lubrication at sliding surfaces. As a field it is truly interdisciplinary, but this confronts the would-be entrant with the difficulty of becoming familiar with the basic theories and applications: the area is not covered in any undergraduate or graduate scientific curriculum. The present work commences with a history of tribology and micro/nanotribology, followed by discussions of instrumentation, basic theories of friction, wear and lubrication on nano- to microscales, and their industrial applications. A variety of research instruments are covered, including a variety of scanning probe microscopes and surface force apparatus. Experimental research and modelling are expertly dealt with, the emphasis throughout being applied aspects.
Presents research exploring the theoretical and practical advancements of security protocols in wireless sensor networks using artificial intelligence-based techniques. The book features coverage on a broad range of topics, including clustering protocols, intrusion detection, and energy harvesting.
It presents various designs for water harvesting towers and projections for water collection, and describes innovative approaches to bioinspired water desalination, water purification and oil-water separation. Fresh water sustains human life and is vital for health.
This revised, updated and expanded new edition presents an overview of biomimetics and biologically inspired structured surfaces. The focus in the book is on the Lotus Effect, Salvinia Effect, Rose Petal Effect, Oleophobic/philic Surfaces, Shark Skin Effect, and Gecko Adhesion.
Skin cream is used to improve skin health and create a smooth, soft, and flexible surface with moist perception by altering the surface roughness, friction, adhesion, elastic modulus, and surface charge of the skin surface.
As well as its didactic presentation of the field, this volume covers the commercial applications of biomimetics, detailing all of the most important effects and covering a number of examples including roughness-induced superomniphobic surfaces.
Since January 1990, when the first edition ofthis first-of-a-kind book appeared, there has been much experimental and theoretical progress in the multi disciplinary subject of tribology and mechanics of magnetic storage devices.
This book presents the biophysics of hair. It covers the structure of hair, its mechanical properties, nanomechanical characterization, tensile deformation, tribological characterization, the thickness distribution and binding interactions on hair surface.
This book covers the rapidly developing topics of hierarchical surfaces, roughness-induced superhydrophobicity and biomimetic surfaces. The first in its field, the book provides a comprehensive review of its subject and presents a background introduction.
Coverage of critical cutting-edge topics including MEMS, nanotribology and magnetic surface storage technologies. Integrates the knowledge of tribology from mechanical engineering, mechanics, and materials science points of view. Covers both the underlying theory and the current applications of tribology to industry.
Addresses the rapid evolution within Micro/Nanotribology. This book covers basic studies, and addresses design, construction, and applications to magnetic storage devices and MEMS. It presents discussions on micro/nanotribology and micro/nanomechanics of magnetic storage devices.
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